Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


5.5 Setting the start commandAs default the softstarter is set up for remote operation viaterminals 11, 12 and 13. For easy commissioning it is possibleto give start and stop signals via the control panel.2 0 0Setting5.7 StartingStart the motor by pressing the “START/STOP” key on thecontrol panel or through the remote control, PCB terminals11, 12 and 13. When the start command is given, the mainscontactor will be activated by relay K1 (softstarter terminals21 and 22), and the motor then starts softly.2Control sourceCurrent (A)Default: 2 (Remote control)Range: 1, 2, 31 Control panel.2 Remote control.3 Serial communication control.FLCParameter [200] must be set to 1 to be able to operate fromcontrol panel.TimeNOTE! Factory default setting is remote control (2).To start and stop from the control panel, the “START/STOP” key is used.To reset from the control panel, the “ENTER /RESET”key is used. A reset can be done both when the motor is runningand when the motor is stopped. A reset by the controlpanel will not start or stop the motor.Fig. 26 Example of start current when the default torque controlis used.5.6 Viewing the motor currentSet the display to menu [100]. Now the motor current canbe viewed on the display.1 0 0Read-outRange:0. 00.0-9999 ACurrentEmotron AB 01-4135-01r2 How to get started 29

30 How to get started Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

5.5 Setting the start commandAs default the softstarter is set up for remote operation viaterminals 11, 12 and 13. For easy commissioning it is possibleto give start and stop signals via the control panel.2 0 0Setting5.7 StartingStart the motor by pressing the “START/STOP” key on thecontrol panel or through the remote control, PCB terminals11, 12 and 13. When the start command is given, the mainscontactor will be activated by relay K1 (softstarter terminals21 and 22), and the motor then starts softly.2Control sourceCurrent (A)Default: 2 (Remote control)Range: 1, 2, 31 Control panel.2 Remote control.3 Serial communication control.FLCParameter [200] must be set to 1 to be able to operate fromcontrol panel.TimeNOTE! Factory default setting is remote control (2).To start and stop from the control panel, the “START/STOP” key is used.To reset from the control panel, the “ENTER /RESET”key is used. A reset can be done both when the motor is runningand when the motor is stopped. A reset by the controlpanel will not start or stop the motor.Fig. 26 Example of start current when the default torque controlis used.5.6 Viewing the motor currentSet the display to menu [100]. Now the motor current canbe viewed on the display.1 0 0Read-outRange:0. 00.0-9999 ACurrent<strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2 How to get started 29

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