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Sunday AfternoonPITTCON 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAMORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 130Handheld Spectrometers – New Techniques, New Instrumentsarranged by Mark A Druy and Richard A Crocombe, Thermo Fisher ScientificSunday Afternoon, Room 261Mark A Druy, Presiding1:30 (130-1) Quantum Cascade Lasers: The New Light? DON KUEHL, RedShift Systems,Eugene Ma, Charles Marshall, Richard Sharp, Jinhong Kim1:50 (130-2) Laser-Based Standoff Methane Sensors for Enhancing Coal Miner SafetyMICKEY FRISH, Physical Sciences Inc., Clinton Smith, Richard Wainner, GerritGoodman, James Rutherford, Steve Chancey, Paul Wehnert2:10 (130-3) Handheld LIBS: Development of a Fully Self-Contained, HighResolution, Gated, and Purged Instrument DAVID DAY, SciAps2:30 (130-4) Next Generation Handheld Elemental Analyzers – Smarter, Smaller andFaster ESA NUMMI, Thermo Fisher Scientific2:50 Recess3:05 (130-5) Automated Colorimetric Handheld Spectrometers TRAVIS R KISNER,Detectachem3:25 (130-6) Handheld Mass Spectrometry at High Pressures CHRISTOPHER D BROWN,908 Devices3:45 (130-7) MEMS Based Miniature Spectrometer with DLP MIKE WALKER,Texas Instruments DLP4:05 (130-8) Advances in Handheld Raman and FTIR Chemical IdentificationDevices MICHAEL D HARGREAVES, Thermo ScientificORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 140High Throughput Drug Analysis by LC/MS: Validation and Challengesarranged by Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug AdministrationSunday Afternoon, Room 262Perry G Wang, US Food and Drug Administration, Presiding1:30 (140-1) Method Validation Issues for NDAs and ANDAs: A Reviewer’sPerspective MICHAEL TREHY, US Food and Drug Administration, LucindaBuhse, John Kauffman, Jamie Dunn, Michael Hadwiger1:50 (140-2) High-Throughput LC/MS/MS Bioanalytical Method Validation for GLPStudies: Application to Small and Large Molecule Analysis MING WANG,Merck & Co., Inc., Tonya Jackson, Kenneth J Willson, Yang Xu, HelengraceSchuck, Dina Goykhman, Justina M Thomas, Michelle Groff, Bernard K Choi,William B Emary2:10 (140-3) Simultaneous Determination of Febuxostat and Its Three ActiveMetabolites in Human Plasma by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem MassSpectrometry and Its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study in ChineseHealthy Volunteers XIN DI, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Yingli Wu2:30 (140-4) Fast Detection and Identification of Totally Unknown Drugs,Metabolites and Other Xenobiotics Using HRMS-Based Data MiningTechnology: Current Status and Challenges MINGSHE ZHU,Bristol-Myers Squibb2:50 Recess3:05 (140-5) Emerging Technologies for High Throughput Drug Analysis: TheImpact of Personalized Medicine on the Modern Laboratory MIKE S LEE,Milestone Development Services, Gary Valaskovic, Kenneth C Lewis3:25 (140-6) The Profiling and Identification of the Absorbed Constituents andMetabolites of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Paeoniae Radix RubraDecoction in Rat Plasma and Urine by the HPLC-DAD-ESI-IT-TOF-MSnTechnique SHAO-QING CAI, Peking University3:45 (140-7) Development and Validation of an LC-MS/MS Assay for MeasuringHepcidin in Human Urine TAO YE, Biogen Idec Inc., Ron Huang, Liyu Yang4:05 (140-8) Development and Validation of High-Throughput (HT) MassSpectrometry (MS)-Based Hepatobiliary Transporter Inhibition AssaysANDREW WAGNER, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lisa Elkin, Lizbeth Gallagher, MattSoars, Kathy Mosure, Wilson ShouORGANIZED CONTRIBUTED SESSIONS Session 150Hyphenated Ion Mobility Spectrometryarranged by Charles S Harden, US Army Edgewood Chem Bio Center andHerbert H Hill, Washington State UniversitySunday Afternoon, Room 263Charles S Harden, US Army Edgewood Chem Bio Center, Presiding1:30 (150-1) Gas Chromatography with Tandem Differential MobilitySpectrometry GARY ALAN EICEMAN, New Mexico State University,Marlen Menlyadiev, Dedeepya Pasupuleti, Karisa M Pierce1:50 (150-2) Planar Differential Mobility Spectrometry and Hyphenated DMSSystems: GC-DMS, DMS-IMS, DMS-MS ERKINJON G NAZAROV, Charles StarkDraper Laboratory2:10 (150-3) Evaluation of a Gas Chromatograph-Differential MobilitySpectrometer for Potential Water Monitoring on the International SpaceStation WILLIAM T WALLACE, Wyle Science, Technology, andEngineering Group, Thomas F Limero, Daniel B Gazda, Ariel V Macatangay,Prabha Dwivedi, Facundo M Fernández2:30 (150-4) Accounting for Gas-Phase Intermediates Using Fourier TransformIon Mobility Mass Spectrometry BRIAN H CLOWERS, Washington StateUniversity, William F Siems2:50 Recess3:05 (150-5) Accuracy in Ion Mobility Spectrometry – High Resolution WithoutReduction in Sensitivity HERBERT H HILL, Washington State University3:25 (150-6) High Performance Ion Mobility Spectrometry Brings a NewDimension to HPLC Separation CHING WU, Excellims Corporation3:45 (150-7) A New Approach for the Detection and Identification of Explosives by aCombination of IMS and Raman Spectroscopy BERT UNGETHUEM, AirsenseAnalytics, Andreas Walte4:05 (150-8) Ion Modification – A New Technology to Enhance the Selectivity ofTOF-IMS Detectors JONATHAN RICHARD ATKINSON, Smiths Detection -Watford Ltd, Alastair Clark, Bruce Grant, Steve J TaylorORAL SESSIONS Session 160Bioanalytical - Commercial Applications (Half Session)Sunday Afternoon, Room 2401:30 (160-1) Development and Implementation of Quick and ReliableQuantitation Methods Using a Fluorometer ANDREW DIX,Thermo Fisher Scientific1:50 (160-2) The Effect of Temperature on Column Stability and the Retentionof Biomolecules in Reversed-Phase HPLC HILLEL BRANDES,Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich, David S Bell, Stacy Squillario, Roy Eksteen2:10 (160-3) Multivariate Data Analysis of Raman Spectroscopy for BioprocessApplications JAKOB CHRISTENSEN, Umetrics, Maryann Cuellar2:30 (160-4) Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody and Related Substances Using a Familyof New Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Columns JULIABAEK, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Xiaodong LiuORAL SESSIONS Session 170Clinical Chemistry Applications by Novel TechniquesSunday Afternoon, Room 2411:30 (170-1) There is More to Medical Marijuana than THC, CBC and CBD:Comprehensive Analysis of Cannabis Using Gas Chromatography –High Resolution TOFMS DAVID E ALONSO, LECO Corporation, Joe E Binkley,Jeffrey S Patrick1:50 (170-2) Microfluidic Electrochemiluminescent Array for Oxidized DNA UsingOs(bpy) 2 phen 2+ Composite Films ITTI BIST, University of Connecticut, IslamMosa, Robert J Forster, James F Rulsing2:10 (170-3) Nonaqueous Microchip Electrophoresis with Online MassSpectrometric Detection of Lipid Species ERICK R FOSTER, University ofNotre Dame, Paul BohnThe author list is available at www.pittcon.org26

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