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Wednesday AfternoonPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 2160Nanotechnology in Biomedical AnalysisWednesday Afternoon, Room 2721:30 (2160-1) Facile and Efficient Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic MagneticNanoparticles YUAN LIU, University of Florida1:50 (2160-2) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence to Quantify Single-Cell NanoparticleConcentrations and to Characterize the Distribution of NanoparticleUptake Concentration Across Cell Population JASON T RASHKOW, StonyBrook University, Sunny Patel, Ryan Tappero, Balaji T Sitharaman2:10 (2160-3) Bioanalytical Applications of Single Nanoparticle Collision atMicroelectrodes ANAHITA KARIMI, Clarkson University, Naimish P Sardesai,Akhtar Hayat, Daniel Andreescu, Silvana Andreescu2:30 (2160-4) Probing Interactions Between Mechanical and Biomolecular Cues on StemCells in Collagen-GAG Biomaterials JESSICA M BANKS, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Laura C Mozdzen, Brendan A Harley, Ryan C Bailey2:50 Recess3:05 (2160-5) Functional Nanobioreactors For Protein Analysis LIU BAOHONG, FudanUniversity, Ji Ji, Liu Yun , Qiao Liang, Yang Pengyuan, Hubert H GiraultORAL SESSIONS Session 2170Techniques in Forensic AnalysisWednesday Afternoon, Room 2731:30 (2170-1) Forensic Applications of Open Probe Fast GC-MS AVIV AMIRAV, Tel AvivUniversity, Bogdan Belgorodsky, Alexander Fialkov, Uri Keshet, Tal Alon1:50 (2170-2) The Influence of Temperature and Atmospheric Composition on thePyrolysis of Household Materials JAMES J HARYNUK, University of Alberta,Xiao Q Lee, Mark Sandercock2:10 (2170-3) Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) of Cathinone“Bath Salt” Drugs and Mixtures JASON SHEPARD, University at Albany, SUNY,Rabi Musah, Robert Cody, A John Dane, Marek Domin2:30 (2170-4) Forensic Analyses by Morphologically Directed Raman SpectroscopyBROOKE W KAMMRATH, University of New Haven, Andrew Koutrakos, JosemarCastillo, Joe Wolfgang, Deborah Huck-Jones2:50 Recess3:05 (2170-5) Characterization of Methamphetamine and Its By-Products byDART-MS JASON SHEPARD, University at Albany, SUNY, Marek Domin,Donna Iula, Brian Musselman3:25 (2170-6) Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Paired with MultivariateStatistical Analysis to Estimate Blood Age Under Different EnvironmentalConditions ZHENYU LU, University of South Carolina, Brianna Cassidy,Katherine A Witherspoon, Alena Bensussan, Michael L Myrick, Stephen L Morgan3:45 (2170-7) Infrared Microspectroscopic Chemical Characterization of ForensicFingerprint Ridges Deposited on Reflective Surfaces DAVID L WETZEL,Kansas State University, Jarrod B Bechard, Mark D BoatwrightORAL SESSIONS Session 2180UV/VIS ApplicationsWednesday Afternoon, Room 2741:30 (2180-1) A Tunable Surface Plasmon-Coupled Wide-Field HyperspectralImaging Filter JOHN F TURNER, Cleveland State University, Nick Pallas,Ajaykumar Zalavadia1:50 (2180-2) Simultaneous Concentration Measurements of Multiple Sampleswith a Single Spectrometer CLAUDIO O EGALON, S&ST and Los AngelesHarbor College2:10 (2180-3) A Rolling Grating Gathers No CMOS: Stacked Transmission GratingSpectrometry ALEXANDER SCHEELINE, SpectroClick2:30 (2180-4) A Comparative Study Between Different Signal Processing Techniques forSpectrophotometric Resolution of Binary Mixtures SAID A HASSAN, CairoUniversity, Eman S Elzanfaly, Maissa Salem, El-Zeany BadrPOSTER SESSION Session 2190All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Applications of Gas Chromatography Mass SpectrometryWednesday Afternoon(2190-1 P) Fast GC-TOF MS for High-Throughput Screening of Environmental Contaminants NICKBUKOWSKI, Markes International, Matthew Bates, Bob Green(2190-2 P) EPA Method TO-17: Thermal Desorption Technique for the Determination of ToxicOrganic Compounds in Ambient Air ILARIA FERRANTE, Dani Instruments s.p.a., ChiaraAbate, Roberta Lariccia, Recenti Daniele(2190-3 P) Effects of Pollution on the Religious Activity of Individuals Along the Ganges River:An Interdisciplinary Pilot Study with Sociological and Analytical Chemistry BasedApproaches BRIAN LEMANSKI, Colgate University, Srikar Gullapalli, Steve Connor, Karen Harpp(2190-4 P) Box-Behnken Design Applied to Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction for the Determinationof Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in River Sediment by Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry MARIA AUXILIADORA C MATOS, University in Juiz de Fora, Mellina D Santos,Marcos R Carqueira, Fausto M Araujo, Marcone L Oliveira(2190-5 P) VOC and SVOC Emissions from Materials with Relevance to Vehicle Interior Air Quality:Regulation, Standard Methods and Analytical Implementation NICOLA WATSON, MarkesInternational, David Wevill, Peter Grosshans, Vanessa Frost-Barnes, Caroline Widdowson(2190-6 P) Development of Extraction Method for Persistent Organic Pollutants in DietarySupplements Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction and Direct Isotope Dilution MassSpectrometry WEIER HAO, Duquesne University, Andrew Boggess, HM Skip Kingston(2190-7 P) Hop Aroma Characterization by Gas Chromatography with Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry (GC-TOFMS) ELIZABETH HUMSTON-FULMER, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley,Jeffrey S Patrick(2190-8 P) Considerations for Selection of Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry SRMTransitions for Pesticides in Food Matrices JULIE KOWALSKI, Restek, Rebecca Stevens, LinxWaclaski, Jack Cochran, Jaap de Zeeuw, Jason Fisher(2190-9 P) Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole versus Dry HomogenizedWheat, Rye and Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS RONALD E SHOMO,Scientific Instrument Services, Christopher Baker, John J Manura(2190-10 P) Introduction of an Improved Cyanopropylphenyl Stationary Phase with HighTemperature Stability JAAP DE ZEEUW, Restek, Rebecca Stevens, Linx Waclaski, Kristi Sellers,Amanda Rigdon(2190-11 P) Analysis of Polymers, Additives and Contaminants in Medical Devices UsingPyrolysis-GCMS GARY DEGER, CDS Analytical, Karen Sam(2190-12 P) Headspace Analysis of Dinitrotoluene Isomers CHRISTOPHER J KATILIE, Nova Research, Inc.,Lauryn DeGreeff, Kevin J Johnson, Susan L Rose-Pehrsson(2190-13 P) An Improved Instrumental Method for Determination of Hydroperoxides in Jet andDiesel Fuels KRISTINA M MYERS, Nova Research, Inc., Thomas N Loegel, Robert E Morris(2190-14 P) Improved Analysis of Petroleum Isomer Distribution Using Cold EI GC/MS ADAM JPATKIN, PerkinElmer, Ruben Garnica, Andrew N TylerPOSTER SESSION Session 2200All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Applications of Super Critical Fluid ChromatographyWednesday Afternoon(2200-1 P) Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of Dang Gui Root Using Supercritical FluidTechniques ANDREW J AUBIN, Waters Corporation, Jo-Ann M Jablonski(2200-2 P) The Development and Utilization of Core-Shell Particles for High Performance SFCApplications Using SFC Optimized Stationary Phases MATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES IndustriesThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org74

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMPOSTER SESSION Session 2205All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Consumer ProductsWednesday Afternoon(2205-1 P) The Analysis of Properties of Micro-Porous Polymer Structure by Using ComputationalFluid Dynamics IN KEUN JUNG, Amorepacific, Boo Min Kim, John Hwan Lee(2205-2 P) Automated Online Desorption and Analysis of DNPH Derivatives of Airborne Aldehydesand Ketones EDWARD PFANNKOCH, GERSTEL, Inc., Fredrick Foster, John Stuff, Kurt Thaxton(2205-3 P) Separation and Characterization of Indian and Australian Sandalwood Oils DAVID JSCOTT, PerkinElmer, Adam J Patkin, Lee Marotta(2205-4 P) Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles in Consumer Products by Single Particle ModeICP-MS CHADY STEPHAN, PerkinElmer, Leon Davidowski(2205-5 P) Air Sampling of Fragrance Compounds JOHN STUFF, GERSTEL, Inc., Jackie Whitecavage(2205-6 P) Determination of Niacinamide Extracted from Lotions and Creams KARYN M USHER,Metropolitan State University, Carolyn R Simmons, Daniel W Keating, Henry F Rossi IIIPOSTER SESSION Session 2210All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Developments in Process Analytical ChemistryWednesday Afternoon(2210-1 P) Enhanced LC-MS Sensitivity of Vitamin D Assay by Selection of Appropriate MobilePhase SUBHRA BHATTACHARYA, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Stephen C Roemer(2210-2 P) A No Dry-Down Solid Phase Extraction Method for the Direct Measurement ofImidazoline Based Corrosion Inhibitors in Formulation and New Product DevelopmentPrior to LC-TOF-MS FRANK KERO, Biotage, Phillip Watson, Randi Schilter, Matthew Hill, VictorVandell, Elena Gairloch, Martin Cherrier(2210-3 P) Application of Suggested Formula (ADJ) of Specific Refraction in Binary(Ethanol+Water) Mixtures at 293.15 K, and 313.15 K SUBASH S ANDHER, The HSNS LtdScience College(2210-4 P) Environmentally Sustainable Analytical Reagent Like 1-[2’-Chororo-5’-Sulphophenyl-3-Methyl-4-Azo – [2”-Carboxy-5”-Sulphonic Acid]-5-Pyrazolone as aSpectrophotometric Reagent KETANKUMAR C DESAI, PT Sarvajanik College of Science(2210-5 P) Chitosan-An-Alginate Nanoparticles as a Curcumin Slow Release System AGENG PUTRA,Univeristas Gadjah Mada(2210-6 P) A New Method for Continuous Detection of Trace Ions in Pure Water HIROTO MASUNAGA,Nichiri Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Mizuo Ishii, Hideki Igai(2210-7 P) A Method for Precisely Manufacturing Standards to an Absolute Value AMY TURNS,Matheson Gas, Carl WittePOSTER SESSION Session 2220All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Food SafetyWednesday Afternoon(2220-1 P) FTIR-ATR Characterization of Commercial Honey Samples and Their Adulteration withSugar Syrups Using Chemometric Analysis JEFFREY R HEAD, Shimadzu ScientificInstruments, John M Kinyanjui, Chester M Talbott(2220-2 P) Examination of Dietary Supplements for PDE-5 Inhibitor Adulteration by PLM and FTIRMicroscopy CHESTER M TALBOTT, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, John M Kinyanjui, JeffreyR Head, Anton N Bzhelyansky(2220-3 P) Determination of 20 PAEs in Alcoholic Drinks Using Ultra High Performance LiquidChromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry HENGTAO DONG, Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd.,Jinting Yao, Taohong Huang(2220-4 P) Wool Packing or No Wool Packing in a Splitless GC Inlet Liner—What is Better forPesticide Analysis? A Case Study with a QuEChERS Strawberry Extract JACK COCHRAN,Restek, Linx Waclaski, Jaap de Zeeuw, Rebecca Stevens(2220-5 P) A Novel Fast HPLC Method for Determination of Aflatoxins in Milk and Grains by UVDetection on the Flexar PDA-Plus That Eliminates Derivitization JASON WEISENSEEL,PerkinElmer, Wilhad M Reuter, Amanda Prior(2220-6 P) Analysis of Pesticides Residues in Apples VALERIE DESYROY, SiliCycle Inc., Vincent Bédard,François Béland, Genevieve Gingras, Yvan Chouinard(2220-7 P) Antimicrobial Agents in Bovine Milk: Screening to Confirmatory Analysis by LiquidChromatography Mass Spectrometry KENNETH ROSNACK, Waters Corporation, Joe Romano,Dominic Roberts, Sara Stead, Eimear McCall, Danny Chan(2220-8 P) Analysis of Kenyan Honey for Essential and Heavy Metals by Atomic Absorption andAtomic Emission Spectroscopy ONDITI OUMA ANAM, Jomo Kenyatta University ofAgriculture and Technology, Anne Mbiri(2220-9 P) Quantitative and Qualitative Multi-Residue Analysis of Chemical Contaminants in Foodand Feed JONATHAN BYER, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley, Tomas KovalczukPOSTER SESSION Session 2230All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Liquid Chromatography - Polymers, Plastics and OthersWednesday Afternoon(2230-1 P) High-Pressure Electrolytic Carbonate Eluent Generation Devices and Their Applicationsin Ion Chromatography Systems YAN LIU, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Zhongqing Lu,Christopher A Pohl(2230-2 P) What Efficient Temperature Control Can Teach us on Chromatography FRANK STEINER,Thermo Fisher Scientific, Michael Heidorn, David H Thomas, Wulff Niedner(2230-3 P) A Rapid UHPLC Method for the Analysis of Biogenic Amines and Metabolites inMicrodialysis Samples BRUCE BAILEY, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ian N Acworth(2230-4 P) Development of Online Sample Preparation/Separation System with Polymer-CoatedFiber-Packed Capillary AKIRA KOBAYASHI, Toyohashi University of Technology, Ikuo Ueta,Yoshihiro Saito(2230-5 P) New GFC Columns for Low Noise MALS Analysis TORU MATSUI, Showa Denko K.K., MellissaTurcotte, Ronald Benson(2230-6 P) Development of a Chiral Method for Levamisole and Related Compounds forMonitoring Abused Use in Horseracing and Cocaine Distribution DAVID S BELL,Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, Denise Wallworth, Gaurang Parmar, Jennifer Claus(2230-7 P) Highly Sensitive Far Ultraviolet Absorbance Detection in High Performance LiquidChromatography YUICHI UCHIHO, Hitachi, Ltd., Masao Kamahori, Yusuke Goto, ToshimichiAota, Yusuke Hosen, Kimiyoshi Koda(2230-8 P) Non-Pneumatic Membrane Gas Remover MASUNAGA HIROTO, Nichiri Mfg. Co., Ltd., MizuoIshii, Igai Hideki(2230-10 P) Development of a Chiral Method for Levamisole and Related Compounds forMonitoring Abused use in Horseracing and Cocaine Distribution DAVID S BELL,Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, Denise Wallworth, Gaurang Parmar, Jennifer ClausWednesday Afternoon75The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

Wednesday AfternoonPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 2160Nanotechnology in Biomedical AnalysisWednesday Afternoon, Room 2721:30 (2160-1) Facile and Efficient Surface Functionalization of Hydrophobic MagneticNanoparticles YUAN LIU, University of Florida1:50 (2160-2) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence to Quantify Single-Cell NanoparticleConcentrations and to Characterize the Distribution of NanoparticleUptake Concentration Across Cell Population JASON T RASHKOW, StonyBrook University, Sunny Patel, Ryan Tappero, Balaji T Sitharaman2:10 (2160-3) Bioanalytical Applications of Single Nanoparticle Collision atMicroelectrodes ANAHITA KARIMI, Clarkson University, Naimish P Sardesai,Akhtar Hayat, Daniel Andreescu, Silvana Andreescu2:30 (2160-4) Probing Interactions Between Mechanical and Biomolecular Cues on StemCells in Collagen-GAG Biomaterials JESSICA M BANKS, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Laura C Mozdzen, Brendan A Harley, Ryan C Bailey2:50 Recess3:05 (2160-5) Functional Nanobioreactors For Protein Analysis LIU BAOHONG, FudanUniversity, Ji Ji, Liu Yun , Qiao Liang, Yang Pengyuan, Hubert H GiraultORAL SESSIONS Session 2170Techniques in Forensic AnalysisWednesday Afternoon, Room 2731:30 (2170-1) Forensic Applications of Open Probe Fast GC-MS AVIV AMIRAV, Tel AvivUniversity, Bogdan Belgorodsky, Alexander Fialkov, Uri Keshet, Tal Alon1:50 (2170-2) The Influence of Temperature and Atmospheric Composition on thePyrolysis of Household Materials JAMES J HARYNUK, University of Alberta,Xiao Q Lee, Mark Sandercock2:10 (2170-3) Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) of Cathinone“Bath Salt” Drugs and Mixtures JASON SHEPARD, University at Albany, SUNY,Rabi Musah, Robert Cody, A John Dane, Marek Domin2:30 (2170-4) Forensic Analyses by Morphologically Directed Raman SpectroscopyBROOKE W KAMMRATH, University of New Haven, Andrew Koutrakos, JosemarCastillo, Joe Wolfgang, Deborah Huck-Jones2:50 Recess3:05 (2170-5) Characterization of Methamphetamine and Its By-Products byDART-MS JASON SHEPARD, University at Albany, SUNY, Marek Domin,Donna Iula, Brian Musselman3:25 (2170-6) Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Paired with MultivariateStatistical Analysis to Estimate Blood Age Under Different EnvironmentalConditions ZHENYU LU, University of South Carolina, Brianna Cassidy,Katherine A Witherspoon, Alena Bensussan, Michael L Myrick, Stephen L Morgan3:45 (2170-7) Infrared Microspectroscopic Chemical Characterization of ForensicFingerprint Ridges Deposited on Reflective Surfaces DAVID L WETZEL,Kansas State University, Jarrod B Bechard, Mark D BoatwrightORAL SESSIONS Session 2180UV/VIS ApplicationsWednesday Afternoon, Room 2741:30 (2180-1) A Tunable Surface Plasmon-Coupled Wide-Field HyperspectralImaging Filter JOHN F TURNER, Cleveland State University, Nick Pallas,Ajaykumar Zalavadia1:50 (2180-2) Simultaneous Concentration Measurements of Multiple Sampleswith a Single Spectrometer CLAUDIO O EGALON, S&ST and Los AngelesHarbor College2:10 (2180-3) A Rolling Grating Gathers No CMOS: Stacked Transmission GratingSpectrometry ALEXANDER SCHEELINE, SpectroClick2:30 (2180-4) A Comparative Study Between Different Signal Processing Techniques forSpectrophotometric Resolution of Binary Mixtures SAID A HASSAN, CairoUniversity, Eman S Elzanfaly, Maissa Salem, El-Zeany BadrPOSTER SESSION Session 2190All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Applications of Gas Chromatography Mass SpectrometryWednesday Afternoon(2190-1 P) Fast GC-TOF MS for High-Throughput Screening of Environmental Contaminants NICKBUKOWSKI, Markes International, Matthew Bates, Bob Green(2190-2 P) EPA Method TO-17: Thermal Desorption Technique for the Determination of ToxicOrganic Compounds in Ambient Air ILARIA FERRANTE, Dani Instruments s.p.a., ChiaraAbate, Roberta Lariccia, Recenti Daniele(2190-3 P) Effects of Pollution on the Religious Activity of Individuals Along the Ganges River:An Interdisciplinary Pilot Study with Sociological and Analytical Chemistry BasedApproaches BRIAN LEMANSKI, Colgate University, Srikar Gullapalli, Steve Connor, Karen Harpp(2190-4 P) Box-Behnken Design Applied to Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction for the Determinationof Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in River Sediment by Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry MARIA AUXILIADORA C MATOS, University in Juiz de Fora, Mellina D Santos,Marcos R Carqueira, Fausto M Araujo, Marcone L Oliveira(2190-5 P) VOC and SVOC Emissions from Materials with Relevance to Vehicle Interior Air Quality:Regulation, Standard Methods and Analytical Implementation NICOLA WATSON, MarkesInternational, David Wevill, Peter Grosshans, Vanessa Frost-Barnes, Caroline Widdowson(2190-6 P) Development of Extraction Method for Persistent Organic Pollutants in DietarySupplements Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction and Direct Isotope Dilution MassSpectrometry WEIER HAO, Duquesne University, Andrew Boggess, HM Skip Kingston(2190-7 P) Hop Aroma Characterization by Gas Chromatography with Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry (GC-TOFMS) ELIZABETH HUMSTON-FULMER, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley,Jeffrey S Patrick(2190-8 P) Considerations for Selection of Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry SRMTransitions for Pesticides in Food Matrices JULIE KOWALSKI, Restek, Rebecca Stevens, LinxWaclaski, Jack Cochran, Jaap de Zeeuw, Jason Fisher(2190-9 P) Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole versus Dry HomogenizedWheat, Rye and Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS RONALD E SHOMO,Scientific Instrument Services, Christopher Baker, John J Manura(2190-10 P) Introduction of an Improved Cyanopropylphenyl Stationary Phase with HighTemperature Stability JAAP DE ZEEUW, Restek, Rebecca Stevens, Linx Waclaski, Kristi Sellers,Amanda Rigdon(2190-11 P) Analysis of Polymers, Additives and Contaminants in Medical Devices UsingPyrolysis-GCMS GARY DEGER, CDS Analytical, Karen Sam(2190-12 P) Headspace Analysis of Dinitrotoluene Isomers CHRISTOPHER J KATILIE, Nova Research, Inc.,Lauryn DeGreeff, Kevin J Johnson, Susan L Rose-Pehrsson(2190-13 P) An Improved Instrumental Method for Determination of Hydroperoxides in Jet andDiesel Fuels KRISTINA M MYERS, Nova Research, Inc., Thomas N Loegel, Robert E Morris(2190-14 P) Improved Analysis of Petroleum Isomer Distribution Using Cold EI GC/MS ADAM JPATKIN, PerkinElmer, Ruben Garnica, Andrew N TylerPOSTER SESSION Session 2200All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Applications of Super Critical Fluid ChromatographyWednesday Afternoon(2200-1 P) Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of Dang Gui Root Using Supercritical FluidTechniques ANDREW J AUBIN, Waters Corporation, Jo-Ann M Jablonski(2200-2 P) The Development and Utilization of Core-Shell Particles for High Performance SFCApplications Using SFC Optimized Stationary Phases MATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES IndustriesThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org74

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