Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


8.1.5 Enable US units [202]By default all read-out and configuration values are given inSI units. If preferred, US customary units can be choseninstead. in this case the following units are used:• Powers are set and shown in HP, menus [212] and [703]• Shaft torque is shown in Ibft, menu [705]• Temperature is shown in degrees Fahrenheit, menu[707]NOTE: When the setting for US units is changed, themotor data in menus [210-215] is reset to the defaultvalues for the chosen units (SI or US customary units) inall parameter sets.[210] Nominal motor voltage – new default value (460 V,for US units enabled)[211] Nominal motor current – new default value dependingon softstarter size.[212] Nominal motor power – new default value dependingon softstarter size[213] Nominal motor speed – new default value dependingon softstarter size[215] Nominal frequency – new default value (60 Hz, forUS units enabled)If the setting is changed and confirmed with “ENTER”,“SEt” is displayed for 2 seconds to indicate successful selection.2 02Default:Range:oFFono F FEnable US unitsSettingoFFoFF, onValues are presented in kW, Nm etc.Values are presented in HP, lbft etc.8.2 Motor dataFor optimal performance the MSF 2.0 softstarter should beconfigured according to the motor’s rating plate:[210] to [215] Nominal motor dataNOTE: The default factory settings are for a standard 4-pole motor according to the nominal current and powerof the softstarter. The softstarter will run even if nospecific motor data is selected, but the performance willnot be optimal.Nominal motor voltage.2 1 04Nominal motor voltageDefault: 400 VRange: 200-700 V200-700 Nominal motor voltage.NOTE: Make sure the softstarter’s maximum voltagerating is suitable for selected motor voltage.Nominal motor current. The current range is related to thesize of the softstarter.2 1 10 01 7Nominal motor currentDefault: I nsoft in ARange: 25-200% of I nsoft in A25-200 Nominal motor currentSettingSettingNominal motor power in kW or HP. The power range isrelated to the size of the softstarter.2 1 2Setting7. 5Nominal motor powerDefault: P nsoft in kWRange: 25-400% of P nsoft in kW or HP.25-400 Nominal motor power.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 45

Nominal motor speed.2 1 314Nominal motor power factor.Nominal motor frequencyNominal motor speedDefault: N nsoft in rpmRange: 500-3600 rpm500-3600 Nominal motor speed.2 1 4Nominal power factorDefault: 0.86Range: 0.50-1.000.50-1.00 Nominal motor power factor.2 1 50.508650Nominal frequencyDefault: 50 HzRange: 50 Hz, 60 Hz50, 60 Nominal frequency.SettingSettingSetting8.3 Motor protectionThe MSF 2.0 softstarter is equipped with different motorprotection functions. The following menus are available toconfigure these protection methods:[220]-[223] Thermal motor protection[224]-[227] Start limitation[228]-[229] Locked rotor[230] Single phase input failure[231] Current limit start time expiredFor these protection methods the following options areavailable (all options may not be available for all protectionmethods – check the description of the relevant menu fordetails):OffThe protection method is disabled.WarningThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays).However, the motor is not stopped and operation continues.The alarm message will disappear and the relay will be resetwen the fault disappears. The alarm may also be reset manually.CoastThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays).The motor voltage is automatically switched off. The motorfreewheels until it stops.StopThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays).The motor is stopped according to the stop settings inmenus [320] to [325].Alarm BrakeThe appropriate alarm message is shown in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays).The brake function is activated according to the brakingmethod chosen in menu [323] and the motor is stoppedaccording to the alarm brake settings in menus [326] to[327] (braking strength and braking time).8.3.1 Thermal motor protectionWith MSF 2.0 an internal thermal model of the motor or anexternal signal from a PTC can be used for thermal motorprotection. It is also possible to combine both protectionmethods. Slight overload for a long time and several overloadsof short duration will be detected with both methods.Thermal motor protection [220]Thermal motor protection is activated by choosing an alarmaction in menu [220]. After that menus [221] to [223] willbe available so that the type of the protection (internal and/or PTC) can be chosen. If the operation has been interrupteddue to a thermal motor protection alarm, a manualreset and a new start signal is needed to restart the motor.The reset and the start signal can be given via control panel,remote or via serial communication depending on the controlsource chosen in menu [200]. Regardless of the chosencontrol source, it is always possible to initiate a reset via thecontrol panel.NOTE: A reset via the control panel will never start themotor.46 Functional description Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

8.1.5 Enable US units [202]By default all read-out and configuration values are given inSI units. If preferred, US customary units can be choseninstead. in this case the following units are used:• Powers are set and shown in HP, menus [212] and [703]• Shaft torque is shown in Ibft, menu [705]• Temperature is shown in degrees Fahrenheit, menu[707]NOTE: When the setting for US units is changed, themotor data in menus [210-215] is reset to the defaultvalues for the chosen units (SI or US customary units) inall parameter sets.[210] Nominal motor voltage – new default value (460 V,for US units enabled)[211] Nominal motor current – new default value dependingon softstarter size.[212] Nominal motor power – new default value dependingon softstarter size[213] Nominal motor speed – new default value dependingon softstarter size[215] Nominal frequency – new default value (60 Hz, forUS units enabled)If the setting is changed and confirmed with “ENTER”,“SEt” is displayed for 2 seconds to indicate successful selection.2 02Default:Range:oFFono F FEnable US unitsSettingoFFoFF, onValues are presented in kW, Nm etc.Values are presented in HP, lbft etc.8.2 Motor dataFor optimal performance the <strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> softstarter should beconfigured according to the motor’s rating plate:[210] to [215] Nominal motor dataNOTE: The default factory settings are for a standard 4-pole motor according to the nominal current and powerof the softstarter. The softstarter will run even if nospecific motor data is selected, but the performance willnot be optimal.Nominal motor voltage.2 1 04Nominal motor voltageDefault: 400 VRange: 200-700 V200-700 Nominal motor voltage.NOTE: Make sure the softstarter’s maximum voltagerating is suitable for selected motor voltage.Nominal motor current. The current range is related to thesize of the softstarter.2 1 10 01 7Nominal motor currentDefault: I nsoft in ARange: 25-200% of I nsoft in A25-200 Nominal motor currentSettingSettingNominal motor power in kW or HP. The power range isrelated to the size of the softstarter.2 1 2Setting7. 5Nominal motor powerDefault: P nsoft in kWRange: 25-400% of P nsoft in kW or HP.25-400 Nominal motor power.<strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2 Functional description 45

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