Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


Table 27Parameter listMenuno.Function / ParameterRange /SettingsFactorysettingCustomer setting / Parameter set 1-41 2 3 4Page715 Used thermal capacity 0 - 150 % Read-out 94716 Time to next allowed start 0 - 60 min Read-out 94Status720 Softstarter status1 - Stopped, no alarm2 - Stopped, alarm3 - Run with alarm4 - Acceleration5 - Full voltage6 - Deceleration7 - Bypassed8 - PFC9 - Braking10 - Slow speed forward11 - Slow speed reverse12 - Standby (waiting foranalogue start/stop or Autoreset)Read-out 94721 Digital intput status LLLL - HHHH Read-out 94722Analogue / digital input statusL, H Read-out 94723 Analogue / digital input value 0 - 100 % Read-out 95724 Relay status LLL - HHH Read-out 95725 Analogue output value 0 - 100 % Read-out 95Stored values730 Operation time 0 - 9 999 999 h Read-out 95731 Power consumption 0.000 - 2000 MWh Read-out 95732 Reset power consumption no, YES no 95ALARM LIST800 Alarm list, latest error F1 - F17, h Read-out 96801 Alarm list, error 14 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96802 Alarm list, error 13 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96803 Alarm list, error 12 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96804 Alarm list, error 11 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96805 Alarm list, error 10 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96806 Alarm list, error 9 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96807 Alarm list, error 8 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96808 Alarm list, error 7 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96809 Alarm list, error 6 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96810 Alarm list, error 5 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96811 Alarm list, error 4 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96812 Alarm list, error 3 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96813 Alarm list, error 2 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96814 Alarm list, error 1 F1 - F17, h Read-out 96Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Set-up menu list 129

Table 27Parameter listMenuno.Function / ParameterRange /SettingsFactorysettingCustomer setting / Parameter set 1-41 2 3 4PageSOFTSTARTER DATA900 Softstarter model 17 - 1400 A Read-out 96901 Software variant text Same as label Read-out 96902 Software version text Same as label Read-out 96Read-out = Menus only for reading the value/settings.Explanation of units:UInput line voltageU nNominal motor voltage.I nNominal motor current.P nNominal motor power.N nNominal motor speed.T nNominal shaft torque.I nsoft Nominal current softstarter.P nsoft Nominal power softstarter.N nsoft Nominal speed softstarter.Calculation shaft torquePT n n= ----------------------⎛N ------x2π n ⎞⎝60⎠130 Set-up menu list Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

Table 27Parameter listMenuno.Function / ParameterRange /SettingsFactorysettingCustomer setting / Parameter set 1-41 2 3 4PageSOFTSTARTER DATA900 <strong>Softstarter</strong> model 17 - 1400 A Read-out 96901 Software variant text Same as label Read-out 96902 Software version text Same as label Read-out 96Read-out = Menus only for reading the value/settings.Explanation of units:UInput line voltageU nNominal motor voltage.I nNominal motor current.P nNominal motor power.N nNominal motor speed.T nNominal shaft torque.I nsoft Nominal current softstarter.P nsoft Nominal power softstarter.N nsoft Nominal speed softstarter.Calculation shaft torquePT n n= ----------------------⎛N ------x2π n ⎞⎝60⎠130 Set-up menu list <strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2

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