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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMonday AfternoonSYMPOSIUM Session 630Bioinformatics: Metabolite Identification and Quantificationarranged by Xiang Zhang, University of LouisvilleMonday Afternoon, Room 261Xiang Zhang, University of Louisville, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Xiang Zhang1:35 (630-1) RANSY and RAMSY: Ratio Analysis of NMR and MS to ImproveCompound Identification DANIEL RAFTERY, University of Washington,Haiwei Gu, Siwei Wei2:10 (630-2) Statistical Peak Detection Algorithms for Comprehensive TwoDimensional GC-MS Data SEONGHO KIM, Wayne State University2:45 (630-3) Discriminating Precursors of Common Fragments for UntargetedMetabolomics GARY PATTI, Washington University in St. Louis3:20 Recess3:35 (630-4) Bioinformatics of Mass Spectrometry-Based Stable Isotope AssistedMetabolomics XIANG ZHANG, University of Louisville4:10 (630-5) The Exposome: Identifying Drugs and Food Components in Human CohortSamples Using Untargeted Metabolomics OLIVER FIEHN, University ofCalifornia Davis, Tomas CajkaSYMPOSIUM Session 640Carbon Materials: Electrochemistry and Beyondarranged by Greg M Swain, Michigan State UniversityMonday Afternoon, Room 262Greg M Swain, Michigan State University, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Greg M Swain1:35 (640-1) Electroanalytical Performance of Nitrogen-Containing TetrahedralAmorphous Carbon Thin-Film Electrodes GREG M SWAIN, Michigan StateUniversity, Catherine Munson, Romana Jarosova2:10 (640-2) Nanodiamonds for Liquid Phase Separations LUIS A COLON, University atBuffalo - SUNY, Zuqin Xue, Amaris Borges-Muñoz, Lisandra Santiago-Capeles,Karina Tirado-González2:45 (640-3) Synthesis, Functionalization, Spectroscopy, and Bioimaging Applicationsof Fluorescent Carbon Nanodots DOO YOUNG KIM, University of Kentucky3:20 Recess3:35 (640-4) A Sputtered Nanocarbon Film Electrode for Detecting Biomolecules DAIKATO, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science , Osamu Niwa4:10 (640-5) Protein Electrochemistry at Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and GrapheneOxides DAVID E CLIFFEL, Vanderbilt University, Gabriel LeBlanc, Evan A GizzieSYMPOSIUM Session 650Chemical Issues with Contemporary Artarranged by Gregory D Smith, Indianapolis Museum of ArtMonday Afternoon, Room 263Gregory D Smith, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Gregory D Smith1:35 (650-1) Disappearing Ink! Unraveling the Fading of a Modern Design ObjectGREGORY D SMITH, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Caitlyn E Phipps, Victor Chen2:10 (650-2) California Plastics: Materials and Conservation of LA Art After 1960RACHEL RIVENC, Getty Conservation Institute2:45 (650-3) Surfactant Mobility and Monitoring on Artist’s Acrylic Dispersion PaintsUsing 2D DESI Sampling Techniques RICHARD C WOLBERS, University ofDelaware, Anthony Lagalante3:20 Recess3:35 (650-4) Analyzing an Artist’s Use of Modern Metals and Finishes with PortableInstrumentation LYNN F LEE, Getty Conservation Institute, Eleonora E Nagy,Narayan Khandekar4:10 (650-5) Fluorimetric Analysis of the Constituent Dyes within Daylight FluorescentPigments: Implications for Display and Preservation of DaylightFluorescent Artwork ELIZABETH HINDE, University of New South Wales,Petronella Nel, Robyn Sloggett, Ann RobertsSYMPOSIUM Session 660Miniature Mass Spectrometersarranged by Zheng Ouyang and R Graham Cooks, Purdue UniversityMonday Afternoon, Room 242Zheng Ouyang, Purdue University, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Zheng Ouyang and R Graham Cooks1:35 (660-1) Miniaturized Ion Traps DANIEL E AUSTIN, Brigham Young University, Ailin Li,Aaron Hawkins, Justin Sorensen, Yuan Tian2:10 (660-2) Where We Are in Mini MS and How We Got Here R GRAHAM COOKS,Purdue University2:45 (660-3) The Realization of Truly Handheld Mass Spectrometry J MICHAEL RAMSEY,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill3:20 Recess3:35 (660-4) Development of High-Resolution Multi-Turn Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometers MICHISATO TOYODA, Osaka University4:10 (660-5) Development of a Dual-Source Linear Ion Trap for the Mars OrganicMolecule Analyzer on the ExoMars Rover Mission WILLIAM BRINCKERHOFF,NASA/GSFCSYMPOSIUM Session 670New Frontiers for Electrochemical Trace Metal Detection of Biological andEnvironmental Samples on Earth and Beyondarranged by Parastoo Hashemi and Shawn P McElmurry, Wayne State UniversityMonday Afternoon, Room 264Parastoo Hashemi, Wayne State University, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Parastoo Hashemi and Shawn P McElmurry1:35 (670-1) Spectroelectrochemical Sensors for Measurements in Complex Samplesand Natural Water WILLIAM R HEINEMAN, University of Cincinnati, Shirmir DBranch, Sam A Bryan2:10 (670-2) Quantifying Metals in Inhalable Particulate Matter Using ElectrochemicalPaper-Based Analytical Devices CHARLES HENRY, Colorado State University2:45 (670-3) Strategies for the In-Situ Detection of Heavy Metals in Real EnvironmentsJULIE V MACPHERSON, University of Warwick, Glen D O’Neil, Tania L Read, MarkE Newton3:20 Recess3:35 (670-4) Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry (FSCV) for Rapid Environmental AnalysisSHAWN P MCELMURRY, Wayne State University, Parastoo Hashemi, AnnetteTremonti, Thushani Siriwardena, Audrey R Sulkanen4:10 (670-5) The Mechanisms of Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry for Real-TimeEnvironmental Trace Metal Analysis PARASTOO HASHEMI, Wayne StateUniversity, Pavithra Pathirathna, Yuanyuan Yang, Christopher W Atcherley,Michael L Heien, Ahmad A Ibrahim, Jennifer StockdillSYMPOSIUM Session 680The Twenty-Sixth James L Waters Symposium: Thermal Analysis Instrumentationarranged by Annette S Wilson, University of PittsburghMonday Afternoon, Room 245Annette S Wilson, University of Pittsburgh, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Annette S Wilson1:35 (680-1) A Brief History of Advances in Thermal Analysis Instrumentation ROGERLEE BLAINE, TA Instruments (retired)2:10 (680-2) From Thermometry to Differential Thermal Analysis to DifferentialScanning Calorimetry, Key Developments in DSC ROBERT DANLEY,TA Instruments2:45 Recess3:00 (680-3) Hyphenated Techniques in Thermal Analysis KEVIN P MENARD,PerkinElmer LASThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org38

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 690Food Packagingarranged by Wendy Young, Food and Drug AdministrationMonday Afternoon, Room 265Wendy Young, Food and Drug Administration, Presiding1:30 (690-1) A Poisoned Press? Media Coverage of BPA and Endocrine DisruptionTREVOR BUTTERWORTH, Sense About Science USA1:50 (690-2) Advances in Sample Preparation for Selective Lipid Removal inContaminant Analysis DERICK LUCAS, Agilent Technologies, Limian Zhao,Joan Stevens, Bruce Richter2:10 (690-3) Evaluation of Long Term Migration from Can Coating into Food SimulantsRAFAEL PASEIRO-CERRATO, US Food and Drug Administration, Gregory ONoonan, Timothy H Begley2:30 (690-4) Interaction of Food and Package Components - Positive and NegativeEffects KAY COOKSEY, Clemson University2:50 Recess3:05 (690-5) Active Food Packaging as a Means to Reduce Use of Food Additives JULIEGODDARD, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Maxine Roman, Eric Decker3:25 (690-6) Silver Migration from Commercially Available Food Contact Materialsunder Stressful Use Conditions SUSANA ADDO NTIM, US Food and DrugAdministration3:45 (690-7) Static HS and HS-SPME GC/MS Analysis of the Diffusion of a VolatileAntimicrobial through Various Gas-Permeable Packaging Polymers RICGONZALEZ, ConAgra Foods, Inc., Indarpal Singh, William Belias, Seth HolmenORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 700High Performance Redefined for the Clinical Laboratory: New Technologies andMethods to Enable Personalized Health Carearranged by Mike Lee, Milestone Development ServicesMonday Afternoon, Room 266Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services, Presiding1:30 (700-1) Applications for the Quantification of Proteins from Dried Blood Spots(DBS) KENNETH C LEWIS, OpAns1:50 (700-2) History and Innovation in the Analysis of Thyrogolublin by MassSpectrometry TIMOTHY J GARRETT, University of Florida2:10 (700-3) Extraction, Preparation and Quantitative Analysis of Protein Biomarkersin Biological Fluids ROBERT E BUCO, Shimadzu Corporation2:30 (700-4) Fusing the HPLC Column Into the ESI-MS Source: Another Step TowardsSystem Integration in Bioanalytical and Clinical Laboratories SHANENEEDHAM, Alturas Analytics, Inc., Jennifer Zimmer, Casey Johnsone,Chad Christianson2:50 Recess3:05 (700-5) Digital Chromatography: What Would You Do with Infinite Speed?GARY VALASKOVIC, New Objective Inc., Robert T Kennedy, Mike S Lee3:25 (700-6) Gaining Insight into Complex Biology Using Targeted QuantitativeµLC-MS EUGENE FRANCIS CICCIMARO, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bogdan Sleczka,John Mehl, Lorell Discenza, Zhu Yongxin, Celia D’Arienzo, Timothy OlahORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 710Impurities/Degradation Products in Drug Substances: Innovative Approachesto Control the Processarranged by Andy Miles and Paul Wrezel, Regis Technologies, Inc.Monday Afternoon, Room 267Andy Miles, Regis Technologies, Inc., Presiding1:30 (710-1) Selected Case Studies Involving Method Development for Trace-LevelImpurities PAUL WREZEL, Regis Technologies, Inc.1:50 (710-2) Drug Impurity Isolation for Structure Elucidation TONY YAN, Pfizer2:10 (710-3) Integrating the Chemistry of Drug Degradation into the StructureElucidation Workflow: A Focus on Sample Enrichment TODD ZELESKY, Pfizer2:30 (710-4) Structure Elucidation of Impurities in Drug Substances by 2D NMR IGORLIKHOTVORIK, Regis Technologies, Inc.2:50 Recess393:05 (710-5) HPLC Method Development for New Drug Candidates with Multiple ChiralCenters MICHAEL W DONG, Genentech, Kelly Zhang, Goel Meenakshi3:25 (710-6) Isolation and Characterization of Impurities in Support of DrugDiscovery and Development RAY MCCLAIN, Merck, James Small,Keith Moore, Scott Ceglia3:45 (710-7) Exploring the Separation Power of HILIC for the Analysis of PolarImpurities MATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES IndustriesORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 720Women in Spectroscopyarranged by Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc. and Gloria Story, Procter and Gamble Co.Monday Afternoon, Room 268Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc., Presiding1:30 (720-1) Must Women Try Harder? JEANETTE GRASSELLI BROWN, BP America, Retired1:50 (720-2) Career Path of a Female Spectroscopist in an Instrumentation CompanyFRAN ADAR, Horiba Scientific2:10 (720-3) Taking Chances and Trusting Your Instinct MARY KATE DONAIS, SaintAnselm College2:30 (720-4) Creating an Environment That Encourages and Supports Women inScience ANNA DONNELL, University of Cincinnati2:50 Recess3:05 (720-5) An Unconventional Career in Teaching: Pursuing Your Passion in All YouDo SHERRY LYNN HEMMINGSEN, JASCO, Inc.3:25 (720-6) A Madame Curie Inspired Career in Science: From Physics to Chemistry toBiology, A Journey Through Spectroscopy KATHRYN SCHADE KALASINSKY,National Institutes of Health3:45 (720-7) A Career in Spectroscopy Publishing - 27 Years and Counting! JENNIFERCOSSHAM, Wiley4:05 (720-8) Technical Credibility and Excellence DIANE GROB SCHMIDT,University of CincinnatiORAL SESSIONS Session 730Analytical NeurochemistryMonday Afternoon, Room 2401:30 (730-1) Chiral Separation and Measurement of D-Aspartate and D-Glutamate inSingle Neurons by Sample Stacking Capillary Electrophoresis withLaser-Induced Fluorescence AMIT V PATEL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Takayuki Kawai, Stanislav S Rubakhin, Jonathan V Sweedler1:50 (730-2) Oxygen Response to Local Application of Glutamate in the NucleusAccumbens LINDSAY WALTON, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Susan Carroll, Nick Boustead, Robert M Wightman2:10 (730-3) Fluorescence Ratiometric Imaging For Monitoring the Response of theGlutathione System in Rat Organotypic Hippocampal Slice CulturesDuring Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation and Reperfusion BOCHENG YIN,University of Pittsburgh, Stephen G Weber, German Barrionuevo2:30 (730-4) Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantitation of Exercise Induced PeptideChanges in the Mouse Brain SARAH E DOWD, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Martina L Mustroph, Elena V Romanova, Justin S Rhodes,Jonathan V Sweedler2:50 Recess3:05 (730-5) Mass Spectrometric Imaging of the Content of Single NeurotransmitterVesicles JELENA LOVRIC, Chalmers University of Technology, Bengt RJohansson, Anders Meibom, Per Malmberg, Andrew G Ewing3:25 (730-6) Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Identification of Peptides in TissueRegeneration TA-HSUAN ONG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,James J Collins, Rachel H Roberts-Galbraith, Phillip A Newmark, Elena VRomanova, Jonathan V Sweedler3:45 (730-7) Integrated Injection-Molded Microchips for Stimulation andMeasurement of Exocytosis from Single PC-12 Cells Using a PolymerMicroelectrode RICHARD F VREELAND, University of Arizona, Marco Matteucci,Rafael Taboryski, Michael L Heien4:05 (730-8) Novel Impedance based Sensor for In Vivo Cocaine Detection I MITCHTAYLOR, University of Pittsburgh, Zhanhong Du, Carine White, Xinyan T CuiThe author list is available at www.pittcon.orgMonday Afternoon

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 690Food Packagingarranged by Wendy Young, Food and Drug AdministrationMonday Afternoon, Room 265Wendy Young, Food and Drug Administration, Presiding1:30 (690-1) A Poisoned Press? Media Coverage of BPA and Endocrine DisruptionTREVOR BUTTERWORTH, Sense About Science USA1:50 (690-2) Advances in Sample Preparation for Selective Lipid Removal inContaminant Analysis DERICK LUCAS, Agilent Technologies, Limian Zhao,Joan Stevens, Bruce Richter2:10 (690-3) Evaluation of Long Term Migration from Can Coating into Food SimulantsRAFAEL PASEIRO-CERRATO, US Food and Drug Administration, Gregory ONoonan, Timothy H Begley2:30 (690-4) Interaction of Food and Package Components - Positive and NegativeEffects KAY COOKSEY, Clemson University2:50 Recess3:05 (690-5) Active Food Packaging as a Means to Reduce Use of Food Additives JULIEGODDARD, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Maxine Roman, Eric Decker3:25 (690-6) Silver Migration from Commercially Available Food Contact Materialsunder Stressful Use Conditions SUSANA ADDO NTIM, US Food and DrugAdministration3:45 (690-7) Static HS and HS-SPME GC/MS Analysis of the Diffusion of a VolatileAntimicrobial through Various Gas-Permeable Packaging Polymers RICGONZALEZ, ConAgra Foods, Inc., Indarpal Singh, William Belias, Seth HolmenORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 700High Performance Redefined for the Clinical Laboratory: New Technologies andMethods to Enable Personalized Health Carearranged by Mike Lee, Milestone Development ServicesMonday Afternoon, Room 266Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services, Presiding1:30 (700-1) Applications for the Quantification of Proteins from Dried Blood Spots(DBS) KENNETH C LEWIS, OpAns1:50 (700-2) History and Innovation in the Analysis of Thyrogolublin by MassSpectrometry TIMOTHY J GARRETT, University of Florida2:10 (700-3) Extraction, Preparation and Quantitative Analysis of Protein Biomarkersin Biological Fluids ROBERT E BUCO, Shimadzu Corporation2:30 (700-4) Fusing the HPLC Column Into the ESI-MS Source: Another Step TowardsSystem Integration in Bioanalytical and Clinical Laboratories SHANENEEDHAM, Alturas Analytics, Inc., Jennifer Zimmer, Casey Johnsone,Chad Christianson2:50 Recess3:05 (700-5) Digital Chromatography: What Would You Do with Infinite Speed?GARY VALASKOVIC, New Objective Inc., Robert T Kennedy, Mike S Lee3:25 (700-6) Gaining Insight into Complex Biology Using Targeted QuantitativeµLC-MS EUGENE FRANCIS CICCIMARO, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bogdan Sleczka,John Mehl, Lorell Discenza, Zhu Yongxin, Celia D’Arienzo, Timothy OlahORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 710Impurities/Degradation Products in Drug Substances: Innovative Approachesto Control the Processarranged by Andy Miles and Paul Wrezel, Regis Technologies, Inc.Monday Afternoon, Room 267Andy Miles, Regis Technologies, Inc., Presiding1:30 (710-1) Selected Case Studies Involving Method Development for Trace-LevelImpurities PAUL WREZEL, Regis Technologies, Inc.1:50 (710-2) Drug Impurity Isolation for Structure Elucidation TONY YAN, Pfizer2:10 (710-3) Integrating the Chemistry of Drug Degradation into the StructureElucidation Workflow: A Focus on Sample Enrichment TODD ZELESKY, Pfizer2:30 (710-4) Structure Elucidation of Impurities in Drug Substances by 2D NMR IGORLIKHOTVORIK, Regis Technologies, Inc.2:50 Recess393:05 (710-5) HPLC Method Development for New Drug Candidates with Multiple ChiralCenters MICHAEL W DONG, Genentech, Kelly Zhang, Goel Meenakshi3:25 (710-6) Isolation and Characterization of Impurities in Support of DrugDiscovery and Development RAY MCCLAIN, Merck, James Small,Keith Moore, Scott Ceglia3:45 (710-7) Exploring the Separation Power of HILIC for the Analysis of PolarImpurities MATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES IndustriesORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 720Women in Spectroscopyarranged by Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc. and Gloria Story, Procter and Gamble Co.Monday Afternoon, Room 268Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc., Presiding1:30 (720-1) Must Women Try Harder? JEANETTE GRASSELLI BROWN, BP America, Retired1:50 (720-2) Career Path of a Female Spectroscopist in an Instrumentation CompanyFRAN ADAR, Horiba Scientific2:10 (720-3) Taking Chances and Trusting Your Instinct MARY KATE DONAIS, SaintAnselm College2:30 (720-4) Creating an Environment That Encourages and Supports Women inScience ANNA DONNELL, University of Cincinnati2:50 Recess3:05 (720-5) An Unconventional Career in Teaching: Pursuing Your Passion in All YouDo SHERRY LYNN HEMMINGSEN, JASCO, Inc.3:25 (720-6) A Madame Curie Inspired Career in Science: From Physics to Chemistry toBiology, A Journey Through Spectroscopy KATHRYN SCHADE KALASINSKY,National Institutes of Health3:45 (720-7) A Career in Spectroscopy Publishing - 27 Years and Counting! JENNIFERCOSSHAM, Wiley4:05 (720-8) Technical Credibility and Excellence DIANE GROB SCHMIDT,University of CincinnatiORAL SESSIONS Session 730Analytical NeurochemistryMonday Afternoon, Room 2401:30 (730-1) Chiral Separation and Measurement of D-Aspartate and D-Glutamate inSingle Neurons by Sample Stacking Capillary Electrophoresis withLaser-Induced Fluorescence AMIT V PATEL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Takayuki Kawai, Stanislav S Rubakhin, Jonathan V Sweedler1:50 (730-2) Oxygen Response to Local Application of Glutamate in the NucleusAccumbens LINDSAY WALTON, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Susan Carroll, Nick Boustead, Robert M Wightman2:10 (730-3) Fluorescence Ratiometric Imaging For Monitoring the Response of theGlutathione System in Rat Organotypic Hippocampal Slice CulturesDuring Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation and Reperfusion BOCHENG YIN,University of Pittsburgh, Stephen G Weber, German Barrionuevo2:30 (730-4) Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantitation of Exercise Induced PeptideChanges in the Mouse Brain SARAH E DOWD, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Martina L Mustroph, Elena V Romanova, Justin S Rhodes,Jonathan V Sweedler2:50 Recess3:05 (730-5) Mass Spectrometric Imaging of the Content of Single NeurotransmitterVesicles JELENA LOVRIC, Chalmers University of Technology, Bengt RJohansson, Anders Meibom, Per Malmberg, Andrew G Ewing3:25 (730-6) Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Identification of Peptides in TissueRegeneration TA-HSUAN ONG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,James J Collins, Rachel H Roberts-Galbraith, Phillip A Newmark, Elena VRomanova, Jonathan V Sweedler3:45 (730-7) Integrated Injection-Molded Microchips for Stimulation andMeasurement of Exocytosis from Single PC-12 Cells Using a PolymerMicroelectrode RICHARD F VREELAND, University of Arizona, Marco Matteucci,Rafael Taboryski, Michael L Heien4:05 (730-8) Novel Impedance based Sensor for In Vivo Cocaine Detection I MITCHTAYLOR, University of Pittsburgh, Zhanhong Du, Carine White, Xinyan T CuiThe author list is available at www.pittcon.orgMonday Afternoon

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