Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


2-wire start/stop with separate resetResetStartStopFig. 63 2-wire connection of terminals for start/stop/separateresetAn external switch is connected between terminals 11 and13 and a second switch is connected between terminals 12and 13.StartClosing terminals 11 and 12 to terminal 13 will give a startcommand. If terminals 11 and 12 are closed to terminal 13at power up, a start command is given immediately (automaticstart at power up).StopOpening the connection between terminals 12 and 13 willgive a stop command.ResetWhen the connection between terminals 11 and 13 isopened and closed again a reset is given. A reset can be givenboth when the motor is running and when it is stopped.The connection between terminals 11 and 13 is normallyopen and the connection between terminals 12 and 13 isnormally closed.StartClosing terminal 11 momentarily to terminal 13, will give astart command. There will not be an automatic start atpower up.StopWhen the connection between terminals 12 and 13 ismomentarily opened, a stop command is given.ResetWhen a start command is given there will automatically be areset.8.9.4 Start right/left functionalityThe digital inputs can be configured to enable starting amotor in two different directions in combination with theprogrammable relays K1 and K2. A connection example isshown in Fig. 65. For the following description of the startright/left functionality, the following settings for the digitalinputs are assumed.Menu Description Setting510 Digital input 1 (terminal 11) Start R signal (6)511 Digital input 2 (terminal 12) Stop signal (2)512 Digital input 3 (terminal 16) Start L signal (7).3-wire start/stop with automatic resetat startStopStart/ResetFig. 64 3-wire start/stop with automatic reset at startAn external switch is connected between terminals 11 and13 and a second switch is connected between terminals 12and 13.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 87

!CAUTION: Very high currents can arise whenthe motor is reversed from running at full speedin one direction to running at full speed in theopposite direction.WARNING: If configured according to thedescription above, relays K1 and K2 willnever be activated at the same time. There isa time delay of 500 ms for the change-overbetween the relays. However, if the relays are notconfigured properly, they may be activated at the sametime.PTCCurrent transformerDigIn 1 DigIn 2 +12 V AnIn GND DigIn 3 DigIn 4 +12 V AnOut CT1 CT2 CTc11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 75 76 77StopStart Right / Start Left /ResetResetFig. 65 Connection for start right/left88 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

!CAUTION: Very high currents can arise whenthe motor is reversed from running at full speedin one direction to running at full speed in theopposite direction.WARNING: If configured according to thedescription above, relays K1 and K2 willnever be activated at the same time. There isa time delay of 500 ms for the change-overbetween the relays. However, if the relays are notconfigured properly, they may be activated at the sametime.PTCCurrent transformerDigIn 1 DigIn 2 +12 V AnIn GND DigIn 3 DigIn 4 +12 V AnOut CT1 CT2 CTc11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 75 76 77StopStart Right / Start Left /ResetResetFig. 65 Connection for start right/left88 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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