annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus

annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus annual report 2009 - Aer Lingus
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16 Corporate Social Responsibility Statement Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 2009Aer Lingus flies the Irish Soccer Team to Bari, Italy for the World Cup Qualifying Campaign in April 2009.Aer Lingus is subject to specific regulations inrelation to local emissions of nitrogen oxides.All airports monitor the impact of airlines onlocal air quality. Aer Lingus is fully compliantwith these regulations on nitrogen oxidesand local air quality, and our modern fleetcontributes to efficiencies in these emissions.We continued to have 30% of our groundequipment using electric power, whichhelps reduce our ground emissions. Whereoperations allow, consideration is given tothe use of electric power rather than powerwhich generates emissions.There has been a significant reduction inaverage specific fuel consumption over thepast two decades – a drop of 52% since 1991.NoiseAer Lingus’ aircraft are amongst the quietestin the industry due to their low average age.Aer Lingus generally does not operate flightslate at night when noise is of the greatestconcern. As airports levy “noise charges”,Aer Lingus’ efforts to reduce noise (e.g. useof ground power instead of Auxiliary PowerUnits) can also generate cost efficiencies.Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs)are now performed wherever possible. Thisinvolves using a continuous steady descentrather than following a number of shortdescents. The CDA flight path is generallyhigher, thereby reducing noise impacts andthere is also a beneficial impact on emissions.Aer Lingus fully complies with all internationaland national regulations and continues tofocus on developing and implementing lownoise procedures.Aer Lingus was presented with the topaward for Best Overall Performance andthe award for Best UK and Eire Airline atthe Manchester Airport Skyliners’ Awardspresentation, held in March 2009. Theseprestigious awards are presented by theairport to airlines that have consistentlyobserved the preferred flight paths duringtake-off, helping to reduce noise for residentsliving close to the airport. These awards

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement Aer Lingus Group Plc – Annual Report 200917Belfast Giants – pictured: (L-R) Belfast Giant, Craig Peacock, General Managerof the Giants, Todd Kelman, Aer Lingus cabin crew member, Lauren McGarrigle,Aer Lingus Corporate Affairs Director, Enda Corneille, and Belfast Giant,Nathan Craze.recognise our commitment to theenvironment and in particular, the areaof noise pollution. In a field that includeda number of world-class carriers, theseaccolades re-enforce Aer Lingus’ positionas the original green airline. The awards wereintroduced eight years ago to recognise andreward airlines that fly at least 95% of theirdepartures within tightly defined ‘tracks’known as preferred noise routes. Manchesterremains the only airport to present thesetypes of awards and is seen as innovative inits approach to the environment for doing so.In addition, Aer Lingus received a majoraward at the Operation Pathfinder AwardCeremony in April 2010. Aer Lingus willbe awarded for the best track-keepingperformance at Birmingham InternationalAirport, achieving an impressive 100% ‘ontrack’ performance. These awards celebratethe skillful flying of airlines that achieve thehighest standards in track keeping. Theimportance of this accuracy cannot beunderstated, as it helps to minimise theimpact of the airport on the local community.Waste ManagementAer Lingus is committed to wastemanagement including the collection,transport, processing, recycling, disposal,and monitoring of waste materials. As withall airlines, Aer Lingus must store and/orhandle potentially hazardous waste as aresult of its operations (e.g. solid/liquidwaste from maintenance operations). Theseoperations are subject to detailed legislationand regulation. All staff involved in theseoperations receive appropriate training andAer Lingus ensures that processes appliedboth internally and, by third parties engagedto treat such waste, are in line with best

16 Corporate Social Responsibility Statement <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> Group Plc – Annual Report <strong>2009</strong><strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> flies the Irish Soccer Team to Bari, Italy for the World Cup Qualifying Campaign in April <strong>2009</strong>.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> is subject to specific regulations inrelation to local emissions of nitrogen oxides.All airports monitor the impact of airlines onlocal air quality. <strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> is fully compliantwith these regulations on nitrogen oxidesand local air quality, and our modern fleetcontributes to efficiencies in these emissions.We continued to have 30% of our groundequipment using electric power, whichhelps reduce our ground emissions. Whereoperations allow, consideration is given tothe use of electric power rather than powerwhich generates emissions.There has been a significant reduction inaverage specific fuel consumption over thepast two decades – a drop of 52% since 1991.Noise<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong>’ aircraft are amongst the quietestin the industry due to their low average age.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> generally does not operate flightslate at night when noise is of the greatestconcern. As airports levy “noise charges”,<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong>’ efforts to reduce noise (e.g. useof ground power instead of Auxiliary PowerUnits) can also generate cost efficiencies.Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs)are now performed wherever possible. Thisinvolves using a continuous steady descentrather than following a number of shortdescents. The CDA flight path is generallyhigher, thereby reducing noise impacts andthere is also a beneficial impact on emissions.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> fully complies with all internationaland national regulations and continues tofocus on developing and implementing lownoise procedures.<strong>Aer</strong> <strong>Lingus</strong> was presented with the topaward for Best Overall Performance andthe award for Best UK and Eire Airline atthe Manchester Airport Skyliners’ Awardspresentation, held in March <strong>2009</strong>. Theseprestigious awards are presented by theairport to airlines that have consistentlyobserved the preferred flight paths duringtake-off, helping to reduce noise for residentsliving close to the airport. These awards

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