annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus

annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus
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78 Financial Statements Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 2009Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements [continued]20 Trade and other receivables [continued]At 31 December 2009, trade and other receivables of €4.7m (2008: €3.4m) were past due but not impaired. They relate to a numberof independent airline customers that have no recent history of default. The ageing analysis of these trade receivables is as follows:2009 2008€’000 €’000Up to 1 month past due 4,662 3,356The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets.The carrying amounts of the Group’s trade and other receivables are denominated in the following currencies:2009 2008€’000 €’000Euro 44,187 46,368US dollar 26,232 30,614UK pound 4,824 11,919Other currencies 592 –75,835 88,90121 Gross cash, deposits and cash and cash equivalentsThe Group’s gross cash balances consists of loans and receivables, deposits and cash and cash equivalents.2009 2008€’000 €’000Non-currentLoans and receivables (Note 17) 71,944 80,983Deposits 101,305 169,279173,249 250,262CurrentLoans and receivables (Note 17) 5,362 34,126Deposits 636,093 916,298Cash and cash equivalents 13,762 6,081655,217 956,505Total gross cash 828,466 1,206,767At 31 December 2009 the Group held deposits of €58.9m (31 December 2008: €116.4m), which were not available for immediate useby the Group.

Financial Statements Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 20097921 Gross cash, deposits and cash and cash equivalents [continued]Cash and cash equivalents include the following for the purposes of the statement of cash flows:2009 2008€’000 €’000Cash and deposits with an original maturity of less than three months 13,762 6,081The carrying amount of the Group’s deposits and cash and cash equivalents are denominated in the following currencies:2009 2008€’000 €’000Euro 404,948 611,291US dollar 343,939 307,163Pound sterling 736 1,861Other 1,537 2,064751,160 922,379Current deposits have maturity terms of between three and twelve months. Given that the maturity of these investments falls outsidethe three months timeframe for classification as cash and cash equivalents under IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows, the related balanceshave been treated as deposits. The effective interest rate on financial assets classified as current deposits was 2.02% (2008: 3.8%).These deposits have an average maturity of 79 days (2008: 84 days).The Group holds deposits in order to meet certain finance lease obligations, which are denominated in the same currency, and noncurrentdeposits mainly comprise of these. The deposits, together with the interest receivable thereon, will be sufficient to meet infull the lease obligations and related lease interest over the period of the leases. Restricted deposits are also held to meet certainloan obligations.22 Trade and other payables2009 2008€’000 €’000Trade payables 66,415 67,066Accruals and deferred income 72,643 91,334Ticket sales in advance 118,451 146,779Employment related taxes 12,986 15,561Other amounts payable 70,215 95,098340,710 415,838The carrying amounts of trade and other payables approximate their fair value.

78 Financial Statements <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> Group Plc – Annual Report <strong>2009</strong>Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements [continued]20 Trade and other receivables [continued]At 31 December <strong>2009</strong>, trade and other receivables of €4.7m (2008: €3.4m) were past due but not impaired. They relate to a numberof independent airline customers that have no recent history of default. The ageing analysis of these trade receivables is as follows:<strong>2009</strong> 2008€’000 €’000Up to 1 month past due 4,662 3,356The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets.The carrying amounts of the Group’s trade and other receivables are denominated in the following currencies:<strong>2009</strong> 2008€’000 €’000Euro 44,187 46,368US dollar 26,232 30,614UK pound 4,824 11,919Other currencies 592 –75,835 88,90121 Gross cash, deposits and cash and cash equivalentsThe Group’s gross cash balances consists of loans and receivables, deposits and cash and cash equivalents.<strong>2009</strong> 2008€’000 €’000Non-currentLoans and receivables (Note 17) 71,944 80,983Deposits 101,305 169,279173,249 250,262CurrentLoans and receivables (Note 17) 5,362 34,126Deposits 636,093 916,298Cash and cash equivalents 13,762 6,081655,217 956,505Total gross cash 828,466 1,206,767At 31 December <strong>2009</strong> the Group held deposits of €58.9m (31 December 2008: €116.4m), which were not available for immediate useby the Group.

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