Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri

Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri


WHÄNAU ORAHon Tariana TuriaCOLUMNWhänau Ora represents asignificant investment in whänauand I am excited by the interestthat this innovative approach hasgenerated in its first few monthsof implementation.At its very core Whänau Orais about empowering whänauto take control of their future.What we want for our whänauis to be self-determining, to beliving healthy lifestyles, to beparticipating fully in society andto be economically secure.These are aspirations that wehope will translate into realoutcomes - outcomes thatexpress the power and potentialof our whänau to be the bestthey can be.And the potential for ourwhänau has never been greaterthan now and one of the mostincredible things for me hasbeen the opportunity to witnessthe level of optimism frompeople.I am delighted at the numberand calibre of providers whohave submitted proposals todeliver Whänau Ora.Te Puni Kökiri has received 130proposals from 347 providerswanting to deliver WhänauOra. Nearly 40 per cent of theexpressions of interest are fromprovider collectives.I am told that the calibre ofthe proposals is very high andthat an impressive numberof provider collectives havesubmitted strong proposals towork collaboratively to deliverWhänau Ora.The spirit of cooperation thatis being demonstrated to worktogether in the best interests ofwhänau is exciting and a greatsign for the future of whänau.I look forward to announcing theselected providers in October.Shortly afterwards, the WhänauEngagement Innovation andIntegration (WEII) Fund will openfor applications from whänauengaged with eligible providersincluding those selectedthrough the EOI process; andother health and social serviceproviders and NGOs like rünangaand hapu organisations, maraecommittees and whänau trusts- located in regions of high needor where services are lacking.Administered by Te Puni Kökiri,the WEII Fund will be availableto help our whänau developwhänau plans and implementdiscrete elements of thoseplans – so they can move togreater self reliance and selfmanagement by strengtheningtheir connections andengagement with each other,with other whänau and thewider community; developingwhänau leadership and buildingwhänau knowledge, skills andcapabilities.More information on the WEIIFund will be available in Octoberat www.tpk.govt.nz.

WHÄNAU ORAWhänau Ora Governance Group. Left to right: Stephen McKernan, Sir Mason Durie, Rob Cooper (chair), Leith Comer, Peter Hughes, Nancy Tuaine.THE LATEST FROM WHÄNAU ORA• 130 Expressions of Interest proposals for Whänau Ora havebeen received for the first and second waves (57 in 1 st wave& 73 in 2 nd wave) by a total of 347 providers from around thecountry.• Nearly 40% of all EOIs submitted were behalf of providercollectives – several with a national focus.• EOIs had also been received from Pacific; refugee/migrant;and disability providers.• Ten Whänau Ora Regional Leadership Groups around thecountry are assessing of the second wave Expressions ofInterest. The Whänau Ora Governance Group has consideredmany first wave providers but has not yet finished theidentification of providers to progress to Programmes ofAction.• When complete, the Whänau Ora Governance Group willconsider recommendations from both the first and secondwaves.• The Governance Group will then make final considerationsregarding those providers selected to advance to thenext stage of developing a Programme of Action (POA)and communicate those to the Minister Responsible forannouncement.• A Programme of Action provides a detailed plan of how aprovider will deliver integrated services to whänau.• An announcement of those providers selected to develop aPOA is expected in early October.

WHÄNAU ORAHon Tariana TuriaCOLUMNWhänau Ora represents asignificant investment in whänauand I am excited by the interestthat this innovative approach hasgenerated in its first few monthsof implementation.At its very core Whänau Orais about empowering whänauto take control of their future.What we want for our whänauis to be self-determining, to beliving healthy lifestyles, to beparticipating fully in society andto be economically secure.These are aspirations that wehope will translate into realoutcomes - outcomes thatexpress the power and potentialof our whänau to be the bestthey can be.And the potential for ourwhänau has never been greaterthan now and one of the mostincredible things for me hasbeen the opportunity to witnessthe level of optimism frompeople.I am delighted at the numberand calibre of providers whohave submitted proposals todeliver Whänau Ora.<strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri has received 130proposals from 347 providerswanting to deliver WhänauOra. Nearly 40 per cent of theexpressions of interest are fromprovider collectives.I am told that the calibre ofthe proposals is very high andthat an impressive numberof provider collectives havesubmitted strong proposals towork collaboratively to deliverWhänau Ora.The spirit of cooperation thatis being demonstrated to worktogether in the best interests ofwhänau is exciting and a greatsign for the future of whänau.I look forward to announcing theselected providers in October.Shortly afterwards, the WhänauEngagement Innovation andIntegration (WEII) Fund will openfor applications from whänauengaged with eligible providersincluding those selectedthrough the EOI process; andother health and social serviceproviders and NGOs like rünangaand hapu organisations, maraecommittees and whänau trusts- located in regions of high needor where services are lacking.Administered by <strong>Te</strong> <strong>Puni</strong> Kökiri,the WEII Fund will be availableto help our whänau developwhänau plans and implementdiscrete elements of thoseplans – so they can move togreater self reliance and selfmanagement by strengtheningtheir connections andengagement with each other,with other whänau and thewider community; developingwhänau leadership and buildingwhänau knowledge, skills andcapabilities.More information on the WEIIFund will be available in Octoberat www.tpk.govt.nz.

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