Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


Example1. If only one running direction is used, digital input 1 canbe configured for start signal and digital input 2 for stopsignal (default setting). In this case relay K1 may be configuredfor operation (default setting) and can controlthe mains relay. When digital inputs 1 and 2 are closedto their respective supply terminals, the mains contactorwill be activated and the motor will start. When digitalinput 2 is opened the motor will stop. The mains contactorwill be deactivated after the stop has been finished.2. If two running directions are desired, digital input 1 canbe configured for start R, digital input 2 for stop anddigital input 3 for start L. Relay K1 controls the mainscontactor for running in right direction and may be configuredfor Operation R. Relay K2 controls the mainscontactor with the opposite phase sequence for runningin left direction and may be configured for Operation L.In this case closing digital inputs 1 and 2 to their respectivesupply terminals (start right command) will lead toactivation of the mains contactor for running in rightdirection and the motor will start in right direction.Opening digital input 2 will lead to a stop; the mainscontactor for running right will be deactivated after thestop has been finished. Closing digital inputs 2 and 3 totheir respective supply terminals (while digital input 1 isopen) will lead to activation of the mains contactor forrunning in left direction and the motor will start in leftdirection.For more information see the description of the start right/left functionality in section 8.9.4, page 87.External alarmThe digital inputs can be configured as external alarminputs. If an input configured for external alarm is opened,the action chosen in menu [420] for external alarm is performed.See description of the external alarm functionalityin section 8.9.5, page 91 for more information.NOTE: If more than one digital input is configured forexternal alarm, opening any of these will lead to anexternal alarm.Parameter setThis configuration enables choice of parameter set by anexternal signal. See description of external control of parameterset in section 8.9.6, page 91 for more information.Digital input 1 function [510]In this menu the function for digital input 1 (terminal 11) isselected.5 1 0Digital input 1 functionDefault: 1Range: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 1 is disabled1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signalDigital input 2 function [511]In this menu the function for digital input 2 (terminal 12) isselected.5 1 1Default: 212Digital input 2 functionRange: Off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 2 is disabled.1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signalSettingSettingEmotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 81

Digital input 3 function [512]In this menu the function for digital input 3 (terminal 16) isselected.selection is made by jumper J2 on the control board. Thedefault setting for J2 is voltage signal according to Fig. 58.5 1 2Setting3Digital input 3 functionDefault: 3Range: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 3 is disabled.1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signalFig. 58 Wiring for analogue output and setting of J2 for analoguecurrent or voltage signal.Analogue output [520]In this menu the analogue output can be set to provideeither one of the signal ranges shown in Fig. 59.Digital input 4 function [513]In this menu the function for digital input 4 (terminal 17) isselected.5 1 3Setting4Digital input 4 functionOutputsignalDefault: 4Range: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 4 is disabled.1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signal8.9.2 Output signalsThe MSF 2.0 has one programmable analogue output andthree programmable relays.Analogue outputThe analogue output can present current, voltage, shaftpower and torque for connection to a recording instrument,PLC etc. The external device is connected to terminals 19(+) and 15 (-) according to Fig. 58 below. The analogue outputcan be configured for voltage or current signal. TheFig. 59 Analogue output5 2 0oF FSettingAnalogue outputDefault: oFFRange: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4oFFAnalogue output is disabled.1 Analogue signal 0-10 V/0-20 mA2 Analogue signal 2-10 V/4-20 mA3 Analogue signal 10-0 V/20-0 mA4 Analogue signal 10-2 V/20-4 mA82 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

Digital input 3 function [512]In this menu the function for digital input 3 (terminal 16) isselected.selection is made by jumper J2 on the control board. Thedefault setting for J2 is voltage signal according to Fig. 58.5 1 2Setting3Digital input 3 functionDefault: 3Range: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 3 is disabled.1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signalFig. 58 Wiring for analogue output and setting of J2 for analoguecurrent or voltage signal.Analogue output [520]In this menu the analogue output can be set to provideeither one of the signal ranges shown in Fig. 59.Digital input 4 function [513]In this menu the function for digital input 4 (terminal 17) isselected.5 1 3Setting4Digital input 4 functionOutputsignalDefault: 4Range: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7oFFDigital input 4 is disabled.1 Start signal2 Stop signal3 Parameter set, input 14 Parameter set, input 25 External alarm signal6 Start R signal7 Start L signal8.9.2 Output signalsThe <strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> has one programmable analogue output andthree programmable relays.Analogue outputThe analogue output can present current, voltage, shaftpower and torque for connection to a recording instrument,PLC etc. The external device is connected to terminals 19(+) and 15 (-) according to Fig. 58 below. The analogue outputcan be configured for voltage or current signal. TheFig. 59 Analogue output5 2 0oF FSettingAnalogue outputDefault: oFFRange: oFF, 1, 2, 3, 4oFFAnalogue output is disabled.1 Analogue signal 0-10 V/0-20 mA2 Analogue signal 2-10 V/4-20 mA3 Analogue signal 10-0 V/20-0 mA4 Analogue signal 10-2 V/20-4 mA82 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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