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Monday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAM(550-19 P) β-Gycerophosphate Could Substitute Phosphatidic Acid as a Substrate forPhosphatidic Acid Phosphatase (PAP), EC KANDAN SETHUMADHAVAN, SouthernRegional Research Center, ARS, USDA, Heping Cao(550-20 P) Detection of PCR Amplified DNA from Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and ChlamydiaTrachomatis on a Disposable Lateral Flow Strip KWAKU BARYEH, North Dakota StateUniversity, Liu Guodong(550-21 P) Intracellular Superoxide Detection Using Microchip Electrophoresis Coupled to LaserInduced Fluorescence Detection RICHARD PIFFER SOARES DE CAMPOS, University of Kansas,Joseph M Siegel, José A Fracassi da Silva, Susan M Lunte(550-22 P) Gold Nanoparticle Coated Silica Nanorods for Sensitive Visual Detection of microRNAon a Lateral Flow Strip Biosensor SUNITHA TAKALKAR, North Dakota State University,Guodong Liu(550-23 P) An Integrated “SERS Spectrometer” based on Evanescent Field Excitation WEIQING XU,Jilin University, Shuping Xu, Haibo Li, Lei Chen, Hailong Wang, Xianghua Zhou(550-24 P) Differentiating Human Blood from Animal Blood With FT-IR Microspectroscopy: A StudyUsing Support Vector Machine Algorithm MENASHI A COHENFORD, Marshall University,Kristen Campbell, SeungJin Lim, Muhammad Chaudhry, Saroj Sigdel, Weixi Liu(550-25 P) Carbon Ring/Nanopore Electrodes: Fundamentals and Applications WENQING SHI,Indiana University, Niya Sa, Rahul Thakar, Lane A Baker(550-26 P) Development of an Electrokinetically Operated Microfluidic Platform for theAnalysis of Preterm Birth Biomarkers MUKUL SONKER, Brigham Young University, Rui Yang,Adam T Woolley(550-27 P) In Vivo Electrochemical Measurements of Optogenetic-Stimulated Release of SingleVaricosities in Drosophila Melanogaster Larvae SOODABEH MAJDI, Chalmers University ofTechnology, Eva Carina Berglund, Johan Dunevall, David Krantz, Andrew G Ewing(550-28 P) Real-Time Histamine Measurements In Vivo Using Fast-Scan Cyclic VoltammetryRHIANNON ROBKE, Grand Valley State University, Srimal Samaranayake, Aya Abdalla,Parastoo Hashemi(550-29 P) Implementing a Peptide Reporter Substrate in Dictyostelium Discoideum MICHELLE LKOVARIK, Trinity College, Lorena Lazo de la Vega, Berjana NazarkoPOSTER SESSION Session 560All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Pharmaceutical - LC, LC/MS, GCMonday Morning(560-1 P) Application of Zirconia Phases for Structurally Similar Compounds and OtherDifficult HPLC Separations KELLY S JOHNSON, ZirChrom Separations, Inc., Richard A Henry,Merlin Bicking(560-2 P) Use of New YMC-Meteoric Core Core-Shell and YMC-Triart Hybrid Material for anImproved USP Chlorohexidine Gluconate Assay Method JEFFREY A KAKALEY, YMCAmerica, Inc., Ernest J Sobkow(560-3 P) Is Retention Time Precision Only Affected by the LC Pump? MARKUS MARTIN, ThermoFisher Scientific, Susanne Fabel, Bruce Bailey, Wulff Niedner(560-4 P) Columns Packed with Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors Bonded to Superficially PorousParticles for High Efficiency Chiral Stationary Phases DARSHANKUMAR C PATEL, Universityof Texas at Arlington, Zachary S Breitbach, M Farooq Wahab, Daniel W Armstrong(560-5 P) Ultrafast Method Screening for Separation of Enantiomers in HPLC and SFC UtilizingNovel Polysaccharides Type Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Small ParticlesTAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd, Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Noritaka Kuroda, Saoko Nozawa,Ernest J Sobkow(560-6 P) Highly Efficient Purification of Enantiomers Using Polysaccharide Type ChiralStationary Phases and Continuous Purification Technology TAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd,Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Noritaka Kuroda, Saoko Nozawa, Ernest J Sobkow(560-7 P) Utilizing Alternative Selectivity Provided by the Novel High-Coverage C18 Phase basedon Robust Hybrid Particles High-Coverage C18 Phase for UHPLC/HPLC MethodDevelopment TAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd, Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Ernest J Sobkow(560-8 P) Ultra-High Speed Analysis of USP Methods Conforming to the New USP General Chapter621 Allowed Limits KENICHIRO TANAKA, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., WilliamHedgepeth(560-9 P) Label-Free Analysis by HPLC with Charged Aerosol Detection of Glycans Separated byCharge, Size and Isomeric Structure DAVID H THOMAS, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ian NAcworth, Bruce Bailey, Marc Plante, Qi Zhang(560-10 P) Extraction of the Biomarker of Dimethylformamide in Hemoglobin by Cleanert MAS-BPlate QIN SUZI, Agela, Li Linsen(560-11 P) A Rapid Clean-Up Procedure for Detecting Indomethacin and Ibuprofen from HumanPlasma Using Cleanert PEP MicroPlate WANG WAN, Agela, Junfu Wei, Suzi Qin, Linsen Li(560-12 P) Extraction of Telmisartan from Human Plasma Using an Improved Capacity CleanertSLE Plate WANG WAN, Agela, Wei Junfu(560-13 P) Fast, Quantitative FET-HS-GC Method for Analysis of Residual Solvents in CannabisExtracts AMANDA RIGDON, Restek, Corby Hilliard, Jack Cochran, William Schroeder, ChristiSchroeder, Ted Flood, Kristi Sellers(560-14 P) Approaches for Consistent Assessment of Host Cell Proteins DAISY RICHARDSON, Merck,Fengqiang Wang, Yuetian Chen, Dennis Driscoll, Mohammed Shameem(560-15 P) Techniques for Improving the Efficiency of Large Volume Sample Loading inPreparative Liquid Chromatography JO-ANN M JABLONSKI, Waters Corporation, Andrew JAubin, Wendy Harrop(560-16 P) Development of a Fast, MS Compatible Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography(HILIC) Method Coupled with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) for Analysis of UVTransparent Impurities in Metoprolol Succinate and Related Dosage Forms DONALDMIN, US Pharmacopeia(560-17 P) Development and Application of a “Green” Flash Chromatography Purification SystemMATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES Industries, David Kohler, Joseph Stefkovich, Rolf Schlake(560-18 P) Increasing Your Hit Rate for Separating Chiral Primary Amines: Which Column?ZACHARY S BREITBACH, University of Texas at Arlington, Yeeun Lim, Daniel W Armstrong(560-19 P) Comparison Between Different Process Methods of Arachidonic Acid in PlasmaLI LINSEN, Agela, Qin Suzi, Wang Wan(560-20 P) Extraction of β-blockers from Small Volume Biological Fluid Samples Using a NewVersatile SPE 96-well Plate Format WANG WAN, Agela, Wei Junfu, Wang Ruyi(560-21 P) Evaluation of a Low-Cost Mass Spectrometer MICHAEL W DONG, Genentech, Christine GuPOSTER SESSION Session 570All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Vibrational Spectroscopy AdvancesMonday Morning(570-1 P) A Narrow Band Etalon-Based Phased Array for Spectral Imaging JONATHAN R DAMSEL,Cleveland State University, John F Turner(570-2 P) A Novel FT-IR Liquid Sampling Device for Analyzing Fuels, Oils and Other ViscousMaterials STEVE LOWRY, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mike Garry, Kathy Schulting, Mike Bradley,Simon Nunn, Martin Long(570-3 P) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Fluorinated Derivatives of Self-Assembling hIAPP22-29Octapeptides ELMER-RICO E MOJICA, Pace University, Jayson Vedad, Adam Profit, Ruel BDesamero(570-4 P) Development of an In Situ Cell Death Pathway Detection Method in 3D Tissue CulturesBased on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy MINE ALTUNBEK, Yeditepe University,Mustafa Culha(570-5 P) Raman Gas Measurement with a Fiber Optic Coupled Multipass Capillary Cell Using aSpatial Heterodyne Raman Spectrometer WILLIAM J HUNTINGTON, University of SouthCarolina, S Michael Angel, J Chance Carter(570-6 P) FT-Raman Surface Mapping of Remineralized Artificial Dental Caries RONALDRUBINOVITZ, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ivan Stangel(570-7 P) FTIR Method Validation for Moisture Analysis in Arsine Cylinders ANDREW FLEMING,Matheson Tri-Gas(570-8 P) Use of FTIR Spectroscopy Technique in the Determination of Cotton Fiber Maturity andCrystallinity YONGLIANG LIU, USDA/ARS, Hee Jin Kim(570-9 P) Impact of Water Absorption on Molar Absorptivity Measurements of Solutes Dissolvedin Aqueous Media over Near Infrared Wavelengths ARIEL BOHMAN, University of Iowa,Mark A ArnoldThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org36

MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015AFTERNOONAWARDS Session 580SEAC - Charles N Reilley Award and Royce W Murray Awardarranged by Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACPMonday Afternoon, Room 243Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACP, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Adrian C Michael1:35 Presentation of the 2015 SEAC - Charles N Reilley Award to Hubert HGirault, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne by Adrian C Michael,SEAC President1:40 (580-1) Electrochemical Imaging: Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy andElectrostatic Spray Ionization HUBERT H GIRAULT, Ecole PolytechniqueFédérale De Lausanne, Fernando Cortes-Salazar, Alexandra Bondarenko, Tzu EnLin, XiaoQin Zhong, Elena Tobolkina, Qiao Liang, Andreas Lesch2:15 (580-2) Electrochemistry in High Electric Fields Within a Thin-Layer Cell HENRY SWHITE, University of Utah, Xiong Jiewen, Qianjin Chen2:50 (580-3) Nanorings and Other Things: Electrodeposited Nanostructured Interfacesfor Biosensing and Materials Applications ROBERT M CORN, University ofCalifornia Irvine3:25 Recess3:40 Presentation of the 2015 SEAC - Royce W Murray Award to ThomasHamann, Michigan State University, by Adrian C Michael, SEAC President3:45 (580-4) Making and Breaking Ammonia THOMAS HAMANN, MichiganState University4:20 (580-5) High-Efficiency Generation-Collection Microelectrochemical Platform forInterrogating Electroactive Thin Films RICHARD M CROOKS, University ofTexas, Morgan AndersonAWARDS Session 590The LCGC Lifetime Achievement and Emerging Leader in Chromatography Awardarranged by Laura Bush, LCGCMonday Afternoon, Room 244Laura Bush, LCGC, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Laura Bush1:35 Presentation of the LCGC 2015 Lifetime Achievement in ChromatographyAward to Joseph J Kirkland, Advanced Materials Technology, Inc., byLaura Bush, LCGC1:40 (590-1) Tools to Improve Protein Separations JOSEPH J KIRKLAND, AdvancedMaterials Technology, Inc., Stephanie A Schuster, Brian M Wagner, Barry E Boyes2:15 (590-2) Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Versus“Offline” Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: The Crossover PointMARK R SCHURE, Kroungold Analytical Inc.2:50 (590-3) Hydrogen-Bond Basicity of Reversed-Phase Columns LLOYD R SNYDER, LCResources3:25 Recess3:40 Presentation of the LCGC 2015 Emerging Leader in ChromatographyAward to Caroline West, University of Orleans, by Laura Bush, LCGC3:45 (590-4) The New Face of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC): Why AnalystsShould Take Another Look CAROLINE WEST, University of Orléans4:20 (590-5) The Need for More Academic Researchers and Teachers in SFC TERRY ABERGER, SFC Solutions, Inc.PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 600ACS DAC - Analytical Advances Using Ion Chemistry for Mass Spectrometryarranged by Matthew F Bush, University of WashingtonMonday Afternoon, Room 238Matthew F Bush, University of Washington, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Matthew F Bush1:35 (600-1) The Single-Probe: A Microscale Sampling and Ionization Device for MassSpectrometry Single Cell Analysis and Tissue Imaging ZHIBO YANG, Universityof Oklahoma, Anthony Burgett, Ning Pan, Wei Rao, Kothapalli R Naga, Liu Renmeng2:10 (600-2) Unsaturated Lipid Isomer Identification and Quantitation based onCoupling Photochemistry and MS YU XIA, Purdue University2:45 (600-3) Near UV Photodissociation of Peptide Ions FRANTISEK TURECEK, Universityof Washington, Christopher J Shaffer, Robert Pepin3:20 Recess3:35 (600-4) Analysis of Peptide Epimers RYAN JULIAN, University of California Riverside4:10 (600-5) Cation to Anion Proton Transfer Reactions (CAPTR) of Protein and ProteinComplex Ions MATTHEW F BUSH, University of WashingtonSYMPOSIUM Session 610Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharges for Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopyarranged by Steven J Ray, Indiana UniversityMonday Afternoon, Room 239Steven J Ray, Indiana University, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Steven J Ray1:35 (610-1) Plasma Medicine: Past, Present and Future MICHAEL KEIDAR, GeorgeWashington University, Mounir Laroussi2:10 (610-2) Spatial Discrimination to Improve Analytical Performance of theAtmospheric-Pressure Solution-Cathode Glow Discharge ANDREW JSCHWARTZ, Indiana University, José A Broekaert, Steven J Ray, Gary M Hieftje2:45 (610-3) Ambient Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using AtmosphericTouchable Plasma AKITOSHI OKINO, Tokyo Institute of Technology, HidekazuMiyahara, Ken Kakegawa, Mari Aida, Takeshi Azuma, Takahiro Iwai, Yasuo Seto3:20 Recess3:35 (610-4) Micro-Hollow Glow Discharge Plasma Identification of Volatile OrganicCompounds and Carbonaceous Aerosols RANDY VANDER WAL, ThePennsylvania State University, Chethan K Gaddam4:10 (610-5) The Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (LS-APGD):Elemental, Isotopic, and Molecular Analysis in One Package R KENNETH MAR-CUS, Clemson University, Lynn Zhang, Sarah M Jones, Stefanie Konegger-KappelSYMPOSIUM Session 620Bioanalytical Applications of Nanofluidicsarranged by Steven Soper, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillMonday Afternoon, Room 260Steven Soper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Presiding1:30 Introductory Remarks - Steven Soper1:35 (620-1) Polymer Nanofluidic Devices for DNA Analysis STEVEN SOPER, University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill2:10 (620-2) Thin-Membrane Nanochannels for Nanopore Single-Molecule Sensingand Transmission Electron Microscopy of Liquid Samples JASON R DWYER,University of Rhode Island2:45 (620-3) Acceleration of Probe and Target Reactions Using Isotachophoresis JUANG SANTIAGO, Stanford University3:20 Recess3:35 (620-4) Pores with Undulating Diameter for Multipronged Characterization ofSingle Particles in Resistive-Pulse Technique ZUZANNA S SIWY, Universityof California Irvine, Matthew Schiel, Kenneth J Shea, Laura Innes, LukeTheogarajan, Ivan V Vlassiouk4:10 (620-5) In-Plane Nanofluidic Devices for Counting Single Virus Particles and TheirAssembly Products STEPHEN C JACOBSON, Indiana University, Zachary DHarms, Daniel G Haywood, Lisa Selzer, Adam ZlotnickMonday Afternoon37The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

Monday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAM(550-19 P) β-Gycerophosphate Could Substitute Phosphatidic Acid as a Substrate forPhosphatidic Acid Phosphatase (PAP), EC KANDAN SETHUMADHAVAN, SouthernRegional Research Center, ARS, USDA, Heping Cao(550-20 P) Detection of PCR Amplified DNA from Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and ChlamydiaTrachomatis on a Disposable Lateral Flow Strip KWAKU BARYEH, North Dakota StateUniversity, Liu Guodong(550-21 P) Intracellular Superoxide Detection Using Microchip Electrophoresis Coupled to LaserInduced Fluorescence Detection RICHARD PIFFER SOARES DE CAMPOS, University of Kansas,Joseph M Siegel, José A Fracassi da Silva, Susan M Lunte(550-22 P) Gold Nanoparticle Coated Silica Nanorods for Sensitive Visual Detection of microRNAon a Lateral Flow Strip Biosensor SUNITHA TAKALKAR, North Dakota State University,Guodong Liu(550-23 P) An Integrated “SERS Spectrometer” based on Evanescent Field Excitation WEIQING XU,Jilin University, Shuping Xu, Haibo Li, Lei Chen, Hailong Wang, Xianghua Zhou(550-24 P) Differentiating Human Blood from Animal Blood With FT-IR Microspectroscopy: A StudyUsing Support Vector Machine Algorithm MENASHI A COHENFORD, Marshall University,Kristen Campbell, SeungJin Lim, Muhammad Chaudhry, Saroj Sigdel, Weixi Liu(550-25 P) Carbon Ring/Nanopore Electrodes: Fundamentals and Applications WENQING SHI,Indiana University, Niya Sa, Rahul Thakar, Lane A Baker(550-26 P) Development of an Electrokinetically Operated Microfluidic Platform for theAnalysis of Preterm Birth Biomarkers MUKUL SONKER, Brigham Young University, Rui Yang,Adam T Woolley(550-27 P) In Vivo Electrochemical Measurements of Optogenetic-Stimulated Release of SingleVaricosities in Drosophila Melanogaster Larvae SOODABEH MAJDI, Chalmers University ofTechnology, Eva Carina Berglund, Johan Dunevall, David Krantz, Andrew G Ewing(550-28 P) Real-Time Histamine Measurements In Vivo Using Fast-Scan Cyclic VoltammetryRHIANNON ROBKE, Grand Valley State University, Srimal Samaranayake, Aya Abdalla,Parastoo Hashemi(550-29 P) Implementing a Peptide Reporter Substrate in Dictyostelium Discoideum MICHELLE LKOVARIK, Trinity College, Lorena Lazo de la Vega, Berjana NazarkoPOSTER SESSION Session 560All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Pharmaceutical - LC, LC/MS, GCMonday Morning(560-1 P) Application of Zirconia Phases for Structurally Similar Compounds and OtherDifficult HPLC Separations KELLY S JOHNSON, ZirChrom Separations, Inc., Richard A Henry,Merlin Bicking(560-2 P) Use of New YMC-Meteoric Core Core-Shell and YMC-Triart Hybrid Material for anImproved USP Chlorohexidine Gluconate Assay Method JEFFREY A KAKALEY, YMCAmerica, Inc., Ernest J Sobkow(560-3 P) Is Retention Time Precision Only Affected by the LC Pump? MARKUS MARTIN, ThermoFisher Scientific, Susanne Fabel, Bruce Bailey, Wulff Niedner(560-4 P) Columns Packed with Macrocyclic Chiral Selectors Bonded to Superficially PorousParticles for High Efficiency Chiral Stationary Phases DARSHANKUMAR C PATEL, Universityof Texas at Arlington, Zachary S Breitbach, M Farooq Wahab, Daniel W Armstrong(560-5 P) Ultrafast Method Screening for Separation of Enantiomers in HPLC and SFC UtilizingNovel Polysaccharides Type Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Small ParticlesTAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd, Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Noritaka Kuroda, Saoko Nozawa,Ernest J Sobkow(560-6 P) Highly Efficient Purification of Enantiomers Using Polysaccharide Type ChiralStationary Phases and Continuous Purification Technology TAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd,Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Noritaka Kuroda, Saoko Nozawa, Ernest J Sobkow(560-7 P) Utilizing Alternative Selectivity Provided by the Novel High-Coverage C18 Phase basedon Robust Hybrid Particles High-Coverage C18 Phase for UHPLC/HPLC MethodDevelopment TAKASHI SATO, YMC Co., Ltd, Noriko Shoji, Takatomo Takai, Ernest J Sobkow(560-8 P) Ultra-High Speed Analysis of USP Methods Conforming to the New USP General Chapter621 Allowed Limits KENICHIRO TANAKA, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., WilliamHedgepeth(560-9 P) Label-Free Analysis by HPLC with Charged Aerosol Detection of Glycans Separated byCharge, Size and Isomeric Structure DAVID H THOMAS, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ian NAcworth, Bruce Bailey, Marc Plante, Qi Zhang(560-10 P) Extraction of the Biomarker of Dimethylformamide in Hemoglobin by Cleanert MAS-BPlate QIN SUZI, Agela, Li Linsen(560-11 P) A Rapid Clean-Up Procedure for Detecting Indomethacin and Ibuprofen from HumanPlasma Using Cleanert PEP MicroPlate WANG WAN, Agela, Junfu Wei, Suzi Qin, Linsen Li(560-12 P) Extraction of Telmisartan from Human Plasma Using an Improved Capacity CleanertSLE Plate WANG WAN, Agela, Wei Junfu(560-13 P) Fast, Quantitative FET-HS-GC Method for Analysis of Residual Solvents in CannabisExtracts AMANDA RIGDON, Restek, Corby Hilliard, Jack Cochran, William Schroeder, ChristiSchroeder, Ted Flood, Kristi Sellers(560-14 P) Approaches for Consistent Assessment of Host Cell Proteins DAISY RICHARDSON, Merck,Fengqiang Wang, Yuetian Chen, Dennis Driscoll, Mohammed Shameem(560-15 P) Techniques for Improving the Efficiency of Large Volume Sample Loading inPreparative Liquid Chromatography JO-ANN M JABLONSKI, Waters Corporation, Andrew JAubin, Wendy Harrop(560-16 P) Development of a Fast, MS Compatible Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography(HILIC) Method Coupled with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) for Analysis of UVTransparent Impurities in Metoprolol Succinate and Related Dosage Forms DONALDMIN, US Pharmacopeia(560-17 P) Development and Application of a “Green” Flash Chromatography Purification SystemMATTHEW PRZYBYCIEL, ES Industries, David Kohler, Joseph Stefkovich, Rolf Schlake(560-18 P) Increasing Your Hit Rate for Separating Chiral Primary Amines: Which Column?ZACHARY S BREITBACH, University of Texas at Arlington, Yeeun Lim, Daniel W Armstrong(560-19 P) Comparison Between Different Process Methods of Arachidonic Acid in PlasmaLI LINSEN, Agela, Qin Suzi, Wang Wan(560-20 P) Extraction of β-blockers from Small Volume Biological Fluid Samples Using a NewVersatile SPE 96-well Plate Format WANG WAN, Agela, Wei Junfu, Wang Ruyi(560-21 P) Evaluation of a Low-Cost Mass Spectrometer MICHAEL W DONG, Genentech, Christine GuPOSTER SESSION Session 570All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Vibrational Spectroscopy AdvancesMonday Morning(570-1 P) A Narrow Band Etalon-Based Phased Array for Spectral Imaging JONATHAN R DAMSEL,Cleveland State University, John F Turner(570-2 P) A Novel FT-IR Liquid Sampling Device for Analyzing Fuels, Oils and Other ViscousMaterials STEVE LOWRY, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mike Garry, Kathy Schulting, Mike Bradley,Simon Nunn, Martin Long(570-3 P) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Fluorinated Derivatives of Self-Assembling hIAPP22-29Octapeptides ELMER-RICO E MOJICA, Pace University, Jayson Vedad, Adam Profit, Ruel BDesamero(570-4 P) Development of an In Situ Cell Death Pathway Detection Method in 3D Tissue CulturesBased on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy MINE ALTUNBEK, Yeditepe University,Mustafa Culha(570-5 P) Raman Gas Measurement with a Fiber Optic Coupled Multipass Capillary Cell Using aSpatial Heterodyne Raman Spectrometer WILLIAM J HUNTINGTON, University of SouthCarolina, S Michael Angel, J Chance Carter(570-6 P) FT-Raman Surface Mapping of Remineralized Artificial Dental Caries RONALDRUBINOVITZ, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ivan Stangel(570-7 P) FTIR Method Validation for Moisture Analysis in Arsine Cylinders ANDREW FLEMING,Matheson Tri-Gas(570-8 P) Use of FTIR Spectroscopy Technique in the Determination of Cotton Fiber Maturity andCrystallinity YONGLIANG LIU, USDA/ARS, Hee Jin Kim(570-9 P) Impact of Water Absorption on Molar Absorptivity Measurements of Solutes Dissolvedin Aqueous Media over Near Infrared Wavelengths ARIEL BOHMAN, University of Iowa,Mark A ArnoldThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org36

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