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Tuesday AfternoonWednesday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSEAC POSTER SESSION Session 1570All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.SEAC - Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry Poster SessionTuesday Afternoon(1570-1P) Up-Regulation of Quorum Sensing Molecules for Sensitive and SelectiveElectrochemical Detection of Bacterial Pathogens EDGAR D GOLUCH, NortheasternUniversity, Hunter J Sismaet, Thaddaeus A Webster(1570-2P) Synthesis and Analysis of PdPt Nanoalloys via Alloying Individual Bulk Pd and Pt Metalsin Molten Lithium for Methanol Electro-Oxidation Applications HEATHER MARIEBARKHOLTZ, Northern Illinois University, Tao Xu(1570-3P) Nanoelectrochemical Approach to Detect Short-Lived Intermediates of ElectrocatalyticProcesses: Superoxide MIN ZHOU, Queens College, Yun Yu, Keke Hu, Michael V Mirkin(1570-4P) A Four-Way Junction Electrochemical Sensor used for Detection of MicroRNA DAWNMILLS, University of Central Florida, Percy Calvo-Marzal, Dmitry Kolpashchikov, KarinChumbimuni-Torres(1570-5P) In Situ Quantification and Imaging of Li Insertion in TiO 2 by Scanning ElectrochemicalMicroscopy MARK BURGESS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Philip Benson,Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez(1570-6P) Quantitative Detection of Neurotransmitters Using Nano-Electrochemical Probes Basedon the Interface Between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions MICHELLE COLOMBO,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Swami McNeil, Garrett Hoepker, Jonathan VSweedler, Mei Shen(1570-7P) Effect of Counter-ion on Carbonate Binding to Perfluoroalkyl Phenyl Ketones HAINIZHANG, University of Minnesota, Adam Dittmer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-8P) Stability and Stoichiometry of Trifluoroacetophenone-Carbonate Complexes as a Modelfor Ionophore Binding in Carbonate Ion-Selective Electrodes MITCHELL LANCASTER,University of Minnesota, Adam Dittmer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-9P) All-Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrodes and Reference Electrodes Based onColloid-Imprinted Mesoporous Carbon JINBO HU, University of Minnesota, Andreas Stein,Philippe Buhlmann(1570-10P) Reference Electrodes with Salt Bridges Contained in Nanoporous Polymers MARAL PSMOUSAVI, University of Minnesota, Stacey A Saba, Marc A Hillmyer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-11P) Crosslinked Highly Fluorinated Polymers for Ion-Selective Electrodes JESSE L CAREY,University of Minnesota, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-12P) Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Sulfonated 9,10-Diphenylanthracene and Rubrene in Aqueous Media PRADIP BASTOLA, The University ofSouthern Mississippi, Wujian Miao(1570-13P) Potentiometric Layered Membranes ANNA KISIEL, University of Warsaw, Emilia Wo nica,Krzysztof Maksymiuk, Agata Michalska(1570-14P) Electron Transfer Kinetics of Hydrazine Oxidation on Single Nanoparticles STEPHEN JPERCIVAL, University of Washington, Bo ZhangWEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015MORNINGAWARDS Session 1580ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in SeparationScience Awardarranged by Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, OhioWednesday Morning, Room 243Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, Ohio, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Neil D Danielson8:35 Presentation of the 2015 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award forYoung Investigators in Separation Science to Dwight R Stoll, GustavusAdolphus College, by Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, Ohio8:40 (1580-1) A Modern Perspective on the Factors Affecting the Performance of theSecond Dimension in Two-Dimensional Liquid ChromatographySeparations of Small Molecules DWIGHT R STOLL, Gustavus AdolphusCollege, Ray Sajulga, Klaus Witt9:15 (1580-2) Fundamental Issues in Quantitative Analysis in Multi-Dimensional LiquidChromatography - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly PETER CARR, Universityof Minnesota, Sarah Rutan, Joe Davis, Daniel Cook, Robert Allen, Brian Barnes,Marcelo Filgueira9:50 (1580-3) Temperature-Assisted On-Column Solute Focusing: A General Methodto Enhance Separation Performance in Fast Capillary LiquidChromatography STEPHEN R GROSKREUTZ, University of Pittsburgh,Stephen G Weber10:25 Recess10:40 (1580-4) Developing, Improving and Optimizing LC×LC Separations PETER JSCHOENMAKERS, University of Amsterdam, Henrik Cornelisson van de Ven,Petra J Aarnoutse, Anna Baglai, Michelle Camenzuli, Andrea Gargano, Bob Pirok,Gabriel Vivo-Truyols11:15 (1580-5) Advanced Separation Technologies for Pharmaceutical Analysis: AreUHPLC, 2D HPLC and a Universal HPLC Method Enough? TODD D MALONEY,Eli Lilly and CompanySYMPOSIUM Session 1590A 60 Year Celebration of the Coblentz Societyarranged by Bruce Chase, University of Delaware and Peter Griffiths, University of IdahoWednesday Morning, Room 244Bruce Chase, University of Delaware, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Bruce Chase and Peter Griffiths8:35 (1590-1) An Historical Perspective from W.W. Coblentz to the Current CoblentzSociety Programs ROBERT W HANNAH, Coblentz Society, Foil A Miller9:10 (1590-2) Probing Liquid/Solid Interface Chemistry Within Porous Particles byConfocal Raman Microscopy JOEL M HARRIS, University of Utah, Jay P Kitt9:45 (1590-3) Single Molecule Spectroelectrochemistry in Zero-DimensionalNanoOptoFluidic Devices PAUL BOHN, University of Notre Dame, ChaoxiongMa, Lawrence P Zaino, Dane A Grismer10:20 Recess10:35 (1590-4) The 2000’s: The Decade that Started Femtosecond 2D IR SpectroscopyMARTIN ZANNI, University of Wisconsin-Madison11:10 (1590-5) Single-Nanoparticle Catalysis at Single-Turnover and NanometerResolution PENG CHEN, Cornell UniversityThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org60

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 1600Advances in Analytical Technology for Understanding the Central Nervous Systemarranged by Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACPWednesday Morning, Room 238Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACP, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Adrian C Michael8:35 (1600-1) Evaluating and Modeling Kinetic Diversity of Brain Dopamine SystemsADRIAN C MICHAEL, University of Pittsburgh, I Mitch Taylor, Zhan Shu, Seth HWalters9:10 (1600-2) Dopamine Release from Transplanted Neural Stem Cells in ParkinsonianRat Striatum In Vivo ZHUAN ZHOU, Peking University9:45 (1600-3) Optogenetic Control of Neurochemistry During Behavior JOSEPH CHEER,University of Maryland School of Medicine10:20 Recess10:35 (1600-4) Decoding Serotonin Transmission ANNE M ANDREWS,University of California Los Angeles, Hongyan Yang11:10 (1600-5) Mass Spectrometry-Based Comparative Peptidomic Analysis towardsFunctional Discovery of Neuropeptides LINGJUN LI, University of WisconsinSYMPOSIUM Session 1630Nano-Tools for Imaging and Therapy of Cancer, Heart and Brain Disease:Is the Outlook Bright?arranged by Raoul Kopelman, University of Michigan and Weihong Tan, University of FloridaWednesday Morning, Room 242Raoul Kopelman, University of Michigan, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Raoul Kopelman and Weihong Tan8:35 (1630-1) Gold Nanoparticles for Imaging and Studying the Dynamics in a SingleCancer Cell MOSTAFA A EL-SAYED, Georgia Institute of Technology9:10 (1630-2) Nanodiagnostics and Nanotherapy: From Brain Cancer to HeartArrhythmia RAOUL KOPELMAN, University of Michigan9:45 (1630-3) Nanoscience Approaches to Heterogeneity in Biological Systems PAUL SWEISS, University of California Los Angeles10:20 Recess10:35 (1630-4) Biomarker Discovery Using DNA Aptamers WEIHONG TAN,University of Florida11:10 (1630-5) Liposomal Spherical Nucleic Acids: A New Approach to Gene RegulationTherapy CHAD A MIRKIN, Northwestern UniversitySYMPOSIUM Session 1610Advances in Ramanarranged by Sanford Asher, University of PittsburghWednesday Morning, Room 239Sanford Asher, University of Pittsburgh, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Sanford Asher8:35 (1610-1) Raman Spectroscopy – The Synergism Between InstrumentationEvolution and Emerging Applications FRAN ADAR, Horiba Scientific9:10 (1610-2) Raman Investigation of Chemical Reactivity on the Nanometer ScaleVOLKER DECKERT, IPHT Jena, Zhenglong Zhang, Pushkar Singh9:45 (1610-3) Stimulated Raman Spectroscopic Imaging for Biology and MedicineJI-XIN CHENG, Purdue University10:20 Recess10:35 (1610-4) Probing Low Frequency Vibrational Excitations and Their Effect onElectron and Proton Transport in Proteins PAUL CHAMPION,Northeastern University11:10 (1610-5) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yetSYMPOSIUM Session 1620IAEAC - Ultrafast Electromigrative Separations: Capillary versus Chip Formatarranged by Antje J Baeumner and Frank M Matysik, University of RegensburgWednesday Morning, Room 262Antje J Baeumner, University of Regensburg, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Antje J Baeumner and Frank M Matysik8:35 (1620-1) Advances in High-Speed Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to MassSpectrometry FRANK M MATYSIK, University of Regensburg9:10 (1620-2) Microchip Electrophoresis for Monitoring Transient Chemical Species InVivo and In Vitro SUSAN M LUNTE, University of Kansas9:45 (1620-3) Fast Separations in Short Capillaries and Lab-On-Chip Devices WithContactless Conductivity Detection PETER C HAUSER, University of Basel,Joel Koenka, Jorge Sáiz, Thanh Duc Mai10:20 Recess10:35 (1620-4) Development of an Ultrafast CE-MS MEHDI MOINI, GeorgeWashington University11:10 (1620-5) New Injection Strategies for High Performance CE Separations inMicrochips and Capillaries RYAN T KELLY, Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory, Cong Yongzheng, Sarah Rausch, Tao Geng, Keqi TangSYMPOSIUM Session 1640Nanoelectrochemistry of Energy Conversion and Storagearranged by Michael V Mirkin, CUNY, Queens CollegeWednesday Morning, Room 260Michael V Mirkin, CUNY, Queens College, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Michael V Mirkin8:35 (1640-1) Nanocrystals in Energy Generation and Storage: Fuel Cells and BatteriesHECTOR D ABRUNA, Cornell University9:10 (1640-2) Nanoelectrocatalysis for Indirect Electrolysis HUBERT H GIRAULT,Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne, Veronique Amstutz, Pekka Peljo,Heron Vrubel9:45 (1640-3) Development of Electroanalytical Tools for Nanoparticle CatalystEvaluation and Screening KEITH J STEVENSON, Skolkovo Institute of Scienceand Technology, Radhika Dasari, Donald A Robinson10:20 Recess10:35 (1640-4) Probing Electrocatalytic Processes by Nanoelectrochemical Tools MICHAELV MIRKIN, CUNY, Queens College11:10 (1640-5) Mechanisms of Electrochemical Charge Storage in Two-DimensionalTi3C 2 MXene YURY GOGOTSI, Drexel University, Maria Lukatskaya, MajidBeidaghi, Michel W Barsoum, Mikhael D Levi, Doron AurbachSYMPOSIUM Session 1650SEAC - New Electrodes for Neurochemistryarranged by B Jill Venton, University of VirginiaWednesday Morning, Room 261B Jill Venton, University of Virginia, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - B Jill Venton8:35 (1650-1) Carbon Nanomaterial Based Microelectrodes for NeurotransmitterDetection B JILL VENTON, University of Virginia, Cheng Yang, Alex Zestos,Christopher B Jacobs, Hillary R Rees9:10 (1650-2) Implantable Conductive Polymer Electrodes for In Vivo MeasurementsMICHAEL L HEIEN, University of Arizona, Adam R Meier, Richard F Vreeland,Wilfred Russel9:45 (1650-3) Microfabricating Biochemical Sensors for In Vivo Applications GREGORY SMCCARTY, North Carolina State University10:20 Recess10:35 (1650-4) Electrochemical Quantification of Reactive Nitrogen and Oxygen Species(RNOS) Using Reduced Graphene Oxide SABINE SZUNERITS, University Lille1, Serban Peteu, Rabah Boukherroub11:10 (1650-5) Temperature Differences in Sympathetic Neuroeffector Transmission inArteries and Veins GREG M SWAIN, Michigan State University, Hua Dong,Jinwoo Park, James Galligan, Greg D FinkWednesday Morning61The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

Tuesday AfternoonWednesday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSEAC POSTER SESSION Session 1570All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.SEAC - Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry Poster SessionTuesday Afternoon(1570-1P) Up-Regulation of Quorum Sensing Molecules for Sensitive and SelectiveElectrochemical Detection of Bacterial Pathogens EDGAR D GOLUCH, NortheasternUniversity, Hunter J Sismaet, Thaddaeus A Webster(1570-2P) Synthesis and Analysis of PdPt Nanoalloys via Alloying Individual Bulk Pd and Pt Metalsin Molten Lithium for Methanol Electro-Oxidation Applications HEATHER MARIEBARKHOLTZ, Northern Illinois University, Tao Xu(1570-3P) Nanoelectrochemical Approach to Detect Short-Lived Intermediates of ElectrocatalyticProcesses: Superoxide MIN ZHOU, Queens College, Yun Yu, Keke Hu, Michael V Mirkin(1570-4P) A Four-Way Junction Electrochemical Sensor used for Detection of MicroRNA DAWNMILLS, University of Central Florida, Percy Calvo-Marzal, Dmitry Kolpashchikov, KarinChumbimuni-Torres(1570-5P) In Situ Quantification and Imaging of Li Insertion in TiO 2 by Scanning ElectrochemicalMicroscopy MARK BURGESS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Philip Benson,Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez(1570-6P) Quantitative Detection of Neurotransmitters Using Nano-Electrochemical Probes Basedon the Interface Between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions MICHELLE COLOMBO,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Swami McNeil, Garrett Hoepker, Jonathan VSweedler, Mei Shen(1570-7P) Effect of Counter-ion on Carbonate Binding to Perfluoroalkyl Phenyl Ketones HAINIZHANG, University of Minnesota, Adam Dittmer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-8P) Stability and Stoichiometry of Trifluoroacetophenone-Carbonate Complexes as a Modelfor Ionophore Binding in Carbonate Ion-Selective Electrodes MITCHELL LANCASTER,University of Minnesota, Adam Dittmer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-9P) All-Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrodes and Reference Electrodes Based onColloid-Imprinted Mesoporous Carbon JINBO HU, University of Minnesota, Andreas Stein,Philippe Buhlmann(1570-10P) Reference Electrodes with Salt Bridges Contained in Nanoporous Polymers MARAL PSMOUSAVI, University of Minnesota, Stacey A Saba, Marc A Hillmyer, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-11P) Crosslinked Highly Fluorinated Polymers for Ion-Selective Electrodes JESSE L CAREY,University of Minnesota, Philippe Buhlmann(1570-12P) Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Sulfonated 9,10-Diphenylanthracene and Rubrene in Aqueous Media PRADIP BASTOLA, The University ofSouthern Mississippi, Wujian Miao(1570-13P) Potentiometric Layered Membranes ANNA KISIEL, University of Warsaw, Emilia Wo nica,Krzysztof Maksymiuk, Agata Michalska(1570-14P) Electron Transfer Kinetics of Hydrazine Oxidation on Single Nanoparticles STEPHEN JPERCIVAL, University of Washington, Bo ZhangWEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015MORNINGAWARDS Session 1580ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in SeparationScience Awardarranged by Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, OhioWednesday Morning, Room 243Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, Ohio, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Neil D Danielson8:35 Presentation of the 2015 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award forYoung Investigators in Separation Science to Dwight R Stoll, GustavusAdolphus College, by Neil D Danielson, Miami University Oxford, Ohio8:40 (1580-1) A Modern Perspective on the Factors Affecting the Performance of theSecond Dimension in Two-Dimensional Liquid ChromatographySeparations of Small Molecules DWIGHT R STOLL, Gustavus AdolphusCollege, Ray Sajulga, Klaus Witt9:15 (1580-2) Fundamental Issues in Quantitative Analysis in Multi-Dimensional LiquidChromatography - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly PETER CARR, Universityof Minnesota, Sarah Rutan, Joe Davis, Daniel Cook, Robert Allen, Brian Barnes,Marcelo Filgueira9:50 (1580-3) Temperature-Assisted On-Column Solute Focusing: A General Methodto Enhance Separation Performance in Fast Capillary LiquidChromatography STEPHEN R GROSKREUTZ, University of Pittsburgh,Stephen G Weber10:25 Recess10:40 (1580-4) Developing, Improving and Optimizing LC×LC Separations PETER JSCHOENMAKERS, University of Amsterdam, Henrik Cornelisson van de Ven,Petra J Aarnoutse, Anna Baglai, Michelle Camenzuli, Andrea Gargano, Bob Pirok,Gabriel Vivo-Truyols11:15 (1580-5) Advanced Separation Technologies for Pharmaceutical Analysis: AreUHPLC, 2D HPLC and a Universal HPLC Method Enough? TODD D MALONEY,Eli Lilly and CompanySYMPOSIUM Session 1590A 60 Year Celebration of the Coblentz Societyarranged by Bruce Chase, University of Delaware and Peter Griffiths, University of IdahoWednesday Morning, Room 244Bruce Chase, University of Delaware, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Bruce Chase and Peter Griffiths8:35 (1590-1) An Historical Perspective from W.W. Coblentz to the Current CoblentzSociety Programs ROBERT W HANNAH, Coblentz Society, Foil A Miller9:10 (1590-2) Probing Liquid/Solid Interface Chemistry Within Porous Particles byConfocal Raman Microscopy JOEL M HARRIS, University of Utah, Jay P Kitt9:45 (1590-3) Single Molecule Spectroelectrochemistry in Zero-DimensionalNanoOptoFluidic Devices PAUL BOHN, University of Notre Dame, ChaoxiongMa, Lawrence P Zaino, Dane A Grismer10:20 Recess10:35 (1590-4) The 2000’s: The Decade that Started Femtosecond 2D IR SpectroscopyMARTIN ZANNI, University of Wisconsin-Madison11:10 (1590-5) Single-Nanoparticle Catalysis at Single-Turnover and NanometerResolution PENG CHEN, Cornell UniversityThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org60

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