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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMThursday AfternoonSYMPOSIUM Session 2650Using Analytical Solutions to Target Emerging Issues in Drinking Water Safetyarranged by Lauren Weinrich, American WaterThursday Afternoon, Room 264Lauren Weinrich, American Water, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Lauren Weinrich1:35 (2650-1) Method Development Using Luminescence for BiodegradableOrganic Carbon Measurements in Drinking Water LAUREN WEINRICH,American Water2:10 (2650-2) Evaluation of Emerging and Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminantsand the Impact of Operations at American Water Facilities RUTHMARFIL-VEGA, American Water, Zia Bukhari, Lauren Weinrich, William Johnson,Mark LeChevallier2:45 (2650-3) Monitoring and Optimizing Drinking Water Treatment Processes withSimultaneous Absorbance and Fluorescence Excitation-Emission MappingADAM M GILMORE, Horiba3:20 Recess3:35 (2650-4) Emerging Issues Regarding the Impact of Polymer Pipes, Coatings, andLiners on Water Quality ANDREW J WHELTON, Purdue University4:10 (2650-5) Louisiana Response to Detection of Naegleria Fowleri in Two DrinkingWater Supplies JAKE CAUSEY, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals,Jimmy GuidryWORKSHOPS Session 2660Chemical Safety Challenges and Solutions for the Labarranged by Helen Gillespie, Technology NetworksThursday Afternoon, Room 269Helen Gillespie, Technology Networks, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Helen Gillespie1:35 (2660-1) How Chemical Safety Regulations are Changing Laboratory ProcessesHELEN GILLESPIE, Technology Networks2:05 (2660-2) The Blueprint for Successful Chemical Management at Yale’s WestCampus CHRISTOPHER INCARVITO, Yale University2:35 (2660-3) Best Practices in Laboratory Chemical Inventory Management BRIANSTAFFORD, Accelrys/BIOVIA3:05 Recess3:20 (2660-4) How to Create a More Effective Lab Safety Program JAMES A KAUFMAN,Laboratory Safety Institute3:50 Open DiscussionWORKSHOPS Session 2670The Analytical Information Markup Language: Ten Years from Jungle to Savannaarranged by Stuart J Chalk, University of North FloridaThursday Afternoon, Room 274Stuart J Chalk, University of North Florida, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Stuart J Chalk1:35 (2670-1) Integrating AnIML Files in Electronic Laboratory Notebooks STUART JCHALK, University of North Florida2:05 (2670-2) The AnIML Data Standard on Mobile and in the Cloud BURKHARDSCHAEFER, BSSN Software GmbH2:35 (2670-3) Increasing Public Access to Government Research Data and Use of OpenData Standards ANAND MUDAMBI, US EPA3:05 Recess3:20 (2670-4) Evaluation of Standards for Data and Metadata in Analytical ChemistryDANA E VANDERWALL, Allotrope Foundation3:50 (2670-5) AnIML via SiLA - A Perfect Fit?! NIKLAUS GRABER, SiLAORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2680New Developments in Ion Chromatographyarranged by Kannan Srinivasan, Thermo Fisher ScientificThursday Afternoon, Room 265Kannan Srinivasan, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Presiding1:30 (2680-1) Advances in Trace Analysis in Ion Chromatography HERB WAGNER,EPA Contractor1:50 (2680-2) An Investigation into Ion Chromatographic Methods for theDetermination of Low-Level Perchlorate in Drinking Water VIRGINIA LBURKEL, NSF International, Daren Schaller, Michael Harvey2:10 (2680-3) Improved Methodology for Ion Profiling in Aquarium Water WILLIAM RLACOURSE, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Magaret E LaCourse, KimGaeta, Jill Arnold, Joshua Wilhide2:30 (2680-4) Fronting, Tailing and Non-Gaussian Peaks: How Can We Predict the PeakShapes in Ion Chromatography? M FAROOQ WAHAB, University of Texas atArlington, Jordan K Anderson, Christopher A Pohl, Charles A Lucy2:50 Recess3:05 (2680-5) Recent Developments in Stationary Phases for Ion ChromatographyCHRISTOPHER A POHL, Thermo Fisher Scientific3:25 (2680-6) Admittance Detection in High Impedance Systems - Design andApplications PURNENDU K DASGUPTA, University of Texas at Arlington, MinZhang, Brian Stamos3:45 (2680-7) Recent Developments in Suppressor Technology in Ion ChromatographyKANNAN SRINIVASAN, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rong Lin, Sheetal Bhardwaj,Christopher A PohlORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2690Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Advances and Applications inPharmaceutical Analysisarranged by Gregory Webster, AbbVieThursday Afternoon, Room 266Gregory Webster, AbbVie, Presiding1:30 (2690-1) An Overview of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry(SFC-MS) in the Pharmaceutical Industry LAILA KOTT, TakedaPharmaceutical International Co.1:50 (2690-2) Comparison of Core Shell and Porous Silica Bonded Phases for SFCJEFFREY W CALDWELL, Princeton Chromatography, Inc., Walton B Caldwell2:10 (2690-3) Method Validation and Transferability on Advanced Analytical SFCInstruments: Update of Chiral SFC Implementation in RegulatedLaboratories YUN HUANG, Pfizer Inc., Frank Riley, Mark Hardink, Duc Vuong,Karen Alsante2:30 (2690-4) Application of SFC in Process Analytical Chemistry YANQUN ZHAO,AbbVie Inc2:50 Recess3:05 (2690-5) SFC Technology and Applications for Supporting Early Drug DiscoveryPrograms KANAKA HETTIARACHCHI, Theravance Biopharma, Qifeng Xue3:25 (2690-6) Chiral Method Development in SFC with Laser Polarimeter DetectionGARY W YANIK, PDR-Separations3:45 (2690-7) Translating Chiral Separations Between SFC, NP, and RP: How to Switchfrom One Mode to Another J P PRESTON, Phenomenex, Julissa Fernandez,Michael McCoy, William FarrellORAL SESSIONS Session 2700Chemical Methods and High-Throughput Chemical AnalysisThursday Afternoon, Room 2401:30 (2700-1) Detection and Identification of Human Metabolites Using Ion MobilitySpectrometry WOLFGANG VAUTZ, ISAS, Sascha Liedtke1:50 (2700-2) Use of Gradient Dilution to Detect and Correct for Matrix Interferences inInductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry YAN CHEUNG, IndianaUniversity, Andrew J Schwartz, Steven J Ray, Gary M HieftjeThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org86

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAM2:10 (2700-3) Development of a Screening Model and a High Throughput Method forDiscovering Echinocandin Anti-Fungal Drug Candidates by CapillaryElectrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection CHAOHUI SUN,Tianjin University, James J Bao, Youxin Li, Shuhai Jiang, Raymond Yao2:30 (2700-4) High-Throughput Microplate-Based Microcolumn Device for the Selectionof Aptamers, Characterization of the Selection Process, and OtherChromatographic Processes SARAH J REINHOLT, Cornell University, KylanSzeto, Abdullah Ozer, Jaime J Benitez, Fabiana M Duarte, John M Pagano, Li Yao,John T Lis, Harold G Craighead2:50 Recess3:05 (2700-5) Optical Gating of Membrane Permeability: Microtiter Plates withPhoto-Controlled Well Floors LINDSEY R SEQUEIRA, Oregon State University,Vincent T Remcho3:25 (2700-6) Reducing Labor Costs and Increasing Precision TRACY DOMBEK, ResearchTriangle Institute, Brice Lopez, Eva Hardison3:45 (2700-7) Extending Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) toDetection of Semi-Volatiles on Surfaces VAUGHAN S LANGFORD,Syft Technologies, Daniel B Milligan, Barry J Prince, Yan Li, John D Gray,Murray J McEwanORAL SESSIONS Session 2710Electrochemical Microfluidics for Bio-AnalysisThursday Afternoon, Room 2411:30 (2710-1) The Buffer Monitor: A Lab-on-Chip Approach to Quantifying BufferCapacity of Whole Blood SAHIR I GANDHI, Imperial College London, PyryHelkkula, Peter Knox, Martyn G Boutelle, Danny O’Hare1:50 (2710-2) Direct Electrochemistry of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Upon Conjugationwith Redox Proteins SADAGOPAN KRISHNAN, Oklahoma State University,Gayan Premaratne, Charuksha Walgama, Ryan Matlock, Rajasekhar ReddyNerimetla, Monette McKinnell, Trey Sunday2:10 (2710-3) Multianalyte Microphysiometry Investigation of Virulence DifferencesBetween Group B streptococcus Strains DANIELLE W KIMMEL, VanderbiltUniversity, Lisa M Rogers, David Aronoff, David E Cliffel2:30 (2710-4) Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV) Detection of EndogenousOctopamine in Drosophila Mlanogaster Larva POOJAN PYAKUREL,University of Virginia2:50 Recess3:05 (2710-5) Electrochemical Measurements to Study the Mechanisms ofPost-Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment SAM V KAPLAN, University ofKansas, Maxwell Newby, Ryan A Limbocker, Meng Sun, Michael A Johnson3:25 (2710-6) Development of a Novel Microfluidic Biosensor System for Real-TimeSubcutaneous Monitoring of Cyclists During Exercise SALLY GOWERS,Imperial College London, Vincenzo F Curto, Salzitsa Anastasova-Ivanova, PankajVadgama, Guang-Zhong Yang, Martyn G Boutelle3:45 (2710-7) Redox Chemistry of Nanoceria Using Impedance Spectroscopy ANDREW RLAKE, State University of New York at Binghamton, Soumen Das, Sudipta Seal,Omowunmi A Sadik4:05 (2710-8) Anesthetics Differentially Affect Dopamine Dynamics Within the NucleusAccumbens KATE L PARENT, University of Arizona, Christopher W Atcherley,Dong W Lu, Jennifer Xie, Frank Porreca, Michael L HeienORAL SESSIONS Session 2720Electrophoresis for Bio-Analysis (Half Session)Thursday Afternoon, Room 2521:30 (2720-1) Low Voltage Origami Paper-Based Electrophoretic Devices (oPEpDs) forRapid Protein Separation Applications LONG LUO, University of Texas atAustin, Xiang Li, Richard M Crooks1:50 (2720-2) On-Chip Fluorescent Labeling of Preterm Birth Biomarkers and Their|Electrophoretic Separation KAITLYN BROWER, Brigham Young University,Adam T Woolley, Sonker Mukul2:10 (2720-3) Microfluidic Assays for Long-Term Perfusion Culture and ChemicalMonitoring of Living Cells SHUSHENG LU, University of Michigan,Robert T Kennedy2:30 (2720-4) Pressure Actuated Microfluidic Devices for Electrophoretic Separations:Toward Pre-Term Birth Biomarker Analysis VISHAL SAHORE, Brigham YoungUniversity, Suresh Kumar, Chad I Rogers, Adam T Woolley87ORAL SESSIONS Session 2730Environment - Metals DeterminationThursday Afternoon, Room 2531:30 (2730-1) Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Cd and Pb withNanocarbon Film Electrode Fabricated by Unbalanced MagnetronSputtering YANAGISAWA HIROYUKI, AIST/Tsukuba, Kurita Ryoji, TomoyukiKamata, Kato Dai, Nakazato Tetsuya, Torimura Masaki, Niwa Osamu1:50 (2730-2) Anodic Stripping Voltammetry of Cadmium After a Ligandless Cloud PointExtraction CORY A RUSINEK, University of Cincinnati, Adam Bange, William RHeineman, Ian Papautsky2:10 (2730-3) Overcoming the Challenges of Hydraulic Fracking Fluid Analysis byOptical Emission Spectroscopy ERICA M CAHOON, PerkinElmer, Dan Jones,Tony Palermo, Laura Thompson2:30 (2730-4) Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles in the Environment: Ag + Binding toNatural Organic Matter as Studied with Ion-Selective Electrodes MARALPS MOUSAVI, University of Minnesota, Ian L Gunsolus, Carlos E Pérez De Jesús,Christy L Haynes , Philippe Buhlmann2:50 Recess3:05 (2730-5) Natural Organic Matter Effects on Silver Nanoparticle Stability andDissolution IAN L GUNSOLUS, University of Minnesota, Maral PS Mousavi,Kadir Hussein, Philippe Buhlmann, Christy L Haynes3:25 (2730-6) Single Particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) for the Detection of Metal-BasedNanoparticles in Environmental Matrices CHADY STEPHAN, PerkinElmer,Aaron HinemanORAL SESSIONS Session 2740HPLC for Bio-AnalysisThursday Afternoon, Room 2541:30 (2740-1) Implementation of Novel Lipid Tethered Ligands on PS-DVB StationaryPhases for Affinity Chromatography PAUL HAUPT-RENAUD, ClemsonUniversity, R Kenneth Marcus, Abby Schdock-Hewitt1:50 (2740-2) Polyethylenimine Modified Polyethylene Terephthalate Capillary-Channeled Polymer (C-CP) Fibers for Protein Separations byAnion Exchange Chromatography LIUWEI JIANG, Clemson University,R Kenneth Marcus2:10 (2740-3) Evaluation of D-Amino Acids in Rat Brain Tissue by Achiral-ChiralHeart-Cutting Two Dimensional Liquid Chromatography CURRAN PARPIA,University of Texas at Arlington, Daniel W Armstrong2:30 (2740-4) Analysis of Free Drug Fractions and Drug-Protein Interactions UsingUltrafast Affinity Extraction and Affinity Microcolumns XIWEI ZHENG,University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Maria Podariu, Ryan Matsuda, Zhao Li, MichelleYoo, David S Hage2:50 Recess3:05 (2740-5) Modification of Polyethylene Terephthalate Capillary-Channeled Polymer(C-CP) Fiber Stationary Phase for Affinity Separations LIUWEI JIANG,Clemson University, R Kenneth Marcus3:25 (2740-6) Reversed Phase Separation of Proteins Prior to ESI-MS Analysis viaCapillary-Channeled Polymer (C-CP) Fiber Microbore-Columns MARISSA APIERSON, Clemson University, R Kenneth MarcusORAL SESSIONS Session 2750Laboratory Management (Half Session)Thursday Afternoon, Room 2551:30 (2750-1) Safe Energy-Efficient Chemistry Labs – Challenging the AssumptionsGREG MUTH, Wilson Architects1:50 (2750-2) Helium Conservation and Emerging Technologies DALE ASHWORTH, VICIValco, Stanley Stearns, Huamin Cai2:10 (2750-3) The Impact of Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence for Manufacturersand LIMs LOUIS HALVORSEN, Northwest Analytical Inc.The author list is available at www.pittcon.orgThursday Afternoon

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMThursday AfternoonSYMPOSIUM Session 2650Using Analytical Solutions to Target Emerging Issues in Drinking Water Safetyarranged by Lauren Weinrich, American WaterThursday Afternoon, Room 264Lauren Weinrich, American Water, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Lauren Weinrich1:35 (2650-1) Method Development Using Luminescence for BiodegradableOrganic Carbon Measurements in Drinking Water LAUREN WEINRICH,American Water2:10 (2650-2) Evaluation of Emerging and Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminantsand the Impact of Operations at American Water Facilities RUTHMARFIL-VEGA, American Water, Zia Bukhari, Lauren Weinrich, William Johnson,Mark LeChevallier2:45 (2650-3) Monitoring and Optimizing Drinking Water Treatment Processes withSimultaneous Absorbance and Fluorescence Excitation-Emission MappingADAM M GILMORE, Horiba3:20 Recess3:35 (2650-4) Emerging Issues Regarding the Impact of Polymer Pipes, Coatings, andLiners on Water Quality ANDREW J WHELTON, Purdue University4:10 (2650-5) Louisiana Response to Detection of Naegleria Fowleri in Two DrinkingWater Supplies JAKE CAUSEY, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals,Jimmy GuidryWORKSHOPS Session 2660Chemical Safety Challenges and Solutions for the Labarranged by Helen Gillespie, Technology NetworksThursday Afternoon, Room 269Helen Gillespie, Technology Networks, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Helen Gillespie1:35 (2660-1) How Chemical Safety Regulations are Changing Laboratory ProcessesHELEN GILLESPIE, Technology Networks2:05 (2660-2) The Blueprint for Successful Chemical Management at Yale’s WestCampus CHRISTOPHER INCARVITO, Yale University2:35 (2660-3) Best Practices in Laboratory Chemical Inventory Management BRIANSTAFFORD, Accelrys/BIOVIA3:05 Recess3:20 (2660-4) How to Create a More Effective Lab Safety Program JAMES A KAUFMAN,Laboratory Safety Institute3:50 Open DiscussionWORKSHOPS Session 2670The Analytical Information Markup Language: Ten Years from Jungle to Savannaarranged by Stuart J Chalk, University of North FloridaThursday Afternoon, Room 274Stuart J Chalk, University of North Florida, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Stuart J Chalk1:35 (2670-1) Integrating AnIML Files in Electronic Laboratory Notebooks STUART JCHALK, University of North Florida2:05 (2670-2) The AnIML Data Standard on Mobile and in the Cloud BURKHARDSCHAEFER, BSSN Software GmbH2:35 (2670-3) Increasing Public Access to Government Research Data and Use of OpenData Standards ANAND MUDAMBI, US EPA3:05 Recess3:20 (2670-4) Evaluation of Standards for Data and Metadata in Analytical ChemistryDANA E VANDERWALL, Allotrope Foundation3:50 (2670-5) AnIML via SiLA - A Perfect Fit?! NIKLAUS GRABER, SiLAORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2680New Developments in Ion Chromatographyarranged by Kannan Srinivasan, Thermo Fisher ScientificThursday Afternoon, Room 265Kannan Srinivasan, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Presiding1:30 (2680-1) Advances in Trace Analysis in Ion Chromatography HERB WAGNER,EPA Contractor1:50 (2680-2) An Investigation into Ion Chromatographic Methods for theDetermination of Low-Level Perchlorate in Drinking Water VIRGINIA LBURKEL, NSF International, Daren Schaller, Michael Harvey2:10 (2680-3) Improved Methodology for Ion Profiling in Aquarium Water WILLIAM RLACOURSE, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Magaret E LaCourse, KimGaeta, Jill Arnold, Joshua Wilhide2:30 (2680-4) Fronting, Tailing and Non-Gaussian Peaks: How Can We Predict the PeakShapes in Ion Chromatography? M FAROOQ WAHAB, University of Texas atArlington, Jordan K Anderson, Christopher A Pohl, Charles A Lucy2:50 Recess3:05 (2680-5) Recent Developments in Stationary Phases for Ion ChromatographyCHRISTOPHER A POHL, Thermo Fisher Scientific3:25 (2680-6) Admittance Detection in High Impedance Systems - Design andApplications PURNENDU K DASGUPTA, University of Texas at Arlington, MinZhang, Brian Stamos3:45 (2680-7) Recent Developments in Suppressor Technology in Ion ChromatographyKANNAN SRINIVASAN, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rong Lin, Sheetal Bhardwaj,Christopher A PohlORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2690Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Advances and Applications inPharmaceutical Analysisarranged by Gregory Webster, AbbVieThursday Afternoon, Room 266Gregory Webster, AbbVie, Presiding1:30 (2690-1) An Overview of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry(SFC-MS) in the Pharmaceutical Industry LAILA KOTT, TakedaPharmaceutical International Co.1:50 (2690-2) Comparison of Core Shell and Porous Silica Bonded Phases for SFCJEFFREY W CALDWELL, Princeton Chromatography, Inc., Walton B Caldwell2:10 (2690-3) Method Validation and Transferability on Advanced Analytical SFCInstruments: Update of Chiral SFC Implementation in RegulatedLaboratories YUN HUANG, Pfizer Inc., Frank Riley, Mark Hardink, Duc Vuong,Karen Alsante2:30 (2690-4) Application of SFC in Process Analytical Chemistry YANQUN ZHAO,AbbVie Inc2:50 Recess3:05 (2690-5) SFC Technology and Applications for Supporting Early Drug DiscoveryPrograms KANAKA HETTIARACHCHI, Theravance Biopharma, Qifeng Xue3:25 (2690-6) Chiral Method Development in SFC with Laser Polarimeter DetectionGARY W YANIK, PDR-Separations3:45 (2690-7) Translating Chiral Separations Between SFC, NP, and RP: How to Switchfrom One Mode to Another J P PRESTON, Phenomenex, Julissa Fernandez,Michael McCoy, William FarrellORAL SESSIONS Session 2700Chemical Methods and High-Throughput Chemical AnalysisThursday Afternoon, Room 2401:30 (2700-1) Detection and Identification of Human Metabolites Using Ion MobilitySpectrometry WOLFGANG VAUTZ, ISAS, Sascha Liedtke1:50 (2700-2) Use of Gradient Dilution to Detect and Correct for Matrix Interferences inInductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry YAN CHEUNG, IndianaUniversity, Andrew J Schwartz, Steven J Ray, Gary M HieftjeThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org86

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