
ugfeg ugfeg


mRrj izns'k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkcknAssignment – 2011-2012vk/kkj ikB~;Øe ¼;w¼;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-½Under Graduate Foundation Courses in Englishfo"k; % vaxzsth esa vk/kkj ikB~;Øe fo"k; dksM % ;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-SUBJECT :SUBJECT CODE: UGFEGdkskslZ 'kh"kZd % vaxzsth esa vk/kkj ikB~;Øe dkslZ dksM % ;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-Course Title :Course Code: UGFEGDeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30MAXIMUM MARKS : 30Note: Long Answer questions. Answers should be given in 800 to 1000words. Answer all questions.uksV % nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u A vius iz'uksa ds mRRkj 800 ls 1000 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'udjuk vfuok;Z gSASection —AMAXIMUM MARKS :181. Discuss the central theme of the Nightingale's Sacrifice in "TheNightingale and the Rose". 62. Write a dialogue between two women at home. 63. Discuss the factors to be kept in mind when writing a story. 6SECTION – BMAXIMUM MARKS :12Note: Short Answer Questions. Answers should be given in 200 to 300words. Answer all Questions.uksV %y?kq mRrjh; iz'u A vius iz'uksa ds mRrj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'udjuk vfuok;Z gSA

mRrj izns'k jktf"kZ V.Mu eqDr fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkcknAssignment – 2011-2012vk/kkj ikB~;Øe ¼;w¼;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-½Under Graduate Foundation Courses in Englishfo"k; % vaxzsth esa vk/kkj ikB~;Øe fo"k; dksM % ;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-SUBJECT :SUBJECT CODE: UGFEGdkskslZ 'kh"kZd % vaxzsth esa vk/kkj ikB~;Øe dkslZ dksM % ;w-thth-,Q,Q-bZbZ-thth-Course Title :Course Code: UGFEGDeefOekeâlece Debkeâ : 30MAXIMUM MARKS : 30Note: Long Answer questions. Answers should be given in 800 to 1000words. Answer all questions.uksV % nh?kZ mRrjh; iz'u A vius iz'uksa ds mRRkj 800 ls 1000 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'udjuk vfuok;Z gSASection —AMAXIMUM MARKS :181. Discuss the central theme of the Nightingale's Sacrifice in "TheNightingale and the Rose". 62. Write a dialogue between two women at home. 63. Discuss the factors to be kept in mind when writing a story. 6SECTION – BMAXIMUM MARKS :12Note: Short Answer Questions. Answers should be given in 200 to 300words. Answer all Questions.uksV %y?kq mRrjh; iz'u A vius iz'uksa ds mRrj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'udjuk vfuok;Z gSA

4. What do you know about 'The Baby-Sitter'. 25. What are the different stages in writing a dialogue? 26. Write a story describing the beautiful birds to your child? 27. Report a speech given by a player on his victory in the 'World Cup'? 28. Write a summary of the story 'Witches' Loaves'? 29. What is the theme of 'Animal Farm'? 2UGFEG

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