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Sunday AfternoonMonday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSUNDAY POSTER SESSION Session 230Sunday posters will be on display from 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM with authors present at their posters from5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The location for the Sunday posters is outside of the Great Hall A.New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and SoftwareSunday Afternoon(230-1 P) Drug and Excipient Interaction Using DSC and TGA-FTIR BOB FIDLER, NETZSCHInstruments N.A. LLC, Ekkehard Post, Gabriele Kaiser(230-2 P) Selective Stability-Indicating Determination of Dimenhydrinate in Presence of Six of ItsRelated Substances and Potential Impurities Using a Direct GC-MS Method TAREKBELAL, Alexandria University, Karim Abdel-Hay, C Randall Clark(230-3 P) Modeling Heterogeneous Reaction Rates with Mixed Diffusion and Kinetic ControlKATHRYN BEZBATCHENKO, William Smith Colleges, Walter Bowyer(230-4 P) Evaluation of White Wines MARIA CAÑIZARES-MACIAS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma deMéxico, Evelin Jiménez-Rioja(230-5 P) Forced-Flow Planar Chromatography HUBA I KALASZ, Semmelweis University, Kornelia Tekes(230-6 P) Determination of Formaldehyde - A Reliable Tool to Scout Blood-Brain BarrierPenetration of Xenobiotics KORNELIA TEKES, Semmelweis University, Huba I Kalas(230-7 P) Chromatographic Behavior in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Water asthe Mobile Phase Solvent SHIMAZAKI YOUKI, Rikkyo University, Tsuzuki Seiji, Mochizuki Yuji,Miyabe Kanji(230-8 P) An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Examination of Chinese and African Ceramics inthe Earlham College Art Collection MICHAEL A DEIBEL, Earlham College, Corinne C Deibel,Julia S May, Thomas T Abe, Angelica C DeSimio, Johnathon R Hornak, Ram C Itani,Charlotte M Page(230-9 P) Analysis of Fatty Acids in Archaeological Pottery Fragments Using GC-MS TIMOTHY JWARD, Millsaps College, Diane J Ward, Sara Barker, Amanda Kaminski(230-10 P) A Spectroscopic Study on Ultrasound-Assisted Interaction of Human SerumAlbumin with Chlorin-e6 MIHAELA MOCANU, North Carolina Central University, Charles COkechukwu, Joanna L Isaac, Michelle S Smith, Fei Yan(230-11 P) Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on Diffusion and Enzyme Kinetics ALLISON WILCOX,William Smith Colleges, Dominique Hargreaves, Erin McLaughlin, Walter Bowyer, Kristin Slade(230-12 P) Online Extraction of Bilirubin Utilizing Needle Trap Molecularly Imprinted PolymerSol-Gel Xerogel MOHAMED ABDEL-REHIM, Stockholm University, Mohammad Moein(230-13 P) Fast Ammonia Determinations Using a Coulometric Titration Method TATSUYATAKEUCHI, Central Kagaku Corporation, John MacFarlane(230-14 P) Sonic Level Sensor for HPLC Solvent Reservoirs KEN KITAMURA, FLOM Corporation,John MacFarlane(230-15 P) Determination of Nitrogenous Disinfection By-Products by Salting-Out Assisted Liquid-Liquid Extraction Coupled Injection-Port Derivatization Gas Chromatography-MassSpectrometry WANG-HSIEN DING, National Central University(230-16 P) Evaluation of the Mutagenic Activity Due to Heavy Metals of Water Collected From theCauca River in the City of Cali, Columbia by Using the Ames Test FERNANDO E LARMAT,Universidad del Valle, Alejandro Soto(230-17 P) GC-MS with Cold EI and Its Enhancement Technologies AVIV AMIRAV, Tel Aviv University,Bogdan Belgorodsky, Alexander Fialkov, Tal Alon(230-18 P) Manganese Based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Electrochemical ImmunosensingAMOS MUGWERU, Rowan UniversityMONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015MORNINGAWARDS Session 240Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Awardarranged by Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemours and CompanyMonday Morning, Room 243Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemours and Company, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Mary Ellen McNally8:35 Presentation of the 2015 Dal Nogare Award to Mark R Schure,Kroungold Analytical Inc., by Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemoursand Company8:40 (240-1) Particle Simulation Methods in Separation Science Research MARK RSCHURE, Kroungold Analytical Inc.9:15 (240-2) An Alternative to Sub-2 µm UHPLC Columns JOSEPH J DESTEFANO,Advanced Materials Technology, Inc., Barry E Boyes, Stephanie A Schuster,William L Miles, Joseph J Kirkland9:50 (240-3) The Continuing Evolution of Multidimensional ChromatographyHERNAN J CORTES, HJ Cortes Consulting, LLC10:25 Recess10:40 (240-4) The Analysis and Characterization of Bioconjugates by Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry ROBERT EMURPHY, Kroungold Analytical Inc.11:15 (240-5) Sequential Elution Liquid Chromatography with Multimodal orSerially-Coupled Columns JOE FOLEY, Drexel University, Catherine Kita, AdamSocia, Erin Ennis, Michael FletcherAWARDS Session 250Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Awardarranged by Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACPMonday Morning, Room 244Jonathan V Sweedler, University of Illinois, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Adrian C Michael8:35 Presentation of the 2015 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award toRyan C Bailey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, by Susan KZawacky, Chair, Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh8:40 (250-1) Multiplexing with Microrings: Silicon Photonic Sensor Arrays forClinical Diagnostics and Biomolecular Interaction Screening RYAN CBAILEY, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign9:15 (250-2) Deep Proteomic Analysis Using Capillary Zone ElectrophoresisNORMAN J DOVICHI, University of Notre Dame, Liangliang Sun, Guijie Zhu,Matthew Champion, Joshua Coon9:50 (250-3) Manipulation of Laminar Flows for Biosensing and Fabrication of HybridMaterials FRANCES S LIGLER, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill andNorth Carolina State University10:25 Recess10:40 (250-4) Ultrasensitive Bioaffinity Sensing with Single Nanoparticle SPR ImagingMicroscopy and On-Chip Templated Microarray Synthesis ROBERT M CORN,University of California Irvine11:15 (250-5) Electrically Driven Protein Separations in Packed Capillaries and ChannelsMARY WIRTH, Purdue UniversityThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org28

SYMPOSIUM Session 260ACS DAC - Fieldable MS for Environmental and National Security Applicationsarranged by David Koppenaal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory andR Kenneth Marcus, Clemson UniversityMonday Morning, Room 238David Koppenaal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PresidingR Kenneth Marcus, Clemson University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - David Koppenaal and R Kenneth Marcus8:35 (260-1) Mass Spectrometer Design for Field Analysis RICHARD ARKIN, HillCountry Instruments9:10 (260-2) Development of Backpack and Desktop Ion Trap Mass SpectrometrySystems ZHENG OUYANG, Purdue University, Linfan Li, Yue Ren, Xiao Wang,Chien-Hsun Chen, R Graham Cooks9:45 (260-3) The Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge(LS-APGD): A Pragmatic Ion Source for Field-Based Elemental/Isotopic MSR KENNETH MARCUS, Clemson University10:20 Recess10:35 (260-4) Fieldable MS - New Directions & Approaches DAVID W KOPPENAAL,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory11:10 (260-5) In-Water Mass Spectrometry for Characterization of LightHydrocarbon Seeps and Leaks TIM SHORT, SRI International, Strawn Toler,Ryan Bell, Andres Cardenas-Valencia, Jwalant Dholakia, Steve UntiedtSYMPOSIUM Session 270Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) in Human Systems Biology: In Vivo Discovery forDeveloping In Vitro Target Methodsarranged by Joachim D Pleil, US EPA and Wolfram Miekisch, University Hospital of RostockMonday Morning, Room 239Joachim D Pleil, US EPA, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Joachim D Pleil and Wolfram Miekisch8:35 (270-1) Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) in Human Systems Biology:Gas-Phase Probes for Assessing In Vitro Enzyme System PerturbationsJOACHIM D PLEIL, US EPA, Michelle Angrish, Michael Madden9:10 (270-2) Real-Time Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Throughput in AdverseOutcome Pathways Assessments JONATHAN D BEAUCHAMP,Fraunhofer IVV9:45 (270-3) Personalized Medicine Using Mid-IR Spectroscopy: Fact or Fiction?TERENCE H RISBY, Johns Hopkins University10:20 Recess10:35 (270-4) Systems Toxicology of Environmental Metals: Identifying KeyMolecular Pathways Linking Environmental Exposure with DiseaseREBECCA FRY, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill11:10 (270-5) Nano-Scale Fingerprinting of Human Blood Protein Adducts forExposure Assessments WILLIAM E FUNK, Northwestern UniversityPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSYMPOSIUM Session 290Atomic Tools as Solutions to Molecular Problemsarranged by Jacob T Shelley, Kent State UniversityMonday Morning, Room 255Jacob T Shelley, Kent State University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Jacob T Shelley8:35 (290-1) Plasma Spectrometry–Not Just for Atoms Anymore GARY M HIEFTJE,Indiana University, Gerardo Gamez, Kevin P Pfeuffer, Steven J Ray, Andrew JSchwartz, Jacob T Shelley, Andrew P Storey9:10 (290-2) Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry (LAMIS) – DirectSolid-Sample Isotopic Analysis Through All-Optical Means GEORGE CHAN,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Xianglei Mao, Huaming Hou, ArnabSarkar, Meirong Dong, Richard E Russo9:45 (290-3) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet10:20 Recess10:35 (290-4) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet11:10 (290-5) The Atomic Side of Molecular Mass Spectrometry JACOB T SHELLEY, KentState University, Sunil Badal, Kelsey Williams, Garett MacleanSYMPOSIUM Session 300Chemical Heritage Foundation - New Perspectives on the History ofInfrared Instrumentationarranged by Richard Ulrych, Chemical Heritage FoundationMonday Morning, Room 245Richard Ulrych, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Richard Ulrych8:35 (300-1) The Early Days of Modern Infrared Spectroscopy: The First Three Years ofFT-IR PETER R GRIFFITHS, Griffiths Consulting LLC9:10 (300-2) Synthetic Rubber, Spectros and War: The Start of Beckman Instruments inIR DAVID C BROCK, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Gerald Gallwas9:45 (300-3) Some Anecdotes and Pictures of Infrared Pioneers FOIL A MILLER,Retired - University of Pittsburgh10:20 Recess10:35 (300-4) Major Developments in the History of Infrared Spectroscopy ROBERT WHANNAH, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Michael Ford11:10 (300-5) Baird Associates and Early Infrared Spectroscopy DAVIS W BAIRD,Clark UniversitySYMPOSIUM Session 310Fluorescence Sensing of Biologically Important Metal Ions: Detection, Speciation,Quantitation and Localizationarranged by Partha Basu, Duquesne UniversityMonday MorningSYMPOSIUM Session 280Analytical Chemistry at the Single Molecule and Single Particle Levelarranged by Cynthia G Zoski, New Mexico State UniversityMonday Morning, Room 242Cynthia G Zoski, New Mexico State University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Cynthia G Zoski8:35 (280-1) Mt/AFM-SECM Imaging of Redox-Immunomarked Proteins on NativeViruses: From Sub-Particle to Single Protein Resolution CHRISTOPHEDEMAILLE, University Paris-Diderot / CNRS9:10 (280-2) Electrochemical Detection of Collisions of Soft Nanoparticles ALLEN BARD,University of Texas at Austin, Byung-Kwon Kim, Jeffrey Dick9:45 (280-3) Electrochemical Detection of Collisions of Metal Nanoparticles CYNTHIA GZOSKI, New Mexico State University, César Ortiz-Ledón10:20 Recess10:35 (280-4) Single-Molecule Imaging of Single-Particle Photoelectrocatalysis PENGCHEN, Cornell University11:10 (280-5) Single Molecule and Single Nanoparticle Plasmonics RICHARD P VANDUYNE, Northwestern University29Monday Morning, Room 256Partha Basu, Duquesne University, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Partha Basu8:35 (310-1) Invited speaker has not submitted the abstract yet9:10 (310-2) Fluorescence Sensing of Biological Copper and Zinc CHRISTOPH J FAHRNI,Georgia Institute of Technology9:45 (310-3) Metal Ion Indicators AKWASI MINTA, Teflabs10:20 Recess10:35 (310-4) Sensing Lead through Small Molecule Fluorescence PARTHA BASU,Duquesne University11:10 (310-5) Novel Compounds for Fluorogenic Detection of Physiologically RelevantMetal Ions in Live Cells and Tissue KYLE GEE, Thermo Fisher Scientific, DanBeacham, Jolene Bradford, Trillium Blackmer, Vladimir MartinThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org

Sunday AfternoonMonday MorningPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMSUNDAY POSTER SESSION Session 230Sunday posters will be on display from 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM with authors present at their posters from5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The location for the Sunday posters is outside of the Great Hall A.New Developments in Analytical Instrumentation and SoftwareSunday Afternoon(230-1 P) Drug and Excipient Interaction Using DSC and TGA-FTIR BOB FIDLER, NETZSCHInstruments N.A. LLC, Ekkehard Post, Gabriele Kaiser(230-2 P) Selective Stability-Indicating Determination of Dimenhydrinate in Presence of Six of ItsRelated Substances and Potential Impurities Using a Direct GC-MS Method TAREKBELAL, Alexandria University, Karim Abdel-Hay, C Randall Clark(230-3 P) Modeling Heterogeneous Reaction Rates with Mixed Diffusion and Kinetic ControlKATHRYN BEZBATCHENKO, William Smith Colleges, Walter Bowyer(230-4 P) Evaluation of White Wines MARIA CAÑIZARES-MACIAS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma deMéxico, Evelin Jiménez-Rioja(230-5 P) Forced-Flow Planar Chromatography HUBA I KALASZ, Semmelweis University, Kornelia Tekes(230-6 P) Determination of Formaldehyde - A Reliable Tool to Scout Blood-Brain BarrierPenetration of Xenobiotics KORNELIA TEKES, Semmelweis University, Huba I Kalas(230-7 P) Chromatographic Behavior in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Water asthe Mobile Phase Solvent SHIMAZAKI YOUKI, Rikkyo University, Tsuzuki Seiji, Mochizuki Yuji,Miyabe Kanji(230-8 P) An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Examination of Chinese and African Ceramics inthe Earlham College Art Collection MICHAEL A DEIBEL, Earlham College, Corinne C Deibel,Julia S May, Thomas T Abe, Angelica C DeSimio, Johnathon R Hornak, Ram C Itani,Charlotte M Page(230-9 P) Analysis of Fatty Acids in Archaeological Pottery Fragments Using GC-MS TIMOTHY JWARD, Millsaps College, Diane J Ward, Sara Barker, Amanda Kaminski(230-10 P) A Spectroscopic Study on Ultrasound-Assisted Interaction of Human SerumAlbumin with Chlorin-e6 MIHAELA MOCANU, North Carolina Central University, Charles COkechukwu, Joanna L Isaac, Michelle S Smith, Fei Yan(230-11 P) Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on Diffusion and Enzyme Kinetics ALLISON WILCOX,William Smith Colleges, Dominique Hargreaves, Erin McLaughlin, Walter Bowyer, Kristin Slade(230-12 P) Online Extraction of Bilirubin Utilizing Needle Trap Molecularly Imprinted PolymerSol-Gel Xerogel MOHAMED ABDEL-REHIM, Stockholm University, Mohammad Moein(230-13 P) Fast Ammonia Determinations Using a Coulometric Titration Method TATSUYATAKEUCHI, Central Kagaku Corporation, John MacFarlane(230-14 P) Sonic Level Sensor for HPLC Solvent Reservoirs KEN KITAMURA, FLOM Corporation,John MacFarlane(230-15 P) Determination of Nitrogenous Disinfection By-Products by Salting-Out Assisted Liquid-Liquid Extraction Coupled Injection-Port Derivatization Gas Chromatography-MassSpectrometry WANG-HSIEN DING, National Central University(230-16 P) Evaluation of the Mutagenic Activity Due to Heavy Metals of Water Collected From theCauca River in the City of Cali, Columbia by Using the Ames Test FERNANDO E LARMAT,Universidad del Valle, Alejandro Soto(230-17 P) GC-MS with Cold EI and Its Enhancement Technologies AVIV AMIRAV, Tel Aviv University,Bogdan Belgorodsky, Alexander Fialkov, Tal Alon(230-18 P) Manganese Based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Electrochemical ImmunosensingAMOS MUGWERU, Rowan UniversityMONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015MORNINGAWARDS Session 240Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Awardarranged by Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemours and CompanyMonday Morning, Room 243Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemours and Company, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Mary Ellen McNally8:35 Presentation of the 2015 Dal Nogare Award to Mark R Schure,Kroungold Analytical Inc., by Mary Ellen McNally, EI DuPont de Nemoursand Company8:40 (240-1) Particle Simulation Methods in Separation Science Research MARK RSCHURE, Kroungold Analytical Inc.9:15 (240-2) An Alternative to Sub-2 µm UHPLC Columns JOSEPH J DESTEFANO,Advanced Materials Technology, Inc., Barry E Boyes, Stephanie A Schuster,William L Miles, Joseph J Kirkland9:50 (240-3) The Continuing Evolution of Multidimensional ChromatographyHERNAN J CORTES, HJ Cortes Consulting, LLC10:25 Recess10:40 (240-4) The Analysis and Characterization of Bioconjugates by Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry ROBERT EMURPHY, Kroungold Analytical Inc.11:15 (240-5) Sequential Elution Liquid Chromatography with Multimodal orSerially-Coupled Columns JOE FOLEY, Drexel University, Catherine Kita, AdamSocia, Erin Ennis, Michael FletcherAWARDS Session 250Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Awardarranged by Adrian C Michael, The Pittsburgh Conference, SACPMonday Morning, Room 244Jonathan V Sweedler, University of Illinois, Presiding8:30 Introductory Remarks - Adrian C Michael8:35 Presentation of the 2015 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award toRyan C Bailey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, by Susan KZawacky, Chair, Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh8:40 (250-1) Multiplexing with Microrings: Silicon Photonic Sensor Arrays forClinical Diagnostics and Biomolecular Interaction Screening RYAN CBAILEY, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign9:15 (250-2) Deep Proteomic Analysis Using Capillary Zone ElectrophoresisNORMAN J DOVICHI, University of Notre Dame, Liangliang Sun, Guijie Zhu,Matthew Champion, Joshua Coon9:50 (250-3) Manipulation of Laminar Flows for Biosensing and Fabrication of HybridMaterials FRANCES S LIGLER, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill andNorth Carolina State University10:25 Recess10:40 (250-4) Ultrasensitive Bioaffinity Sensing with Single Nanoparticle SPR ImagingMicroscopy and On-Chip Templated Microarray Synthesis ROBERT M CORN,University of California Irvine11:15 (250-5) Electrically Driven Protein Separations in Packed Capillaries and ChannelsMARY WIRTH, Purdue UniversityThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org28

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