Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


NOTE: The internal auto reset counter is reset to zero if astop signal is given. After each new start signal (viaremote or serial communication) the maximum numberof restart attempts will be allowed as configured inmenu [250].2 5 0oF FAuto reset attemptsDefault: oFFRange: oFF, 1-10oFFAuto reset disabled.1-10 Number of auto reset attempts.Setting8.5.2 Auto reset items [251]-[263]Menus [251] to [263] are available if auto reset is enabled inmenu [250]. With these parameters the delay time for autoreset is configured. The delay time starts counting when thefault is gone. When the delay time has elapsed, the alarmwill be reset and a restart attempt will automatically bemade.NOTE: Enabling auto reset for an alarm has no effect ifthe alarm action for the respective alarm is set to oFF orWarning (1).Thermal motor protection auto reset[251]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for thermal motor protectionauto reset is configured. The delay time starts countingwhen the fault is gone. This means the internal thermalmotor model has to cool down to a thermal capacity of 95%(if internal thermal motor protection is enabled) and thePTC resistance has to go down to 2.2 kOhm (if PTC is enabled),which indicates that the motor has cooled down.When the delay time has elapsed, the alarm will be reset anda restart attempt will automatically be made.Start limitation auto reset [252]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after astart limitation alarm (alarm code F11) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Thismeans the minimum time between starts has to be expired(if Minimum time between starts protection is enabled) anda start has to be allowed for the actual hour (if starts perhour protection is enabled). When the delay time haselapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt willautomatically be made.Locked rotor alarm auto reset [253]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after alocked rotor alarm (alarm code F5) is configured. As alocked rotor cannot be detected in stopped state, the delaytime starts counting immediately after the alarm action hasbeen executed. When the delay time has elapsed, the alarmwill be reset and a restart attempt will automatically bemade.Current limit start time expired autoreset [254]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after acurrent limit start time expired alarm (alarm code F4) isconfigured. As a current limit start time expired fault conditioncannot be detected in stopped state, the delay timestarts counting immediately after the alarm action has beenexecuted. When the delay time has elapsed, the alarm will bereset and a restart attempt will automatically be made.Max power alarm auto reset [255]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after amax power alarm (alarm code F6) is configured. As a maxpower fault condition cannot be detected in stopped state,the delay time starts counting immediately after the alarmaction has been executed. When the delay time has elapsed,the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt will automaticallybe made.2 5 1DefaultRange:oFF1-3600oFFoFFoFF, 1-3600 sSettingThermal motor protection autoresetThermal motor protection auto reset is disabledDelay time for thermal motor protectionauto resetMin power alarm auto reset [256]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after amin power alarm (alarm code F7) is configured. As a minpower fault condition cannot be detected in stopped state,the delay time starts counting immediately after the alarmaction has been executed. When the delay time has elapsed,the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt will automaticallybe made.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 53

External alarm auto reset [257]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after aexternal alarm (alarm code F17) is configured. The delaytime starts counting when the fault is gone. This means theexternal alarm signal input has to be activated. When thedelay time has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restartattempt will automatically be made.Phase input failure auto reset [258]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after aphase input failure (alarm code F1) is configured. As a phaseinput failure cannot be detected in stopped state, the delaytime starts counting immediately after the alarm action hasbeen executed. When the delay time has elapsed, the alarmwill be reset and a restart attempt will automatically bemade.Voltage unbalance alarm auto reset[259]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after avoltage unbalance alarm (alarm code F8) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually,the mains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase a voltage unbalance failure cannot be detected instopped state and the delay time starts counting immediatelyafter the alarm action has been executed. When the delaytime has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attemptwill automatically be made.Over voltage alarm auto reset [260]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after anover voltage alarm (alarm code F9) is configured. The delaytime starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually, themains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase an over voltage failure cannot be detected in stoppedstate and the delay time starts counting immediately afterthe alarm action has been executed. When the delay timehas elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt willautomatically be made.Under voltage alarm auto reset [261]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after anunder voltage alarm (alarm code F10) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually,the mains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase an under voltage failure cannot be detected in stoppedstate and the delay time starts counting immediately afterthe alarm action has been executed. When the delay timehas elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt willautomatically be made.Serial communication auto reset [262]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for auto reset after a serialcommunication broken alarm (alarm code F15) is configured.The delay time starts counting when the fault is gone.This means serial communication has to be re-established.When the delay time has elapsed, the alarm will be reset anda restart attempt will automatically be made.Softstarter overheated auto reset [263]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for auto reset after a softstarteroverheated alarm (alarm code F3) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Thismeans the softstarter has to be cooled down. When the delaytime has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attemptwill automatically be made.8.6 Serial communicationThere are several serial communication options available forMSF 2.0 (see page 107 for more information). The softstartercan be configured and controlled via serial communicationif this is configured in menu [200] (see page 44). Thefollowing parameters are available to configure serial communication:[270] Serial comm. unit address[271] Serial comm. baudrate[272] Serial comm. parity[273] Serial comm. contact brokenNOTE: The communication parameters [270] to [272]must be set up via the control panel. To enableconfiguration via the control panel, parameter [200]must be set to 1 (control panel) or 2 (remote control).Serial comm. unit address [270]Serial communication unit address.2 7 01Default: 1Range: 1-2471-247 Unit address.Serial comm. unit addressSetting54 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

External alarm auto reset [257]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after aexternal alarm (alarm code F17) is configured. The delaytime starts counting when the fault is gone. This means theexternal alarm signal input has to be activated. When thedelay time has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restartattempt will automatically be made.Phase input failure auto reset [258]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after aphase input failure (alarm code F1) is configured. As a phaseinput failure cannot be detected in stopped state, the delaytime starts counting immediately after the alarm action hasbeen executed. When the delay time has elapsed, the alarmwill be reset and a restart attempt will automatically bemade.Voltage unbalance alarm auto reset[259]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after avoltage unbalance alarm (alarm code F8) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually,the mains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase a voltage unbalance failure cannot be detected instopped state and the delay time starts counting immediatelyafter the alarm action has been executed. When the delaytime has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attemptwill automatically be made.Over voltage alarm auto reset [260]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after anover voltage alarm (alarm code F9) is configured. The delaytime starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually, themains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase an over voltage failure cannot be detected in stoppedstate and the delay time starts counting immediately afterthe alarm action has been executed. When the delay timehas elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt willautomatically be made.Under voltage alarm auto reset [261]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for an auto reset after anunder voltage alarm (alarm code F10) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Usually,the mains voltage will not be available to the softstarter instopped state as the mains contactor is deactivated. In thiscase an under voltage failure cannot be detected in stoppedstate and the delay time starts counting immediately afterthe alarm action has been executed. When the delay timehas elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attempt willautomatically be made.Serial communication auto reset [262]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for auto reset after a serialcommunication broken alarm (alarm code F15) is configured.The delay time starts counting when the fault is gone.This means serial communication has to be re-established.When the delay time has elapsed, the alarm will be reset anda restart attempt will automatically be made.<strong>Softstarter</strong> overheated auto reset [263]This menu is available if auto reset is activated in menu[250]. In this menu the delay time for auto reset after a softstarteroverheated alarm (alarm code F3) is configured. Thedelay time starts counting when the fault is gone. Thismeans the softstarter has to be cooled down. When the delaytime has elapsed, the alarm will be reset and a restart attemptwill automatically be made.8.6 Serial communicationThere are several serial communication options available for<strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> (see page 107 for more information). The softstartercan be configured and controlled via serial communicationif this is configured in menu [200] (see page 44). Thefollowing parameters are available to configure serial communication:[270] Serial comm. unit address[271] Serial comm. baudrate[272] Serial comm. parity[273] Serial comm. contact brokenNOTE: The communication parameters [270] to [272]must be set up via the control panel. To enableconfiguration via the control panel, parameter [200]must be set to 1 (control panel) or 2 (remote control).Serial comm. unit address [270]Serial communication unit address.2 7 01Default: 1Range: 1-2471-247 Unit address.Serial comm. unit addressSetting54 Functional description <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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