Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


Safety instructionsSafetyThe softstarter should be installed in a cabinet or in anelectrical control room.• The device must be installed by trained personnel.• Disconnect all power sources before servicing.• Always use standard commercial fuses, slow blow e.g. gl,gG types, to protect the wiring and prevent shortcircuiting. To protect the thyristors against short-circuitcurrents, superfast semiconductor fuses can be used ifpreferred. The normal guarantee is valid even if superfastsemiconductor fuses are not used.Operating and maintenancepersonnel1. Read the whole Instruction Manual before installingand putting the equipment into operation.2. During all work (operation, maintenance, repairs,etc.) observe the switch-off procedures given in thisinstruction as well as any other operatinginstruction for the driven machine or system. SeeEmergency below.3. The operator must avoid any working methodswhich reduce the safety of the device.4. The operator must do what he can to ensure thatno unauthorised person is working on the device.5. The operator must immediately report any changesto the device which reduce its safety to the user.6. The user must undertake all necessary measures tooperate the device in perfect condition only.Dismantling and scrappingThe enclosure of the softstarter is made of recyclablematerial such as aluminium, iron and plastic. Legalrequirements for disposal and recycling of these materialsmust be complied with.The softstarter contains a number of componentsdemanding special treatment, such as thyristors forexample. The circuit boards contain small amounts oftin and lead. Legal requirements for the disposal andrecycling of these materials must be complied with.General warnings!!!WARNING! Make sure that all safety measureshave been taken before starting the motor inorder to avoid personal injury.WARNING! Never operate the softstarter withthe front cover removed.WARNING! Make sure that all safety measureshave been taken before switching on the powersupply.Installation of spare partsWe expressly point out that any spare parts and accessoriesnot supplied by us have also not been tested orapproved by us.Installing and/or using such products can have a negativeeffect on the characteristics designed for yourdevice. The manufacturer is not liable for damage arisingas a result of using non-original parts and accessories.EmergencyYou can switch the device off at any time with themains switch connected before the softstarter (bothmotor and control supply voltage must be switchedoff).Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 1

2 Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

2 <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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