Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


End torque at stop [321]This menu will be available if torque control is chosen asstop method in menu [320] (alternative 1 or 2). In thismenu the end torque at stop is configured.3 2 1End torque at stopDefault: 0%Range: 0-100% of T n0-100 End torque at stop.Voltage controlWith voltage control at stop, the voltage to the motor will bedecreased to the chosen step down voltage at stop immediatelyafter a stop signal. Then the voltage to the motor willfollow a linear ramp down to the minimum voltage of 25%of the nominal voltage. An example of this voltage ramp isshown in Fig. 44.VoltageU n3 2 2Fig. 44 Menu numbers for step down voltage at stop and stoptime.Step down voltage at stop [322]This menu is available if voltage control is chosen as stopmethod in menu [320] (alternative 3). In this menu the stepdown voltage at stop is chosen in percentage of the nominalmotor voltage.1000Step down voltage at stopDefault: 100%Range: 100-40% of U100-40 Step down voltage at stop.StopSettingTimeSettingBrakingBraking can be used in applications where there is a need fora quick stop.There are two built-in braking methods: dynamic vectorbrake for normal loads and reverse current brake for heavyloads with high inertia. In both braking methods the MSF2.0 continuously detects the motor speed. At low speed theDC brake mode is activated until the motor is standing still.In DC-brake mode only two phases (L2 and L3) are active.NOTE: If several softstarters are supplied from the samepower line and the braking functionality is used, thesoftstarters should be connected with different phasesequences, i.e. L1-L2-L3 on the first unit, L2-L3-L1 on thenext and so on.The MSF 2.0 will automatically turn off the output voltagewhen the motor has stopped or when the stop time hasexpired. Optionally an external rotation sensor can be connectedvia digital input, see description for menu [500] onpage 77 for more information.Dynamic vector brakeWith dynamic vector brake, the braking torque applied tothe motor will increase with decreasing speed. Dynamic vectorbrake can be used for all loads which are not rotating tooclose to synchronous speed when the motor voltage isswitched off. This is valid for most applications as the loadspeed usually decreases because of frictional losses in gears orbelt drives as soon as the motor voltage is switched off.However, loads with very high inertia may remain at highspeed even though the motor is not supplying any torque.For these applications the reverse current brake can be usedinstead.When the dynamic vector brake is used, no additional connectionsor contactors are needed.Reverse current brakeWith reverse current brake, a very high braking torque canbe applied to the motor even close to synchronous speed. Allkind of loads can be stopped quickly using reverse currentbrake, including loads with very high inertia. If high brakingtorques are needed, it should be checked carefully whetherthe motor, the gear or belt drive and the load can withstandthe high mechanical forces. To avoid harmful vibrations, it isgenerally recommended to select as low a braking torque aspossible which also fulfils the demands for a short brakingtime.For reverse current brake, two mains contactors are needed.The connection is shown in Fig. 45. The contactors have tobe controlled by the MSF’s relay outputs. During start andfull voltage operation contactor K1 will be activated, forbraking K1 will be opened and after a time delay K2 will beactivated to change the phase sequence.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 61

NOTE: For several start/stops it is recommend that themotor temperature be monitored using the PTC input.WARNING: When reverse current brake isselected, the relays K1 and K2 areautomatically configured for reverse currentbrake functionality. The relay setting remainseven if reverse current brake is deactivated. Therefore itmay be necessary to adapt the relay functions manually.PTCCurrent transformerDigIn 1 DigIn 2 +12 V AnIn GND DigIn 3 DigIn 4 +12 V AnOut CT1 CT2 CTc11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 75 76 77Start/StopFig. 45 Reverse current brake wiring example.62 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

NOTE: For several start/stops it is recommend that themotor temperature be monitored using the PTC input.WARNING: When reverse current brake isselected, the relays K1 and K2 areautomatically configured for reverse currentbrake functionality. The relay setting remainseven if reverse current brake is deactivated. Therefore itmay be necessary to adapt the relay functions manually.PTCCurrent transformerDigIn 1 DigIn 2 +12 V AnIn GND DigIn 3 DigIn 4 +12 V AnOut CT1 CT2 CTc11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 75 76 77Start/StopFig. 45 Reverse current brake wiring example.62 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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