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PITTCON 2015 SHORT COURSES BY DATE#119 Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical Analysis (DwightStoll Gustavus Adolphus College/Kelly Zhang, Genentech)#47 USP Hot Topics: What’s Hot Now, and How to Track Coming Changes and InfluenceUSP (Greg Martin, Complectors Consulting)Sunday, March 8 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#61 Chiral Separations (Daniel Armstrong / Zachary Breitbach, The University of Texasat Arlington)#2 Gas Chromatography/Infrared Spectrometry (John Schneider, ArgonneNational Laboratory)#12 Introduction to GLP Regulations and Bioanalytical Method Validation by LC/MS(Perry Wang, US FDA)#57 Introduction to ICP Mass Spectrometry (Robert Houk, Ames Laboratory USDOE)#163 Long-Term Archiving of Laboratory Data (Burkhard Schaefer, BSSNSoftware GmbH)Sunday, March 8 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#66 Chemical Imaging: Applications (Giuseppe Bonifazi, Sapienza - Università di Roma)#113 EH&S Answers to Nanotechnology (Odette Nolan, Labconco Corporation)#127 Extracting Flavor and Aroma: Developing the Best Method (Aaron Prater, JohnsonCounty Community College)#63 Ionic liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry (Leonard Sidisky,Supelco- Division of Sigma Aldrich)Sunday, March 8 / Monday, March 9Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#112 Analytical Laboratory Controls and cGMPs for Pharmaceutical Development ofGeneric Products (Kim Huynh-Ba, Pharmalytik/Anthony DeStefano, YourEncore + Text$180.00)#122 Getting the Most out of Capillary Gas Chromatography (Matthew Klee, XOAssociates LLC)Monday, March 9 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#88 Advanced Excel III: Using Matrix Algebra and Extended Precision (Robert de Levie,Bowdoin + Text $50.00)#42 Basic HPLC – Fundamentals, Applications, and Troubleshooting (Fredric Rabel,ChromHELP, LLC)#78 Fundamentals of Particle Size Analysis with an Emphasis on Light ScatteringTechniques (Alan Rawle, Malvern Instruments Inc./Ulf Nobbmann, MalvernInstruments Inc)#23 Handheld Vibrational Spectrometers: State-of-the Art Instrumentation and NovelApplications (Heinz Siesler, University of Duisburg-Essen)#36 Highly Successful Strategies for LC/MS Quantitation: Current Applications andEmerging Technologies (Rick King, PharmaCadence Analytical Services + Text $90.00)#92 Interpretation of Electrospray Mass Spectra of Small Molecules (Michael Thurman,University of Colorado)#148 Laboratory Information Management Systems LIMS (Siri Helene Segalstad,Segalstad Consulting)#48 Lifecycle Approach to Analytical Methods: Incorporating QbD Concepts intoMethod Development, Validation, Verification and Transfer (Greg Martin,Complectors Consulting)#52 Measurement Uncertainty Part 1 - Introduction (Bernard King, Consultant)#24 Planning and Integrating Laboratory Informatics in a Regulated AnalyticalLaboratory (Bob McDowall, McDowall Consulting)#10 Practical LC/MS Method Development for Small Molecules (Perry Wang, US FDA +Text $165.00)#73 Safety in the Laboratory Part 1 (James Kaufman, The Laboratory Safety Institute +Text $74.00)#41 Technical Writing for Scientists (Rick Parmely, Polished and Professional LLC)Monday, March 9 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#32 An Introduction to Mass Spectrometry Including Biomolecule Applications (BryanHam, US Customs and Border Protection + Text $115.00)#18 Drug Discovery and Development Processes (Michael Dong, Genentech)#33 Examples of Analytical Data Treatment Using Microsoft® Excel (Mark Stauffer,University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg)#166 Grants 101 (William Campbell / Paula Dehn, UW-River Falls)#84 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices I (Jaime Castillo, Sol Voltaics/Winnie E. Svendsen, DTUNanotech, Technical University of Denmark + Text $150.00)#53 Multivariate Calibration as an Aid to Develop Atomic Spectroscopy Methods(Jose Andrade, University of A Corunna)#6 Primer on XRF Spectrometry: Instrumentation (Charles Wu, Universityof Western Ontario)#89 Designed for Safety: Fume Hoods and Biosafety Cabinets (Brian Garrett, LabconcoCorporation)Monday, March 9 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#67 Chemical Imaging: Fundamentals (Giuseppe Bonifazi, Sapienza -Università di Roma)#19 Drug Quality Fundamentals of Small Molecule Drugs and Recombinant Biologics(Michael Dong, Genentech)#164 Karl Fischer Analysis of Gas, Liquids and Solids (Frederick Fiddler, Metrohm/DougClark, Sigma-Aldrich)#85 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices II (Svendsen Winnie, Technical University of Denmark/JaimeCastillo-Leon, Sol Voltaics AB + Text $150.00)#165 Practical Introduction to Near-Infrared Method Development (Keith Freel,Metrohm/Hari Narayanan, Metrohm USA)#159 Protein Dynamics Analysis by Mass Spectrometry (Michael Greig, Pfizer)#97 Sample Preparation: How to Choose, Optimize and Troubleshoot Equipment forYour Sample Prep Needs (Jenny Sprung, Labconco Corp/Kelly Williams)#167 Writing a Grant Proposal (Paula Dehn / William Campbell, UW-River Falls)Monday, March 9 / Tuesday, March 10One and a Half Day Course (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#7 Statistics for the Non-Statistician with Applications to Analytical Chemistry(James De Muth, University of Wisconsin + Text $80.00)Monday, March 9 / Tuesday, March 10Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#70 Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results in the Laboratory(David Bliesner, Delphi Analytical Services, Inc./Ralph Navarro, RN3 Consultants)#1 ISO 17025 and Accreditation (Chris Gunning, A2LA)Visit www.pittcon.org for up-to-date short course information including short courses by application.11

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