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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMTuesday MorningSYMPOSIUM Session 960ACS DAC - Applications of Analytical and Radiochemistry for Harsh Environmentsarranged by Sam Bryan and Brienne Seiner, Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryTuesday Morning, Room 238Sam Bryan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PresidingBrienne Seiner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Sam Bryan and Brienne Seiner8:35 (960-1) Interfacial Complexes in Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing SystemsLUTHER W MCDONALD IV, University of Utah, Joseph Levinthal9:10 (960-2) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:45 (960-3) Spectroelectrochemical Sensor for Technetium Applicable to Hanfordand Other DOE Sites SAM A BRYAN, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,Amanda Crawford, Brian M Rapko, Shirmir D Branch, Job M Bello,William R Heineman10:20 Recess10:35 (960-4) The Chemical and Material Challenges for Analysis of Tritium SamplesWILLIAM A SPENCER, Savannah River National Laboratory, Robert Lascola, JoseCotes Concepcion, Laura Tovo, Jonathan S Wright, Ricardo D Torres11:10 (960-5) Spectroelectrochemical Method for Pu Valence Determination inNuclear Material Processing Solutions ROBERT LASCOLA, Savannah RiverNational Laboratory, Patrick E O’Rourke, Courtney E Johnson, Edward Kyser,Michael J PhillipsSYMPOSIUM Session 970Innovative Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Biopharmaceuticalsarranged by Hansjoerg Toll, Analytical Characterization, Sandoz GmbHTuesday Morning, Room 239Hansjoerg Toll, Analytical Characterization, Sandoz GmbH, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Hansjoereg Toll8:35 (970-1) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:10 (970-2) Improved Characterization of Antibody Biotherapeutics withUltrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry LISA MARZILLI, Pfizer,Heather S DeGruttola, Keith A Johnson, Jason C Rouse9:45 (970-3) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet10:20 Recess10:35 (970-4) Mass Spectrometry in Biopharmaceutical Process DevelopmentCHRISTOPHER YU, Genentech11:10 (970-5) Finding the Needle in the Haystack: Detecting Low Abundant ProteinSpecies in Biopharmaceutical Development HANSJOERG TOLL, AnalyticalCharacterization, Sandoz GmbH, AustriaSYMPOSIUM Session 990Mass Spectrometry and Its Biomedical Applicationsarranged by Ronghu Wu, Georgia Institute of TechnologyTuesday Morning, Room 242Ronghu Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Ronghu Wu8:35 (990-1) Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry for Biological ProblemsJENNY BRODBELT, University of Texas9:10 (990-2) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:45 (990-3) Immuno-Laser Capture Microdissection/Liquid Chromatography MassSpectrometry for the Study of Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells DAVID MLUBMAN, University of Michigan, Jianhui Zhu, Song Nie10:20 Recess10:35 (990-4) Neucode SILAC and One Hour Proteomes ANNA MERRILL, University ofWisconsin-Madison, Alexander Hebert, Alicia Richards, Matthew MacGilvray,Christopher Rose, Derek Bailey, Joel Bradley, William Wood, Marwan ElMasri,Michael Westphall, Audrey Gasch, Joshua Coon11:10 (990-5) Characterization of Protein Complexes by Native MS: Ion Mobility Coupleto Surface Collisions VICKI WYSOCKI, Ohio State University, Sophie Harvey,Royston Quintyn, Yang Song, Yue Ju, Akiko Tanimoto, Yan Jing, AnirrudhaSahasrabuddheSYMPOSIUM Session 1000Microfluidic Innovations to Advance Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathwaysarranged by Yong Zeng, University of KansasTuesday Morning, Room 261Yong Zeng, University of Kansas, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Yong Zeng8:35 (1000-1) Putting a New Spin on Microfluidics with Laser Print Lithography JAMESP LANDERS, University of Virginia9:10 (1000-2) Neurogenetics and Immunology Enabled by Microfluidics andAutomation HANG LU, Georgia Institute of Technology9:45 (1000-3) Microelectrophoresis-Based Assay of Lipid Signaling in Primary ImmuneCells NANCY L ALLBRITTON, University of North Carolina10:20 Recess10:35 (1000-4) Microfluidic Systems for Measuring Dynamics of Islets of LangerhansMICHAEL G ROPER, Florida State University, Lian Yi, Raghuram Dhumpa, NikitaMukhitov, Adrian M Schrell, Xue Wang11:10 (1000-5) Integrated Microfluidic Molecular Analysis of Circulating Exosomes YONGZENG, University of KansasSYMPOSIUM Session 980JAIMA - The State-of-the-Art Technologies from Japan:Analytical Instruments with/for Nano-Bio Technology and Advanced Diagnosis Iarranged by Koichiro Matsuda, JAIMATuesday Morning, Room 260Koichiro Matsuda and Takeshi Kawamoto, JAIMA, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Shigehiko Hattori8:35 (980-1) Nano- and Quantum-Biodevices for Cancer Diagnosis, CancerTherapy, and iPS Cell Based Regenerative Medicine YOSHINOBU BABA,Nagoya University9:10 (980-2) Luminescent Sensors and Switches for Single Cell Analysis TAKEAKIOZAWA, The University of Tokyo9:45 (980-3) Designing Mechanized Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy and Diagnosis:Toward Developing Nanorobots FUYUHIKO TAMANOI, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles10:20 Recess10:35 (980-4) Innovative Electron Microscope for Nano-Biology BARBARA ARMBRUSTER,Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.11:10 (980-5) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yetSYMPOSIUM Session 1010Platforms for Point-of-Care Analysisarranged by XiuJun (James) Li, University of Texas at El Paso and Hugh Fan, University of FloridaTuesday Morning, Room 262XiuJun (James) Li, University of Texas at El Paso, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - XiuJun (James) Li and Hugh Fan8:35 (1010-1) Point-of-Surgery Diagnostic for Parathyroid Hormone FRANCES S LIGLER,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University,Brian M Cummins, Glenn M Walker, Michael Lochhead, Catherine SHammett-Stabler, Jen Jen Yeh, Kirk Caddell, Nathaniel Hentz9:10 (1010-2) Towards Point-of-Care Analysis Using Digital Microfluidics AARONWHEELER, University of Toronto9:45 (1010-3) Chip-Based Capillary Electrophoresis Platform for Point-of-CareApplications ALBERT VAN DEN BERG, University of Twente, Steven Staal10:20 Recess10:35 (1010-4) Paper/PDMS Hybrid Microfluidic Platforms for Infectious DiseaseDiagnosis XIUJUN (JAMES) LI, University of Texas at El Paso11:10 (1010-5) Digital LAMP on a SD Chip for Point-of-Care Diagnostics DANIEL T CHIU,University of Washington, Jason E Kreutz, Bryant S FujimotoThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org46

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 1020Recovering the Original Colors of Paintings through Analytical Chemistryarranged by Christian A Amatore, CNRS-ENS-UPMC and Philippe Walter, CNRSORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 1050Emerging Methods for Monitoring Neurochemicals in Living Systemsarranged by Kathryn M Nesbitt, University of Pittsburgh and Rachel A Saylor, University of KansasTuesday Morning, Room 263Christian A Amatore, CNRS-ENS-UPMC, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Christian Amatore and Philippe Walter8:35 (1020-1) Complexity of Chemical Kinetics of Reactions Taking Place in PaintingsOver Centuries CHRISTIAN A AMATORE, CNRS-ENS-UPMC9:10 (1020-2) Synchrotron-Based Methods for Studying the Alteration Mechanisms ofCadmium Sulfide and Arsenic Sulfide Pigments in Early Modernist andDutch Golden Age Paintings Respectively JENNIFER L MASS, WinterthurMuseum, Katrien Keune, Apurva Mehta, Florian Meirer, Alyssa Hull9:45 (1020-3) Development of a New Mobile Instrument Combining XRF and XRD toReveal the Original Colors of Paintings PHILIPPE WALTER, CNRS10:20 Recess10:35 (1020-4) Multi-Modal Standoff Chemical Imaging to Elucidate Spatial Featuresand Pigments of “Hidden” Paintings: Reflectance, Fluorescence and XRFOmaging Spectroscopies JOHN K DELANEY, National Gallery of Art, Kathryn ADooley, Damon Conover, Lisha D Glinsman11:10 (1020-5) Non-Invasive Color Restoration of Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals UsingLight from a Digital Projector JENS STENGER, Yale University, NarayanKhandekar, Raskar Ramesh, Santiago Cuellar, Mohan Ankit, Rudolf GschwindSYMPOSIUM Session 1030SPECIAL SESSION: International Year of Light (SAS)arranged by Bernhard Lendl, Vienna University of TechnologyTuesday Morning, Room 245Bernhard Lendl, Vienna University of Technology, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Bernard Lendl8:35 (1030-1) Quantum Cascade Lasers: Opening New Opportunities for AnalyticalChemistry BERNHARD LENDL, Vienna University of Technology9:10 (1030-2) Near-Field Mid-IR Imaging in the Material Sciences CURTIS MARCOTT,Light Light Solutions, Michael Lo, Qichi Hu, Craig Prater, Kevin Kjoller9:45 (1030-3) Fundamental Science-Driven Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging forClinical Diagnostic Systems ROHIT BHARGAVA, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign10:20 Recess10:35 (1030-4) Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Study of Bioplastics ISAONODA, University of Delaware11:10 (1030-5) Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy RICHARD P VAN DUYNE,Northwestern UniversitySYMPOSIUM Session 1040Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging: Toward Practical Applicationsarranged by Katsuhiro Ajito, NTT CorporationTuesday Morning, Room 264Katsuhiro Ajito, NTT Corporation, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Katsuhiro Ajito8:35 (1040-1) Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedical, Security andIndustrial Applications at the University of Arkansas MAGDAEL-SHENAWEE, University of Arkansas, Tyler Bowman, Nathan Burford9:10 (1040-2) Recent Practical Industrial Applications Using Terahertz TechnologyEIJI KATO, Advantest America, Inc.9:45 (1040-3) Medical Application of Spatially Resolved Tissue Water Content MappingUsing Terahertz Imaging ZACHARY DEIS TAYLOR, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles10:20 Recess10:35 (1040-4) Quantitative THz Spectroscopic Imaging of Pharmaceutical CocrystalsKATSUHIRO AJITO, NTT Corporation11:10 (1040-5) Drug Binding Assays Through Dynamical Fingerprinting ANDREA GMARKELZ, SUNY Buffalo, Katherine A Niessen, Mengyang Xu, Edward Snell,Vivian Cody47Tuesday Morning, Room 265Kathryn M Nesbitt, University of Pittsburgh, Presiding8:30 (1050-1) Enhancing Voltammetric Detection of Dopamine Near MicrodialysisProbes Implanted in the Striatum KATHRYN M NESBITT, University ofPittsburgh, Andrea Jaquins-Gerstl, Adrian C Michael8:50 (1050-2) The Impact of Dexamethasone on Penetration Trauma Associated withMicrodialysis Implants at 24 Hours ANDREA JAQUINS-GERSTL, University ofPittsburgh, Kathryn M Nesbitt, Erika L Varner, Adrian C Michael9:10 (1050-3) Separation and Quantification of Neurotransmitter Tissue Content in DMelanogaster Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to Fast Scan CyclicVoltammetry MADELAINE E DENNO, University of Virginia, B Jill Venton, EvePrivman9:30 (1050-4) Novel Glucose Oxidase-Modified Carbon-Fiber MicroelectrodeBiosensors Simultaneously Detecting Subsecond Glucose and DopamineFluctuations Utilizing Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry SAMANTHA SMITH,North Carolina State University, Lingjiao Qi, Christie Lee, Leslie A Sombers9:50 Recess10:05 (1050-5) Serotonin-Histamine Modulation in Parkinson’s Using Fast Scan CyclicVoltammetry (FSCV) AYA ABALLA, Wayne State University10:25 (1050-6) Improved Sensitivity of Neuropeptide Detection by LC-MS n andApplication with Selective Neuronal Activation In Vivo JENNY-MARIE TWONG, University of Michigan, Ying Zhou, Omar Mabrouk, Robert T Kennedy10:45 (1050-7) Microfluidic Sensor System for Neurochemical Monitoring of TraumaticBrain Injury Patients CHI LENG LEONG, Imperial College, Michelle L Rogers,Anthony J Strong, Martyn G Boutelle11:05 (1050-8) Continuous On-Line Monitoring of Catecholamines in Freely-RoamingAnimals Using a Separation-Based Sensor RACHEL A SAYLOR, University ofKansas, Susan M LunteORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 1060Optical Imaging: On Liquid-Solid Interfaces and Cell Membranesarranged by Gufeng Wang, North Carolina State UniversityTuesday Morning, Room 266Gufeng Wang, North Carolina State University, Presiding8:30 (1060-1) Single Molecule Resolution of Surface Heterogeneity DANIEL SCHWARTZ,University of Colorado Boulder8:50 (1060-2) Single Molecule Tracking and Combinatorial Materials Science: Exploringthe Nanoscale Properties of Thin Film Gradients and Their SurfacesDANIEL A HIGGINS, Kansas State University, Dipak Giri, Maryanne M Collinson9:10 (1060-3) Super-Resolution Optical Imaging of Real-Time Membrane Transport ofSingle Live Cells KERRY LEE, Old Dominion University, Tao Huang, Prakash DNallathamby, Feng Ding, X Nancy Xu9:30 (1060-4) Understanding Single Molecule Dynamics at Interfaces CHRISTY LANDES,Rice University9:50 Recess10:05 (1060-5) Optical Microscopy Studies of Receptor Diffusion: Single Particle Trackingand Stimulated Emission Depletion Imaging EMILY A SMITH, Iowa StateUniversity, Aleem Syed, Qiaochu Zhu, Neha Arora10:25 (1060-6) Chemical Analysis Using Electric Fields From Coupled PlasmonicStructures ZACHARY SCHULTZ, University of Notre Dame, Hao Wang, DanielKwasnieski10:45 (1060-7) Imaging of Retention Kinetics Within Individual Reversed-PhaseChromatographic Particles JOEL M HARRIS, University of Utah, Justin TCooper, David Bryce, Jay P Kitt11:05 (1060-8) Diffusion Near Surface Studied with Three-Dimensional SuperLocalization Microscopy GUFENG WANG, North Carolina State University,Luyang Zhao, Fang Chen, Bhanu NeupaneThe author list is available at www.pittcon.orgTuesday Morning

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 1020Recovering the Original Colors of Paintings through Analytical Chemistryarranged by Christian A Amatore, CNRS-ENS-UPMC and Philippe Walter, CNRSORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 1050Emerging Methods for Monitoring Neurochemicals in Living Systemsarranged by Kathryn M Nesbitt, University of Pittsburgh and Rachel A Saylor, University of KansasTuesday Morning, Room 263Christian A Amatore, CNRS-ENS-UPMC, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Christian Amatore and Philippe Walter8:35 (1020-1) Complexity of Chemical Kinetics of Reactions Taking Place in PaintingsOver Centuries CHRISTIAN A AMATORE, CNRS-ENS-UPMC9:10 (1020-2) Synchrotron-Based Methods for Studying the Alteration Mechanisms ofCadmium Sulfide and Arsenic Sulfide Pigments in Early Modernist andDutch Golden Age Paintings Respectively JENNIFER L MASS, WinterthurMuseum, Katrien Keune, Apurva Mehta, Florian Meirer, Alyssa Hull9:45 (1020-3) Development of a New Mobile Instrument Combining XRF and XRD toReveal the Original Colors of Paintings PHILIPPE WALTER, CNRS10:20 Recess10:35 (1020-4) Multi-Modal Standoff Chemical Imaging to Elucidate Spatial Featuresand Pigments of “Hidden” Paintings: Reflectance, Fluorescence and XRFOmaging Spectroscopies JOHN K DELANEY, National Gallery of Art, Kathryn ADooley, Damon Conover, Lisha D Glinsman11:10 (1020-5) Non-Invasive Color Restoration of Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals UsingLight from a Digital Projector JENS STENGER, Yale University, NarayanKhandekar, Raskar Ramesh, Santiago Cuellar, Mohan Ankit, Rudolf GschwindSYMPOSIUM Session 1030SPECIAL SESSION: International Year of Light (SAS)arranged by Bernhard Lendl, Vienna University of TechnologyTuesday Morning, Room 245Bernhard Lendl, Vienna University of Technology, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Bernard Lendl8:35 (1030-1) Quantum Cascade Lasers: Opening New Opportunities for AnalyticalChemistry BERNHARD LENDL, Vienna University of Technology9:10 (1030-2) Near-Field Mid-IR Imaging in the Material Sciences CURTIS MARCOTT,Light Light Solutions, Michael Lo, Qichi Hu, Craig Prater, Kevin Kjoller9:45 (1030-3) Fundamental Science-Driven Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging forClinical Diagnostic Systems ROHIT BHARGAVA, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign10:20 Recess10:35 (1030-4) Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Study of Bioplastics ISAONODA, University of Delaware11:10 (1030-5) Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy RICHARD P VAN DUYNE,Northwestern UniversitySYMPOSIUM Session 1040Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging: Toward Practical Applicationsarranged by Katsuhiro Ajito, NTT CorporationTuesday Morning, Room 264Katsuhiro Ajito, NTT Corporation, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Katsuhiro Ajito8:35 (1040-1) Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedical, Security andIndustrial Applications at the University of Arkansas MAGDAEL-SHENAWEE, University of Arkansas, Tyler Bowman, Nathan Burford9:10 (1040-2) Recent Practical Industrial Applications Using Terahertz TechnologyEIJI KATO, Advantest America, Inc.9:45 (1040-3) Medical Application of Spatially Resolved Tissue Water Content MappingUsing Terahertz Imaging ZACHARY DEIS TAYLOR, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles10:20 Recess10:35 (1040-4) Quantitative THz Spectroscopic Imaging of Pharmaceutical CocrystalsKATSUHIRO AJITO, NTT Corporation11:10 (1040-5) Drug Binding Assays Through Dynamical Fingerprinting ANDREA GMARKELZ, SUNY Buffalo, Katherine A Niessen, Mengyang Xu, Edward Snell,Vivian Cody47Tuesday Morning, Room 265Kathryn M Nesbitt, University of Pittsburgh, Presiding8:30 (1050-1) Enhancing Voltammetric Detection of Dopamine Near MicrodialysisProbes Implanted in the Striatum KATHRYN M NESBITT, University ofPittsburgh, Andrea Jaquins-Gerstl, Adrian C Michael8:50 (1050-2) The Impact of Dexamethasone on Penetration Trauma Associated withMicrodialysis Implants at 24 Hours ANDREA JAQUINS-GERSTL, University ofPittsburgh, Kathryn M Nesbitt, Erika L Varner, Adrian C Michael9:10 (1050-3) Separation and Quantification of Neurotransmitter Tissue Content in DMelanogaster Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to Fast Scan CyclicVoltammetry MADELAINE E DENNO, University of Virginia, B Jill Venton, EvePrivman9:30 (1050-4) Novel Glucose Oxidase-Modified Carbon-Fiber MicroelectrodeBiosensors Simultaneously Detecting Subsecond Glucose and DopamineFluctuations Utilizing Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry SAMANTHA SMITH,North Carolina State University, Lingjiao Qi, Christie Lee, Leslie A Sombers9:50 Recess10:05 (1050-5) Serotonin-Histamine Modulation in Parkinson’s Using Fast Scan CyclicVoltammetry (FSCV) AYA ABALLA, Wayne State University10:25 (1050-6) Improved Sensitivity of Neuropeptide Detection by LC-MS n andApplication with Selective Neuronal Activation In Vivo JENNY-MARIE TWONG, University of Michigan, Ying Zhou, Omar Mabrouk, Robert T Kennedy10:45 (1050-7) Microfluidic Sensor System for Neurochemical Monitoring of TraumaticBrain Injury Patients CHI LENG LEONG, Imperial College, Michelle L Rogers,Anthony J Strong, Martyn G Boutelle11:05 (1050-8) Continuous On-Line Monitoring of Catecholamines in Freely-RoamingAnimals Using a Separation-Based Sensor RACHEL A SAYLOR, University ofKansas, Susan M LunteORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 1060Optical Imaging: On Liquid-Solid Interfaces and Cell Membranesarranged by Gufeng Wang, North Carolina State UniversityTuesday Morning, Room 266Gufeng Wang, North Carolina State University, Presiding8:30 (1060-1) Single Molecule Resolution of Surface Heterogeneity DANIEL SCHWARTZ,University of Colorado Boulder8:50 (1060-2) Single Molecule Tracking and Combinatorial Materials Science: Exploringthe Nanoscale Properties of Thin Film Gradients and Their SurfacesDANIEL A HIGGINS, Kansas State University, Dipak Giri, Maryanne M Collinson9:10 (1060-3) Super-Resolution Optical Imaging of Real-Time Membrane Transport ofSingle Live Cells KERRY LEE, Old Dominion University, Tao Huang, Prakash DNallathamby, Feng Ding, X Nancy Xu9:30 (1060-4) Understanding Single Molecule Dynamics at Interfaces CHRISTY LANDES,Rice University9:50 Recess10:05 (1060-5) Optical Microscopy Studies of Receptor Diffusion: Single Particle Trackingand Stimulated Emission Depletion Imaging EMILY A SMITH, Iowa StateUniversity, Aleem Syed, Qiaochu Zhu, Neha Arora10:25 (1060-6) Chemical Analysis Using Electric Fields From Coupled PlasmonicStructures ZACHARY SCHULTZ, University of Notre Dame, Hao Wang, DanielKwasnieski10:45 (1060-7) Imaging of Retention Kinetics Within Individual Reversed-PhaseChromatographic Particles JOEL M HARRIS, University of Utah, Justin TCooper, David Bryce, Jay P Kitt11:05 (1060-8) Diffusion Near Surface Studied with Three-Dimensional SuperLocalization Microscopy GUFENG WANG, North Carolina State University,Luyang Zhao, Fang Chen, Bhanu NeupaneThe author list is available at www.pittcon.orgTuesday Morning

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