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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMWednesday AfternoonPOSTER SESSION Session 2240All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Microscopy Techniques for Nanotechnology and Biomedical ApplicationsWednesday Afternoon(2240-1 P) Time Resolved Study of Gold-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Growth ELISE CHAFFIN,The University of Memphis(2240-2 P) Giant Lipobeads: Preparation, Characterization by Confocal Microscopy, andMechanisms of Controlled Release SERGEY V KAZAKOV, Pace University, Alfredo Dumalsen,Khushbu Kanani(2240-3 P) Investigating Retention Time in Alumina-Anodic Pore as Function of SurfaceModification with Confocal and Confocal-Type STED Techniques FANG CHEN,North Carolina State University, Bhanu Neupane, Gufeng Wang(2240-4 P) High-Throughput Measuring Scattering Spectra and Size of Single PlasmonicNanoparticle CHAO JING, East China University of Science and Technology, Yi-Tao Long,Xin Shi(2240-5 P) Biomolecular Modification of Collagen Scaffolds for 3D Cell Culture AURORA ALSOP,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ryan C Bailey, Brendan A Harley(2240-6 P) Total Holographic Characterization of Colloidal Suspensions LAURA A PHILIPS,Spheryx, Inc., Fook C Cheong, David G GrierPOSTER SESSION Session 2250All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Polymers and PlasticsWednesday Afternoon(2250-1 P) Relative Humidity and Karl Fischer: Equivalency Testing of Moisture-Specific AnalysisMethods CHRISTOPHER ALTAMIRANO, Arizona Instrument(2250-2 P) Thermal Conductivity of Solid and Liquid Polymers Using Laser Flash AnalysisBOB FIDLER, NETZSCH Instruments N.A. LLC, Ekkehard Post, Juergen Blumm, Andre Lindemann(2250-3 P) Analytical Evaluation of the Utilization of Some Lignin Derivatives as Filler forEnhancing Rubber Properties FAHIMA M HELALY, National Research Centre(2250-4 P) Analyzing Chemical Composition of Rigid Polyurethane Foams Using FTIR MicroscopyJOHN M KINYANJUI, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Chester M Talbott, Jeffrey R Head(2250-5 P) The Science and Measurement of Color and Haze Important Material CharacteristicsThat Impact Our Everyday Lives CHRIS LYNCH, PerkinElmer, Frank Padera, Peter Muller(2250-6 P) Detection of Contamination in Recycled Plastic Using Fast Gas ChromatographyJEAN-CHRISTOPHE MIFSUD, Alpha MOS, Herve Lechat, Andrew Cowell, Fatma Ayouni,Valerie Vabre(2250-7 P) Possible Mode of Action of Cyanuric-Phosphonate Derivatives as Flame Retardants onCotton Fabric DUONG NGUYEN THACH-MIEN, USDA, SeChin Chang, Brian Condon(2250-8 P) Microrheology Using DWS Spectroscopy for Gel Point Determination JIM MUNHALL,Formulaction Inc, Roland Ramsch, Gérard Meunier(2250-9 P) Systematic Study of Replication Fidelity of Nanostructures in Polymer Down to 40nmby Roll-to-Roll Extrusion Coating SWATHI MURTHY, Danish Technical University/ InmoldBiosystems, Henrik Pranov, Maria Matschuk, Henrik C Pedersen, Rafael TaboryskiPOSTER SESSION Session 2255All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Quality/QA/QC and Laboratory ManagementWednesday Afternoon(2255-1 P) Improving the Analysis of Flavonoids in Juices JINCHUAN YANG, Waters Corporation, JoeRomano, Kenneth Rosnack, Rich DeMuro(2255-2 P) Analysis of Pain Killers Dispensed in Kenya for Active Ingredients Using GasChromatography-Mass Spectrometry ONDITI OUMA ANAM, Jomo Kenyatta University ofAgriculture and Technology, Elizabeth N Murago(2255-3 P) Comparative Studies on the Quality of Selected Samples of Engine Oil Sold in LocalMarkets in Lagos Nigeria Using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRFS) OMOLARA ABAMGBOYE, Lagos State University, Yinka O Shodeke, Medinat O Osundiya(2255-4 P) Simultaneous Analysis of Vitamin A and D3 in Vitamin Premixes and Concentrates byUPC2/PDA GAVIN GU, Dairy Technical Services Ltd, Alex Orlobline, Jinchuan Yang, Joe Romano,Kenneth Rosnack(2255-5 P) Quality Comparisons of Prepared Formulations ANTHONY R KEMPERMAN, Honeywell,Burdick and Jackson(2255-6 P) A Fully Automated Universal Raman Scanner for Samples in Vial, SERS Plate, TabletForm, Powder Form, 96 Microtiter Well Plate, or 384 Microtiter Well Plate FRANK J YANG,AcuTech Scientific Inc., Kevin Wang, Austin Liu(2255-7 P) New Electrical Fusion System for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis RAINER SCHRAMM,FLUXANA GmbH & Co.KG(2255-8 P) Determination of Brominated Vegetable Oil in Soft Drinks by UPC2-MS JINCHUAN YANG,Waters Corporation, Joe Romano, Kenneth Rosnack(2255-9 P) Determination of a Staff Utilization Model in a Clinical ICP-MS Laboratory LISA MBECKER, Mayo Clinic, Matthew Clark, Jessica Fox, Sarah Cambern, Sarah Manzey(2255-10 P) Interactive Communication with Instrument to Realize Effective Analytical Workflow inthe Laboratory TOSHINOBU YANAGISAWA, Shimadzu Corporation, Takayuki Kihara, FuyukiOkamoto, Ryuji Nishimoto, Okiyuki Kunihiro, Masami Tomita(2255-11 P) Best Practices for the Use of Micropipettes A BJOERN CARLE, Artel, Doreen Rumery, GeorgeW Rodrigues(2255-12 P) Controlling Vapor Pressure the Key to Improved Loss-On-Drying Moisture AnalysisBRADY P CARTER, Decagon Devices, Inc, Wendy OrtmanThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org76

THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015MORNINGSYMPOSIUM Session 2260ACS Separations Sciences Subdivision – Novel Teaching Approaches in ChemicalSeparations and Analysisarranged by Michelle Kovarik, Trinity College and Christopher Harrison, San Diego State UniversityThursday Morning, Room 238Michelle Kovarik, Trinity College, PresidingChristopher Harrison, San Diego State University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Michelle Kovarik and Christopher Harrison8:35 (2260-1) Gamification – A Novel Educational Approach to Access ScientificCommunication of Chromatography BHAVIK ANIL PATEL, Universityof Brighton9:10 (2260-2) Guided-Inquiry Tools and Activities for Teaching Analytical ChemistryW RUSS ALGAR, University of British Columbia, José Rodríguez-Núñez,E Jane Maxwell9:45 (2260-3) Analysis of the US Presidents by Chromatography with MassSpectrometry Detection JEAN-MARIE D DIMANDJA, Spelman College10:20 Recess10:35 (2260-4) Monitoring Water Quality in a Local Wetland: A Collaborative EndeavorBetween Analytical Chemistry and Ecology Laboratories JENNIFER RFURCHAK, Kalamazoo College, E B Girdler11:10 (2260-5) Tips, Tools and Technology in the Inverted Analytical ChemistryClassroom JARED S BAKER, Elmira CollegeSYMPOSIUM Session 2270Advanced Analytical Techniques for High Throughput Pharmaceutical Analysisarranged by Lin Wang, Merck & CompanyThursday Morning, Room 239Lin Wang, Merck & Company, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Lin Wang8:35 (2270-1) Development and Implementation of Innovative High-ThroughputScreening and Analysis Solutions to Support Discovery and Developmentof Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in the Pharmaceutical IndustryROY HELMY, Merck9:10 (2270-2) Droplet-Based Mass Spectrometry and Electrophoresis forHigh-Throughput Screening and Protein Assays ROBERT T KENNEDY,University of Michigan9:45 (2270-3) Addressing the Throughput Challenges of MS-Based Screening UsingVarious Front-End Automation Technologies ANDREW WAGNER,Bristol-Myers Squibb, Zuzana Haarhoff, Lisa Elkin, Tatyana Zvyaga, Jun Zhang,Wilson Shou10:20 Recess10:35 (2270-4) Perspectives on Implementing Highly Automated Analytical Instrumentsin a Solid Oral Drug Product Manufacturing Process XIAOYU ZHANG, Eli Lillyand Company, Ian Leavesley, Todd Malnoey11:10 (2270-5) Reducing the Burden of Analytical Data Decision Making in HighThroughput Parallel Synthesis and Route Scouting MARK A BAYLISS,Virscidian Inc., Joseph D Simpkins, Stephane MurphyPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 2280Advanced Surface and Material Analysis by LEIS, XRD, Synchrotron Radiation, XPS, andToF-SIMS, Individually and Combinedarranged by Matthew R Linford, Brigham Young UniversityThursday Morning, Room 242Matthew R Linford, Brigham Young University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Matthew R Linford8:35 (2280-1) Extreme Surface Sensitivity for Analysis of Catalysts and Other Materialsvia Modern Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) THOMAS GREHL, ION-TOFGmbH, Philipp Brüner, Hidde H Brongersma, Ewald Niehuis9:10 (2280-2) The Vast Capabilities of X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering in MaterialAnalysis STACEY J SMITH, Brigham Young University9:45 (2280-3) Photoelectron Spectroscopy: From Surface Chemistry To Buried InterfacesJEFF TERRY, Illinois Institute of Technology10:20 Recess10:35 (2280-4) Analysis of Industrial Materials Using XPS and TOF-SIMS MICHAELEENPACHOLSKI, The Dow Chemical Company11:10 (2280-5) Analysis of New Materials for Chromatography and Data Storage viaMultiple Surface/Material Analytical Techniques MATTHEW R LINFORD,Brigham Young UniversitySYMPOSIUM Session 2290Advances in Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatographyarranged by Dwight R Stoll, Gustavus Adolphus CollegeThursday Morning, Room 260Dwight R Stoll, Gustavus Adolphus College, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Dwight R Stoll8:35 (2290-1) Combination of the Best of Two Worlds: LCxLC and IMS-qTOF-MS OLIVER JSCHMITZ, University of Duisburg-Essen9:10 (2290-2) Selecting a Suitable Column for the Second Dimension in Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography PETER CARR, University of Minnesota,Imad Haidar Ahmad, Brian Barnes, Robert Allen9:45 (2290-3) Analyze Polysorbate in Monoclonal Antibody Drug Formulations byMultidimensional UHPLC-MS KELLY ZHANG, Genentech, Yi Li10:20 Recess10:35 (2290-4) Comparison of 1D and 2D Liquid Chromatography Separations ofModerately Complex Mixtures - Simulations and Experiments DWIGHT RSTOLL, Gustavus Adolphus College, Joe Davis11:10 (2290-5) Preparative Two-Dimensional Chromatography for Drug Discovery andDevelopment LU ZENG, Takeda California, IncSYMPOSIUM Session 2300Analytical Methodologies to Detect Economic Adulteration and Monitor FoodSafety and Qualityarranged by Romina Shah and Lowri S Dejager, Food and Drug AdministrationThursday Morning, Room 261Romina Shah, US Food and Drug Administration, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Romina Shah and Lowri S Dejager8:35 (2300-1) Regulatory Methods for the Detection of Economically MotivatedAdulteration in Foods SHAUN MACMAHON, Food and Drug Administration,Martin J Stutsman, Lowri DeJager, Timothy H Begley9:10 (2300-2) Industry Perspective on Food-Related Economic Adulteration RICHARDSTADLER, Nestlé, Matt Dofoo, Yann Epars, Pascal Zbinden, Roman Romero,Etienne Jaccaud, Christophe Cavin9:45 (2300-3) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet10:20 Recess10:35 (2300-4) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet11:10 (2300-5) Current Challenges and Recent Advancements on the Authentication andAdulteration of Olive Oil SELINA WANG, University of CaliforniaThursday Morning77The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMWednesday AfternoonPOSTER SESSION Session 2240All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Microscopy Techniques for Nanotechnology and Biomedical ApplicationsWednesday Afternoon(2240-1 P) Time Resolved Study of Gold-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Growth ELISE CHAFFIN,The University of Memphis(2240-2 P) Giant Lipobeads: Preparation, Characterization by Confocal Microscopy, andMechanisms of Controlled Release SERGEY V KAZAKOV, Pace University, Alfredo Dumalsen,Khushbu Kanani(2240-3 P) Investigating Retention Time in Alumina-Anodic Pore as Function of SurfaceModification with Confocal and Confocal-Type STED Techniques FANG CHEN,North Carolina State University, Bhanu Neupane, Gufeng Wang(2240-4 P) High-Throughput Measuring Scattering Spectra and Size of Single PlasmonicNanoparticle CHAO JING, East China University of Science and Technology, Yi-Tao Long,Xin Shi(2240-5 P) Biomolecular Modification of Collagen Scaffolds for 3D Cell Culture AURORA ALSOP,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ryan C Bailey, Brendan A Harley(2240-6 P) Total Holographic Characterization of Colloidal Suspensions LAURA A PHILIPS,Spheryx, Inc., Fook C Cheong, David G GrierPOSTER SESSION Session 2250All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Polymers and PlasticsWednesday Afternoon(2250-1 P) Relative Humidity and Karl Fischer: Equivalency Testing of Moisture-Specific AnalysisMethods CHRISTOPHER ALTAMIRANO, Arizona Instrument(2250-2 P) Thermal Conductivity of Solid and Liquid Polymers Using Laser Flash AnalysisBOB FIDLER, NETZSCH Instruments N.A. LLC, Ekkehard Post, Juergen Blumm, Andre Lindemann(2250-3 P) Analytical Evaluation of the Utilization of Some Lignin Derivatives as Filler forEnhancing Rubber Properties FAHIMA M HELALY, National Research Centre(2250-4 P) Analyzing Chemical Composition of Rigid Polyurethane Foams Using FTIR MicroscopyJOHN M KINYANJUI, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Chester M Talbott, Jeffrey R Head(2250-5 P) The Science and Measurement of Color and Haze Important Material CharacteristicsThat Impact Our Everyday Lives CHRIS LYNCH, PerkinElmer, Frank Padera, Peter Muller(2250-6 P) Detection of Contamination in Recycled Plastic Using Fast Gas ChromatographyJEAN-CHRISTOPHE MIFSUD, Alpha MOS, Herve Lechat, Andrew Cowell, Fatma Ayouni,Valerie Vabre(2250-7 P) Possible Mode of Action of Cyanuric-Phosphonate Derivatives as Flame Retardants onCotton Fabric DUONG NGUYEN THACH-MIEN, USDA, SeChin Chang, Brian Condon(2250-8 P) Microrheology Using DWS Spectroscopy for Gel Point Determination JIM MUNHALL,Formulaction Inc, Roland Ramsch, Gérard Meunier(2250-9 P) Systematic Study of Replication Fidelity of Nanostructures in Polymer Down to 40nmby Roll-to-Roll Extrusion Coating SWATHI MURTHY, Danish Technical University/ InmoldBiosystems, Henrik Pranov, Maria Matschuk, Henrik C Pedersen, Rafael TaboryskiPOSTER SESSION Session 2255All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Quality/QA/QC and Laboratory ManagementWednesday Afternoon(2255-1 P) Improving the Analysis of Flavonoids in Juices JINCHUAN YANG, Waters Corporation, JoeRomano, Kenneth Rosnack, Rich DeMuro(2255-2 P) Analysis of Pain Killers Dispensed in Kenya for Active Ingredients Using GasChromatography-Mass Spectrometry ONDITI OUMA ANAM, Jomo Kenyatta University ofAgriculture and Technology, Elizabeth N Murago(2255-3 P) Comparative Studies on the Quality of Selected Samples of Engine Oil Sold in LocalMarkets in Lagos Nigeria Using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRFS) OMOLARA ABAMGBOYE, Lagos State University, Yinka O Shodeke, Medinat O Osundiya(2255-4 P) Simultaneous Analysis of Vitamin A and D3 in Vitamin Premixes and Concentrates byUPC2/PDA GAVIN GU, Dairy Technical Services Ltd, Alex Orlobline, Jinchuan Yang, Joe Romano,Kenneth Rosnack(2255-5 P) Quality Comparisons of Prepared Formulations ANTHONY R KEMPERMAN, Honeywell,Burdick and Jackson(2255-6 P) A Fully Automated Universal Raman Scanner for Samples in Vial, SERS Plate, TabletForm, Powder Form, 96 Microtiter Well Plate, or 384 Microtiter Well Plate FRANK J YANG,AcuTech Scientific Inc., Kevin Wang, Austin Liu(2255-7 P) New Electrical Fusion System for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis RAINER SCHRAMM,FLUXANA GmbH & Co.KG(2255-8 P) Determination of Brominated Vegetable Oil in Soft Drinks by UPC2-MS JINCHUAN YANG,Waters Corporation, Joe Romano, Kenneth Rosnack(2255-9 P) Determination of a Staff Utilization Model in a Clinical ICP-MS Laboratory LISA MBECKER, Mayo Clinic, Matthew Clark, Jessica Fox, Sarah Cambern, Sarah Manzey(2255-10 P) Interactive Communication with Instrument to Realize Effective Analytical Workflow inthe Laboratory TOSHINOBU YANAGISAWA, Shimadzu Corporation, Takayuki Kihara, FuyukiOkamoto, Ryuji Nishimoto, Okiyuki Kunihiro, Masami Tomita(2255-11 P) Best Practices for the Use of Micropipettes A BJOERN CARLE, Artel, Doreen Rumery, GeorgeW Rodrigues(2255-12 P) Controlling Vapor Pressure the Key to Improved Loss-On-Drying Moisture AnalysisBRADY P CARTER, Decagon Devices, Inc, Wendy OrtmanThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org76

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