Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri

Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri


RANGATAHIHon Dr Pita Sharples with Wairoa College studentsCall for MäoriYouth Council“I want to heardirectly from youngpeople what theythink about how theGovernment’s policiesand programmes workfor them…"Rangatahi Mäori have beennominated to a national MäoriYouth Council, to advise theMinister of Mäori Affairs onissues affecting young people.“The Mäori population isyounger than the nationalaverage, so rangatahi are animportant part of our societyand we need them to playa full part in planning ourfuture,” he said.“I want to hear directly fromyoung people what they thinkabout how the Government’spolicies and programmeswork for them; and I hopethe experience of workingwith the Mäori Youth Councilwill further develop theirleadership skills.Dr Sharples said he wanted12-15 representatives fromacross the country and arange of iwi, who are active intheir communities, interestedin Mäori affairs and havestrong leadership skills.It is intended that the Councilmeet every couple of monthsto give the Minister and TePuni Kökiri practical adviceand feedback on issuesaffecting rangatahi Mäori.Look out in the next Kökiri forthe Minister's announcementof the rangatahi appointmentto the Mäori Youth Council.42TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | MAHURU – WHIRINGA Ä NUKU 2010

RANGATAHIOUTLOOK FOR SOMEDAYTe Puni Kökiri has partneredThe Outlook for Somedaysustainability film challengefor young people. As inprevious years, Te PuniKökiri is sponsoring theSpecial Award for a WinningFilm making use of Te Reoand Tikanga Mäori. Thechallenge is to make a shortsustainability-related film,any genre, filmed with anycamera and any length up to5 minutes.This is the 4th year of thefilm challenge. Last year forthe first time there was astandout winner, The BreakUp, by Charlee Collins ofKaitaia College. It is now afinalist in the Panda Awards atthe international WildscreenFestival, known as “the greenOSCARS®”. This year’s twentywinning films will be celebratedand Special Awards will beannounced at The Outlook forSomeday Awards red-carpetceremony towards the end ofthe year.COFFEE BREAKAta märie,e pëhea ana koe?Good morning, howare you?Kei tehiakaikoe?Are youhungry?Ata märie, e tinopai ana ahau.Good morning, I amvery good.Käo, engarikei tehiainu au.No, but I’dlike a drink.He inu wera?Would you like a hot drink?Äe, he tïmäku.Yes, a teafor me.He kawhemäku.A coffeefor me.Reproduced with the kind permission of Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo MäoriTE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | MAHURU – WHIRINGA Ä NUKU 201043

RANGATAHIHon Dr Pita Sharples with Wairoa College studentsCall for MäoriYouth Council“I want to heardirectly from youngpeople what theythink about how theGovernment’s policiesand programmes workfor them…"Rangatahi Mäori have beennominated to a national MäoriYouth Council, to advise theMinister of Mäori Affairs onissues affecting young people.“The Mäori population isyounger than the nationalaverage, so rangatahi are animportant part of our societyand we need them to playa full part in planning ourfuture,” he said.“I want to hear directly fromyoung people what they thinkabout how the Government’spolicies and programmeswork for them; and I hopethe experience of workingwith the Mäori Youth Councilwill further develop theirleadership skills.Dr Sharples said he wanted12-15 representatives fromacross the country and arange of iwi, who are active intheir communities, interestedin Mäori affairs and havestrong leadership skills.It is intended that the Councilmeet every couple of monthsto give the Minister and <strong>Te</strong><strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri practical adviceand feedback on issuesaffecting rangatahi Mäori.Look out in the next Kökiri forthe Minister's announcementof the rangatahi appointmentto the Mäori Youth Council.42TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | MAHURU – WHIRINGA Ä NUKU <strong>20</strong>10

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