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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 1430LC/MS - ‘Omics and OthersTuesday Afternoon, Room 2671:30 (1430-1) Derivatization Techniques for Better Quantification, Resolution, andSensitivity in LC-MS Based Metabolomics PAIGE A MALEC, University ofMichigan, Jenny-Marie T Wong, Omar Mabrouk, Robert T Kennedy1:50 (1430-2) Development of a LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Sugar andHumectant Profiles in Tobacco LIQUN WANG, Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, Roberto Bravo, Clifford Watson2:10 (1430-3) LC-MS Cellular Metabolomics Methodology for Type 1 Diabetes UsingCD4+ T cells CANDICE Z ULMER, University of Florida, Richard A Yost, Timothy JGarrett, Jing Chen, Clayton Matthews2:30 (1430-4) Electron Ionization LC-MS with Supersonic Molecular Beams AVIV AMIRAV,Tel Aviv University, Boaz Seemann, Svetlana Tsizin, Alexander Fialkov , Tal Alon2:50 Recess3:05 (1430-5) Techniques to Achieve Higher LCMS Sensitivity ROBERT JAY CLASSON,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Christopher Gilles, Rachel Lieberman, WilliamHedgepeth, David Colquhoun3:25 (1430-6) Separation of Silver Ions and Silver Nanoparticles Using Size ExclusionChromatography in Tandem with Diode Array and Inductively CoupledMass Spectrometric Detection TRACI A HANLEY, US Food and DrugAdministration, Robert A Wilson, Joseph A Caruso3:45 (1430-7) Simultaneous Quantification of Inorganic and Organic Mercury Speciesin Drinking Water at Single-Digit Picogram Levels by Direct SpeciatedIsotope Dilution (D-SID) IC-ICP-MS MIZAN RAHMAN, Applied IsotopeTechnologiesORAL SESSIONS Session 1450Novel Microfluidic Instrumentation and DevicesTuesday Afternoon, Room 2691:30 (1450-1) Labo on Tablet NOMADA HIROAKI, Kyushu University, Yoshioka Hiroaki, YangFan, Morita Kinichi, Oki Yuji1:50 (1450-2) Sensitive Paper-Based Colorimetric Sensors Using Hollow-Paper ChannelYONG SHIN KIM, Hanyang University, Tae-Sun Jun, Chi-Kwan Kim, Yeong B Cho2:10 (1450-3) A Suite of 3D-Printed Biotech Tools to Enhance Cell Analysis YUELI LIU,Michigan State University, Chengpeng Chen, Dana M Spence2:30 (1450-4) Integration of Uniform Porous Shell Layers in Pillar Array Columns UsingElectrochemical Anodization KATSUYUKI MAENO, Shiseido Co., Ltd, Jeff OpDe Beeck, Manly Callewaert, Sertan Sukas, Hugo Thienpont, Heidi Ottevaere,Han Gardeniers, Gert Desmet, Wim De Malsche2:50 Recess3:05 (1450-5) Enhancement of a Microfluidic Affinity Assay Using IntegratedTemperature Control NIKITA MUKHITOV, Florida State University, Lian Yi,Adrian M Schrell, Michael G Roper3:25 (1450-6) Microfabricated Sampling Probes for Minimally-Invasive NeurochemicalMonitoring with High Spatial Resolution THITAPHAT NGERNSUTIVORAKUL,University of Michigan, Woong Hee Lee, Robert T Kennedy3:45 (1450-7) Frequency-Encoded Polarization Immunoassays for Multi-AnalyteDeterminations ADRIAN M SCHRELL, Florida State University, Nikita Mukhitov,Michael G Roper4:05 (1450-8) A Paper/PMMA Hybrid Microfluidic 3D Microplate for ELISA SANJAYSHARMA TIMILSINA, University of Texas at El Paso, Maowei Dou,XiuJun (James) LiTuesday AfternoonORAL SESSIONS Session 1440LC/MS - Clinical, Biomedical and Drug DiscoveryTuesday Afternoon, Room 2681:30 (1440-1) Injection Technique to Improve Peak Shape and Reduce Break Through inLarge Volume Strong Solvent (U)HPLC JASON A ANSPACH, Phenomenex,Seyed Sadjadi, J P Preston, Leon Aslan, Tivadar Farkas1:50 (1440-2) Quantitative Immunomagnetic-UHPLC-MS/MS Analysis of Aged TricresylPhosphate Metabolites in Human Serum DARRYL JOHNSON, Centers forDisease Control and Prevention, Melissa D Carter, Brian C Crow, Samantha LIsenberg, Leigh Ann Graham, H Akin Erol, Caroline M Waston, Brooke GPantazides, Thomas A Blake, Rudolph C Johnson2:10 (1440-3) New Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Method for Monitoringof Multiple Mycotoxins in Human Blood for Exposure Studies DAJANAVUCKOVIC, Concordia University, Irina Slobodchikova2:30 (1440-4) Reffer Labness: A Closer Look at Medical Marijuana Testing SCOTTKUZDZAL, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments2:50 Recess3:05 (1440-5) LC-MS/MS Analysis of Urinary Nicotine Metabolites, Anabasine, andAnatabine to Determine Nicotine Exposure and Metabolic ProfilingSHARYN ELIZABETH MILLER, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, JuneFeng, Imran Rehmani, Binnian Wei, Lanqing Wang, Ben Blount3:25 (1440-6) Purification Support of Late Stage Functionalization Chemistries for DrugDiscovery ERIC STRECKFUSS, Merck3:45 (1440-7) Method Validation for NDAs and ANDAs: Regulatory Perspective MICHAELTREHY, US Food and Drug Administration, Lucinda Buhse, John Kauffman, JamieDunn, Michael Hadwiger4:05 (1440-8) Analysis of Small Molecule Impurities and Excipients in Biotherapeuticsby 2D-LC Coupled with MS YI LI, Genentech, Colin D Medley, Kelly ZhangORAL SESSIONS Session 1460Pharmaceutical-UV/VIS, Vibration Spec, PAT, OthersTuesday Afternoon, Room 2701:30 (1460-1) Sodium Deoxycholate/TRIS Hydrogels for Enantioselective Drug DeliveryKELSEY E MCNEEL, Louisiana State University, Noureen Siraj, Isiah M Warner1:50 (1460-2) Study on Dependency of Accuracy for the Determination of ActivePharmaceutical Ingredient Concentration on Particle Sizes of SamplesDUY PHAM KHAC, Hanyang University, Hoeil Chung2:10 (1460-3) Using Raman Spectroscopy to Understand the Effects of PolymericExcipients on Solid State Pharmaceutical Transformations ALAN D GIFT,University of Nebraska at Omaha, Madison Mapes, Dane Ewald, JacobHettenbaugh, Rachel Quandahl2:30 (1460-4) NIR Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical Solid Analysis: Challenges,Mitigations and Beyond DIMUTHU JAYAWICKRAMA, Bristol-Myers Squibb,Tim Stevens, Gary McGeorge, Dolapo Olusanmi, Boyong Wan, Kevin Macias,John Bobiak, Claudia Corredor, Douglas Both, Pankaj Shah2:50 Recess3:05 (1460-5) PAT Applications for API Development RUCHI P MEHTA, Pfizer Inc.3:25 (1460-6) Online UPLC Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for BiotherapeuticDevelopment DOUGLAS D RICHARDSON, Merck, Zhi Chen, Maria Khouzam,Xiaodun Mou, Daisy Richardson, John Higgins, David Pollard3:45 (1460-7) Novel Detection Methods for Cadmium and Lead in PharmaceuticalsSAMUEL M ROSOLINA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Carlos W Lee, James QChambers, Zi-Ling Xue4:05 (1460-8) Preparation and Analysis of Inorganic Impurities in PharmaceuticalProducts by WDXRF under USP ANDREA C MCWILLIAMS, ResearchTriangle Institute, James M Harrington, Frank X Weber, Keith Levine, BenoitBouchard, Al MartinThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org56

ORAL SESSIONS Session 1470Sensors - Bioanalytical (Half Session)Tuesday Afternoon, Room 2711:30 (1470-1) Toward Submillisecond Conductance-Based Measurements for IonChannel Biosensors MARK T AGASID, University of Arizona, Scott Saavedra,Craig A Aspinwall1:50 (1470-2) Rational Design of DNA-Based Sensing Systems with Precisely DefinedOperational Parameters IRINA V NESTEROVA, Louisiana State University2:10 (1470-3) Facilitating the Detection of Informative Multiplexed MicroRNA PanelsUsing Silicon Photonic Microring Resonator Arrays RICHARD M GRAYBILL,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Hongwei Yang, Mark D Johnson,Ryan C Bailey2:30 (1470-4) Novel Pull-Down Assay for Specific, Sensitive and Label-Free Detectionand Identification of Bacterial Toxins Using Polymer Lipid MembranesJINYAN WANG, University of Arizona, Boying Liang, Isen Andrew C Calderon,Scott Saavedra, Craig A AspinwallORAL SESSIONS Session 1480Vibrational Spectroscopy Instruments and ApplicationsTuesday Afternoon, Room 2721:30 (1480-1) Multiplexed Detection of Metal Ions Using SERS JULIE A DOCHERTY,University of Strathclyde, Samuel Mabbott, Ewen Smith, Karen Faulds,Duncan Graham1:50 (1480-2) Solid Mixtures of Chemically Differing Composition Determined byQuantitative Near Infrared Imaging DAVID L WETZEL, Kansas StateUniversity, Mark D Boatwright2:10 (1480-3) Cantilever-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Solids with WidelyTunable Quantum Cascade Laser JAAKKO LEHTINEN, Gasera Ltd., IsmoKauppinen, Jussi Raittila2:30 (1480-4) Performance Comparison Between a Fully-Integrated, Direct-MountTGA-FTIR System and a Capillary-Coupled Configuration BOB FIDLER,NETZSCH Instruments N.A. LLC, Ekkehard Post, Elisabeth Kapsch2:50 Recess3:05 (1480-5) Compressing the Workflow of Infrared Microscopy With IntelligentAutomation IAN ROBERTSON, PerkinElmer Limited, Jerry Sellors, Rupert Aries,Justin Lang3:25 (1480-6) Developing Metrology for Non-Destructive Characterization of BuriedMetal/Polymer and Semiconductor/Polymer Interfaces In Situ JOHN NMYERS, University of Michigan, Zhan Chen3:45 (1480-7) Remote Condition Monitoring – What can you do when you take the FTIRto the Samples? DAVID HILLIGOSS, PerkinElmer, David Wooton4:05 (1480-8) In Situ Probing the Surface Hydration of Nonfouling Polymers UsingIsotopically Diluted Water CHUAN LENG, University of MichiganPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMPOSTER SESSION Session 1500All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Clinical ChemistryTuesday Afternoon(1500-1 P) Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Boosts the Cytotoxic Effect of Tamosifen in BreastCarcinoma SAMY A ABDEL AZIM, Cairo University(1500-2 P) Rapid LC-MS/MS Determination of Digoxin and Digitoxin in Biological Fluids withMinimal Matrix Effects DAVID S BELL, Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, Xiaoning Lu, Gaurang Parmar,Wayne Way(1500-3 P) The Use of Single Particle-ICP-MS in Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Systems CHADYSTEPHAN, PerkinElmer, Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu(1500-4 P) Method for Assessing Residual Trace Metal Contamination in Acid-Washed VialsMICHELLE LYNN MADSEN WERMERS, Mayo Clinic, Steven J Eckdahl(1500-5 P) Sensitive Determination of Acetaminophen Based on Arginine FunctionalizedGraphene Nanocomposite Film ZHE WANG, Xavier University of Louisiana(1500-6 P) Development of a Proximity Ligation Assay for Adiponectin Multimers KATARENA FORD,Auburn University, Joonyul Kim, Robert Judd, Christopher J Easley(1500-7 P) A New SRM for Assessment of Arsenic Exposure Through Urine Analysis LEE L YU,National Institute of Standards and Technology, Cynthia D Ward, W Clay Davis, Rick L PaulPOSTER SESSION Session 1510All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Education PostersTuesday Afternoon(1510-1 P) Implementing Authentic Science Learning Through Multi-Tiered Collaboration YI HE,John Jay College/CUNY, Sandra Swenson(1510-2 P) The Kinetics of Double Clock Reaction: A Modified Version of Old Experiment forGraduate Experimental Chemistry Laboratory SADAF BHUTTO, University of Karachi,Muhammad N Khan(1510-3 P) Assessment of Water Quality Parameters From the Lowber Abandoned Mine DrainageTreatment Facility Using Potentiometric, Titrimetric, and Spectrometric MethodsMARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University of Pittsburgh Greensburg, Tell M Lovelace,Joshua M Blaker(1510-4 P) Videotaping Experiments in an Analytical Chemistry Course RITA K UPMACIS, PaceUniversity, Samantha J Pace, Tyler K Brescia, Elmer-Rico E Mojica(1510-5 P) Implementation of Globally Harmonized Labels and Their Impact on the LaboratoryANTHONY R KEMPERMAN, Honeywell, Burdick and Jackson(1510-6 P) Calibration Strategies for Absorption and Emission Instruments LAUREN E GRABOWSKI,University of South Carolina, Scott R GoodeTuesday AfternoonORAL SESSIONS Session 1490X-ray Analysis (Half Session)Tuesday Afternoon, Room 2731:30 (1490-1) Sub-PPM Detection Limits in Powder X-Ray Diffraction Guided by SecondHarmonic Generation Imaging GARTH SIMPSON, Purdue University1:50 (1490-2) Determination of Pu in Spent Nuclear Fuel - Results from Field Testingof High Resolution X-Ray (hiRX) KATHRYN G MCINTOSH, Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, Robert F Gilmore, David M Missimer, Michael K Holland, George JHavrilla2:10 (1490-3) Application of Micro-XRF Spectroscopy in Geographical Profiling andSand Analysis SERGEY MAMEDOV, Horiba2:30 (1490-4) Analytical Challenges in the Development of Adsorbents for SulphurRemoval from Fuels CHRISTOPHER JAYARAJ, Indian Oil R&D Centre, RashmiBagai, Nitu Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, Alex C Pulikottil, M B PatelPOSTER SESSION Session 1520All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Location of the afternoon posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Environmental ChromatographyTuesday Afternoon(1520-1 P) Analysis of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants in Human Breast Milk Usingthe QuEChERS Extraction Approach and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GasChromatography MICHELLE MISSELWITZ, Restek, Julie Kowalski, Jack Cochran, RebeccaStevens, Jaap de Zeeuw, Linx Waclaski, Mike Chang(1520-2 P) Improving Workflows and Productivity in Thermal Desorption Air Monitoring JASONWEISENSEEL, PerkinElmer, Matthew Benton, Roberto Provost57The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORAL SESSIONS Session 1430LC/MS - ‘Omics and OthersTuesday Afternoon, Room 2671:30 (1430-1) Derivatization Techniques for Better Quantification, Resolution, andSensitivity in LC-MS Based Metabolomics PAIGE A MALEC, University ofMichigan, Jenny-Marie T Wong, Omar Mabrouk, Robert T Kennedy1:50 (1430-2) Development of a LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Sugar andHumectant Profiles in Tobacco LIQUN WANG, Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, Roberto Bravo, Clifford Watson2:10 (1430-3) LC-MS Cellular Metabolomics Methodology for Type 1 Diabetes UsingCD4+ T cells CANDICE Z ULMER, University of Florida, Richard A Yost, Timothy JGarrett, Jing Chen, Clayton Matthews2:30 (1430-4) Electron Ionization LC-MS with Supersonic Molecular Beams AVIV AMIRAV,Tel Aviv University, Boaz Seemann, Svetlana Tsizin, Alexander Fialkov , Tal Alon2:50 Recess3:05 (1430-5) Techniques to Achieve Higher LCMS Sensitivity ROBERT JAY CLASSON,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Christopher Gilles, Rachel Lieberman, WilliamHedgepeth, David Colquhoun3:25 (1430-6) Separation of Silver Ions and Silver Nanoparticles Using Size ExclusionChromatography in Tandem with Diode Array and Inductively CoupledMass Spectrometric Detection TRACI A HANLEY, US Food and DrugAdministration, Robert A Wilson, Joseph A Caruso3:45 (1430-7) Simultaneous Quantification of Inorganic and Organic Mercury Speciesin Drinking Water at Single-Digit Picogram Levels by Direct SpeciatedIsotope Dilution (D-SID) IC-ICP-MS MIZAN RAHMAN, Applied IsotopeTechnologiesORAL SESSIONS Session 1450Novel Microfluidic Instrumentation and DevicesTuesday Afternoon, Room 2691:30 (1450-1) Labo on Tablet NOMADA HIROAKI, Kyushu University, Yoshioka Hiroaki, YangFan, Morita Kinichi, Oki Yuji1:50 (1450-2) Sensitive Paper-Based Colorimetric Sensors Using Hollow-Paper ChannelYONG SHIN KIM, Hanyang University, Tae-Sun Jun, Chi-Kwan Kim, Yeong B Cho2:10 (1450-3) A Suite of 3D-Printed Biotech Tools to Enhance Cell Analysis YUELI LIU,Michigan State University, Chengpeng Chen, Dana M Spence2:30 (1450-4) Integration of Uniform Porous Shell Layers in Pillar Array Columns UsingElectrochemical Anodization KATSUYUKI MAENO, Shiseido Co., Ltd, Jeff OpDe Beeck, Manly Callewaert, Sertan Sukas, Hugo Thienpont, Heidi Ottevaere,Han Gardeniers, Gert Desmet, Wim De Malsche2:50 Recess3:05 (1450-5) Enhancement of a Microfluidic Affinity Assay Using IntegratedTemperature Control NIKITA MUKHITOV, Florida State University, Lian Yi,Adrian M Schrell, Michael G Roper3:25 (1450-6) Microfabricated Sampling Probes for Minimally-Invasive NeurochemicalMonitoring with High Spatial Resolution THITAPHAT NGERNSUTIVORAKUL,University of Michigan, Woong Hee Lee, Robert T Kennedy3:45 (1450-7) Frequency-Encoded Polarization Immunoassays for Multi-AnalyteDeterminations ADRIAN M SCHRELL, Florida State University, Nikita Mukhitov,Michael G Roper4:05 (1450-8) A Paper/PMMA Hybrid Microfluidic 3D Microplate for ELISA SANJAYSHARMA TIMILSINA, University of Texas at El Paso, Maowei Dou,XiuJun (James) LiTuesday AfternoonORAL SESSIONS Session 1440LC/MS - Clinical, Biomedical and Drug DiscoveryTuesday Afternoon, Room 2681:30 (1440-1) Injection Technique to Improve Peak Shape and Reduce Break Through inLarge Volume Strong Solvent (U)HPLC JASON A ANSPACH, Phenomenex,Seyed Sadjadi, J P Preston, Leon Aslan, Tivadar Farkas1:50 (1440-2) Quantitative Immunomagnetic-UHPLC-MS/MS Analysis of Aged TricresylPhosphate Metabolites in Human Serum DARRYL JOHNSON, Centers forDisease Control and Prevention, Melissa D Carter, Brian C Crow, Samantha LIsenberg, Leigh Ann Graham, H Akin Erol, Caroline M Waston, Brooke GPantazides, Thomas A Blake, Rudolph C Johnson2:10 (1440-3) New Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Method for Monitoringof Multiple Mycotoxins in Human Blood for Exposure Studies DAJANAVUCKOVIC, Concordia University, Irina Slobodchikova2:30 (1440-4) Reffer Labness: A Closer Look at Medical Marijuana Testing SCOTTKUZDZAL, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments2:50 Recess3:05 (1440-5) LC-MS/MS Analysis of Urinary Nicotine Metabolites, Anabasine, andAnatabine to Determine Nicotine Exposure and Metabolic ProfilingSHARYN ELIZABETH MILLER, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, JuneFeng, Imran Rehmani, Binnian Wei, Lanqing Wang, Ben Blount3:25 (1440-6) Purification Support of Late Stage Functionalization Chemistries for DrugDiscovery ERIC STRECKFUSS, Merck3:45 (1440-7) Method Validation for NDAs and ANDAs: Regulatory Perspective MICHAELTREHY, US Food and Drug Administration, Lucinda Buhse, John Kauffman, JamieDunn, Michael Hadwiger4:05 (1440-8) Analysis of Small Molecule Impurities and Excipients in Biotherapeuticsby 2D-LC Coupled with MS YI LI, Genentech, Colin D Medley, Kelly ZhangORAL SESSIONS Session 1460Pharmaceutical-UV/VIS, Vibration Spec, PAT, OthersTuesday Afternoon, Room 2701:30 (1460-1) Sodium Deoxycholate/TRIS Hydrogels for Enantioselective Drug DeliveryKELSEY E MCNEEL, Louisiana State University, Noureen Siraj, Isiah M Warner1:50 (1460-2) Study on Dependency of Accuracy for the Determination of ActivePharmaceutical Ingredient Concentration on Particle Sizes of SamplesDUY PHAM KHAC, Hanyang University, Hoeil Chung2:10 (1460-3) Using Raman Spectroscopy to Understand the Effects of PolymericExcipients on Solid State Pharmaceutical Transformations ALAN D GIFT,University of Nebraska at Omaha, Madison Mapes, Dane Ewald, JacobHettenbaugh, Rachel Quandahl2:30 (1460-4) NIR Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical Solid Analysis: Challenges,Mitigations and Beyond DIMUTHU JAYAWICKRAMA, Bristol-Myers Squibb,Tim Stevens, Gary McGeorge, Dolapo Olusanmi, Boyong Wan, Kevin Macias,John Bobiak, Claudia Corredor, Douglas Both, Pankaj Shah2:50 Recess3:05 (1460-5) PAT Applications for API Development RUCHI P MEHTA, Pfizer Inc.3:25 (1460-6) Online UPLC Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for BiotherapeuticDevelopment DOUGLAS D RICHARDSON, Merck, Zhi Chen, Maria Khouzam,Xiaodun Mou, Daisy Richardson, John Higgins, David Pollard3:45 (1460-7) Novel Detection Methods for Cadmium and Lead in PharmaceuticalsSAMUEL M ROSOLINA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Carlos W Lee, James QChambers, Zi-Ling Xue4:05 (1460-8) Preparation and Analysis of Inorganic Impurities in PharmaceuticalProducts by WDXRF under USP ANDREA C MCWILLIAMS, ResearchTriangle Institute, James M Harrington, Frank X Weber, Keith Levine, BenoitBouchard, Al MartinThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org56

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