Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


Analogue inputThe analogue/digital input is used as an analogue input ifone of alternatives 6-7 in menu [500] is selected. In thiscase, the input can be configured for voltage or current signalusing jumper J1 (see Fig. 55). By default jumper J1 is setto voltage signal. According to the chosen alternative inmenu [500], the signal will be interpreted as 0-10 V/0-20 mA or 2-10 V/4-20 mA (see Fig. 56).15Analogue/digitalinputFig. 55 Wiring for analogue/digital input and setting of J1 foranalogue current or voltage control.[502] for a longer time than the analogue start/stop delaytime set in menu [504]. A stop will be performed if the referencesignal exceeds the analogue start/stop off-value chosenin menu [503] for a longer time than the analogue start/stop delay time set in menu [504].NOTE: If the selected analogue start/stop on-value isbigger than or equal to the off-value, a level above theon-value at the analogue input will cause a start. A valuebelow the off-value will in this case cause a stop.The start/stop LED on the front of the MSF will be flashingif the softstarter is in standby mode waiting for an analoguestart.WARNING: A flashing start/stop LED is indicatingstandby mode - e.g. waiting for an analogue start. Themotor may be started automatically at a moment'snoticeAnalogue start/stop on-value [502]This menu is available if analogue start/stop is activated inmenu [500] (alternative 6 or 7). If the reference signal onthe analogue/digital input is below the chosen on-level for alonger time than the analogue start/stop delay time chosenin menu [504], a start will be performed..NOTE: If the selected analogue start/stop on-value isbigger than or equal to the off-value, a level above theon-value at the analogue/digital input will cause a start.Fig. 56 Analogue inputAnalogue start/stopStarts and stops can be performed according to a process signalon the analogue/digital input. This means that e.g. theoperation of a pump may be controlled according to a flowsignal.Analogue start/stop is available if remote control or serialcommunication control is chosen in menu [200] (alternatives2 or 3).NOTE: Analogue start/stop is not available if controlpanel is chosen as control source in menu [200](alternative 1).InputsignalIf a start signal is given via remote or serial communication(according to the setting in menu [200]), the softstarter willcheck the reference signal on the analogue/digital signal. Astart will be performed if the level of the reference signal isbelow the analogue start/stop on-value chosen in menuNOTE: An analogue start will only be performed if thesoftstarter has been set to standby mode by a valid startsignal via remote control or serial communication.The analogue start/stop on-value is chosen as a percentage ofthe input signal range. This means, if the analogue/digitalinput is configured for 0-10 VDC/0-20 mA (alternative 6 inmenu [500]), 25% corresponds to 2.5 V or 5 mA. If theanalogue/digital input is configured for 2-10 VDC/4-20 mA(alternative 7 in menu [500]), 25% corresponds to 4 V or8 mA.5 0 225Analogue start/stop on-valueDefault: 25%Range: 0-100% of input signal range0-100 Analogue start/stop on-value.SettingEmotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 79

Analogue start/stop off-value [503]This menu is available if analogue start/stop is activated inmenu [500] (alternatives 6 or 7). If the reference signal onthe analogue/digital input exceeds the chosen off-level for alonger time than the analogue start/stop delay time chosenin menu [504], a stop will be performed.NOTE: If the selected analogue start/stop off-value isless than or equal to the on-value, a level below the offvalueat the analogue/digital input will cause a stop.NOTE: A stop will also be performed if the softstarterreceives a stop signal via remote control or serialcommunication.The analogue start/stop off-value is chosen as a percentage ofthe input signal range. This means if the analogue/digitalinput is configured for 0-10 V / 0-20 mA (alternative 6 inmenu [500]), 25% corresponds to 2.5 V or 5 mA. If theanalogue/digital input is configured for 2-10 V / 4-20 mA(alternative 7 in menu [500]), 25% corresponds to 4 V or8 mA.1 2Digital inputs16 17 183 4Digital inputsFig. 57 Wiring for digital inputs 1-4.The four digital inputs are electrically identical.The digitalinputs can be used for remote control of start, stop and reset,for choice of parameter set and for external alarm.Stop signalIf remote control is chosen in menu [200] (alternative 2),one digital input has to be configured for stop signal.5 0 3SettingNOTE: No starts will be allowed if the input set for stopsignal is open or if no input is configured for stop signal.75Analogue start/stop off-valueDefault: 75%Range: 0-100% of input signal range0-100 Analogue start/stop off-value.Analogue start/stop delay time [504]This menu is available if analogue start/stop is activated inmenu [500] (alternatives 6 or 7). In this menu the delaytime for starts and stops caused by the analogue referencesignal is set.5 0 41sAnalogue start/stop delay timeDefault: 1 sRange: 1-999 s1-999 Delay time for analogue start/stopSettingDigital inputsThe MSF 2.0 has four programmable digital inputs. Thefour inputs and their corresponding control supply terminalsare shown overleaf in Fig. 57.If the motor is running a stop will be performed accordingto the stop settings in menus [320] to [325] as soon as theinput configured for stop signal is opened. If more than oneinput is configured for stop signal, opening one of these willlead to a stop. Accordingly no starts will be allowed if any ofthese inputs is open.Start and reset signalThe digital inputs can be configured for several differentstart signals (start, start R or start L signal). Closing anyinput, which is configured for start, to its respective supplyterminal will start the motor. Moreover, a rising edge on anyinput configured for start is interpreted as a reset signal.NOTE: If more than one digital input is configured for anyof the start signals (start, start R or start L), thefollowing is valid:If two inputs, which are configured for different startsignals, are closed to their respective supply terminalsat the same time no start will be allowed. If the motor isrunning, a stop will be performed.If several digital inputs are configured for the same startsignal, closing any of these inputs will lead to a start.Naturally the softstarter has no way of controlling themotor’s running direction internally. However, if two mainscontactors – one for each phase sequence – are used, thesecan be controlled by the softstarter using the programmablerelays. The settings for the programmable relays in menus[530] to [532] correspond to the different start signals,which can be chosen for the digital inputs. In this way differentrunning directions for the motor can be chosen.80 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

Analogue start/stop off-value [503]This menu is available if analogue start/stop is activated inmenu [500] (alternatives 6 or 7). If the reference signal onthe analogue/digital input exceeds the chosen off-level for alonger time than the analogue start/stop delay time chosenin menu [504], a stop will be performed.NOTE: If the selected analogue start/stop off-value isless than or equal to the on-value, a level below the offvalueat the analogue/digital input will cause a stop.NOTE: A stop will also be performed if the softstarterreceives a stop signal via remote control or serialcommunication.The analogue start/stop off-value is chosen as a percentage ofthe input signal range. This means if the analogue/digitalinput is configured for 0-10 V / 0-20 mA (alternative 6 inmenu [500]), 25% corresponds to 2.5 V or 5 mA. If theanalogue/digital input is configured for 2-10 V / 4-20 mA(alternative 7 in menu [500]), 25% corresponds to 4 V or8 mA.1 2Digital inputs16 17 183 4Digital inputsFig. 57 Wiring for digital inputs 1-4.The four digital inputs are electrically identical.The digitalinputs can be used for remote control of start, stop and reset,for choice of parameter set and for external alarm.Stop signalIf remote control is chosen in menu [200] (alternative 2),one digital input has to be configured for stop signal.5 0 3SettingNOTE: No starts will be allowed if the input set for stopsignal is open or if no input is configured for stop signal.75Analogue start/stop off-valueDefault: 75%Range: 0-100% of input signal range0-100 Analogue start/stop off-value.Analogue start/stop delay time [504]This menu is available if analogue start/stop is activated inmenu [500] (alternatives 6 or 7). In this menu the delaytime for starts and stops caused by the analogue referencesignal is set.5 0 41sAnalogue start/stop delay timeDefault: 1 sRange: 1-999 s1-999 Delay time for analogue start/stopSettingDigital inputsThe <strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> has four programmable digital inputs. Thefour inputs and their corresponding control supply terminalsare shown overleaf in Fig. 57.If the motor is running a stop will be performed accordingto the stop settings in menus [320] to [325] as soon as theinput configured for stop signal is opened. If more than oneinput is configured for stop signal, opening one of these willlead to a stop. Accordingly no starts will be allowed if any ofthese inputs is open.Start and reset signalThe digital inputs can be configured for several differentstart signals (start, start R or start L signal). Closing anyinput, which is configured for start, to its respective supplyterminal will start the motor. Moreover, a rising edge on anyinput configured for start is interpreted as a reset signal.NOTE: If more than one digital input is configured for anyof the start signals (start, start R or start L), thefollowing is valid:If two inputs, which are configured for different startsignals, are closed to their respective supply terminalsat the same time no start will be allowed. If the motor isrunning, a stop will be performed.If several digital inputs are configured for the same startsignal, closing any of these inputs will lead to a start.Naturally the softstarter has no way of controlling themotor’s running direction internally. However, if two mainscontactors – one for each phase sequence – are used, thesecan be controlled by the softstarter using the programmablerelays. The settings for the programmable relays in menus[530] to [532] correspond to the different start signals,which can be chosen for the digital inputs. In this way differentrunning directions for the motor can be chosen.80 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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