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Thursday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 2480Liquid Chromatography - General Interest (Half Session)Thursday Morning, Room 2708:30 (2480-1) Core-Shell Materials in 1.0 mm I.D. Columns JASON A ANSPACH,Phenomenex, Gareth Friedlander, Mark Brown, Lawrence Y Loo, Tivadar Farkas8:50 (2480-2) Getting Chiral Separations Into the Ultra-High Efficiency Game withSuperficially Porous Particles ZACHARY S BREITBACH, University of Texas atArlington, Daniel A Spudeit, Darshankumar C Patel, M Farooq Wahab, Maressa DDolzan, Daniel W Armstrong9:10 (2480-3) Effect of Mobile Phase on Selectivity in Hydrophilic Interaction LiquidChromatography CHAD D IVERSON, University of Alberta, Xinyun Gu, CharlesA Lucy9:30 (2480-4) Surface Bubble-Modulated Liquid Chromatography: A New Approach forManipulating Chromatographic Retention MASAMI SHIBUKAWA, SaitamaUniversity, Keisuke Nakamura, Shingo SaitoORAL SESSIONS Session 2490Magnetic ResonanceThursday Morning, Room 2718:30 (2490-1) NMR Study of Guanosine Monophosphate Liquid Crystalline PhasesWYATT P STEVENS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Linda B McGown,Scott A McCallum8:50 (2490-2) Development of a Sequential Injection Method for Online ReactionMonitoring by Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyMARIE E NIDER, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Kelsey A Holbert,Joseph H Aldstadt9:10 (2490-3) Comparison of Amide Proton Exchange in Chondroitin Sulfate OligosaccharidesANDREW GREEN, University of California Riverside, Cynthia K Larive9:30 (2490-4) Quantitative 13C NMR Analysis of Commercial Ethylene – PropyleneCopolymers RAVINDRA KUMAR, Indian Oil, Sujit Mondal, Veena Bansal, GSKapur, V Kagdiyal, Anurag A Gupta9:50 Recess10:05 (2490-5) Multinuclear (1H, 13C, 31P) and Multidimensional (1D and 2D) NMR(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Spectroscopy on Composition and ChainMicrostructure of Copolymers GUANGXIN LIN, SABIC Innovative Plastics10:25 (2490-6) Illicit Drug Analysis Using Benchtop NMR DEAN ANTIC, Thermo FisherScientific, Mark Dixon, Tristan Rawling, Mark TahtouhORAL SESSIONS Session 2500Microfluidics and CEThursday Morning, Room 2728:30 (2500-1) Minimizing Band Spreading in Microfluidic Systems FRED SENFTLEBER,Jacksonville University8:50 (2500-2) A Lateral Flow Immunoassay for α-Fetoprotein Based on Nitrogen-DopedGraphene Quantum Dots YUANYUAN WU, Oregon State University, SumatePengpumkiat, Vincent T Remcho9:10 (2500-3) A Microfluidic Device to Measure Entrainment of Insulin Secretion fromIslets of Langerhans LIAN YI, Florida State University, Michael G Roper9:30 (2500-4) Microfluidic Chip-Based DNA Separation in Two Dimensions: Length andSequence JIA ZHAO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Linda B McGown9:50 Recess10:05 (2500-5) Microfluidic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Chips andSpecial Analyser SHUPING XU, Jilin University, Weiqing Xu, Yijia Geng, LeiChen, Haibo Li, Gang Chen, Yuyang Wang, Shaoyan Wang, Wenran Gao10:25 (2500-6) Background-Free, Multiple-Reflection Microfluidic Infrared Spectroscopyfor Low-Volume, High-Sensitivity Infrared Analysis ANN M WOYS, PikeTechnologies, Kent Gundlach10:45 (2500-7) DNA-Aptamer Assay Via Capillary Electrophoresis CASSANDRA CRIHFIELD,West Virginia University, Srikanth Gattu, Letha Sooter, Lisa A Holland11:05 (2500-8) Monitoring Mitophagy by Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser InducedFluorescence Detection DEIRDRE MANION-FISCHER, University of Minnesota,Edgar A ArriagaORAL SESSIONS Session 2510Sampling and Sample Prep of Bioanalytical SamplesThursday Morning, Room 2738:30 (2510-1) Laser Ablation Vacuum Capture of Biological Material FABRIZIODONNARUMMA, Louisiana State University, Kermit K Murray8:50 (2510-2) A Novel, Synthetic Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE) Sorbent thatAlleviates the Downfalls of Traditional SLE STUART KUSHON, Phenomenex,Yibo Guo, Jessica Detsch, Art Dixon, Mark Herrmann9:10 (2510-3) Selective Extraction of DNA Using Magnetic Ionic Liquids JARED LANDERSON, The University of Toledo, Kevin D Clark, Omprakash Nacham,Honglian Yu, Melissa M Yamsek9:30 (2510-4) Development of HF-LPME Techniques for High Throughput Analysis of LogD, Permeability and Protein Binding of Drugs JAMES J BAO, TianjinUniversity, Guirong Bori, Xiaojing Liu, Youxin Li9:50 Recess10:05 (2510-5) Advantages of Saliva Sampling in Bioanalysis Using Micro Extractionby Packed Sorbent (MEPS) and Dried Saliva Spot (DSS) in LC/MS/MSMOHAMED ABDEL-REHIM, Stockholm University10:25 (2510-6) Ultrafast Desorption of Intact Proteins to Viruses by Impulsive VibrationalExcitation for Rapid High Throughput Biodiagnosis LING REN, Max PlanckInstitute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Rudolph Reimer, CorneliaHeinze, Carola Schneider, Dennis Eggert, Pavel Truschow, Nils-Owe Hansen,Wesley D Robertson, RJ Dwayne MillerORAL SESSIONS Session 2520Using Light for Bio-AnalysisThursday Morning, Room 2758:30 (2520-1) Paper-Based Chemiluminescent Biosensing Platforms for Cotinine andDichlorvos Detection WEI LIU, Shaanxi Normal University, Christopher LCassano, Juan Kou, Z Hugh Fan, Baoxin Li, Zhujun Zhang8:50 (2520-2) Turn-On Two-Photon Fluorescence Sensor for Intracellular Imaging ofGlutathione Using MnO 2 -Nanosheet-Modified Two-Photon NanoparticlesHONGMIN MENG, Hunan University9:10 (2520-3) In Vivo Study of Nanoparticles on Embryonic Neurological DevelopmentMARTHA S JOHNSON, Old Dominion University, Preeyaporn Songkiatisk, PavanCherukuri, Nicole Gonda, Lauren M Browning, X Nancy Xu9:30 (2520-4) Optimized Plasmonic Nanopipettes Toward Cells Secretion MonitoringFELIX LUSSIER, University of Montreal, Jean-François Masson9:50 Recess10:05 (2520-5) Anhydrobiotic Lipid Vesicles for On-Demand SPRi Analysis of SupportedBilayer Membrane Systems SAMUEL S HINMAN, University of CaliforniaRiverside, Thomas Wilkop, Quan Cheng10:25 (2520-6) Biochemical Gas Sensor (Bio-Sniffer) for Detection of Formaldehyde fromFood Sample KOJI TOMA, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Ming Ye,Shinichi Sawada, Takahiro Arakawa, Hiroyuki Kudo, Kazunari Akiyoshi,Kohji Mitsubayashi10:45 (2520-7) Discrimination of Proteins Using GUMBOS Sensor Arrays WADUGE INDIKA SGALPOTHDENIYA, Louisiana State University, Isiah M Warner11:05 (2520-8) Determination of Enzymatic Inhibitors with Extended LinearityUsing of Integrated Michaelis-Menten Equation AZIZ AMINE, UniveristéHassan II, FSTMThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org82

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMPOSTER SESSION Session 2530All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Bioanalytical Samples Using Separation TechniquesThursday Morning(2530-1 P) Removal of Cadmium (II), Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) from Aqueous Solution UsingCorncob Waste CHIONYEDUA T ONWORDI, Lagos State University, Chinedu H Okwuolise,Olawale L Osifeko, Bukunola K Oguntade, Adedoja D Wusu(2530-2 P) Imaging Glycosphingolipid Distribution in C57BL/6NJ Mouse Brain Tissuevia-MALDI-TOFMS JENNIFER ARCEO, University of Notre Dame, Norman J Dovichi(2530-3 P) Analysis of Underivatized Steroids Using Cold EI GC/MS ADAM J PATKIN, PerkinElmer,Ruben Garnica, Andrew N Tyler, Sharanya Reddy(2530-4 P) Analysis of Subtle Changes in Biological Systems Through Use of High Resolution, HighAccuracy Vanquish UHPLC Generated Libraries with a Q-Exactive HF Mass SpectrometerDAVID A SARRACINO, Thermo Fisher Scientific BRIMS Center, Marc Plante, Keely Murphy, Ian NAcworth, Jason Neil(2530-5 P) High Fructose Feeding Induces Copper Deficiency: A Fecal Metabolomics Study XINMINYIN, University of Louisville, Xiaoli Wei, Ming Song, Craig McClain(2530-6 P) Design and Optimization of a Liquid Chromatography Method for Quantification ofSpecific Active Thiol-Molecule Reducing Agents in Protein Matrices SAM DIEP, AbbottLaboratories, Tracey Rae, Ewa Lang, Jeffrey Fishpaugh(2530-7 P) Improved Peptide Mapping Methods JEFFREY A KAKALEY, YMC America, Inc.,Ernest J Sobkow(2530-8 P) Validated HPLC-DAD and HPLC-Fluorimetric Methods for SimultaneousDetermination of Granisetron and Domperidone in Bulk Form, PharmaceuticalFormulations, and in Plasma RASHA A SHAALAN, Alexandria University, Saied F Belal,Rim S Hagag, Mahmoud A Agami(2530-9 P) In Vivo Monitoring of Branched Chain Amino Acid Dynamics Using Online Microdialysis-Capillary Electrophoresis MEGAN WEISENBERGER, University of Minnesota, Michael Bowser(2530-10 P) An Integrated Platform of LC-MS, HPAEC-PAD, and Bioinformatics for the CarbohydrateProfiling of Therapeutic Glycoproteins ANDREA GRAY, University of Maryland BaltimoreCounty, Shaunak Uplekar, Joshua Wilhide, William R LaCourse, Govind Rao(2530-11 P) Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in Protein Formulations Using 2D LCMS WILLIAM HEDGEPETH,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Kenichiro Tanaka, Keiko Yamabe(2530-12 P) Using Fluorescence and Mass Spectrometry to Determine Glycation Sites of HumanSerum Albumin WEIXI LIU, University of Rhode Island, Menashi A Cohenford, Leslie Frost,Joel A Dain(2530-13 P) Differentiation of Heparin and Heparin-Like Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) viaPeroxide-Z Based Digestion with LC-MS and CE-UV Detection HONGLI LI, Food and DrugAdministration, Samanthi Wickramasekara, Peter Nemes, Rahul Kaushal(2530-14 P) An Improved Chromatographic Method for Arsenic Speciation in Urine KENNETHNEUBAUER, PerkinElmer, Wilhad M Reuter, Charles Schneider(2530-15 P) A Kinetic Study of the Maillard Reaction by On-Line Monitoring with SequentialInjection-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy KELSEY A HOLBERT, University ofWisconsin Milwaukee, Marie E Nider, Joseph H Aldstadt(2530-16 P) An Automated Dual Stage Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for 15 F2t-isoprostane(8-iso Prostaglandin2a) from BSA as Lipid Markers of Oxidative Stress MARTIN CHER-RIER, Biotage, Elena Gairloch, Victor Vandell, Frank Kero(2530-17 P) Chemometric Analysis of MALDI Mass Spectrometric Images of Three-Dimensional CellCulture Systems RICHARD B KEITHLEY, Roanoke College, Eric M Weaver, Amanda B Hummon(2530-18 P) Effects of SDS and DTT in Protein Determination Using the 660 nm Protein Assay HUIXIE, Abbott Laboratories, Ewa Lang, Jeffrey Fishpaugh, Carol Ramsay(2530-19 P) Coupling Advanced Detection Techniques to Size Exclusion Chromatography XIAOLIWANG, Agilent Technologies, Andrew Coffey, Linda LloydPOSTER SESSION Session 2540All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Food SciencesThursday Morning(2540-1 P) Determination of Nitrite Using Captopril by UV Spectrophotometry and Flow InjectionAnalysis JONATHAN P SCAFFIDI, Miami University, Mya A Porche, Zhaowei Guo, Youxin Li, NeilD Danielson(2540-2 P) Determination of Sulfur-Containing Species in Scotch Whiskeys Using GasChromatography With Pulsed-Flame Photometric Detection J GARRETT SLATON,Xylem/OI Analytical, Cynthia Elmore(2540-3 P) Only One Platform to Approach Different Sample Preparation for the Food QualityCharacterization ILARIA FERRANTE, Dani Instruments s.p.a., Daniele Recenti, RobertaLariccia, Chiara Abate(2540-4 P) Raw Material Characterization and Comparison with Gas Chromatography withTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) ELIZABETH HUMSTON-FULMER, LECOCorporation, Joe E Binkley, Jeffrey S Patrick(2540-5 P) Determination of Hexanal in Foods Utilizing Dynamic Headspace GC/MSROGER BARDSLEY, Teledyne Tekmar, Tammy Rellar, Thomas Hartlein, Kristina Mason, Jacob ARebholz, Tyler Trent(2540-6 P) Optimization of Solid Phase Micro Extraction of Aroma Compounds in Wine ANNEJUREK, EST Analytical, Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(2540-7 P) An Examination of Automated Sampling Techniques of Whiskey Samples ANNE JUREK,EST Analytical, Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(2540-8 P) Advanced Alternative to SPME GCMS Sample Preparation Using Vacuum AssistedPorous Cartridge Micro Extraction (VA-PCME) THOMAS X ROBINSON, Entech Instruments,Inc., Daniel B Cardin(2540-9 P) Study of Magnetic-Bead Systems to Remove Peanut Allergens SI-YIN CHUNG, USDA,Shawndrika Reed(2540-10 P) Use of Red Chili Pepper as Natural Antioxidant for Improving the Oxidative Stability ofEdible Oil STEFANO CASIRAGHI, Velp Scientifica SRL, Stefania Corti, Claudia Mancinelli(2540-11 P) Monitoring Basmati Rice Sensory Quality Thanks to an Electronic NoseJEAN-CHRISTOPHE MIFSUD, Alpha MOS, Herve Lechat, Fatma Ayouni, Valerie Vabre, AndrewCowell, Marion Bonnefille(2540-12 P) Scale-Up of Subcritical Water Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Fruit WasteMaterial ROLF SCHLAKE, Applied Separations, Al Kaziunas, Jerry King(2540-13 P) Analysis of Electronic Cigarette Liquid and Vapor JASON S HERRINGTON, Restek, AmandaRigdon, Steve Kozel, Jaap de Zeeuw, Rebecca Stevens, Linx Waclaski, Colton Myers(2540-14 P) Optimization of Type of Culture, Ripening Time, Temperature and Salt Concentration ina Model Cheese Using Response Surface Methodology: Determination of Proteolysis inCheese by Chromatographic Methods ALI A HAYALOGLU, Inonu Univeristy, Didem SahingilPOSTER SESSION Session 2550All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Liquid Chromatography - General InterestThursday Morning(2550-1 P) Small Scale Purification of Constituents from Complex Natural Product Extracts Usingsub-2-μm Chromatography ANDREW J AUBIN, Waters Corporation, Jo-Ann M Jablonski,Wendy Harrop(2550-2 P) How Scalable are the Dispersion Processes in Real Columns Packed with Solid CoreMaterial? TONY EDGE, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Luisa Pereira, Monica Dolci(2550-3 P) Can Core-Shell Silica Boost Efficiency of Macrocyclic Oligosaccharide Based HILICPhases? ZACHARY S BREITBACH, University of Texas at Arlington, Choyce A Weatherly,Maressa D Dolzan, Daniel A Spudeit(2550-4 P) Retention Behavior of Aromatic Compounds When Using a Fluorophenyl HPLCStationary Phase Under Highly Aqueous Mobile Phase Conditions BRITTANY GEORGE,Ursinus College, Eric Williamsen(2550-5 P) Evaluation of Monodisperse Silica for High Performance Liquid Chromatography UsingVan Deemter Plot NORIKAZU NAGAE, ChromaNik Technologies Inc., Tomoyasu Tuskamoto,Shun KojimaThursday Morning83The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMPOSTER SESSION Session 2530All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Bioanalytical Samples Using Separation TechniquesThursday Morning(2530-1 P) Removal of Cadmium (II), Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) from Aqueous Solution UsingCorncob Waste CHIONYEDUA T ONWORDI, Lagos State University, Chinedu H Okwuolise,Olawale L Osifeko, Bukunola K Oguntade, Adedoja D Wusu(2530-2 P) Imaging Glycosphingolipid Distribution in C57BL/6NJ Mouse Brain Tissuevia-MALDI-TOFMS JENNIFER ARCEO, University of Notre Dame, Norman J Dovichi(2530-3 P) Analysis of Underivatized Steroids Using Cold EI GC/MS ADAM J PATKIN, PerkinElmer,Ruben Garnica, Andrew N Tyler, Sharanya Reddy(2530-4 P) Analysis of Subtle Changes in Biological Systems Through Use of High Resolution, HighAccuracy Vanquish UHPLC Generated Libraries with a Q-Exactive HF Mass SpectrometerDAVID A SARRACINO, Thermo Fisher Scientific BRIMS Center, Marc Plante, Keely Murphy, Ian NAcworth, Jason Neil(2530-5 P) High Fructose Feeding Induces Copper Deficiency: A Fecal Metabolomics Study XINMINYIN, University of Louisville, Xiaoli Wei, Ming Song, Craig McClain(2530-6 P) Design and Optimization of a Liquid Chromatography Method for Quantification ofSpecific Active Thiol-Molecule Reducing Agents in Protein Matrices SAM DIEP, AbbottLaboratories, Tracey Rae, Ewa Lang, Jeffrey Fishpaugh(2530-7 P) Improved Peptide Mapping Methods JEFFREY A KAKALEY, YMC America, Inc.,Ernest J Sobkow(2530-8 P) Validated HPLC-DAD and HPLC-Fluorimetric Methods for SimultaneousDetermination of Granisetron and Domperidone in Bulk Form, PharmaceuticalFormulations, and in Plasma RASHA A SHAALAN, Alexandria University, Saied F Belal,Rim S Hagag, Mahmoud A Agami(2530-9 P) In Vivo Monitoring of Branched Chain Amino Acid Dynamics Using Online Microdialysis-Capillary Electrophoresis MEGAN WEISENBERGER, University of Minnesota, Michael Bowser(2530-10 P) An Integrated Platform of LC-MS, HPAEC-PAD, and Bioinformatics for the CarbohydrateProfiling of Therapeutic Glycoproteins ANDREA GRAY, University of Maryland BaltimoreCounty, Shaunak Uplekar, Joshua Wilhide, William R LaCourse, Govind Rao(2530-11 P) Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in Protein Formulations Using 2D LCMS WILLIAM HEDGEPETH,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Kenichiro Tanaka, Keiko Yamabe(2530-12 P) Using Fluorescence and Mass Spectrometry to Determine Glycation Sites of HumanSerum Albumin WEIXI LIU, University of Rhode Island, Menashi A Cohenford, Leslie Frost,Joel A Dain(2530-13 P) Differentiation of Heparin and Heparin-Like Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) viaPeroxide-Z Based Digestion with LC-MS and CE-UV Detection HONGLI LI, Food and DrugAdministration, Samanthi Wickramasekara, Peter Nemes, Rahul Kaushal(2530-14 P) An Improved Chromatographic Method for Arsenic Speciation in Urine KENNETHNEUBAUER, PerkinElmer, Wilhad M Reuter, Charles Schneider(2530-15 P) A Kinetic Study of the Maillard Reaction by On-Line Monitoring with SequentialInjection-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy KELSEY A HOLBERT, University ofWisconsin Milwaukee, Marie E Nider, Joseph H Aldstadt(2530-16 P) An Automated Dual Stage Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for 15 F2t-isoprostane(8-iso Prostaglandin2a) from BSA as Lipid Markers of Oxidative Stress MARTIN CHER-RIER, Biotage, Elena Gairloch, Victor Vandell, Frank Kero(2530-17 P) Chemometric Analysis of MALDI Mass Spectrometric Images of Three-Dimensional CellCulture Systems RICHARD B KEITHLEY, Roanoke College, Eric M Weaver, Amanda B Hummon(2530-18 P) Effects of SDS and DTT in Protein Determination Using the 660 nm Protein Assay HUIXIE, Abbott Laboratories, Ewa Lang, Jeffrey Fishpaugh, Carol Ramsay(2530-19 P) Coupling Advanced Detection Techniques to Size Exclusion Chromatography XIAOLIWANG, Agilent Technologies, Andrew Coffey, Linda LloydPOSTER SESSION Session 2540All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Food SciencesThursday Morning(2540-1 P) Determination of Nitrite Using Captopril by UV Spectrophotometry and Flow InjectionAnalysis JONATHAN P SCAFFIDI, Miami University, Mya A Porche, Zhaowei Guo, Youxin Li, NeilD Danielson(2540-2 P) Determination of Sulfur-Containing Species in Scotch Whiskeys Using GasChromatography With Pulsed-Flame Photometric Detection J GARRETT SLATON,Xylem/OI Analytical, Cynthia Elmore(2540-3 P) Only One Platform to Approach Different Sample Preparation for the Food QualityCharacterization ILARIA FERRANTE, Dani Instruments s.p.a., Daniele Recenti, RobertaLariccia, Chiara Abate(2540-4 P) Raw Material Characterization and Comparison with Gas Chromatography withTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) ELIZABETH HUMSTON-FULMER, LECOCorporation, Joe E Binkley, Jeffrey S Patrick(2540-5 P) Determination of Hexanal in Foods Utilizing Dynamic Headspace GC/MSROGER BARDSLEY, Teledyne Tekmar, Tammy Rellar, Thomas Hartlein, Kristina Mason, Jacob ARebholz, Tyler Trent(2540-6 P) Optimization of Solid Phase Micro Extraction of Aroma Compounds in Wine ANNEJUREK, EST Analytical, Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(2540-7 P) An Examination of Automated Sampling Techniques of Whiskey Samples ANNE JUREK,EST Analytical, Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(2540-8 P) Advanced Alternative to SPME GCMS Sample Preparation Using Vacuum AssistedPorous Cartridge Micro Extraction (VA-PCME) THOMAS X ROBINSON, Entech Instruments,Inc., Daniel B Cardin(2540-9 P) Study of Magnetic-Bead Systems to Remove Peanut Allergens SI-YIN CHUNG, USDA,Shawndrika Reed(2540-10 P) Use of Red Chili Pepper as Natural Antioxidant for Improving the Oxidative Stability ofEdible Oil STEFANO CASIRAGHI, Velp Scientifica SRL, Stefania Corti, Claudia Mancinelli(2540-11 P) Monitoring Basmati Rice Sensory Quality Thanks to an Electronic NoseJEAN-CHRISTOPHE MIFSUD, Alpha MOS, Herve Lechat, Fatma Ayouni, Valerie Vabre, AndrewCowell, Marion Bonnefille(2540-12 P) Scale-Up of Subcritical Water Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Fruit WasteMaterial ROLF SCHLAKE, Applied Separations, Al Kaziunas, Jerry King(2540-13 P) Analysis of Electronic Cigarette Liquid and Vapor JASON S HERRINGTON, Restek, AmandaRigdon, Steve Kozel, Jaap de Zeeuw, Rebecca Stevens, Linx Waclaski, Colton Myers(2540-14 P) Optimization of Type of Culture, Ripening Time, Temperature and Salt Concentration ina Model Cheese Using Response Surface Methodology: Determination of Proteolysis inCheese by Chromatographic Methods ALI A HAYALOGLU, Inonu Univeristy, Didem SahingilPOSTER SESSION Session 2550All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 2:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Liquid Chromatography - General InterestThursday Morning(2550-1 P) Small Scale Purification of Constituents from Complex Natural Product Extracts Usingsub-2-μm Chromatography ANDREW J AUBIN, Waters Corporation, Jo-Ann M Jablonski,Wendy Harrop(2550-2 P) How Scalable are the Dispersion Processes in Real Columns Packed with Solid CoreMaterial? TONY EDGE, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Luisa Pereira, Monica Dolci(2550-3 P) Can Core-Shell Silica Boost Efficiency of Macrocyclic Oligosaccharide Based HILICPhases? ZACHARY S BREITBACH, University of Texas at Arlington, Choyce A Weatherly,Maressa D Dolzan, Daniel A Spudeit(2550-4 P) Retention Behavior of Aromatic Compounds When Using a Fluorophenyl HPLCStationary Phase Under Highly Aqueous Mobile Phase Conditions BRITTANY GEORGE,Ursinus College, Eric Williamsen(2550-5 P) Evaluation of Monodisperse Silica for High Performance Liquid Chromatography UsingVan Deemter Plot NORIKAZU NAGAE, ChromaNik Technologies Inc., Tomoyasu Tuskamoto,Shun KojimaThursday Morning83The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

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