annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus

annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus
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24 Corporate Social Responsibility Statement Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 2009It was a significant achievement for AerLingus to organise the special flight at suchshort notice, and to be able to mobiliseteams in operations, cargo, planning, flightoperations and cabin crew, to make themission a reality. In addition to crew andoperations employees volunteering theirtime, all airport and navigational chargeswere waived by both the Dublin AirportAuthority and the Irish Aviation Authority.Aer Lingus wish to sincerely thank therelevant organisations for their co-operation,together with all Aer Lingus staff.Ulster Grand PrixFor the third consecutive year Aer Lingus isproud to sponsor the Ulster Grand Prix race,which takes place in August. The event hasbeen part of Northern Irish culture for thelast 85 years. This hugely popular sportingevent sees spectators travel from all over theglobe from as far afield as Australia, Spain,France and Italy.Special Olympics IrelandAer Lingus is delighted to continue itssupport of Special Olympics Ireland. Theairline supported Team Ireland travelling tothe 2009 Special Olympics Winter Games,which were held in Boise, Idaho, USA.Daffodil DayFor the second year Aer Lingus has offeredits support to The Irish Cancer Society fortheir Daffodil Day campaign. Aer Linguscabin crew supported the appeal with onboard collections, which amounted to over€21,700. The funds raised will go towardsthe Irish Cancer Society’s National NightNursing program, which to date has helped1,800 families, and provided over 7,000 nightsof care. Donations also funded the IrishCancer Society information services whichassist over 20,000 people in Ireland each year.CustomersThe Group’s website,,gives the Group the opportunity tocommunicate directly with customers andto provide customers with all the informationthat they need to make it easier to booktheir flights and to travel. In 2009, 83%of all bookings were made Services offered onthe website, which are available in eightdifferent languages, include timetables,car hire, hotel accommodation, travelinsurance, sky shopping, advance check-inand seat selection, pre-payment of baggagecharges, booking changes, passport and visainformation, collection of advance passengerinformation required by the US authorities,investor relations, real-time arrival anddeparture times and in-flight health andcomfort advice. Customers can also sign-upto receive regular emails with special offers.During 2009 Aer Lingus introduced theGroup Booking facility. Customers can nowbook a group of up to 25 people online atone time even during Seat Sales or when wehave Discount Sales meaning they can savetime and money. To provide even greaterflexibility, seats can be booked withouthaving all confirmed names – customersjust book the number of seats they needand then confirm all names within 7 days –giving them the chance to check everyone’sname as it appears on their passport.We also provide the opportunity forpassengers to upgrade all/part of theirjourney to business class on transatlantic(or Flexi Fare on all routes). Allowingpassengers the flexibility to upgrade all/both parts gives them the control and abilityto decide whether they want to return earlyor indeed want to avail of the extra comfortof business class to ensure they arrivethoroughly rested at their destination.We now also offer the option, on selectedroutes, to purchase Lounge Access in thebooking flow. This is part of our continuedcommitment to offering customer benefitat their discretion.During 2009 Aer Lingus completed anA330 retrofit programme where new seats,and a new in-flight entertainment system(IFE), were installed in most of our long-haulaircraft. Currently 7 out of 9 aircraft areoperating in the new layout – two olderA330s are not being retrofitted, as they aredue to leave the fleet in the coming months.We have made a significant investment inupgrading our business class product on longhaul routes. It is important that we continue

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 200925Aer Lingus gift vouchers are available for sale at perfect gift idea – vouchers can be purchased in Euro,Sterling or Dollars and can be redeemed on Lingus have partnered with the ‘One4all Bikes4work’scheme, a government tax break designed to getemployees to cycle to work.“Cara”, our award winning in-flight magazine is nowavailable to view in digital format on focus on the customer, as the physicalproduct is only part of the experience – theservice provided by our frontline staff beingthe other critical element. This is a significantinvestment in our business class product andis in response to customer and staff feedback,in addition to benchmarking against otherairlines. It also places Aer Lingus in anadvantageous position when compared toour direct competitors to and from Ireland.Aer Lingus also distributes, free of chargeon all flights to the UK, Europe and USA,its award winning in-flight magazine, Cara.Cara was awarded for its polished, smartimage whilst meeting Aer Lingus customerneeds. From 2009 our ‘Cara’ magazineis available in digital format, with theDecember/January edition online andaccessible from and from thehomepage of the intranet. Using the latestin Flash technology, Cara will now not onlybe available to all our customers onboardour flights, but to everyone that visits website. With Cara in digitalformat, customers can now read about ourdestinations and enjoy the award winningeditorials and original photographythat Cara is renowned for, all from theconvenience of their own PC or laptop.Aer Lingus operates a frequent flyerprogramme, the “Gold Circle Club”.It entitles members to earn and spendfrequent flyer points on Aer Lingus flightsand partner member airline flights. Memberscan also use their points to purchase a rangeof quality gifts provided by our programpartners. When travelling on Aer Lingusflights, Gold Circle Club members can accessGold Circle Lounges at most airports servedby Aer Lingus. The Gold Circle Club hasthree tiers. Members of the top two tiersqualify to use partner airline airport lounges.EthicalThe Aer Lingus Code of Business Conductand Ethics aims to ensure the highest ethicalstandards in conducting business activitieswith customers and suppliers. The codesupplements established procedures,regulations and authority levels already inplace. Staff contracts contain an obligationto comply with Group policies. Under theCode of Business Conduct and Ethicsemployees have a responsibility to declarein writing any potential conflict of interestwhich might affect their impartiality in carryingout their duties; maintain confidentiality ofinformation at all times; and ensure they donot accepts gifts, entertainment or favoursfrom customers or suppliers which couldcompromise them. In addition, there is aspecific procurement policy, which governsthe purchase of significant goods and services.

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> Group Plc – Annual Report <strong>2009</strong>25<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> gift vouchers are available for sale at perfect gift idea – vouchers can be purchased in Euro,Sterling or Dollars and can be redeemed on<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> have partnered with the ‘One4all Bikes4work’scheme, a government tax break designed to getemployees to cycle to work.“Cara”, our award winning in-flight magazine is nowavailable to view in digital format on focus on the customer, as the physicalproduct is only part of the experience – theservice provided by our frontline staff beingthe other critical element. This is a significantinvestment in our business class product andis in response to customer and staff feedback,in addition to benchmarking against otherairlines. It also places <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> in anadvantageous position when compared toour direct competitors to and from Ireland.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> also distributes, free of chargeon all flights to the UK, Europe and USA,its award winning in-flight magazine, Cara.Cara was awarded for its polished, smartimage whilst meeting <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> customerneeds. From <strong>2009</strong> our ‘Cara’ magazineis available in digital format, with theDecember/January edition online andaccessible from and from thehomepage of the intranet. Using the latestin Flash technology, Cara will now not onlybe available to all our customers onboardour flights, but to everyone that visits website. With Cara in digitalformat, customers can now read about ourdestinations and enjoy the award winningeditorials and original photographythat Cara is renowned for, all from theconvenience of their own PC or laptop.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> operates a frequent flyerprogramme, the “Gold Circle Club”.It entitles members to earn and spendfrequent flyer points on <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> flightsand partner member airline flights. Memberscan also use their points to purchase a rangeof quality gifts provided by our programpartners. When travelling on <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong>flights, Gold Circle Club members can accessGold Circle Lounges at most airports servedby <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong>. The Gold Circle Club hasthree tiers. Members of the top two tiersqualify to use partner airline airport lounges.EthicalThe <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> Code of Business Conductand Ethics aims to ensure the highest ethicalstandards in conducting business activitieswith customers and suppliers. The codesupplements established procedures,regulations and authority levels already inplace. Staff contracts contain an obligationto comply with Group policies. Under theCode of Business Conduct and Ethicsemployees have a responsibility to declarein writing any potential conflict of interestwhich might affect their impartiality in carryingout their duties; maintain confidentiality ofinformation at all times; and ensure they donot accepts gifts, entertainment or favoursfrom customers or suppliers which couldcompromise them. In addition, there is aspecific procurement policy, which governsthe purchase of significant goods and services.

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