Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


7. Operation of the softstarterFig. 31 MSF softstarter models MSF-017 to MSF-1400.7.1 General description of userinterfaceWARNING! Never operate the softstarter withthe front cover removed.To obtain the required operation, a number of parametersmust be set in the softstarter.Configuration is carried out either from the control panel orby a computer/control system through the serial communicationinterface (option). Controlling the motor i.e. start/stop, selection of parameter set, is done either from the controlpanel, through the remote control inputs or through theserial communication interface (option).Check that you have voltage on the mains contactor or onthe thyristors. Set the motor data, menus [210] to [215], toachieve correct functionality and optimized performance ofthe build-in functions such as torque control, motor protection,shaft power monitor etc.7.2 Control panelSettingWARNING! Make sure that all safety measureshave been taken before switching on thepower supply.Switch on the control supply (normally 1*230 V); all segmentsin the display will be illuminated for a few seconds.Then the display will show menu [100]. An illuminated displayindicates that there is control supply voltage to the softstarter.Fig. 32 Control panel.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Operation of the softstarter 39

The control panel is used for selection, configuration andpresentation. It consists of:• 2 light emitting diodes (LEDs).• 1 display with three 7-segment digits showing the actualmenu number.• 1 display with four 7-segment digits showing the actualvalue.• Keyboard with eight keys.7.3 LED indicationThe two light emitting diodes indicate start/stop and runningmotor/machine.When a start command is given either from the controlpanel, through the serial communication interface (option)or through the remote control inputs, the start/stop LEDwill be illuminated. At a stop command the start/stop LEDwill switch off. The start/stop LED flashes when the softstarteris in standby operation waiting for a start caused byAuto reset or analogue start/stop.When the motor is running, the running LED flashes duringramp up and down and is illuminated continuously atfull motor voltage.VoltageU NRunning LEDflashingStart/stop LEDonRunning LEDonRunning LEDflashingStart/stop LEDoffFig. 33 LED indication at different operation situations.TimeRunning LEDoffTable 12 Menu structure of MSF 2.0.FunctionMenu numberGeneral settings 100-101, 200-202Motor data 210-215Motor protection 220-231Parameter set handling 240-243Auto reset 250-263Serial communication 270-273Operation settings 300-342Process protection 400-440I/O settings 500-534View operation 700-732Alarm list 800-814Softstarter data 900-9027.5 The keysThe function of the control panel is based on a few simplerules.1. At power up menu [100] is shown automatically.2. Use the “NEXT ” and “PREV ” keys to movebetween menus. To scroll through menu numbers, pressand hold either the “NEXT ” or the “PREV ”key.3. The “+” and “–” keys are used to increase respectivelydecrease the value of setting. The value is flashing duringsetting.4. The “ENTER ” key confirms the setting just made,and the value will go from flashing to stable.5. The “START/STOP” key is only used to start and stopthe motor/machine.JOGJOG6. The and keys are only used for JOG from thecontrol panel. The JOG function must be enabled inmenu [334] or [335].7.4 The menu structureThe menus in MSF 2.0 are organized in a 1-level structureand they are divided into the groups set out in table 8.For easier commissioning the menus are divided into threegroups, Read-out, Setting and Multi Setting. Read-outmenus are only for reading; Setting menus are for settingone parameter and Multi Setting menus are for setting severalparameters which cannot be undone. The menus areselected by navigating backwards and forwards through themenu system. Sub-menus simplify setting but are not availablewhen the corresponding main function is not activated.40 Operation of the softstarter Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

7. Operation of the softstarterFig. 31 <strong>MSF</strong> softstarter models <strong>MSF</strong>-017 to <strong>MSF</strong>-1400.7.1 General description of userinterfaceWARNING! Never operate the softstarter withthe front cover removed.To obtain the required operation, a number of parametersmust be set in the softstarter.Configuration is carried out either from the control panel orby a computer/control system through the serial communicationinterface (option). Controlling the motor i.e. start/stop, selection of parameter set, is done either from the controlpanel, through the remote control inputs or through theserial communication interface (option).Check that you have voltage on the mains contactor or onthe thyristors. Set the motor data, menus [210] to [215], toachieve correct functionality and optimized performance ofthe build-in functions such as torque control, motor protection,shaft power monitor etc.7.2 Control panelSettingWARNING! Make sure that all safety measureshave been taken before switching on thepower supply.Switch on the control supply (normally 1*230 V); all segmentsin the display will be illuminated for a few seconds.Then the display will show menu [100]. An illuminated displayindicates that there is control supply voltage to the softstarter.Fig. 32 Control panel.<strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2 Operation of the softstarter 39

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