Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


Observation Fault indication Cause SolutionThe motor is runningbut an alarm isgiven.The motor jerks etc.The monitor functiondoes not work.F12(Shorted thyristor)F15(Serial communication contactbroken)When starting, motor reachesfull speed but it jerks orvibrates.Starting or stopping time toolong.No alarm or pre-alarmPerhaps a damaged thyristor.Bypass contactor is used butparameter [340] ’Bypass’ is notset to “on”.Serial communication contact broken.If “Torque control” or “Pump control”is selected, it is necessary toinput motor data into the system.When stop command is given, a freewheelstop is made. Initiate a resetand a restart. If alarm F14 appearsimmediately, contact your local MSFsales outlet.If the motor must be started urgently,the softstarter can start the motordirect on-line (DOL). Set the startmethod to DOL in this case (parameter[310]=4).Set parameter [340] Bypass to on.Initiate a reset and try to establishcontact. Check contacts, cables andoption board.Verify- Serial communication unit address[270].- Baudrate [271].- Parity [272].If the fault is not found, run themotor from the control panel ifurgent, see also manual for serialcommunication.Configure nominal motor data inmenus [210]-[215]. Select theproper torque control alternative inmenu [310] (linear or square)according to the load characteristic.Select a correct initial- and endtorque at start in menus [311] and[312]. If ’Bypass’ is selected, checkthat the current transformers arecorrectly connected.Start time too short. Increase start time [315].If voltage control is used as startmethod, the initial voltage at startAdjust initial voltage at start [311].may be too low. Starting voltageincorrectly set.Motor too small in relation to ratedcurrent of softstarter.Motor too large in relation to loadof softstarter.Starting voltage not setcorrectly.Ramp times not set correctly.Motor too large or too small inrelation to load.It is necessary to input nominalmotor data for this function.Incorrect alarm margins or normalload.Use a smaller model of the softstarter.Use larger model of softstarter.Readjust the start ramp.Select the current limit function.Readjust the start and/or stop ramptime.Change to another motor size.Input nominal motor data in menus[210]-[215]. Adjust alarm marginsand normal load in menus [402] -[412]. Use Auto set [411] if needed.If a Bypass contactor is used, checkthat the current transformers arecorrectly connected.Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Troubleshooting 103

Observation Fault indication Cause SolutionUnexplainablealarm.The system seemslocked in an alarm.F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 Alarm delay time is too short.F2(Thermal motor protection)F3(Softstarter overheated)PTC input terminal could be open.Motor could still be too warm.If internal motor protection isused, the cooling in the internalmodel may take some time.Ambient temperature to high.Perhaps fan failure.Adjust the response delay times forthe alarms in menus [229], [404],[410], [432], [435] and [438].PTC input terminal should be shortcircuit if not used. Wait until motorPTC gives an OK (not overheated) signal.Wait until the internal cooling isdone. Try to restart after a while.Check that cables from power partare connected in terminals 71 to 74.MSF-017 to MSF-250 should have ajumper between terminals 71 and72. Check also that the fan(s) is (are)rotating.104 Troubleshooting Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

Observation Fault indication Cause SolutionThe motor is runningbut an alarm isgiven.The motor jerks etc.The monitor functiondoes not work.F12(Shorted thyristor)F15(Serial communication contactbroken)When starting, motor reachesfull speed but it jerks orvibrates.Starting or stopping time toolong.No alarm or pre-alarmPerhaps a damaged thyristor.Bypass contactor is used butparameter [340] ’Bypass’ is notset to “on”.Serial communication contact broken.If “Torque control” or “Pump control”is selected, it is necessary toinput motor data into the system.When stop command is given, a freewheelstop is made. Initiate a resetand a restart. If alarm F14 appearsimmediately, contact your local <strong>MSF</strong>sales outlet.If the motor must be started urgently,the softstarter can start the motordirect on-line (DOL). Set the startmethod to DOL in this case (parameter[310]=4).Set parameter [340] Bypass to on.Initiate a reset and try to establishcontact. Check contacts, cables andoption board.Verify- Serial communication unit address[270].- Baudrate [271].- Parity [272].If the fault is not found, run themotor from the control panel ifurgent, see also manual for serialcommunication.Configure nominal motor data inmenus [210]-[215]. Select theproper torque control alternative inmenu [310] (linear or square)according to the load characteristic.Select a correct initial- and endtorque at start in menus [311] and[312]. If ’Bypass’ is selected, checkthat the current transformers arecorrectly connected.Start time too short. Increase start time [315].If voltage control is used as startmethod, the initial voltage at startAdjust initial voltage at start [311].may be too low. Starting voltageincorrectly set.Motor too small in relation to ratedcurrent of softstarter.Motor too large in relation to loadof softstarter.Starting voltage not setcorrectly.Ramp times not set correctly.Motor too large or too small inrelation to load.It is necessary to input nominalmotor data for this function.Incorrect alarm margins or normalload.Use a smaller model of the softstarter.Use larger model of softstarter.Readjust the start ramp.Select the current limit function.Readjust the start and/or stop ramptime.Change to another motor size.Input nominal motor data in menus[210]-[215]. Adjust alarm marginsand normal load in menus [402] -[412]. Use Auto set [411] if needed.If a Bypass contactor is used, checkthat the current transformers arecorrectly connected.<strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2 Troubleshooting 103

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