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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 2310Analytical Technologies for the Structural Characterization of IntegralMembrane Proteinsarranged by Iain Campuzano, AmgenThursday Morning, Room 262Iain Campuzano, Amgen, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Iain Campuzano8:35 (2310-1) Selectivity of Membrane Proteins Towards Individual PhospholipidsARTHUR LAGANOWSKY, University of Oxford, Carol Robinson9:10 (2310-2) Does Binding of Cholesterol to the Amyloid Precursor Protein PromoteAlzheimer’s Disease? CHARLES R SANDERS, Vanderbilt University9:45 (2310-3) Structural and Functional Analysis of the Native Peripherin/ROM1Complex Isolated from Photoreceptor Cells BRIAN KEVANY, Case WesternReserve University, Krzysztof Palczewski, Paul Schnier, Iain Campuzano, YaroslavTsybovsky, Andreas Enge10:20 Recess10:35 (2310-4) Methodologies and Analytical Approaches for the Crystallization andStructure Determination of G Protein-Coupled Receptors AARON ATHOMPSON, The Scripps Research Institute, Vadim Cherezov, Ray C Stevens11:10 (2310-5) Nanodisc Characterization by Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Ion Mobilityand Atomic Force Microscopy IAIN CAMPUZANO, Amgen, Huilin Li, Joseph ALoo, George Svitel, Paul SchnierSYMPOSIUM Session 2320Emerging Technologies for Point-of-Care Biomonitoringarranged by William R Heineman and Ian Papautsky, University of CincinnatiThursday Morning, Room 264William R Heineman, University of Cincinnati, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - William R Heineman and Ian Papautsky8:35 (2320-1) Wearable Sensors and Biofuel Cells JOSEPH WANG, University of CaliforniaSan Diego9:10 (2320-2) Point-of-Need Monitoring for Environmental Pollutants and CitizenScience JOHN VOLCKENS, Colorado State University, Charles Henry, David Cate,Casey Quinn, Jaclyn A Adkins, Daniel Miller-Lionberg9:45 (2320-3) Point-of-Care Metal Exposure Assessment Using ElectrochemicalMicrosensors IAN PAPAUTSKY, University of Cincinnati10:20 Recess10:35 (2320-4) Microchip Electrophoresis of Serum N-Glycans as a Cancer ScreeningMethod STEPHEN C JACOBSON, Indiana University, Christa M Snyder, IndranilMitra, William R Alley, Milos V Novotny11:10 (2320-5) Monitoring Corrosion of Biodegradable Magnesium Implants with aHydrogen Gas Sensor WILLIAM R HEINEMAN, University of Cincinnati,Tingting Wang, Daoli Zhao, Julia Kuhlmann, Zhongyun Dong, Vesselin N Shanov,Da-Tren Chou, Daeho Hong, Prashant Kumta, Yeoheung YunSYMPOSIUM Session 2330Epigenomics: The Next Analytical Frontierarranged by Ryan C Bailey, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignThursday Morning, Room 266Ryan C Bailey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Ryan C Bailey8:35 (2330-1) Epigenomics: The Next Frontier in Individualized Medicine TAMAS ORDOG,Mayo Clinic9:10 (2330-2) Nanofluidic Mapping of Single Chromatin Fibers SHUICHI TAKAYAMA,University Michigan9:45 (2330-3) Nanotechnology Enhanced Analysis of Methylation of Circulating TumorDNA TZA-HUEI JEFF WANG, Johns Hopkins University10:20 Recess10:35 (2330-4) Understanding Crosstalk between Signaling and Pathways andEpigenetic Networks BENJAMIN A GARCIA, University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Medicine11:10 (2330-5) Microfluidic Automation of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation RYAN CBAILEY, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yi Xu, Amy K Oreskovic,Richard M Graybill, Mallika Modak, Steven Doonan, Jeong-Heon Lee,Tamas OrdogSYMPOSIUM Session 2340Forensic Analysis in the Lab and Crime Scenearranged by Jose R Almirall, Florida International UniversityThursday Morning, Room 265Jose R Almirall, Florida International University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Jose R Almirall8:35 (2340-1) Vibrational Spectroscopy for Gunshot Residue Analysis IGOR K LEDNEV,University at Albany, SUNY, Justin Bueno9:10 (2340-2) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:45 (2340-3) Towards Fieldable Atomic and Molecular Forensic Mass SpectrometryTechnologies KENYON M EVANS-NGUYEN, The University of Tampa, HilaryBrown, Jennifer Speer, Hanany O Flores Duron, Berk Oktem, Jon Gerling,Vladimir Doroshenko10:20 Recess10:35 (2340-4) Forensic Source Attribution Using Stable Isotopes: Hairs to Humans andInsects to Carrion GLEN P JACKSON, West Virginia University, Kateryna IKonstantynova, Mayara P De Matos, Rachel M Mohr11:10 (2340-5) Paper Microfluidics for Explosives Detection BRUCE R MCCORD, FloridaInternational University, Kelley PetersThursday MorningThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org78

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 2350SAS - Atomic Spectroscopy: Going Strong in the 21st Centuryarranged by David Hahn and Nicolo Omenetto, University of FloridaThursday Morning, Room 263David Hahn, University of Florida, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - David Hahn and Nicolo Omenetto8:35 (2350-1) LIBS on Mars: 200,000 Spectra Later ROGER C WIENS, Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, Sylvestre Maurice, Samuel M Clegg9:10 (2350-2) Laser Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry – Unique Tool forElemental Ultra-Trace Determination and Exotic Isotope ProductionKLAUS D WENDT, University of Mainz9:45 (2350-3) Plasmas for Ambient Ionization: Connecting Plasma Fundamentals toMass Spectrometric Performance PAUL B FARNSWORTH, Brigham YoungUniversity, Charlotte Reininger, Wade Ellis10:20 Recess10:35 (2350-4) Nanoparticles-Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy:Concepts and Applications ALESSANDRO DE GIACOMO, University of Bari,Can Koral, Rosalba Gaudiuso, Marcella Dell’Aglio, Olga De Pascale11:10 (2350-5) Add a New Dimension to ICP–AES Analysis: An Automated DiagnosticTool for Flagging Matrix Interferences GEORGE CHAN, Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory, Yan Cheung, Gary M HieftjeWORKSHOPS Session 2370Successful HPLC Method Development and Method Transfer with Core-Shelland UHPLC Columnsarranged by Tivadar Farkas and Jason Anspach, PhenomenexThursday Morning, Room 274Tivadar Farkas, Phenomenex, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Tivadar Farkas and Jason Anspach8:35 (2370-1) Guidelines and Tools for Successful HPLC to UHPLC Gradient MethodTranslation A CARL SANCHEZ, Phenomenex9:05 (2370-2) The Expanding Family of Superficially Porous Particles and the Benefitsfor Easy Method Development and Transfer XIAOLI WANG, AgilentTechnologies, William Long, Anne E Mack, Wu Chen, Jason Link9:35 (2370-3) The Critical Choice of Stationary Phase Chemistry during HPLC MethodDevelopment DAVID S BELL, Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, Craig Aurand,Hugh Cramer10:05 Recess10:20 (2370-4) Flexible HPLC Methods in a Pharmaceutical Environment JOSE CINTRON,Eli Lilly and Company10:50 (2370-5) HPLC Method Development and Transfer with Core-Shell Columns forAgricultural Applications PEILIN YANG, The Dow Chemical Company,Matthias PurschWORKSHOPS Session 2360Innovative Learning Experiences for Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysisarranged by Helen M Boylan, Westminster CollegeThursday Morning, Room 269Helen M Boylan, Westminster College, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Helen M Boylan8:35 (2360-1) IF-AT Scratch-Offs Engage Analytical Students with the ChemicalLiterature HELEN M BOYLAN, Westminster College9:05 (2360-2) Taking Analytical Chemistry on the Road, Bonjour Southern France ROSEA CLARK, Saint Francis University9:35 (2360-3) Development and Implementation of a Microfluidics Laboratory Modulefor an Advanced Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry LaboratoryPAUL A PIUNNO, University of Toronto Mississauga, Adrian Zetina, Norman Chu,Anthony J Tavares, M Omair Noor, Eleonora Petryayeva, Andrew Veglio10:05 Recess10:20 (2360-4) Instrumental Analysis of a Crime ROBERT Q THOMPSON, Oberlin College10:50 (2360-5) A Novel Experience for Undergraduates to Develop Their Own LaboratoryExperiment During Their Instrumental Analysis Course ROSEMARIECHINNI, Alvernia University11:20 (2360-6) Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry: A Semester-Long Mine DrainageStudy Within the Framework of an Analytical Chemistry Lab Course, withResearch, Community Service, and Professional Service Opportunities forStudents MARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University of Pittsburgh Greensburg,Joshua M Blaker, Tell M Lovelace, Luke J Metzler, Jesse J PainterORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2380Advanced Technology for Food Safety and Cosmetics Analysisarranged by Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug AdministrationThursday Morning, Room 267Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug Administration, Presiding8:30 (2380-1) Rapid Analysis of Peptides for In Vitro Human Skin Penetration Studies byHILIC-MS/MS WANLONG ZHOU, US Food and Drug Administration, Perry GWang, Margaret E Kraeling, Alexander J Krynitsky, Jeffrey J Yourick8:50 (2380-2) Flow Injection Mass Spectrometric Fingerprinting (FIMS) Analysis forDifferentiation of Three Black Cohosh Species PEI CHEN, USDA, JianghaoSun, James M Harnly9:10 (2380-3) Is Analysis Really Helping Affected Parties? The Allergen Show-CaseBERT POPPING, No Affiliation Listed9:30 (2380-4) Rapid Determination of Chemical Composition of Various Food PackingMaterials Using Laser Desorption/Electrospray+Atmospheric PressureChemical Ionization/Mass Spectrometry JENTAIE SHIEA, NationalSun Yat-Sen University9:50 Recess10:05 (2380-5) Introduction of a Novel LC Stationary Phase for Food Safety YANMING LIU,Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control, Jun Wang, Hui Zhang,Guosheng Shi10:25 (2380-6) Metabolomics Study Reveals High Fructose Feeding Inducing CopperDeficiency XIANG ZHANG, University of Louisville10:45 (2380-7) Identification of Chemical Contaminants in Food Samples with MassSpectrometry without Chromatography YELENA SAPOZHNIKOVA, USDA,ARS, Paul Zomer, Hans Mol11:05 Open DiscussionThursday Morning79The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 2350SAS - Atomic Spectroscopy: Going Strong in the 21st Centuryarranged by David Hahn and Nicolo Omenetto, University of FloridaThursday Morning, Room 263David Hahn, University of Florida, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - David Hahn and Nicolo Omenetto8:35 (2350-1) LIBS on Mars: 200,000 Spectra Later ROGER C WIENS, Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, Sylvestre Maurice, Samuel M Clegg9:10 (2350-2) Laser Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry – Unique Tool forElemental Ultra-Trace Determination and Exotic Isotope ProductionKLAUS D WENDT, University of Mainz9:45 (2350-3) Plasmas for Ambient Ionization: Connecting Plasma Fundamentals toMass Spectrometric Performance PAUL B FARNSWORTH, Brigham YoungUniversity, Charlotte Reininger, Wade Ellis10:20 Recess10:35 (2350-4) Nanoparticles-Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy:Concepts and Applications ALESSANDRO DE GIACOMO, University of Bari,Can Koral, Rosalba Gaudiuso, Marcella Dell’Aglio, Olga De Pascale11:10 (2350-5) Add a New Dimension to ICP–AES Analysis: An Automated DiagnosticTool for Flagging Matrix Interferences GEORGE CHAN, Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory, Yan Cheung, Gary M HieftjeWORKSHOPS Session 2370Successful HPLC Method Development and Method Transfer with Core-Shelland UHPLC Columnsarranged by Tivadar Farkas and Jason Anspach, PhenomenexThursday Morning, Room 274Tivadar Farkas, Phenomenex, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Tivadar Farkas and Jason Anspach8:35 (2370-1) Guidelines and Tools for Successful HPLC to UHPLC Gradient MethodTranslation A CARL SANCHEZ, Phenomenex9:05 (2370-2) The Expanding Family of Superficially Porous Particles and the Benefitsfor Easy Method Development and Transfer XIAOLI WANG, AgilentTechnologies, William Long, Anne E Mack, Wu Chen, Jason Link9:35 (2370-3) The Critical Choice of Stationary Phase Chemistry during HPLC MethodDevelopment DAVID S BELL, Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, Craig Aurand,Hugh Cramer10:05 Recess10:20 (2370-4) Flexible HPLC Methods in a Pharmaceutical Environment JOSE CINTRON,Eli Lilly and Company10:50 (2370-5) HPLC Method Development and Transfer with Core-Shell Columns forAgricultural Applications PEILIN YANG, The Dow Chemical Company,Matthias PurschWORKSHOPS Session 2360Innovative Learning Experiences for Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysisarranged by Helen M Boylan, Westminster CollegeThursday Morning, Room 269Helen M Boylan, Westminster College, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Helen M Boylan8:35 (2360-1) IF-AT Scratch-Offs Engage Analytical Students with the ChemicalLiterature HELEN M BOYLAN, Westminster College9:05 (2360-2) Taking Analytical Chemistry on the Road, Bonjour Southern France ROSEA CLARK, Saint Francis University9:35 (2360-3) Development and Implementation of a Microfluidics Laboratory Modulefor an Advanced Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry LaboratoryPAUL A PIUNNO, University of Toronto Mississauga, Adrian Zetina, Norman Chu,Anthony J Tavares, M Omair Noor, Eleonora Petryayeva, Andrew Veglio10:05 Recess10:20 (2360-4) Instrumental Analysis of a Crime ROBERT Q THOMPSON, Oberlin College10:50 (2360-5) A Novel Experience for Undergraduates to Develop Their Own LaboratoryExperiment During Their Instrumental Analysis Course ROSEMARIECHINNI, Alvernia University11:20 (2360-6) Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry: A Semester-Long Mine DrainageStudy Within the Framework of an Analytical Chemistry Lab Course, withResearch, Community Service, and Professional Service Opportunities forStudents MARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University of Pittsburgh Greensburg,Joshua M Blaker, Tell M Lovelace, Luke J Metzler, Jesse J PainterORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 2380Advanced Technology for Food Safety and Cosmetics Analysisarranged by Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug AdministrationThursday Morning, Room 267Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug Administration, Presiding8:30 (2380-1) Rapid Analysis of Peptides for In Vitro Human Skin Penetration Studies byHILIC-MS/MS WANLONG ZHOU, US Food and Drug Administration, Perry GWang, Margaret E Kraeling, Alexander J Krynitsky, Jeffrey J Yourick8:50 (2380-2) Flow Injection Mass Spectrometric Fingerprinting (FIMS) Analysis forDifferentiation of Three Black Cohosh Species PEI CHEN, USDA, JianghaoSun, James M Harnly9:10 (2380-3) Is Analysis Really Helping Affected Parties? The Allergen Show-CaseBERT POPPING, No Affiliation Listed9:30 (2380-4) Rapid Determination of Chemical Composition of Various Food PackingMaterials Using Laser Desorption/Electrospray+Atmospheric PressureChemical Ionization/Mass Spectrometry JENTAIE SHIEA, NationalSun Yat-Sen University9:50 Recess10:05 (2380-5) Introduction of a Novel LC Stationary Phase for Food Safety YANMING LIU,Shandong Institute for Food and Drug Control, Jun Wang, Hui Zhang,Guosheng Shi10:25 (2380-6) Metabolomics Study Reveals High Fructose Feeding Inducing CopperDeficiency XIANG ZHANG, University of Louisville10:45 (2380-7) Identification of Chemical Contaminants in Food Samples with MassSpectrometry without Chromatography YELENA SAPOZHNIKOVA, USDA,ARS, Paul Zomer, Hans Mol11:05 Open DiscussionThursday Morning79The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

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