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Thursday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2390Specialty Gas Analysisarranged by Tracey Jacksier, Air LiquideThursday Morning, Room 268Tracey Jacksier, Air Liquide, Presiding8:30 (2390-1) Feasibility Study to Determine Trace Sulfur Components in Syngas Usinga Plasma Detector BARBARA ACHENBACH, Air Liquide8:50 (2390-2) Trace Gas Detection in Fuel-Cell-Grade Hydrogen Using a BroadbandContinuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer FLORIAN ADLER, TigerOptics, Erika Coyne, Yu Chen9:10 (2390-3) New Developments in Standards for Reactive Gases under EPA ProtocolANNARITA BALDAN, VSL, Janneke van Wijk, Stefan Persijn, GerardNieuwenkamp9:30 (2390-4) Trace Analysis of Hydride Impurities in Phosphine by GasChromatography WILLIAM GEIGER, CONSCI, LTD, Mark Raynor, Jesus Anguiano9:50 Recess10:05 (2390-5) A New Perspective on Specialty Gas Applications - Vacuum UltravioletAbsorption Spectroscopy JONATHAN P SMUTS, VUV Analytics Inc., Hui Fan,Kevin A Schug, Ling Bai, Phillip Walsh, Dale Harrison, Sean Jameson10:25 (2390-6) HEMS-M, Quantifying Hydrogen Contamination at the Pump: Real-TimeTrace Analysis over a Large Dynamic Range PAOLO MORESCHINI, Power andEnergy, Luis Breziner, Peter Bossard, Andrew Kaldor, Casey Quenzel, Ankit ModiORAL SESSIONS Session 2400Advances in Process Analytical ChemistryThursday Morning, Room 2408:30 (2400-1) Trends and Needs for On Line Micro Analysis for R&D - Innovative Projectfor Micro-Process Analytical Technology FRANCK F BACO-ANTONIALI, Ideel,Noémie N Caillol, Sandra S Grimaldi, Serge S Henot8:50 (2400-2) Lessons Learned from an Industrial Near Infrared Spectroscopic ProcessMonitoring and Control Project NANCY L JESTEL, SABIC, Jon Moscovic, GaryBates, Ken Hunter9:10 (2400-3) A Secure and Easy to Use UPLC System for the Analysis of Samples Close toa Manufacturing Process CHARLES H PHOEBE, Waters Corporation, Ernie JHillier, Aaron D Phoebe, John A MacKay9:30 (2400-4) Development of VHR-TL Technology for Applications in Collaboration withBlue Industry and Science ANGELIQUE GUILLOTEAU, Air Liquide/CRCD,Johann Georges des Aulnois, Sophie Lombard9:50 Recess10:05 (2400-5) Advancements in Energy and Wavelength Dispersive X-ray FluorescenceMARCO VAN DER HAAR, PANalytical, Christos Tsouris, Simon Milner10:25 (2400-6) A Unique Method of Measuring Metal Particles in Liquefied Gas UsingLIBS ISAJI MEGUMI, Air Liquide Laboratories, Tamura Ayaka, MatsumotoAyumu, Kawasaki Atsushi, Sakka Tetsuo, Sonobe Jun10:45 (2400-7) Innovative Spatially and Angularly-Resolved Diffuse ReflectanceSpectroscopic System for Inline Process Monitoring – A Case Study onEmulsion Polymerization Reaction YI-CHIEH CHEN, University of Strathclyde,David Foo, Suresh N ThannadilORAL SESSIONS Session 2410Biological and Biomedical AnalysisThursday Morning, Room 2418:30 (2410-1) Characterization and Applications for In Vitro-Microdialysis: a SamplingPlatform for Fast Analysis of Non-Electroactive Analytes in Cell CultureAMY HOGERTON, University of Minnesota, Michael Bowser8:50 (2410-2) Analysis of Organosulfur Biosignatures in Mars-Analog TerrestrialSedimentary Facies MARIA F MORA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech,Michael L Tuite, Adam Hoffmann, Peter A Willis, Kenneth Williford9:10 (2410-3) Real-Time Study of Spatiotemporal Perturbation of a DrosophilaEmbryo’s Living Environment with Microfluidics ZEQING BAI, ZhejiangUniversity, Min Wang, Hongcun Bao, Xiaohang Yang9:30 (2410-4) Analysis of Adenosine and Its Metabolites Using MicrochipElectrophoresis with Amperometric Detection SHAMAL MGUNAWARDHANA, University of Kansas, Susan M Lunte9:50 Recess10:05 (2410-5) Continuous Renal Function Monitoring during Pre-Transplant OrganPerfusion ROBERT M LEARNEY, Imperial College London, Fabio S D’Andrea,Martyn G Boutelle10:25 (2410-6) A Paper/PDMS Hybrid Microfluidic Biochip for Multiplexed Instrument-Free Meningitis Diagnosis XIUJUN (JAMES) LI, University of Texas at El Paso,Maowei Dou10:45 (2410-7) Investigating Blood Storage Solutions Using 3D-Printed, Parallel FluidicChannels RUIPENG MU, Michigan State University, Dana M Spence11:05 (2410-8) Exposomic Analyses for Chemical, Biochemical and EpigeneticDifferences in Children with Autism and Control Children in aDouble-Blind Study Evaluating New Methods Assessment HM SKIPKINGSTON, Duquesne UniversityORAL SESSIONS Session 2420Data Manipulation and Laboratory InformaticsThursday Morning, Room 2528:30 (2420-1) Integration, Visualization and Decisions for ICP-MS DALE SEABROOKE,PerkinElmer8:50 (2420-2) Real-Time Living Cells Analysis Based on Single Plasmonic NanoparticlesZHEN GU, East China Normal University, Rui Gao, Yi-Tao Long, Pingang He9:10 (2420-3) An Innovative Software Platform for the Visualization of RoutineAnalytical Data DAVID L HARDY, Advanced Chemistry Development(ACD/Labs), Patrick Wheeler9:30 (2420-4) Data Fusion, Visualization and Analytics to Improve Understanding ofEquipment Reliability from Analysis of In-Service Fluids JAMES ADAMS,PerkinElmer, David Hilligoss, Robert Packer, David Wooton9:50 Recess10:05 (2420-5) Dealing with the Complex Challenge of Managing Diverse AnalyticalChemistry Data Online ANTONY J WILLIAMS, Royal Society of Chemistry,Valery Tkachenko, Alexey Pshenichnov, Ken Karapetyan10:25 (2420-6) The Eureka Research Workbench: Laboratory Integration and DataManagement STUART J CHALK, University of North Florida10:45 (2420-7) Evolution of Laboratory Informatics and Supporting Standards JAMES BPOWERS, ASTM / Bridge Associates International11:05 (2420-8) Bringing the Quality Laboratory into the Enterprise DALE SEABROOKE,PerkinElmerThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org80

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 2430Electrochemical Sensors for Bio-AnalysisThursday Morning, Room 2538:30 (2430-1) Fundamental Investigations of FerriprotoporphyrinElectropolymerization and Electrochemical Reduction of Graphene Oxidefor the Purpose of H 2 S Detection JASON A BENNETT, Penn State Erie, TheBehrend College8:50 (2430-2) Origin of High Sensitivity and Selectivity Test Strips that Enables ReliableMeasurement of Tear Glucose Levels KYOUNG HA CHA, University ofMichigan, Anant S Balijepalli, Bruce E Cohan9:10 (2430-3) Paper Electrochemical Device for Detection of Antibodies in Whole Bloodby Target-Induced Dynamic Switching JOSEPHINE C CUNNINGHAM,University of Texas, Richard M Crooks9:30 (2430-4) Construction of Disposable Carbon-Based Electrochemical Cells by UsingElectronic Craft Cutter for Sensor and Biosensor Applications RONALDO CFARIA, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Diego Martucci, Andre S Afonso,Carolina V Uliana9:50 Recess10:05 (2430-5) Electrochemical Microfluidic Immunoarrays for Assessment ofNon-Aggressive vs. Aggressive Forms of Prostate Cancer Using Panels ofProtein Biomarkers COLLEEN E KRAUSE, University of Connecticut, Brunah AOtieno, Gregory W Bishop, James F Rusling10:25 (2430-6) Detection of Biofilm Colonization Using Flexible ElectrochemicalPyruvate Biosensor KUN XIANG, SUNY-Binghamton, Omowunmi A Sadik,Karin Sauer, James N Turner10:45 (2430-7) Application of Flat Ion Selective Electrode for Determining IonConcentration in Biological Samples HISASHI YAMANOUCHI, HORIBA, Ltd11:05 (2430-8) Electrochemical Investigation of Peptide Bond Formation on ElectrodeSurface WUJIAN MIAO, The University of Southern Mississippi, YiliyasiWusimanjiang, Jacob GershORAL SESSIONS Session 2460Food SciencesThursday Morning, Room 2568:30 (2460-1) Sodium NMR as a Rapid Screen for Sodium Content in Food DONALD ABOUCHARD, Anasazi Instruments, Fred O Garces8:50 (2460-2) Assessing Frying Oil Degradation with FT-NIR Spectroscopy DEANROBERTS, Bruker, Dagmar Behmer9:10 (2460-3) Liquid Chromatography Quadruple Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry(LC-Q TOF-MS) as a Forensic Tool for Troubleshooting Potency Loss ofCyanocobalamin and Cholecalciferol in Multi-Vitamin Tablets ZAHRAMINA FAKHARY, Pharmavite LLC, Seong-Jae Yoo9:30 (2460-4) Application of Quality by Design (QbD) to the Development of AnalyticalMethods in Vitamin Supplement Product PUNAM PATEL, Pharmavite LLC,Seong-Jae Yoo9:50 Recess10:05 (2460-5) Isotope Spiking LC-QTOF Method for Determining Micro-Vitamins (FolicAcid, Biotin and Vitamin B12) in Dietary Supplements PUNAM PATEL,Pharmavite LLC, Satish Annigeri, Zahra Mina Fakhary, Chan Jones, Jim Brooks,Seong-Jae Yoo10:25 (2460-6) Profiling of Aroma Components in Wine with GC/MS/ MS with FullSpectrum Information SHARANYA REDDY, PerkinElmer, Thomas Dillon, David JScott, Adam J Patkin10:45 (2460-7) Malaysian Baccaurea Angulata Fruit Attenuates Atherosclerosis inHypercholesterolemic Rabbit IDRIS A AHMED, International IslamicUniversity Malaysia11:05 (2460-8) Exploring the Oxidative and Thermal Stability of Edible Oils byThermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry,and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy JUSTIN LANG, PerkinElmer,Jason SmithORAL SESSIONS Session 2440Environment - Water Purification (Half Session)Thursday Morning, Room 2548:30 (2440-1) Nanostructured Poly (amic) Acid Bio-Membranes for One-Step Filtration-Disinfection of Drinking Water IDRIS YAZGAN, SUNY-Binghamton, Nian Du,Robert Congdon, Veronica Okello, Omowunmi A Sadik8:50 (2440-2) Akaganeite (β-FeOOH) Promoted Heterogeneous-Homogeneous CatalyticOzonation of 4-Chlorophenol OLALEKAN SIYANBOLA FATOKI, Cape PeninsulaUniversity of Technology, Ochuko Oputu, Beatrice O Opeolu, KudzanaiNyamayaro, Veruscha Fester9:10 (2440-3) Evaluating Regeneration Methods on Water Treatment Media Applied toa Real World Setting BRITTANY J MAJORS, Westminster College, TatianaEliseeva, Caleb Smathers, Gregory HallahanORAL SESSIONS Session 2450Food Research: USDA/ARS in New Orleans (Half Session)arranged by Peter J Bechtel, US Department of AgricultureThursday Morning, Room 255Peter J Bechtel, US Department of Agriculture, Presiding8:30 (2450-1) Instrumental Analysis of the Musty Muddy Off-Flavors in AquacultureProducts CASEY GRIMM, USDA-ARS-SRRC8:50 (2450-2) Comparison of SPE and LC-MS Methods for the Separation, Identification,and Quantification of Catfish Carotenoids JOHN M BLAND, USDA, ARS, SRRC,Peter J Bechtel9:10 (2450-3) Anthocyanin Composition and Glucose Uptake Activity of Purple RiceBran STEPHEN M BOUE, USDA, SRRC, John C Beaulieu, Kim W Daigle, Steven WLloyd, Casey Grimm9:30 (2450-4) Structure, Function and IgE Epitopes of the Peanut Panallergen Ara h 8BARRY K HURLBURT, USDA-ARS-SRRC, Lesa Offermann, Jane K Mcbride, SoheilaMaleki, Alexandra Santos, Gideon Lack, Maksymilian ChruszczORAL SESSIONS Session 2470GC OptimizationThursday Morning, Room 2578:30 (2470-1) Improvement of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas ChromatographySeparations Through Injection Port Backflushing MATTHEW K EDWARDS,University of Waterloo, Tadeusz Gorecki8:50 (2470-2) Improvements to Thermodynamic-Based Predictions of GC SeparationsJAMES J HARYNUK, University of Alberta, Keisean Stevenson9:10 (2470-3) The Stability of H2S Calibration Mixtures During Cylinder Depletion JUNSONOBE, Air Liquide Laboratories, Yuko Kitamaki, Takuya Shimosaka, MegumiIsaji, Tracey Jacksier9:30 (2470-4) Optical GC Detection System – Never Calibrate Again MARTIN L SPARTZ,Prism Analytical Technologies, Inc., Anthony S Bonanno, Stacey E Beyer,Alice E Delia9:50 Recess10:05 (2470-5) The Proper Installation of Gas Lines for Chromatographic EquipmentCan Improve Your Sensitivity, Column Life, and Increase the Safety ofHandling Gases in the Lab REGINALD J BARTRAM, Airgas10:25 (2470-6) Recycle Gas Chromatography with Thermal Gradient Program for SampleRe-Focus STANLEY STEARNS, VICI Valco Instruments Co. Inc., Martin Brisbin,Huamin Cai10:45 (2470-7) Application of an Integrated Computer Modeling Program to GasChromatographic Method Development REBECCA STEVENS, Restek, LinxWaclaski, Kristi Sellers, Jaap de ZeeuwThursday Morning81The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 2430Electrochemical Sensors for Bio-AnalysisThursday Morning, Room 2538:30 (2430-1) Fundamental Investigations of FerriprotoporphyrinElectropolymerization and Electrochemical Reduction of Graphene Oxidefor the Purpose of H 2 S Detection JASON A BENNETT, Penn State Erie, TheBehrend College8:50 (2430-2) Origin of High Sensitivity and Selectivity Test Strips that Enables ReliableMeasurement of Tear Glucose Levels KYOUNG HA CHA, University ofMichigan, Anant S Balijepalli, Bruce E Cohan9:10 (2430-3) Paper Electrochemical Device for Detection of Antibodies in Whole Bloodby Target-Induced Dynamic Switching JOSEPHINE C CUNNINGHAM,University of Texas, Richard M Crooks9:30 (2430-4) Construction of Disposable Carbon-Based Electrochemical Cells by UsingElectronic Craft Cutter for Sensor and Biosensor Applications RONALDO CFARIA, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Diego Martucci, Andre S Afonso,Carolina V Uliana9:50 Recess10:05 (2430-5) Electrochemical Microfluidic Immunoarrays for Assessment ofNon-Aggressive vs. Aggressive Forms of Prostate Cancer Using Panels ofProtein Biomarkers COLLEEN E KRAUSE, University of Connecticut, Brunah AOtieno, Gregory W Bishop, James F Rusling10:25 (2430-6) Detection of Biofilm Colonization Using Flexible ElectrochemicalPyruvate Biosensor KUN XIANG, SUNY-Binghamton, Omowunmi A Sadik,Karin Sauer, James N Turner10:45 (2430-7) Application of Flat Ion Selective Electrode for Determining IonConcentration in Biological Samples HISASHI YAMANOUCHI, HORIBA, Ltd11:05 (2430-8) Electrochemical Investigation of Peptide Bond Formation on ElectrodeSurface WUJIAN MIAO, The University of Southern Mississippi, YiliyasiWusimanjiang, Jacob GershORAL SESSIONS Session 2460Food SciencesThursday Morning, Room 2568:30 (2460-1) Sodium NMR as a Rapid Screen for Sodium Content in Food DONALD ABOUCHARD, Anasazi Instruments, Fred O Garces8:50 (2460-2) Assessing Frying Oil Degradation with FT-NIR Spectroscopy DEANROBERTS, Bruker, Dagmar Behmer9:10 (2460-3) Liquid Chromatography Quadruple Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry(LC-Q TOF-MS) as a Forensic Tool for Troubleshooting Potency Loss ofCyanocobalamin and Cholecalciferol in Multi-Vitamin Tablets ZAHRAMINA FAKHARY, Pharmavite LLC, Seong-Jae Yoo9:30 (2460-4) Application of Quality by Design (QbD) to the Development of AnalyticalMethods in Vitamin Supplement Product PUNAM PATEL, Pharmavite LLC,Seong-Jae Yoo9:50 Recess10:05 (2460-5) Isotope Spiking LC-QTOF Method for Determining Micro-Vitamins (FolicAcid, Biotin and Vitamin B12) in Dietary Supplements PUNAM PATEL,Pharmavite LLC, Satish Annigeri, Zahra Mina Fakhary, Chan Jones, Jim Brooks,Seong-Jae Yoo10:25 (2460-6) Profiling of Aroma Components in Wine with GC/MS/ MS with FullSpectrum Information SHARANYA REDDY, PerkinElmer, Thomas Dillon, David JScott, Adam J Patkin10:45 (2460-7) Malaysian Baccaurea Angulata Fruit Attenuates Atherosclerosis inHypercholesterolemic Rabbit IDRIS A AHMED, International IslamicUniversity Malaysia11:05 (2460-8) Exploring the Oxidative and Thermal Stability of Edible Oils byThermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry,and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy JUSTIN LANG, PerkinElmer,Jason SmithORAL SESSIONS Session 2440Environment - Water Purification (Half Session)Thursday Morning, Room 2548:30 (2440-1) Nanostructured Poly (amic) Acid Bio-Membranes for One-Step Filtration-Disinfection of Drinking Water IDRIS YAZGAN, SUNY-Binghamton, Nian Du,Robert Congdon, Veronica Okello, Omowunmi A Sadik8:50 (2440-2) Akaganeite (β-FeOOH) Promoted Heterogeneous-Homogeneous CatalyticOzonation of 4-Chlorophenol OLALEKAN SIYANBOLA FATOKI, Cape PeninsulaUniversity of Technology, Ochuko Oputu, Beatrice O Opeolu, KudzanaiNyamayaro, Veruscha Fester9:10 (2440-3) Evaluating Regeneration Methods on Water Treatment Media Applied toa Real World Setting BRITTANY J MAJORS, Westminster College, TatianaEliseeva, Caleb Smathers, Gregory HallahanORAL SESSIONS Session 2450Food Research: USDA/ARS in New Orleans (Half Session)arranged by Peter J Bechtel, US Department of AgricultureThursday Morning, Room 255Peter J Bechtel, US Department of Agriculture, Presiding8:30 (2450-1) Instrumental Analysis of the Musty Muddy Off-Flavors in AquacultureProducts CASEY GRIMM, USDA-ARS-SRRC8:50 (2450-2) Comparison of SPE and LC-MS Methods for the Separation, Identification,and Quantification of Catfish Carotenoids JOHN M BLAND, USDA, ARS, SRRC,Peter J Bechtel9:10 (2450-3) Anthocyanin Composition and Glucose Uptake Activity of Purple RiceBran STEPHEN M BOUE, USDA, SRRC, John C Beaulieu, Kim W Daigle, Steven WLloyd, Casey Grimm9:30 (2450-4) Structure, Function and IgE Epitopes of the Peanut Panallergen Ara h 8BARRY K HURLBURT, USDA-ARS-SRRC, Lesa Offermann, Jane K Mcbride, SoheilaMaleki, Alexandra Santos, Gideon Lack, Maksymilian ChruszczORAL SESSIONS Session 2470GC OptimizationThursday Morning, Room 2578:30 (2470-1) Improvement of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas ChromatographySeparations Through Injection Port Backflushing MATTHEW K EDWARDS,University of Waterloo, Tadeusz Gorecki8:50 (2470-2) Improvements to Thermodynamic-Based Predictions of GC SeparationsJAMES J HARYNUK, University of Alberta, Keisean Stevenson9:10 (2470-3) The Stability of H2S Calibration Mixtures During Cylinder Depletion JUNSONOBE, Air Liquide Laboratories, Yuko Kitamaki, Takuya Shimosaka, MegumiIsaji, Tracey Jacksier9:30 (2470-4) Optical GC Detection System – Never Calibrate Again MARTIN L SPARTZ,Prism Analytical Technologies, Inc., Anthony S Bonanno, Stacey E Beyer,Alice E Delia9:50 Recess10:05 (2470-5) The Proper Installation of Gas Lines for Chromatographic EquipmentCan Improve Your Sensitivity, Column Life, and Increase the Safety ofHandling Gases in the Lab REGINALD J BARTRAM, Airgas10:25 (2470-6) Recycle Gas Chromatography with Thermal Gradient Program for SampleRe-Focus STANLEY STEARNS, VICI Valco Instruments Co. Inc., Martin Brisbin,Huamin Cai10:45 (2470-7) Application of an Integrated Computer Modeling Program to GasChromatographic Method Development REBECCA STEVENS, Restek, LinxWaclaski, Kristi Sellers, Jaap de ZeeuwThursday Morning81The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

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