Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri

Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri


From the desk of the Minister of Mäori AffairsMAI TE MINITA TAKE MÄORIE ngä reo, e ngä mana, e ngä iwi, tënä koutou. Ka nui taku mihi ki akoutou, ki a tätau, e whakapau kaha ana mö tö tätau reo.E whä tekau tau ki muri, i puta te whakapae, tërä ka mate te reoMäori i roto i te whakatipuranga kotahi, i mua tonu i te tau ruamano.Heoi anö, kei könei tonu tätau e häpai ana i tö tätau reo, ewänanga ana i öna ähuatanga me öna huarahi whakamua, ki rototonu i te reo. Käre e kore, kua piki te ora!Engari, ka tipu te pätai kei roto i a au: He ora pëhea nei tënei ora?Ko ngä kaupapa e ora ai tö tätau reo, nö tätau anö, nö temätauranga Mäori. Engari nö te nohonga o aua kaupapa i raroi ngä tari käwanatanga, ngoikore haere te tino waiwai o ngäkaupapa.I te whakaturetanga o Ngä Kura Kaupapa Mäori me ngä WhareWänanga, kua riro te mana o runga ake i ënei kaupapa ki tekäwana.Nä te maha o ngä körero, ngä äwangawanga kua tae nei ki takutari, ka whakatüria e au Te Paepae Motuhake, mäna ngä mahiwhakapakari reo katoa e arotake. Ka tirohia whänuitia ngä mahi,te whakapaunga pütea, ka tirohia hoki ngä hua ki te reo.Mä Tämati Reedy te Paepae Motuhake nei e arahi. Ko öna hoatokoono, he tohunga reo Mäori, he tohunga whakaora reo – pënäte nuinga o koutou.Nä reira, ko taku tino hiahia me kaha tätau ki te wänanga i teoranga o ä tätau ake kaupapa e mahia ana i raro i ngä kaupapahere o te käwana.Te tini te mano o koutou e mahi ana i roto i ngä whänau, i ngähapü, i ngä iwi, i ngä hapori, kia ora ai tö tätau reo, anei rä tëtahihuarahi hei whai atu i ä koutou wawata mö tö tätau reo.Kia haruru tonu te whenua i töna reo taketake.Hon Dr Pita R Sharples,Minita MäoriKökiri is published bi-monthly byTe Puni Kökiri (The Ministry ofMäori Development). Its kaupapais to celebrate Mäori achievement,showcase Mäori success and realiseMäori potential.Kökiri is FREE.For all database enquiriesincluding new subscriptions,updates and/or amendmentsvisit www.tpk.govt.nz/kokiriFor all editorial enquiries pleasecontact the Kökiri Editor at,kokiri@tpk.govt.nzor visit www.tpk.govt.nzDESIGN AND ART: Cluster CreativePRINT PRODUCTION: Webstar LtdDISTRIBUTION: Datamail GroupISSN: 1177-8164CONTRIBUTIONS: Te PuniKökiri welcomes editorial andphotographic contributions toKökiri. Te Puni Kökiri reservesthe right not to publish anycontribution given. Unsolicitedmaterial will not be returned unlessaccompanied by a stamped, selfaddressedenvelope. While all careis taken, no liability is accepted forloss or damage.COPYRIGHT: Parts of thispublication may be reproduced orcopied with the editor’s approval.© Te Puni Kökiri 2010DISCLAIMER: Kökiri is publishedby Te Puni Kökiri, PO Box 3943,Wellington. While every care hasbeen taken in the preparation ofthis publication, neither Te PuniKökiri nor the individual writersaccept any responsibility orliability, whether in contract orin tort (including negligence) orotherwise, for anything done ornot done by any person in reliance,whether wholly or partially, on anyof the contents of this publication.Readers should also note that thematerials in this publication arethe personal views of the writersand do not necessarily reflect theofficial policy or views of TePuni Kökiri.

MAIMAI AROHATakuta TeKapungaMatemoanaDewesTe MiringaHohaiaNgäti Porou, Te Whänaua Rakairoa, Te Whänaua Hunaara, Te Whänau aHinerupe, Te Whänau a TeAopare, TuwhakairioraRespected Ngäti Porou elderand historian, Dr Te KapungaMatemoana Dewes, ‘Koro’,passed away on 17 August2010 at his sister Merehëni’shome in Te Araroa.He was 80 years old and leavesbehind his children, Cathy,Whaimutu and Campbell,their partners, children andmokopuna and his two sistersMereheni Waitoa and HeniTorori Dewes-Porter.Koro Dewes was a pioneeringeducationalist in the 1960sand 1970s.He started in adult educationat Auckland University andthen laid the foundations forVictoria University’s Mäoristudies department, beforereturning home to the EastCoast and helping form TeRünanga o Ngäti Porou.In 2004 Mr Dews was awardedan Honorary Doctorateof Literature by VictoriaUniversity of Wellington,where he had taught for manyyears.Nö reira e te päpä, e te käkäwahanui, e te puna o temätauranga Ngäti Porou,haere. Okioki ki roto i ngäringa o to Kaihanga.Taranaki Tuturu and TaranakiWhaanuiThe director of Taranaki’sParihaka Peace Festival and anadvocate for Mäori land rightsin Taranaki, Te Miringa Hohaia,died suddenly on 17 August2010, aged 58.Mr Hohaia was a strongadvocate for Mäori landrights in Taranaki through theWaitangi Tribunal and Parihaka.Mr Hohaia was involved inthe Motunui claim to theWaitangi Tribunal in 1978,which changed the course ofhistory for the tribunal, and forclaimants from every iwi whofollowed on.He also helped to drive throughthe complex Taranaki landclaims, with special referenceto the pivotal role of Parihakain the history of Taranaki.He was also an advocatefor the arts - curating theexhibition “Parihaka: The Art ofPassive Resistance”. Mr Hohaiawas instrumental in settingup Taranaki’s Parihaka PeaceFestival in 2005.E te rangatira, kuawheturangitia koe, haere kiHawaiki-nui, Hawaiki-roa, kiHawaiki-pamamao.

From the desk of the Minister of Mäori AffairsMAI TE MINITA TAKE MÄORIE ngä reo, e ngä mana, e ngä iwi, tënä koutou. Ka nui taku mihi ki akoutou, ki a tätau, e whakapau kaha ana mö tö tätau reo.E whä tekau tau ki muri, i puta te whakapae, tërä ka mate te reoMäori i roto i te whakatipuranga kotahi, i mua tonu i te tau ruamano.Heoi anö, kei könei tonu tätau e häpai ana i tö tätau reo, ewänanga ana i öna ähuatanga me öna huarahi whakamua, ki rototonu i te reo. Käre e kore, kua piki te ora!Engari, ka tipu te pätai kei roto i a au: He ora pëhea nei tënei ora?Ko ngä kaupapa e ora ai tö tätau reo, nö tätau anö, nö temätauranga Mäori. Engari nö te nohonga o aua kaupapa i raroi ngä tari käwanatanga, ngoikore haere te tino waiwai o ngäkaupapa.I te whakaturetanga o Ngä Kura Kaupapa Mäori me ngä WhareWänanga, kua riro te mana o runga ake i ënei kaupapa ki tekäwana.Nä te maha o ngä körero, ngä äwangawanga kua tae nei ki takutari, ka whakatüria e au <strong>Te</strong> Paepae Motuhake, mäna ngä mahiwhakapakari reo katoa e arotake. Ka tirohia whänuitia ngä mahi,te whakapaunga pütea, ka tirohia hoki ngä hua ki te reo.Mä Tämati Reedy te Paepae Motuhake nei e arahi. Ko öna hoatokoono, he tohunga reo Mäori, he tohunga whakaora reo – pënäte nuinga o koutou.Nä reira, ko taku tino hiahia me kaha tätau ki te wänanga i teoranga o ä tätau ake kaupapa e mahia ana i raro i ngä kaupapahere o te käwana.<strong>Te</strong> tini te mano o koutou e mahi ana i roto i ngä whänau, i ngähapü, i ngä iwi, i ngä hapori, kia ora ai tö tätau reo, anei rä tëtahihuarahi hei whai atu i ä koutou wawata mö tö tätau reo.Kia haruru tonu te whenua i töna reo taketake.Hon Dr Pita R Sharples,Minita MäoriKökiri is published bi-monthly by<strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri (The Ministry ofMäori Development). Its kaupapais to celebrate Mäori achievement,showcase Mäori success and realiseMäori potential.Kökiri is FREE.For all database enquiriesincluding new subscriptions,updates and/or amendmentsvisit www.tpk.govt.nz/kokiriFor all editorial enquiries pleasecontact the Kökiri Editor at,kokiri@tpk.govt.nzor visit www.tpk.govt.nzDESIGN AND ART: Cluster CreativePRINT PRODUCTION: Webstar LtdDISTRIBUTION: Datamail GroupISSN: 1177-8164CONTRIBUTIONS: <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong>Kökiri welcomes editorial andphotographic contributions toKökiri. <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri reservesthe right not to publish anycontribution given. Unsolicitedmaterial will not be returned unlessaccompanied by a stamped, selfaddressedenvelope. While all careis taken, no liability is accepted forloss or damage.COPYRIGHT: Parts of thispublication may be reproduced orcopied with the editor’s approval.© <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri <strong>20</strong>10DISCLAIMER: Kökiri is publishedby <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri, PO Box 3943,Wellington. While every care hasbeen taken in the preparation ofthis publication, neither <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong>Kökiri nor the individual writersaccept any responsibility orliability, whether in contract orin tort (including negligence) orotherwise, for anything done ornot done by any person in reliance,whether wholly or partially, on anyof the contents of this publication.Readers should also note that thematerials in this publication arethe personal views of the writersand do not necessarily reflect theofficial policy or views of <strong>Te</strong><strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri.

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