Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


8.9.5 External alarm functionalityThe external alarm functionality is used to generate an alarmdepending on the state of an external alarm signal. Each ofthe digital inputs can be configured for external alarm signal.Fig. 68 shows a connection example with digital input 3(terminal 16) configured for external alarm signal.External alarmFig. 68 Connection of terminals for external alarmIf any digital input is configured for external alarm signal,opening this input will cause an external alarm to occur ifexternal alarm is enabled in menu [420].NOTE: If more than one digital input is configured forexternal alarm signal, opening any of these inputs willgenerate an external alarm if external alarm is enabledin menu [420].The following alarm actions are available for external alarm:OffExternal alarm is disabled.WarningAn F17 alarm message is shown in the display and relay K3is activated (for default configuration of the relays) if theconnection between the external alarm input and the signalsupply terminal is opened. However, the motor is notstopped and operation continues. The alarm message willdisappear and the relay will be reset when the external alarminput is closed to its signal supply again. The alarm may alsobe reset manually.CoastAn F17 alarm message is shown in the display and relay K3is activated (for default configuration of the relays) if theconnection between the external alarm input and the signalsupply terminal is opened. The motor voltage is automaticallyswitched off. The motor freewheels until it stops.StopThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if the connection between the external alarm input and thesignal supply terminal is opened. The motor is stoppedaccording to the stop settings in menus [320] to [325].Alarm BrakeThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if the connection between the external alarm input and thesignal supply terminal is opened. The brake function is activatedaccording to the braking method chosen in menu[323] and the motor is stopped according to the alarm brakesettings in menu [326] - [327] (Braking strength and brakingtime).SpinbrakeThe functionality for the spinbrake alternative is the same asdescribed above for the alarm brake alternative. However, ifspinbrake is chosen, braking can also be initiated from aninactive state by opening the connection between the externalalarm input and the signal supply terminal. This meansthe softstarter can catch a freewheeling motor and brake itdown to standstill. The Spinbrake alternative is only availablefor external alarm.External alarm can be used together with any setting for thecontrol source chosen in menu [200].If the operation has been interrupted due to an externalalarm, a reset signal and a new start signal are needed torestart the motor. The reset and the start signal can be givenvia control panel, remote or via serial communicationdepending on the control source chosen in menu [200].Regardless of the chosen control source, it is always possibleto initiate a reset via control panel.NOTE: A reset via control panel will never start themotor.8.9.6 External control of parametersetThe parameter set can be chosen via the digital inputs ifexternal control of parameter set is chosen in menu [240](alternative 0). For this purpose any of the digital inputs canbe configured for parameter set input 1 (PS1, alternative 3in menus [510] to [513]) or parameter set input 2 (PS2,alternative 4 in menus [510] to [513]). Fig. 69 shows a connectionexample for external control of parameter set, in thisexample digital inputs 3 and 4 are configured for PS1 andPS2.Fig. 69 Connection of external control inputs.Table 16How parameter set inputs are evaluatedParameter Set PS1 (16-18) PS2 (17-18)1234OpenClosedOpenClosedOpenOpenClosedClosedEmotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 91

It is possible to use just one digital input to change betweentwo parameter sets. According to the example above, digitalinput 3 is configured for PS1. If no digital input is configuredfor PS2, PS2 is considered to be open. In this case digitalinput 3 can be used to change between parameter set 1and 2.Changing the parameter set via external signal is only executedin stopped mode and at full voltage operation. If theinput signals for PS1 and PS2 are changed during accelerationor deceleration, only the new parameters for the controlsource (menu [200]), the analogue/digital input (menu[500]), the edges digital input (menu [501]), the analoguestart/stop on- and off-value (menus [502] and [503]) andthe analogue start/stop delay (menu [504]) are loadedimmediately. All other parameters will not change until thesoftstarter is in stopped mode or at full voltage running. Inthis way a change of the control source will take effectimmediately, which can be useful for changing from remoteto manual operation for maintenance.NOTE: No parameters, except for the control source inmenu [200] and the parameter set in menu [240], maybe changed if external control of parameter set isactivated in menu [240] (alternative 0).8.10 View operationMSF 2.0 includes numerous viewing functions which eliminatethe need for additional transducers and meters formonitoring the operation.[700] to [716] Operation (current, voltage, power etc.)[720] to [725] Status (softstart status, input/output status)[730] to [732] Stored values (operation time etc.)Line main voltage7 01Range:Power factor7 020-720 VRange: 0.00-1.00Output shaftpowerThe output shaft power is shown in kW or in HP dependingon the setting for Enable US units in menu [202].7 03Range:00. 0 00. 0Line main voltagePower factorOutput shaftpower-999-9999 kW or HPRead-outRead-outRead-out8.10.1 OperationRMS current7 00Read-out0. 0CurrentRange:0.0-9999 ANOTE: This is the same read-out as menu [100].92 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

It is possible to use just one digital input to change betweentwo parameter sets. According to the example above, digitalinput 3 is configured for PS1. If no digital input is configuredfor PS2, PS2 is considered to be open. In this case digitalinput 3 can be used to change between parameter set 1and 2.Changing the parameter set via external signal is only executedin stopped mode and at full voltage operation. If theinput signals for PS1 and PS2 are changed during accelerationor deceleration, only the new parameters for the controlsource (menu [200]), the analogue/digital input (menu[500]), the edges digital input (menu [501]), the analoguestart/stop on- and off-value (menus [502] and [503]) andthe analogue start/stop delay (menu [504]) are loadedimmediately. All other parameters will not change until thesoftstarter is in stopped mode or at full voltage running. Inthis way a change of the control source will take effectimmediately, which can be useful for changing from remoteto manual operation for maintenance.NOTE: No parameters, except for the control source inmenu [200] and the parameter set in menu [240], maybe changed if external control of parameter set isactivated in menu [240] (alternative 0).8.10 View operation<strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> includes numerous viewing functions which eliminatethe need for additional transducers and meters formonitoring the operation.[700] to [716] Operation (current, voltage, power etc.)[720] to [725] Status (softstart status, input/output status)[730] to [732] Stored values (operation time etc.)Line main voltage7 01Range:Power factor7 020-720 VRange: 0.00-1.00Output shaftpowerThe output shaft power is shown in kW or in HP dependingon the setting for Enable US units in menu [202].7 03Range:00. 0 00. 0Line main voltagePower factorOutput shaftpower-999-9999 kW or HPRead-outRead-outRead-out8.10.1 OperationRMS current7 00Read-out0. 0CurrentRange:0.0-9999 ANOTE: This is the same read-out as menu [100].92 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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