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CATEGORY(and approximate amount of assets undermanagement, as of September 30, 2009)In BillionsINVESTMENT CLASSIFICATIONB. Balanced Funds ($0.1) Invest in a specific mix of equitysecurities and bonds with the three-partobjective of conserving principal,providing income, and achieving longtermgrowth of both principal and income.C. Flexible Portfolio Funds ($1.4) Invest in various asset classes including,but not limited to, equities, fixed-incomesecurities, and money market instruments.D. Income-Mixed Funds ($55.3) Invest in a variety of income-producingsecurities, including equities and fixedincomeinstruments.III. TAXABLE BOND FUNDS ($46.2)A. High Yield Funds ($3.1) Invest two-thirds or more of theirportfolios in lower-rated U.S. corporatebonds (Baa or lower by Moody’s andBBB or lower by Standard & Poor’srating services).B. World Bond Funds ($22.9) Invest in debt securities offered by non-U.S. companies and governments.1. Global Bond Funds:GeneralInvest in debt securities worldwide withno stated average maturity or an averagematurity of five years or more.Invest in debt securities worldwide withan average maturity of one to five years.2. Global Bond Funds:Short-Term3. Other World Bond Funds Invest in non-U.S. government andcorporate debt instruments.C. Government Bond Funds ($12.1) Invest in U.S. government bonds ofvarying maturities.1. Government Bond Funds:Intermediate Term2. Government Bond Funds:Short-TermInvest two-thirds or more of theirportfolios in U.S. government securitieswith an average maturity of five to tenyears.Invest two-thirds or more of theirportfolios in U.S. government securitieswith an average maturity of one to fiveyears.3. Mortgage-Backed Funds Invest two-thirds or more of theirportfolios in pooled mortgage-backedsecurities.D. Strategic Income Funds ($6.7) Invest in a combination of U.S. fixedincomesecurities.E. Corporate Bond Funds ($1.4) Seek current income by investing in highqualitydebt securities issued by U.S.corporations.1. Corporate Bond Funds:Short-TermInvest two-thirds or more of theirportfolios in U.S. corporate bonds with anaverage maturity of one to five years.NO. OFMUTUALFUNDSNO. OFINSURANCEPRODUCTFUNDS1 02 03 11 13 21 01 00 11 03 04 11 016

CATEGORY(and approximate amount of assets undermanagement, as of September 30, 2009)In BillionsINVESTMENT CLASSIFICATIONIV. TAX-FREE BOND FUNDS ($65.2)A. State Municipal Bond Funds ($43.7) Invest mainly in municipal bondsissued by a particular state.1. State Municipal Bond Funds:GeneralInvest mainly in single-state municipalbonds with an average maturity ofgreater than five years or no specificstated maturity. The income from thesefunds is largely exempt from federal aswell as state income tax for residents ofthe state.B. National Municipal Bond Funds ($21.5) Invest mainly in bonds of variousmunicipal issuers in the United States.1. National Municipal Bond Funds:General2. National Municipal Bond Funds:Short-TermInvest mainly in municipal bonds withan average maturity of more than fiveyears or no specific stated maturity.Invest mainly in municipal bonds withan average maturity of one to fiveyears.V. CASH MANAGEMENT FUNDS ($5.0)A. Taxable Cash Management Funds ($4.2) Invest in short-term, high-grade moneymarket securities with averagematurities of 90 days of less.1. Taxable Cash Management Funds:Non-GovernmentB. Tax-Exempt Cash Management Funds($0.8)1. National Tax-Exempt CashManagement Funds2. State Tax-Exempt Cash ManagementFundsInvest mainly in a variety of moneymarket instruments, includingcertificates of deposit from largerbanks, commercial paper, and bankers’acceptances.Invest in short-term municipalsecurities with average maturities of 90days or less.Invest in short-term securities ofvarious U.S. municipal issuers.Invest mainly in a variety of short-termsecurities of municipal issuers in asingle state to achieve tax-free incomefor residents of the state.NO. OFMUTUALFUNDSNO. OFINSURANCEPRODUCTFUNDS28 04 01 05 01 01 017

CATEGORY(and approximate amount of assets undermanagement, as of September 30, 2009)In BillionsINVESTMENT CLASSIFICATIONIV. TAX-FREE BOND FUNDS ($65.2)A. State Municipal Bond Funds ($43.7) Invest mainly in municipal bondsissued by a particular state.1. State Municipal Bond Funds:GeneralInvest mainly in single-state municipalbonds with an average maturity ofgreater than five years or no specificstated maturity. The income from thesefunds is largely exempt from federal aswell as state income tax for residents ofthe state.B. National Municipal Bond Funds ($21.5) Invest mainly in bonds of variousmunicipal issuers in the United States.1. National Municipal Bond Funds:General2. National Municipal Bond Funds:Short-TermInvest mainly in municipal bonds withan average maturity of more than fiveyears or no specific stated maturity.Invest mainly in municipal bonds withan average maturity of one to fiveyears.V. CASH MANAGEMENT FUNDS ($5.0)A. Taxable Cash Management Funds ($4.2) Invest in short-term, high-grade moneymarket securities with averagematurities of 90 days of less.1. Taxable Cash Management Funds:Non-GovernmentB. Tax-Exempt Cash Management Funds($0.8)1. National Tax-Exempt CashManagement Funds2. State Tax-Exempt Cash ManagementFundsInvest mainly in a variety of moneymarket instruments, includingcertificates of deposit from largerbanks, commercial paper, and bankers’acceptances.Invest in short-term municipalsecurities with average maturities of 90days or less.Invest in short-term securities ofvarious U.S. municipal issuers.Invest mainly in a variety of short-termsecurities of municipal issuers in asingle state to achieve tax-free incomefor residents of the state.NO. OFMUTUALFUNDSNO. OFINSURANCEPRODUCTFUNDS28 04 01 05 01 01 017

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