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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMonday MorningORAL SESSIONS Session 500Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Bioanalytical ApplicationsMonday Morning, Room 2778:30 (500-1) Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Based Paper Sensors for Field Analysis GONCABULBUL, Clarkson University, Silvana Andreescu, Jessica Cunningham, EricaSharpe, Akhtar Hayat8:50 (500-2) Carbon Dots – Promising Luminescent Carbon Nanomaterial forBioanalytical Applications MICHAEL-MAXIMILIAN LEMBERGER, University ofRegensburg, Raphael Urban, Thomas Hirsch, Joachim Wegener9:10 (500-3) Novel Self-Patented Gold Nanoparticles for Biological and EnvironmentalApplications TULSI MODI, Western Kentucky University, Hitesh K Waghwani,Rajalingam Dakshinamurthy9:30 (500-4) Acute Nano Toxicity Study of Effects of Nanoparticles on EmbryonicDevelopment PREEYAPORN SONGKIATISAK, Old Dominion University, MarthaS Johnson, Lauren M Browning, Pavan Cherukuri, Seth Warren, Nicole Gonda, XNancy Xu9:50 Recess10:05 (500-5) Enhancement of Usability and Sensitivity of Gold Nanorod Biochip by aUniversal Biofunctionalization Method LIANG TANG, University of Texas atSan Antonio, Xuefeng Wang, Mei Zhong, Yanyan Wang10:25 (500-6) Study of Size and Dose Dependent Therapeutic Effects of Nano DrugCarriers X NANCY XU, Old Dominion University, Feng Ding, Pavan KumarCherukuri, Preeyaporn Songkiatisak, Tao Huang10:45 (500-7) Selective Detection and Characterization of Protein Nanocrystals UsingSecond Harmonic Generation Correlation Spectroscopy XIMENG YOU,Purdue University, Christopher M Dettmar, Garth Simpson11:05 (500-8) Reactive Oxygen Species in Pistia Atratiotes Leaves Promoted byInteractions of Silver Forms NICOLE A HANKS, University of Cincinnati,Joseph A CarusoORAL SESSIONS Session 520Sensors: Molecular Recognition and Sensing MechanismsMonday Morning, Room 2768:30 (520-1) Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Sensing Motif for Selective Detectionof Concanavalin A ZHONGYU CAI, University of Pittsburgh, Jian-Tao Zhang,Daniel H Kwak, Xinyu Liu, Sanford A Asher8:50 (520-2) High-Throughput Thiamine Quantification in Fish Eggs UsingPeriplasmic-Binding Protein Biorecognition KATIE A EDWARDS, CornellUniversity, Woo Jin Seog, Antje J Baeumner9:10 (520-3) Aptamer-Based Competitive Electrochemical Biosensor for Brevetoxin-2SHIMAA EISSA, Institut National De La Recherche Scientifique, Mohamed Siaj,Mohammed Zourob9:30 (520-4) Measuring Hydrogen Bond-Based Non Covalent Interactions in Very NonPolar Solvents with Isothermal Titration Calorimetry ANTHONY R HORNER,University of Pittsburgh, Thomas Brinzer, Sean Garrett-Roe, Stephen G Weber9:50 Recess10:05 (520-5) Gradient-Based Interrogation of Blood Coagulation Factor BindingInteractions Using Lipid Bilayer Nanodiscs and Microring ResonatorsZACHARY S WIERSMA, University of Illinois, Ellen M Muehl, Joshua MGajsiewicz, James H Morrissey, Ryan C Bailey10:25 (520-6) Amplifying Fluorescent Sensors Based on Molecular Systems withExtended Electronic Delocalization EVGUENI E NESTEROV, Louisiana StateUniversity10:45 (520-7) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Optimization of Reporter-Probe Complexesfor Selective miRNA Detection NICHOLAS E LARKEY, Oregon State University,Sean M Burrows11:05 (520-8) DNA Quadruplex-Based Sensors: Tuning Response Sensitivity viaDeliberate Control of Folding Cooperativity IRINA V NESTEROVA, LouisianaState UniversityORAL SESSIONS Session 510Sampling and Sample Preparation - MS Oriented; Bioanalytical and PharmaMonday Morning, Room 2758:30 (510-1) Assessment of Relative Efficiency and Selectivity of Liquid, Solid-Phaseand Size-Exclusion Extraction Methods for Global Metabolomics ofHuman Plasma by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry DAJANAVUCKOVIC, Concordia University, Cian Monin, Dmitri Sitnikov8:50 (510-2) Incorporating Advanced Robotics Technology and UPLC-MS/MS to EnableHigh-Throughput Automation for Serum Cotinine Analysis RONALD EHUNTER, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Connie S Sosnoff, Ernest EMcGahee, Kristin A Dortch, Kevin T Caron, Stephen A Arnstein, Lanqing Wang9:10 (510-3) Demystifying USP 232/233: Sample Preparation Using MicrowaveDigestion NJIES PEDJIE, Milestone, David Gunn9:30 (510-4) Headspace Analysis of Biological Fluids for Metabolomics JAMES JHARYNUK, University of Alberta, Hye Lin Kim9:50 Recess10:05 (510-5) Desktop RAT for Generating In Vitro Pharmacokinetic Profiles F MARCELMUSTEATA, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Brandon LaPorte10:25 (510-6) Determination of Extracellular Glutamate with Low-Flow Push-Pull ofMouse Brain Slices GEOVANNIE OJEDA-TORRES, University of Illinois atChicago, Leena E Williams, David Featherstone, Scott A ShippyThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org34POSTER SESSION Session 530All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Application of Mass SpectrometryMonday Morning(530-1 P) Investigation of the Adsorption/Absorption Mechanism of Stir Bar Sorptive ExtractionUsing Laser Enhanced Ionization Mass Spectrometry ANDREW BOGGESS, DuquesneUniversity, Logan T Miller, HM Skip Kingston, Weier Hao, Steve Shuttleworth(530-2 P) An Alternative to DIP/DEP: Pyroprobe Coupled to High Resolution Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry JONATHAN BYER, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley, Jeffrey S Patrick(530-3 P) Laser Ablation Sample Transfer and On-Target Digestion for MALDI Imaging FAN CAO,Louisiana State University(530-4 P) Derivatization of Metabolites for Improved Sensitivity in Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry TIANJIAO HUANG, Saint Louis University, Maria Toro, James Edwards(530-5 P) Characterization of Nanoparticles in Complex Matrixes Using Single Particle InductivelyCoupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry TAYLOR INGLE, FDA/NCTR, Paul Howard, Yan Li, LindsayPack, Joshua Xu, Xiaoqing Guo, Tao Chen(530-6 P) A Fast GC Proton-Transfer-Reaction Quadrupole Ion Guide Time-Of-Flight (PTR-QiToF)Mass Spectrometer ALFONS JORDAN, IONICON Analytik GmbH, Lukas Märk, Jens Herbig,Christian Lindinger, Rene Gutmann, Lukas Fischer, Eugen Hartungen, Simone Jürschik, GernotHanel, Philipp Sulzer, Tilmann D Märk(530-7 P) Effect of Split Ratio on USEPA Method 8260 Compounds ANNE JUREK, EST Analytical,Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(530-8 P) Investigations on the Potentials of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) withReactive-DESI KIHARA KEISHI, Shiseido, Motoyama Akira(530-9 P) Design for an Improved TOF-MS with a Highly Folded Flight Tube NATHAN D LEIGH,University of Missouri(530-10 P) Quantification of a Biomedically Important Analyte by Enhanced Laser IonizationQTOF-Mass Spectrometry with Speciated Isotope Dilution LOGAN T MILLER, DuquesneUniversity, Sarah Sheffield, HM Skip Kingston(530-11 P) Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Sensitivities in an Octopole Reaction System TripleQuadrupole ICP-MS JOAQUIM A NOBREGA, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Alex Virgilio,Lucimar L Fialho, Renata S Amais, Daniela Schiavo

(530-12 P) Nanostructured Laser Desorption Ionization Device for Small Molecule Analysis TRUST TRAZUNGUZWA, Protea Biosciences Inc., Matthew Powell, Nicholas Morris(530-13 P) Determination of Mycelia Mass on Cracked Corn using Direct Analysis in Real Time –Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (DART-TOFMS) ETHAN S ROBERTS, Bradley University,Edward Remsen, Kristi McQuade(530-14 P) Separation of Silver Ion Adducts of Triacylglycerol Regioisomers by Differential MobilitySpectrometry MARTIN SALA, National Institute of Chemistry, Lisa Miroslav, Michal Hol apek,Larry J Campbell(530-15 P) Customized Vacuum Systems – Transferring an Idea to an Optimized Vacuum SolutionTOBIAS STOLL, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH(530-16 P) Chromatographic Quality Analysis of Salt Reduced White Brined Cheeses ALI TOPCU,Hacettepe University, Tugba Bulat(530-17 P) An Online Open-Tubular Fractionation Scheme Coupled with Push-Pull PerfusionSampling for Profiling Extravasation of AuNPs in a Mouse Tumor Model PO-JEN TSENG,National Tsing Hua University(530-18 P) Mapping O-GlcNAc Modification Sites in ABL2 by Tandem Mass Spectrometry KELINWANG, Louisiana State University, Fabrizio Donnarumma, Paudyal K Amid, Goodwin K Octavia,Megan A Macnaughtan, Kermit K Murray(530-19 P) The Use of Thermally Assisted Derivatization Techniques to Improve Data QualityKAREN SAM, CDS Analytical, Stephen Wesson, Chris Dwyer, Gary Deger(530-20 P) Using GC Triple Quadrupole MS in Full Scan, SIM, SRM and Mixed Scan Modes toProvide the Highest Coverage for Target and Non-Target Analysis of ContaminantsPAUL J SILCOCK, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massimo Santoro, Alexander SemyonovPOSTER SESSION Session 540All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Atomic Spectroscopy - Instrumentation and AnalysisMonday Morning(540-1 P) Bismuth as Internal Standard for Lead Determinations by ICP OES MARCOS A BECHLIN,São Paulo State University, Edilene C Ferreira, José A Gomes Neto(540-2 P) Standoff LIBS Using a Wide Field of View Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer withSub-Microsteradian Collection Optics PATRICK D BARNETT, University of South Carolina,Nirmal Lamsal, S Michael Angel(540-3 P) The Effect of Suspended Particles on LIBS Measurements of Dissolved Elements inSeawater JOSEPH BONVALLET, University of South Carolina, S Michael Angel(540-4 P) Single-Particle ICP-MS Method Development for Simultaneous Detection of Dissolvedand Nanoparticulate Metals in Missouri Drinking Water Systems ARIEL DONOVAN,Missouri University of Science and Technology, Honglan Shi, Yinfa Ma, Craig Adams, ChadyStephan, Todd Eichholz(540-5 P) The Determination of Iron and Manganese in Discolored Drinking Water by ICP-OESRUGAYA M SANIN, Liverpool John Moores University, Philip G Riby, Sharon Moore,Mark Wainwright(540-6 P) Determination of Major and Trace Elements in the Tea Leaves by ICP-AES WANG LI HUA,Shimadzu, Ma X Ling(540-7 P) Assessments of Human Hair Quality as a Function of Age, Based on Determination ofSelected Metals: Preliminary Results MARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University of PittsburghGreensburg, Meena K Gella, Shivam M Patel(540-8 P) Determination of Nutritionally Beneficial and Toxic Metals in Commercially AvailableFish Oil Supplements: Preliminary Results MARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University ofPittsburgh Greensburg, Robert P Pritchard(540-9 P) Leaching of Lead Through Soil In and Around a Recreational Shooting Range Buiklt ona Reclaimed Strip Mine: Preliminary Results for Lead and Other Analytes MARK THOMASSTAUFFER, University of Pittsburgh Greensburg, Luke J Metzler(540-10 P) Determination of Selected Metals and Nonmetals in Pre-Workout Supplements:Preliminary Results MARK THOMAS STAUFFER, University of Pittsburgh Greensburg, NicholasE Glotfelty, Kelly M Boyles(540-11 P) Effects of Low Level Subchronic Inorganic Mercury Exposure on the Levels of EssentialElements Analyzed by ICP-MS in Rat Tissues ADEDOJA D WUSU, Lagos State University,Olabisi O Ogunrinola, Olusegun K Afolabi, Esther O Abam, David O Babayemi, Adebisi ODosunmu, Beno O Onunkwor , Elizabeth A Balogun, Olusegun Odukoya, Chionyedua TOnwordi, Oladipo O Ademuyiwa(540-12 P) Elemental Analysis of Challenging Geological Samples Made Easy EWA M PRUSZKOWSKI,PerkinElmer, Fadi Abou-Shakra, Aaron HinemanPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAM(540-13 P) Prospecting of Iron and Titanium in Mineralized Area in Kenya Using Termitaria ONDITIOUMA ANAM, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, James Kinaichu(540-14 P) Investigation into the Presence of Mercury in Game Controllers BIN CHEN, P S Analytical,Warren T Corns, Peter B Stockwell, Lee Hewes, Mark ScrimshawPOSTER SESSION Session 550All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Bioanalytical Samples - Electrochemical, Fluorescence/Luminescence,Sensors and Lab-on-a-Chip TechniquesMonday Morning(550-1 P) Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrrole as a Chemical SensorBased on the Concept of Molecular Imprinting to the Selective Detection of L-Tyrosineand L-Tryptophan CESAR ARIZABALETA, Universidad del Valle, Walter Torres,Fernando E Larmat(550-2 P) In Situ Copper Detection in Marine Environments WILLIAM M CUNNING, University ofMaryland Baltimore County, William R LaCourse(550-3 P) Development of an Electrochemical Proximity Assay with Electroluminescent Detectionon a Bipolar Platform SANJUN FAN, Auburn University, Songyan Yu, SubramaniamSomasundaram, Christopher J Easley, Shannon Curtis(550-4 P) Using Artificial Cells for Probing the Effect of Cholesterol on Membrane Dynamics forExocytosis NEDA NAJAFINOBAR, Chalmers University of Technology, Lisa Mellander, MichaelKurczy, Johan Dunevall, Ann Sofie Cans(550-5 P) Electrochemical and Biocatalytic Properties of Human Liver Microsomes Immobilizedon Carbon Nanostructure Electrodes RAJASEKHAR REDDY NERIMETLA, Oklahoma StateUniversity, Sadagopan Krishnan(550-6 P) Electrochemical Study of 1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione and Glucose Oxidase ModifiedGraphite Electrode ARUNAS RAMANAVICIUS, Vilnius University, Povilas Genys, YaseminOztekin, Almira Ramanaviciene(550-7 P) Characterization of Dopamine Signals Evoked Via Low-Pulse Stimulations in theDorsal Striatum ELAINE M ROBBINS, University of Pittsburgh, Seth H Walters, Zhan Shu,Adrian C Michael(550-8 P) Understanding Signal and Background in the Electrochemical Proximity Assay (ECPA)Using DNA Melting Analysis SUBRAMANIAM SOMASUNDARAM, Auburn University, Mark DHoltan, Christopher J Easley(550-9 P) Ultrasensitive Assays for Early Breast Cancer Detection SHAZIA BAIG, Tufts University,Stephanie M Schubert, Stephanie R Walter, Kudret Usmani, David R Walt(550-10 P) Water-Soluble Amplifying Fluorescent Conjugated Polymer Probe for HydrogenSulfide Detection CHIEN-HUNG CHIANG, Louisiana State University, Deepa Pangeni,Evgueni E Nesterov(550-11 P) Characterization of Advanced Glycation Endproducts of Human Serum Albumin withD-Galactose: A Study of Galactated Albumin by Fluorescence and Circular DichroismMENASHI A COHENFORD, Marshall University, Saroj Sigdel, Muhammad Chaudhry, Leslie Frost,Weixi Liu(550-12 P) Direct Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence in Detection for HPLC FRANCOIS DARDOIZE,UPMC, Eric Mahe, Didier Devilliers(550-13 P) A Robust Multiple-Aptamer-Based Labeling Method WEIJIA HOU, University of Florida,Weihong Tan(550-14 P) Identification of Biological Ligands for Hazelnut Allergen, Cor a 1.02, Using aFluorescence-Based Assay JANE K MCBRIDE, USDA Agricultural Research Service,Barry K Hurlburt(550-15 P) Aligned Nanorod Arrays Fabricated by Hole-Mask Colloidal Lithography for High-Performance Environmental Sensing via SERS SAMUEL S HINMAN, University of CaliforniaRiverside, Peter V Shanta, Romie Nguyen, Quan Cheng(550-16 P) UV-VIS Spectrophotometric titration of Phenyl Substituted -N,N’-bis(salicylaldehye)-propylenediamine Schiff Base Compounds and Profiling of Their Relative AntimicrobialActivity SWAMINATHAN SUBRAMANIAM, Miles College, Justin C Biffinger, Roderick Woods,Tyler Huggins, Z Jason Ren, Daniel Barlow(550-17 P) Custom Thermal Control System for the Electrochemical Proximity Assay (ECPA) MARK DHOLTAN, Auburn University, Subramaniam Somasundaram, Christopher J Easley(550-18 P) Novel Platform for Superoxide Detection Based on Chain Reaction AmplifiedBiocatalytic Responses in Nanoplasmonic Sensors VALBER PEDROSA, UNESP,Caroline RodriguesMonday Morning35The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMonday MorningORAL SESSIONS Session 500Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Bioanalytical ApplicationsMonday Morning, Room 2778:30 (500-1) Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Based Paper Sensors for Field Analysis GONCABULBUL, Clarkson University, Silvana Andreescu, Jessica Cunningham, EricaSharpe, Akhtar Hayat8:50 (500-2) Carbon Dots – Promising Luminescent Carbon Nanomaterial forBioanalytical Applications MICHAEL-MAXIMILIAN LEMBERGER, University ofRegensburg, Raphael Urban, Thomas Hirsch, Joachim Wegener9:10 (500-3) Novel Self-Patented Gold Nanoparticles for Biological and EnvironmentalApplications TULSI MODI, Western Kentucky University, Hitesh K Waghwani,Rajalingam Dakshinamurthy9:30 (500-4) Acute Nano Toxicity Study of Effects of Nanoparticles on EmbryonicDevelopment PREEYAPORN SONGKIATISAK, Old Dominion University, MarthaS Johnson, Lauren M Browning, Pavan Cherukuri, Seth Warren, Nicole Gonda, XNancy Xu9:50 Recess10:05 (500-5) Enhancement of Usability and Sensitivity of Gold Nanorod Biochip by aUniversal Biofunctionalization Method LIANG TANG, University of Texas atSan Antonio, Xuefeng Wang, Mei Zhong, Yanyan Wang10:25 (500-6) Study of Size and Dose Dependent Therapeutic Effects of Nano DrugCarriers X NANCY XU, Old Dominion University, Feng Ding, Pavan KumarCherukuri, Preeyaporn Songkiatisak, Tao Huang10:45 (500-7) Selective Detection and Characterization of Protein Nanocrystals UsingSecond Harmonic Generation Correlation Spectroscopy XIMENG YOU,Purdue University, Christopher M Dettmar, Garth Simpson11:05 (500-8) Reactive Oxygen Species in Pistia Atratiotes Leaves Promoted byInteractions of Silver Forms NICOLE A HANKS, University of Cincinnati,Joseph A CarusoORAL SESSIONS Session 520Sensors: Molecular Recognition and Sensing MechanismsMonday Morning, Room 2768:30 (520-1) Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Sensing Motif for Selective Detectionof Concanavalin A ZHONGYU CAI, University of Pittsburgh, Jian-Tao Zhang,Daniel H Kwak, Xinyu Liu, Sanford A Asher8:50 (520-2) High-Throughput Thiamine Quantification in Fish Eggs UsingPeriplasmic-Binding Protein Biorecognition KATIE A EDWARDS, CornellUniversity, Woo Jin Seog, Antje J Baeumner9:10 (520-3) Aptamer-Based Competitive Electrochemical Biosensor for Brevetoxin-2SHIMAA EISSA, Institut National De La Recherche Scientifique, Mohamed Siaj,Mohammed Zourob9:30 (520-4) Measuring Hydrogen Bond-Based Non Covalent Interactions in Very NonPolar Solvents with Isothermal Titration Calorimetry ANTHONY R HORNER,University of Pittsburgh, Thomas Brinzer, Sean Garrett-Roe, Stephen G Weber9:50 Recess10:05 (520-5) Gradient-Based Interrogation of Blood Coagulation Factor BindingInteractions Using Lipid Bilayer Nanodiscs and Microring ResonatorsZACHARY S WIERSMA, University of Illinois, Ellen M Muehl, Joshua MGajsiewicz, James H Morrissey, Ryan C Bailey10:25 (520-6) Amplifying Fluorescent Sensors Based on Molecular Systems withExtended Electronic Delocalization EVGUENI E NESTEROV, Louisiana StateUniversity10:45 (520-7) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Optimization of Reporter-Probe Complexesfor Selective miRNA Detection NICHOLAS E LARKEY, Oregon State University,Sean M Burrows11:05 (520-8) DNA Quadruplex-Based Sensors: Tuning Response Sensitivity viaDeliberate Control of Folding Cooperativity IRINA V NESTEROVA, LouisianaState UniversityORAL SESSIONS Session 510Sampling and Sample Preparation - MS Oriented; Bioanalytical and PharmaMonday Morning, Room 2758:30 (510-1) Assessment of Relative Efficiency and Selectivity of Liquid, Solid-Phaseand Size-Exclusion Extraction Methods for Global Metabolomics ofHuman Plasma by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry DAJANAVUCKOVIC, Concordia University, Cian Monin, Dmitri Sitnikov8:50 (510-2) Incorporating Advanced Robotics Technology and UPLC-MS/MS to EnableHigh-Throughput Automation for Serum Cotinine Analysis RONALD EHUNTER, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Connie S Sosnoff, Ernest EMcGahee, Kristin A Dortch, Kevin T Caron, Stephen A Arnstein, Lanqing Wang9:10 (510-3) Demystifying USP 232/233: Sample Preparation Using MicrowaveDigestion NJIES PEDJIE, Milestone, David Gunn9:30 (510-4) Headspace Analysis of Biological Fluids for Metabolomics JAMES JHARYNUK, University of Alberta, Hye Lin Kim9:50 Recess10:05 (510-5) Desktop RAT for Generating In Vitro Pharmacokinetic Profiles F MARCELMUSTEATA, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Brandon LaPorte10:25 (510-6) Determination of Extracellular Glutamate with Low-Flow Push-Pull ofMouse Brain Slices GEOVANNIE OJEDA-TORRES, University of Illinois atChicago, Leena E Williams, David Featherstone, Scott A ShippyThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org34POSTER SESSION Session 530All posters are to be mounted by 10:00 AM and remain on display until 4:00 PM. Authors must be attheir posters from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Location of the morning posters is on the Exposition Floor,Hall F, Aisles 3900-4500. PLEASE NOTE: You cannot get onto the Exposition Floor until after 9:00 AM.Application of Mass SpectrometryMonday Morning(530-1 P) Investigation of the Adsorption/Absorption Mechanism of Stir Bar Sorptive ExtractionUsing Laser Enhanced Ionization Mass Spectrometry ANDREW BOGGESS, DuquesneUniversity, Logan T Miller, HM Skip Kingston, Weier Hao, Steve Shuttleworth(530-2 P) An Alternative to DIP/DEP: Pyroprobe Coupled to High Resolution Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry JONATHAN BYER, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley, Jeffrey S Patrick(530-3 P) Laser Ablation Sample Transfer and On-Target Digestion for MALDI Imaging FAN CAO,Louisiana State University(530-4 P) Derivatization of Metabolites for Improved Sensitivity in Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry TIANJIAO HUANG, Saint Louis University, Maria Toro, James Edwards(530-5 P) Characterization of Nanoparticles in Complex Matrixes Using Single Particle InductivelyCoupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry TAYLOR INGLE, FDA/NCTR, Paul Howard, Yan Li, LindsayPack, Joshua Xu, Xiaoqing Guo, Tao Chen(530-6 P) A Fast GC Proton-Transfer-Reaction Quadrupole Ion Guide Time-Of-Flight (PTR-QiToF)Mass Spectrometer ALFONS JORDAN, IONICON Analytik GmbH, Lukas Märk, Jens Herbig,Christian Lindinger, Rene Gutmann, Lukas Fischer, Eugen Hartungen, Simone Jürschik, GernotHanel, Philipp Sulzer, Tilmann D Märk(530-7 P) Effect of Split Ratio on USEPA Method 8260 Compounds ANNE JUREK, EST Analytical,Lindsey Pyron, Kelly Cravenor(530-8 P) Investigations on the Potentials of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) withReactive-DESI KIHARA KEISHI, Shiseido, Motoyama Akira(530-9 P) Design for an Improved TOF-MS with a Highly Folded Flight Tube NATHAN D LEIGH,University of Missouri(530-10 P) Quantification of a Biomedically Important Analyte by Enhanced Laser IonizationQTOF-Mass Spectrometry with Speciated Isotope Dilution LOGAN T MILLER, DuquesneUniversity, Sarah Sheffield, HM Skip Kingston(530-11 P) Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Sensitivities in an Octopole Reaction System TripleQuadrupole ICP-MS JOAQUIM A NOBREGA, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Alex Virgilio,Lucimar L Fialho, Renata S Amais, Daniela Schiavo

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