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PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMonday MorningSYMPOSIUM Session 320Isotope Innovations for Metabolomics-Mass Spectrometryarranged by Richard A Yost and Timothy J Garrett, University of FloridaMonday Morning, Room 257Richard A Yost, University of Florida, PresidingTimothy J Garrett, University of Florida, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Richard A Yost and Timothy J Garrett8:35 (320-1) Metabolic Network Elucidation via Stable Isotope ResolvedMetabolomics: Successes and Challenges RICHARD HIGASHI, University ofKentucky, Teresa Fan, Andrew Lane, Hunter Moseley9:10 (320-2) Use of Stable Isotopes and Metabolite Profiling for FunctionalCharacterization of Dysregulated Gene Expression and ProteinFunction Seen in Diabetes Development IRWIN J KURLAND, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine9:45 (320-3) Protocol to Determine Signatures for Toxicity CHRIS BEECHER, IROA Tech10:20 Recess10:35 (320-4) Global Tracking of Isotopes by Untargeted Metabolomics GARY PATTI,Washington University in St. LouisSYMPOSIUM Session 350New Developments in Doping Detectionarranged by Janusz Pawliszyn, University of WaterlooMonday Morning, Room 262Janusz Pawliszyn, University of Waterloo, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Janusz Pawliszyn8:35 (350-1) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:10 (350-2) Exploring the Potential of High-Throughput Solid-Phase Microextractionfor Analysis of Prohibited Substances in Urine, Plasma, Blood and SalivaKRZYSZTOF GORYNSKI, Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum,Nathaly Reyes-Garcés, Ezel Boyaci, Angel Rodríguez-Lafuente, VincentBessonneau, Barbara Bojko, Janusz Pawliszyn9:45 (350-3) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet10:20 Recess10:35 (350-4) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet11:10 (350-5) Non-Invasive In Vivo SPME Sampling of Human Saliva JANUSZ PAWLISZYN,University of Waterloo, Barbara Bojko, Vincent Bessonneau, Ezel Boyaci,Malgorzata Maciazek-JurczykSYMPOSIUM Session 330Microfluidics-to-Mass Spectrometryarranged by Michael G Roper, Florida State UniversityMonday Morning, Room 260Michael G Roper, Florida State University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Michael G Roper8:35 (330-1) Microfluidic Separations Devices with Integrated Nano-ElectrosprayIonization J MICHAEL RAMSEY, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,J Scott Mellors, Erin Redman, William A Black9:10 (330-2) Nanospray and Segmented Droplet Flow: Small Scale EnablesTransformative Speed GARY VALASKOVIC, New Objective Inc., Robert TKennedy, Shuwen Sun, Mike S Lee9:45 (330-3) Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolite Profiling Using an IntegratedMicrofluidic Platform JAMES EDWARDS, Saint Louis University10:20 Recess10:35 (330-4) Coupling Atomic Force Microscopy with Laser Ablation Capture forBiomolecule Mass Spectrometry KERMIT K MURRAY, Louisiana StateUniversity, Chinthaka A Seneviratne, Suman Ghorai11:10 (330-5) Digital Microfluidic Sample Processing for Separations and MassSpectrometry AARON WHEELER, University of TorontoSYMPOSIUM Session 360SERS for ‘Omicsarranged by Zachary Schultz, University of Notre Dame and Richard A Dluhy, University of GeorgiaMonday Morning, Room 263Zachary Schultz, University of Notre Dame, PresidingRichard A Dluhy, University of Georgia, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Zachary Schultz and Richard A Dluhy8:35 (360-1) Surface Enhanced Spectroscopies for High-Throughput ApplicationsNAOMI J HALAS, Rice University9:10 (360-2) Identification of Virulence Determinants in Influenza RICHARD A DLUHY,University of Georgia9:45 (360-3) Perm-Selective SERS Substrates for Direct Drug Metabolite DetectionAMANDA J HAES, University of Iowa10:20 Recess10:35 (360-4) Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Qualitative and QuantitativeDetermination of DNAs and Proteins BIN REN, Xiamen University, Li-Jia Xu,Xiaoshan Zheng11:10 (360-5) High-Throughput SERS Detection in Solution for Metabolomics ZACHARYSCHULTZ, University of Notre DameSYMPOSIUM Session 340New Developments and Challenges in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopyarranged by Jagdish P Singh, Mississippi State University andRichard Russo, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryMonday Morning, Room 261Jagdish P Singh, Mississippi State University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Jagdish P Singh and Richard Russo8:35 (340-1) Oceanic LIBS Spectroscopy: Concepts, Challenges and Tests inMediterranean Waters JAVIER LASERNA, University of Malaga9:10 (340-2) Analytical LIBS in the Forensic Science Laboratory JOSE R ALMIRALL,Florida International University9:45 (340-3) Progress and Challenges in Using LIBS for Bacteriological IdentificationSTEVEN J REHSE, University of Windsor10:20 Recess10:35 (340-4) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Application toCombustion Science JAGDISH P SINGH, Mississippi State University, Yueh YYueh, Markandey M Tripathi, Kemal E Eseller11:10 (340-5) Ultrafast LIBS for 3D Chemical Imaging VASSILIA ZORBA, Lawrence BerkeleyNational LaboratoryWORKSHOPS Session 370A Survey of Current Microsampling Techniques in Developing Analytical Methodsfrom Whole Bloodarranged by Michael D McGinley, Phenomenex and Bobby Virasingh, PhenomenexMonday Morning, Room 269Michael D McGinley, Phenomenex, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Michael D McGinley and Bobby Virasingh8:35 (370-1) Challenges and Progress in Implementing Dried Matrix MicroSamplingTechnology in Drug Development QIN C JI, Bristol-Myers Squibb9:05 (370-2) Application of Microsampling Techniques for Drug Discovery andDevelopment CHRISTOPHER A JAMES, Amgen, Guifen XuThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org30

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMWORKSHOPS Session 380Advances in Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopyarranged by Matthew J Baker, University of StrathclydeMonday Morning, Room 274Matthew J Baker, University of Strathclyde, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Matthew J Baker8:35 (380-1) Improving Prediction of Organ Transplant Outcome Using FT-IRSpectroscopic Imaging MICHAEL J WALSH, University of Illinois at Chicago,Vishal Varma, Peter Nguyen, Hari Sreedhar, Andre Kajdacsy-Balla, GraceGuzman, Suman Setty8:55 (380-2) Neurosurgical Guidance Through Stimulated Raman ScatteringMicroscopy DANIEL ORRINGER, University of Michigan9:15 (380-3) Multiplexed and Quantitative Bioanalysis Using SERS KAREN FAULDS,University of Strathclyde, Duncan Graham, Kirsten Gracie, Sarah McAughtrie9:35 Recess9:50 (380-4) Developments in Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy HUGH JAMESBYRNE, Dublin Institute of TechnologyORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 390Electrochemistry at Nanoscale Structuresarranged by Takashi Ito, Kansas State University and Lane A Baker, Indiana University, BloomingtonMonday Morning, Room 264Takashi Ito, Kansas State University, Presiding8:30 (390-1) Electron Propagation Through Redox-Active Microdomains in ThinFilms of Side-Chain Ferrocene-Containing Diblock Copolymers TAKASHIITO, Kansas State University, Govinda Ghimire, Yi Yi, Maksymilian A Derylo, LaneA Baker8:50 (390-2) Ligand-Induced Electrochemical Band-Gap Engineering of UltrasmallSemiconductor Clusters RAJESH SARDAR, Indiana University-PurdueUniversity Indianapolis, Katie N Lawrence, Meghan B Teunis9:10 (390-3) Electrochemical Detection of Colloidal Semiconductor NanoparticlesMARIO A ALPUCHE-AVILES, University of Nevada, Reno, Suman Parajuli, PushpaChhetri, Nelum Karunathilake, Neluni Perera, Ashantha Fernando, KazemiRezvan, Rezvan Barakoti9:30 (390-4) Electron-Transfer Kinetics on Single Nanoparticles BO ZHANG, Universityof Washington9:50 Recess10:05 (390-5) Selective Deposition of 1-2 nm Diameter Au Nanoparticles onto ElectrodeSurfaces by Migration FRANCIS ZAMBORINI, University of Louisville, RafaelMasitas, Stacy Allen10:25 (390-6) Using Unusual Ion Channel Behavior to Build Nanopore Sensors RYAN JWHITE, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Florika C Macazo10:45 (390-7) Fabrication of Electrochemical DNA Sensors on Gold-modified RecessedPlatinum Nanoelectrodes REBECCA Y LAI, University of Nebraska-Lincoln11:05 (390-8) All-in-One Nanopore Battery and Controlled 3D Networked Pores SANGBOK LEE, University of MarylandORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 400Infrared Spectroscopy (Well Beyond) the Diffraction Limitarranged by Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc. and Andreas Huber, Neaspec, GmbHMonday Morning, Room 265Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc., Presiding8:30 (400-1) Expanding Applications for Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy CRAIGPRATER, Anasys Instruments8:50 (400-2) Introducing Nano-FTIR – Imaging and Spectroscopy at 10nm SpatialResolution ANDREAS HUBER, Neaspec GmbH9:10 (400-3) Synchrotron Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy HANS A BECHTEL, LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, Michael C Martin, Eric A Muller, Robert L Olmon,Markus B Raschke9:30 (400-4) Nanoscale Characterization of Engineered Thermoplastic Blends byAtomic Force Microscopy – Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) inCombination with Traditional Microscopy and Spectroscopy MethodsANNE M LEMON, SABIC, Lanti Yang, Pooja Bajaj, Nancy L Jestel9:50 Recess10:05 (400-5) Natural 2D Materials as Novel Superlenses for Nondestructive InfraredNano-Imaging Below the Surface THOMAS TAUBNER, RWTH Aachen10:25 (400-6) Tip-Enhanced Infrared Nanospectroscopy via Molecular Expansion ForceDetection MIKHAIL A BELKIN, The University of Texas at Austin, Feng Lu,Mingzhou Jin10:45 (400-7) Polarized AFM-IR Studies of Anisotropically Oriented Polymers in Filmsand Nanofibers JOHN F RABOLT, University of Delaware, Wenwen Liu, IsaoNoda, Bruce ChaseORAL SESSIONS Session 410Biomedical SensorsMonday Morning, Room 2408:30 (410-1) Multiplexed Detection of Serum-Based Biomarkers Using SiliconPhotonic Microring Resonator Arrays WINNIE W SHIA, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Shannon P Wetzler, Ryan C Bailey8:50 (410-2) Equilibration Times of Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes withPEDOT (PSS) on Platinum, Gold and Glassy Carbon Substrates MARCINGUZINSKI, University of Memphis, Jennifer Jarvis, Erno Lindner, BradfordPendley, Felio Perez9:10 (410-3) Polymer-Grafted Hyaluronic Acid Coatings for the Specific Detection ofInflammatory Markers in Complex Samples MOHAMED H RAMADAN,Carnegie Mellon University, Newell R Washburn9:30 (410-4) Probing Phosphatase Activity Using Redox Active Nanoparticles: A NovelApproach for the Detection of Enzyme Activity GONCA BULBUL, ClarksonUniversity, Silvana Andreescu, Akhtar Hayat9:50 Recess10:05 (410-5) Urine Carbon Dioxide as Prognostic Indicator in Septic Shock JAMES GATHERTON, University of Memphis, William E King, Marcin Guzinski, BradfordPendley, Erno Lindner10:25 (410-6) Liquid Crystals Biosensors for File Acid Detection with Wide TunableDetection Range SIHUI HE, University of Central Florida, Fang Jiyu,Shin-Tson Wu10:45 (410-7) Fabrication of A Novel Fiber-Optic based Single-Cell pH Sensor QINGBOYANG, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Hanzheng Wang, SisiChen, Xinwei Lan, Hai Xiao, Yinfa Ma, Honglan Shi11:05 (410-8) Evanescent Wave-Based Microfluidic Capillary Biosensor CHUN-WEIWANG, University of FloridaMonday Morning31The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

PITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMWORKSHOPS Session 380Advances in Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopyarranged by Matthew J Baker, University of StrathclydeMonday Morning, Room 274Matthew J Baker, University of Strathclyde, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Matthew J Baker8:35 (380-1) Improving Prediction of Organ Transplant Outcome Using FT-IRSpectroscopic Imaging MICHAEL J WALSH, University of Illinois at Chicago,Vishal Varma, Peter Nguyen, Hari Sreedhar, Andre Kajdacsy-Balla, GraceGuzman, Suman Setty8:55 (380-2) Neurosurgical Guidance Through Stimulated Raman ScatteringMicroscopy DANIEL ORRINGER, University of Michigan9:15 (380-3) Multiplexed and Quantitative Bioanalysis Using SERS KAREN FAULDS,University of Strathclyde, Duncan Graham, Kirsten Gracie, Sarah McAughtrie9:35 Recess9:50 (380-4) Developments in Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy HUGH JAMESBYRNE, Dublin Institute of TechnologyORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 390Electrochemistry at Nanoscale Structuresarranged by Takashi Ito, Kansas State University and Lane A Baker, Indiana University, BloomingtonMonday Morning, Room 264Takashi Ito, Kansas State University, Presiding8:30 (390-1) Electron Propagation Through Redox-Active Microdomains in ThinFilms of Side-Chain Ferrocene-Containing Diblock Copolymers TAKASHIITO, Kansas State University, Govinda Ghimire, Yi Yi, Maksymilian A Derylo, LaneA Baker8:50 (390-2) Ligand-Induced Electrochemical Band-Gap Engineering of UltrasmallSemiconductor Clusters RAJESH SARDAR, Indiana University-PurdueUniversity Indianapolis, Katie N Lawrence, Meghan B Teunis9:10 (390-3) Electrochemical Detection of Colloidal Semiconductor NanoparticlesMARIO A ALPUCHE-AVILES, University of Nevada, Reno, Suman Parajuli, PushpaChhetri, Nelum Karunathilake, Neluni Perera, Ashantha Fernando, KazemiRezvan, Rezvan Barakoti9:30 (390-4) Electron-Transfer Kinetics on Single Nanoparticles BO ZHANG, Universityof Washington9:50 Recess10:05 (390-5) Selective Deposition of 1-2 nm Diameter Au Nanoparticles onto ElectrodeSurfaces by Migration FRANCIS ZAMBORINI, University of Louisville, RafaelMasitas, Stacy Allen10:25 (390-6) Using Unusual Ion Channel Behavior to Build Nanopore Sensors RYAN JWHITE, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Florika C Macazo10:45 (390-7) Fabrication of Electrochemical DNA Sensors on Gold-modified RecessedPlatinum Nanoelectrodes REBECCA Y LAI, University of Nebraska-Lincoln11:05 (390-8) All-in-One Nanopore Battery and Controlled 3D Networked Pores SANGBOK LEE, University of MarylandORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 400Infrared Spectroscopy (Well Beyond) the Diffraction Limitarranged by Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc. and Andreas Huber, Neaspec, GmbHMonday Morning, Room 265Ellen Miseo, Analytical Answers, Inc., Presiding8:30 (400-1) Expanding Applications for Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy CRAIGPRATER, Anasys Instruments8:50 (400-2) Introducing Nano-FTIR – Imaging and Spectroscopy at 10nm SpatialResolution ANDREAS HUBER, Neaspec GmbH9:10 (400-3) Synchrotron Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy HANS A BECHTEL, LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, Michael C Martin, Eric A Muller, Robert L Olmon,Markus B Raschke9:30 (400-4) Nanoscale Characterization of Engineered Thermoplastic Blends byAtomic Force Microscopy – Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) inCombination with Traditional Microscopy and Spectroscopy MethodsANNE M LEMON, SABIC, Lanti Yang, Pooja Bajaj, Nancy L Jestel9:50 Recess10:05 (400-5) Natural 2D Materials as Novel Superlenses for Nondestructive InfraredNano-Imaging Below the Surface THOMAS TAUBNER, RWTH Aachen10:25 (400-6) Tip-Enhanced Infrared Nanospectroscopy via Molecular Expansion ForceDetection MIKHAIL A BELKIN, The University of Texas at Austin, Feng Lu,Mingzhou Jin10:45 (400-7) Polarized AFM-IR Studies of Anisotropically Oriented Polymers in Filmsand Nanofibers JOHN F RABOLT, University of Delaware, Wenwen Liu, IsaoNoda, Bruce ChaseORAL SESSIONS Session 410Biomedical SensorsMonday Morning, Room 2408:30 (410-1) Multiplexed Detection of Serum-Based Biomarkers Using SiliconPhotonic Microring Resonator Arrays WINNIE W SHIA, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Shannon P Wetzler, Ryan C Bailey8:50 (410-2) Equilibration Times of Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes withPEDOT (PSS) on Platinum, Gold and Glassy Carbon Substrates MARCINGUZINSKI, University of Memphis, Jennifer Jarvis, Erno Lindner, BradfordPendley, Felio Perez9:10 (410-3) Polymer-Grafted Hyaluronic Acid Coatings for the Specific Detection ofInflammatory Markers in Complex Samples MOHAMED H RAMADAN,Carnegie Mellon University, Newell R Washburn9:30 (410-4) Probing Phosphatase Activity Using Redox Active Nanoparticles: A NovelApproach for the Detection of Enzyme Activity GONCA BULBUL, ClarksonUniversity, Silvana Andreescu, Akhtar Hayat9:50 Recess10:05 (410-5) Urine Carbon Dioxide as Prognostic Indicator in Septic Shock JAMES GATHERTON, University of Memphis, William E King, Marcin Guzinski, BradfordPendley, Erno Lindner10:25 (410-6) Liquid Crystals Biosensors for File Acid Detection with Wide TunableDetection Range SIHUI HE, University of Central Florida, Fang Jiyu,Shin-Tson Wu10:45 (410-7) Fabrication of A Novel Fiber-Optic based Single-Cell pH Sensor QINGBOYANG, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Hanzheng Wang, SisiChen, Xinwei Lan, Hai Xiao, Yinfa Ma, Honglan Shi11:05 (410-8) Evanescent Wave-Based Microfluidic Capillary Biosensor CHUN-WEIWANG, University of FloridaMonday Morning31The author list is available at www.pittcon.org

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