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PITTCON 2015 SHORT COURSES BY DATEPittcon 2015 will feature a broad variety of high quality Short Courses that provide continuing education and professional development opportunitiesat a reasonable cost. Listed below are the Short Courses that will be offered along with their tentative dates. Please visit the Pittcon website (www.pittcon.org)or mobile app, where you will find the most up-to-date listing of courses by subject matter and detailed information on the content, instructor, time, dateand fee for each course. Also, visit the website to register online for the courses that interest you and for information on discounts.Take three or more Short Courses and your Pittcon 2015 registration will be waived!2015 ShortCoursePrices½ Day $270 Registration by 2/20/15 $375 Registration after 2/20/151 Day $500 Registration by 2/20/15 $710 Registration after 2/20/151 ½ Days $735 Registration by 2/20/15 $1050 Registration after 2/20/152 Days $960 Registration by 2/20/15 $1380 Registration after 2/20/15Purchase of a textbook is recommended for some courses, where indicated.Saturday, March 7 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#153 Accessories and Techniques for FT-IR Sample Analysis(Richard Larsen, Jasco, Inc. )#86 Advanced Excel I: Linear and Nonlinear Least Squares (Robert de Levie, BowdoinCollege + Text $50.00)#103 Applying LEAN Principles in the Analytical Laboratory (David Zoller, SABIC)#155 Analytical Forensic Metrology (Jerry Messman, Stranaska Scientific LLC)#108 Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography (Dwight Stoll,Gustavus Adolphus College/Peter Carr, University of Minnesota)#109 Conducting OOS/OOT Investigations According to FDA regulations(Kim Huynh-Ba, Pharmalytik + Text $190.00)#46 Developing, Validating and Troubleshooting Dissolution Methods(Greg Martin, Complectors Consulting)#16 Essentials of HPLC/UHPLC 1: Fundamentals and Applications (Michael Dong,Genentech + Text $70.00)#51 Introduction to Multivariate Curve Resolution in Analytical Chemistry I(Roma Tauler, CSIC-IDAEA/Jose Manuel Andrade, University of A Corunna)#34 Language and Matter: Technical Writing for Analytical Scientists and Managers(Anthony Parker, A. A. Parker Consulting, LLC/Joe Marcinko, Polymer Synergies LLC)#35 Powerful Communications: Public Speaking for Scientists (Rick Parmely, Polishedand Professional LLC)#162 Principles and Applications of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Cynthia Schroll,BASi/William R. Heineman, University of Cincinatti)#3 Statistically Sound Calibration Studies, Detection Limits, and Quantitation Limits- Part 1 of 2 - Theory (Lynn Vanatta, Volunteer Chemist + Text $170.00)Saturday, March 7 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#15 LC-MS-MS Analysis of Emerging Contaminants (EDCs, PPCPs and PFCs) andNanomaterials in the Environment (Damia Barcelo Culleres, ICRA)#158 Optimizing Your Gas Delivery System to Improve Column Life and IncreaseSensitivity (Frank Kandl, Airgas)Saturday, March 7 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#91 The Role of Analytical Chemistry within the Chemical Industry(Judson Haynes, Procter & Gamble)Saturday, March 7 / Sunday, March 8Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#22 Analytical Excellence; Assuring Data Integrity and Laboratory Compliance(Christopher Burgess, Burgess Analytical Consultancy Limited/Bob McDowall,McDowall Consulting)#83 Application of Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission (ICP-AES)Spectrometry (Isaac Brenner, Brenner Scientific)#125 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques for the Chemist and Technician – AComprehensive Review (Bryan Ham / Aihui MaHam, U.S. Customs and BorderProtection/Aihui MaHam, U.S. Customs and Border Protection)#11 Getting Started with Excel and VBA in the Laboratory (Laptop Required) (WilliamNeil, Bristol Myers Squibb/Martin Echols)#110 Methods Development and Validation with a Scientific Approach and Risk BasedStrategy (Shib Mookherjea, ValQual International)#106 Practical Gas Chromatography (Eugene Barry, UMass Lowell/Thomas Brettell, CedarCrest College + Text $160.00)#111 Protein Therapeutic Characterization by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry:Perspectives from Innovator and Biosimilar (Guilong Cheng, Alexion PharmaceuticalInc. /Cexiong Fu, Hospira Inc.)Sunday, March 8 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#87 Advanced Excel II: Writing VBA Functions and Macros (Robert de Levie, BowdoinCollege + Text $50.00)#144 Audit of IT Suppliers (Siri Helene Segalstad, Segalstad Consulting)#5 Chemometrics Techniques for Quantitative Analysis (Richard Kramer, AppliedChemometrics + Text $75.00)#17 Essentials of HPLC/UHPLC 2: Operation, Troubleshooting, Method Developmentand Best Practices (Michael Dong, Genentech + Text $70.00)#37 Industrial Problem Solving Using Thermal Analysis Techniques (Anthony Parker, A.A. Parker Consulting, LLC/Joe Marcinko, Polymer Synergies LLC)#9 Introduction to LCMS for Chromatographers (Robert Classon, Shimadzu)#20 Introduction to Metabolomics (Dajana Vuckovic, Concordia University)#169 Introduction to Multivariate Curve Resolution in Analytical Chemistry II (RomaTauler / Jose Andrade, CSIC-IDAEA)#38 Leadership at the Bench: Effective Communications for Technical Managers (RickParmely, Polished and Professional LLC)#4 Statistically Sound Calibration Studies, Detection Limits, and Quantitation Limits- Part 2 of 2 - Computer Workshop (Lynn Vanatta, Volunteer Chemist)Visit www.pittcon.org for up-to-date short course information including short courses by application.10

PITTCON 2015 SHORT COURSES BY DATE#119 Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical Analysis (DwightStoll Gustavus Adolphus College/Kelly Zhang, Genentech)#47 USP Hot Topics: What’s Hot Now, and How to Track Coming Changes and InfluenceUSP (Greg Martin, Complectors Consulting)Sunday, March 8 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#61 Chiral Separations (Daniel Armstrong / Zachary Breitbach, The University of Texasat Arlington)#2 Gas Chromatography/Infrared Spectrometry (John Schneider, ArgonneNational Laboratory)#12 Introduction to GLP Regulations and Bioanalytical Method Validation by LC/MS(Perry Wang, US FDA)#57 Introduction to ICP Mass Spectrometry (Robert Houk, Ames Laboratory USDOE)#163 Long-Term Archiving of Laboratory Data (Burkhard Schaefer, BSSNSoftware GmbH)Sunday, March 8 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#66 Chemical Imaging: Applications (Giuseppe Bonifazi, Sapienza - Università di Roma)#113 EH&S Answers to Nanotechnology (Odette Nolan, Labconco Corporation)#127 Extracting Flavor and Aroma: Developing the Best Method (Aaron Prater, JohnsonCounty Community College)#63 Ionic liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry (Leonard Sidisky,Supelco- Division of Sigma Aldrich)Sunday, March 8 / Monday, March 9Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#112 Analytical Laboratory Controls and cGMPs for Pharmaceutical Development ofGeneric Products (Kim Huynh-Ba, Pharmalytik/Anthony DeStefano, YourEncore + Text$180.00)#122 Getting the Most out of Capillary Gas Chromatography (Matthew Klee, XOAssociates LLC)Monday, March 9 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#88 Advanced Excel III: Using Matrix Algebra and Extended Precision (Robert de Levie,Bowdoin + Text $50.00)#42 Basic HPLC – Fundamentals, Applications, and Troubleshooting (Fredric Rabel,ChromHELP, LLC)#78 Fundamentals of Particle Size Analysis with an Emphasis on Light ScatteringTechniques (Alan Rawle, Malvern Instruments Inc./Ulf Nobbmann, MalvernInstruments Inc)#23 Handheld Vibrational Spectrometers: State-of-the Art Instrumentation and NovelApplications (Heinz Siesler, University of Duisburg-Essen)#36 Highly Successful Strategies for LC/MS Quantitation: Current Applications andEmerging Technologies (Rick King, PharmaCadence Analytical Services + Text $90.00)#92 Interpretation of Electrospray Mass Spectra of Small Molecules (Michael Thurman,University of Colorado)#148 Laboratory Information Management Systems LIMS (Siri Helene Segalstad,Segalstad Consulting)#48 Lifecycle Approach to Analytical Methods: Incorporating QbD Concepts intoMethod Development, Validation, Verification and Transfer (Greg Martin,Complectors Consulting)#52 Measurement Uncertainty Part 1 - Introduction (Bernard King, Consultant)#24 Planning and Integrating Laboratory Informatics in a Regulated AnalyticalLaboratory (Bob McDowall, McDowall Consulting)#10 Practical LC/MS Method Development for Small Molecules (Perry Wang, US FDA +Text $165.00)#73 Safety in the Laboratory Part 1 (James Kaufman, The Laboratory Safety Institute +Text $74.00)#41 Technical Writing for Scientists (Rick Parmely, Polished and Professional LLC)Monday, March 9 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#32 An Introduction to Mass Spectrometry Including Biomolecule Applications (BryanHam, US Customs and Border Protection + Text $115.00)#18 Drug Discovery and Development Processes (Michael Dong, Genentech)#33 Examples of Analytical Data Treatment Using Microsoft® Excel (Mark Stauffer,University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg)#166 Grants 101 (William Campbell / Paula Dehn, UW-River Falls)#84 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices I (Jaime Castillo, Sol Voltaics/Winnie E. Svendsen, DTUNanotech, Technical University of Denmark + Text $150.00)#53 Multivariate Calibration as an Aid to Develop Atomic Spectroscopy Methods(Jose Andrade, University of A Corunna)#6 Primer on XRF Spectrometry: Instrumentation (Charles Wu, Universityof Western Ontario)#89 Designed for Safety: Fume Hoods and Biosafety Cabinets (Brian Garrett, LabconcoCorporation)Monday, March 9 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#67 Chemical Imaging: Fundamentals (Giuseppe Bonifazi, Sapienza -Università di Roma)#19 Drug Quality Fundamentals of Small Molecule Drugs and Recombinant Biologics(Michael Dong, Genentech)#164 Karl Fischer Analysis of Gas, Liquids and Solids (Frederick Fiddler, Metrohm/DougClark, Sigma-Aldrich)#85 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices II (Svendsen Winnie, Technical University of Denmark/JaimeCastillo-Leon, Sol Voltaics AB + Text $150.00)#165 Practical Introduction to Near-Infrared Method Development (Keith Freel,Metrohm/Hari Narayanan, Metrohm USA)#159 Protein Dynamics Analysis by Mass Spectrometry (Michael Greig, Pfizer)#97 Sample Preparation: How to Choose, Optimize and Troubleshoot Equipment forYour Sample Prep Needs (Jenny Sprung, Labconco Corp/Kelly Williams)#167 Writing a Grant Proposal (Paula Dehn / William Campbell, UW-River Falls)Monday, March 9 / Tuesday, March 10One and a Half Day Course (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#7 Statistics for the Non-Statistician with Applications to Analytical Chemistry(James De Muth, University of Wisconsin + Text $80.00)Monday, March 9 / Tuesday, March 10Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#70 Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results in the Laboratory(David Bliesner, Delphi Analytical Services, Inc./Ralph Navarro, RN3 Consultants)#1 ISO 17025 and Accreditation (Chris Gunning, A2LA)Visit www.pittcon.org for up-to-date short course information including short courses by application.11

PITTCON 2015 SHORT COURSES BY DATEPittcon 2015 will feature a broad variety of high quality Short Courses that provide continuing education and professional development opportunitiesat a reasonable cost. Listed below are the Short Courses that will be offered along with their tentative dates. Please visit the Pittcon website (www.pittcon.org)or mobile app, where you will find the most up-to-date listing of courses by subject matter and detailed information on the content, instructor, time, dateand fee for each course. Also, visit the website to register online for the courses that interest you and for information on discounts.Take three or more Short Courses and your Pittcon 2015 registration will be waived!2015 ShortCoursePrices½ Day $270 Registration by 2/20/15 $375 Registration after 2/20/151 Day $500 Registration by 2/20/15 $710 Registration after 2/20/151 ½ Days $735 Registration by 2/20/15 $1050 Registration after 2/20/152 Days $960 Registration by 2/20/15 $1380 Registration after 2/20/15Purchase of a textbook is recommended for some courses, where indicated.Saturday, March 7 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#153 Accessories and Techniques for FT-IR Sample Analysis(Richard Larsen, Jasco, Inc. )#86 Advanced Excel I: Linear and Nonlinear Least Squares (Robert de Levie, BowdoinCollege + Text $50.00)#103 Applying LEAN Principles in the Analytical Laboratory (David Zoller, SABIC)#155 Analytical Forensic Metrology (Jerry Messman, Stranaska Scientific LLC)#108 Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography (Dwight Stoll,Gustavus Adolphus College/Peter Carr, University of Minnesota)#109 Conducting OOS/OOT Investigations According to FDA regulations(Kim Huynh-Ba, Pharmalytik + Text $190.00)#46 Developing, Validating and Troubleshooting Dissolution Methods(Greg Martin, Complectors Consulting)#16 Essentials of HPLC/UHPLC 1: Fundamentals and Applications (Michael Dong,Genentech + Text $70.00)#51 Introduction to Multivariate Curve Resolution in Analytical Chemistry I(Roma Tauler, CSIC-IDAEA/Jose Manuel Andrade, University of A Corunna)#34 Language and Matter: Technical Writing for Analytical Scientists and Managers(Anthony Parker, A. A. Parker Consulting, LLC/Joe Marcinko, Polymer Synergies LLC)#35 Powerful Communications: Public Speaking for Scientists (Rick Parmely, Polishedand Professional LLC)#162 Principles and Applications of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Cynthia Schroll,BASi/William R. Heineman, University of Cincinatti)#3 Statistically Sound Calibration Studies, Detection Limits, and Quantitation Limits- Part 1 of 2 - Theory (Lynn Vanatta, Volunteer Chemist + Text $170.00)Saturday, March 7 (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)#15 LC-MS-MS Analysis of Emerging Contaminants (EDCs, PPCPs and PFCs) andNanomaterials in the Environment (Damia Barcelo Culleres, ICRA)#158 Optimizing Your Gas Delivery System to Improve Column Life and IncreaseSensitivity (Frank Kandl, Airgas)Saturday, March 7 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#91 The Role of Analytical Chemistry within the Chemical Industry(Judson Haynes, Procter & Gamble)Saturday, March 7 / Sunday, March 8Two-Day Courses (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#22 Analytical Excellence; Assuring Data Integrity and Laboratory Compliance(Christopher Burgess, Burgess Analytical Consultancy Limited/Bob McDowall,McDowall Consulting)#83 Application of Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission (ICP-AES)Spectrometry (Isaac Brenner, Brenner Scientific)#125 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques for the Chemist and Technician – AComprehensive Review (Bryan Ham / Aihui MaHam, U.S. Customs and BorderProtection/Aihui MaHam, U.S. Customs and Border Protection)#11 Getting Started with Excel and VBA in the Laboratory (Laptop Required) (WilliamNeil, Bristol Myers Squibb/Martin Echols)#110 Methods Development and Validation with a Scientific Approach and Risk BasedStrategy (Shib Mookherjea, ValQual International)#106 Practical Gas Chromatography (Eugene Barry, UMass Lowell/Thomas Brettell, CedarCrest College + Text $160.00)#111 Protein Therapeutic Characterization by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry:Perspectives from Innovator and Biosimilar (Guilong Cheng, Alexion PharmaceuticalInc. /Cexiong Fu, Hospira Inc.)Sunday, March 8 (8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)#87 Advanced Excel II: Writing VBA Functions and Macros (Robert de Levie, BowdoinCollege + Text $50.00)#144 Audit of IT Suppliers (Siri Helene Segalstad, Segalstad Consulting)#5 Chemometrics Techniques for Quantitative Analysis (Richard Kramer, AppliedChemometrics + Text $75.00)#17 Essentials of HPLC/UHPLC 2: Operation, Troubleshooting, Method Developmentand Best Practices (Michael Dong, Genentech + Text $70.00)#37 Industrial Problem Solving Using Thermal Analysis Techniques (Anthony Parker, A.A. Parker Consulting, LLC/Joe Marcinko, Polymer Synergies LLC)#9 Introduction to LCMS for Chromatographers (Robert Classon, Shimadzu)#20 Introduction to Metabolomics (Dajana Vuckovic, Concordia University)#169 Introduction to Multivariate Curve Resolution in Analytical Chemistry II (RomaTauler / Jose Andrade, CSIC-IDAEA)#38 Leadership at the Bench: Effective Communications for Technical Managers (RickParmely, Polished and Professional LLC)#4 Statistically Sound Calibration Studies, Detection Limits, and Quantitation Limits- Part 2 of 2 - Computer Workshop (Lynn Vanatta, Volunteer Chemist)Visit www.pittcon.org for up-to-date short course information including short courses by application.10

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