Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri

Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri Kokiri 20 - Te Puni Kokiri


KAUPAPA MÄTUA2010Mäori Language Weekmakes its markHon Dr Pita SharplesMäori Language week2010 has attracteduniversal praise fromacross the countryaccording to the initialdata that has beencompiled.Leading the way this year wasthe significant contributionfrom supermarket leaderProgressive Enterprises whichundertook a massive bilingualadvertising campaign over theentire week.This initiative alone ensuredthat more than 2.4 millionshoppers were exposed tote reo Mäori over the week.Combine that commitmentwith the number of peoplewho received their weeklyadvertising and marketingmaterial and the number ofpeople exposed to te reo Mäoriover Mäori Language Week wassubstantially more.“Te Taura Whiri i te ReoMäori (The Mäori LanguageCommission) was impressedwith the commitment shownby other organisations as well,”said Chief Executive GlenisPhilip-Barbara.“Mäori Language Weekfeatured on all televisionchannels, radio stations andprint media throughout thecountry. More than 350 mediahits have been recorded sofar on Mäori language mediacoverage this month. Thatfigure is climbing and welook set to exceed last year’smeasures”, says Glenis Philip-Barbara.“Our office has beenoverwhelmed with positiveand encouraging feedbackabout the coverage of MäoriLanguage Week this year,” saidGlenis Philip-Barbara. Themomentum must continue andall of those organisations thattook part in the week have allplayed a key role in ensuringthe survival of te reo Mäori.A cook-off using te reo launched the Week in Wellington.Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mäori and Te Puni Kökiri support the opening of Mäori Language Week.

KAUPAPA MÄTUATe Huingareo Selby-Rickett Jacob Ellison Hekia Parata

KAUPAPA MÄTUA<strong>Te</strong> Huingareo Selby-Rickett Jacob Ellison Hekia Parata

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