Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter

Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter Emotron MSF 2.0 Softstarter


9. Protection and alarmMSF 2.0 is equipped with functions for motor protection,process protection and protection of the softstarter itself.9.1 Alarm codesDifferent alarm codes are used for the different errors, seeTable 17 for a description of the alarm codes used. When analarm occurs, this is indicated with the appropriate alarmmessage flashing in the display. If more than one alarm isactive at the same time, the alarm code for the last alarm ispresented on the display. The alarm code for each occurringalarm is also saved in the alarm list in menus [800] to [814].9.2 Alarm actionsFor most protection methods a proper action can be chosento be performed if the relevant alarm occurs. The followingalternatives are available as alarm actions (all alternativesmay not be available for all protection methods - checkTable 17):OffThe alarm is deactivated.WarningThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an the alarm occurs. However, the motor is not stoppedand operation continues. The alarm message in the displaywill disappear and the relay will be reset when the alarm hasdisappeared. The alarm may also be reset manually. This settingalternative may be useful if it is desired to control operationin alarm state by an external control unit.CoastThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an the alarm occurs. The motor voltage is automaticallyswitched off. The motor is freewheels until it stops.This setting alternative is useful if continuous running oractive stopping could harm the process or the motor. Thismay be applicable for applications with very high inertia thatuse braking as the normal stop method. In this case it maybe a good idea to choose Coast as alarm action on thermalmotor protection alarm, because continuous running orbraking could harm the motor seriously when this alarm hasoccurred.StopThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an alarm occurs. The motor is stopped according to thestop settings in menus [320] to [325].This setting is useful for applications where a correct stop isimportant. This may apply to most pump applications, asCoast as an alarm action could cause water hammer.Alarm BrakeThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an alarm occurs. The brake function is activated accordingto the braking method chosen in menu [323] and the motoris stopped according to the alarm brake settings in menus[326] to [327] (braking strength and braking time). If alarmbraking is deactivated in menu [326] and Alarm Brake ischosen as an alarm action, the action will be the same asdescribed above for Coast.Alarm Brake as an alarm action may mainly be used in combinationwith External alarm, where an external signal isused to initiate a quick stop with a higher braking strengthand a shorter braking time compared to normal operation.SpinbrakeThe functionality for the Spinbrake alternative is the same asdescribed above for the Alarm Brake alternative. However, ifSpinbrake is chosen, braking can also be initiated from aninactive state. This means the softstarter can catch a freewheelingmotor and brake it down to standstill.The Spinbrake alternative is only available for Externalalarm. It may be useful e.g. for test running of planers andbandsaws after tool exchange. It may be desirable to acceleratethe tool up to a specific speed and then leave it coastingto check if there is any unbalance. In this case it is possible toactivate braking immediately by opening the external input.In Table 17 below the alarm actions available for each alarmtype are specified in detail.9.3 ResetFor the following explanations it is important to distinguishbetween Reset and Restart. Reset means that the alarm messageon the display disappears and the alarm relay K3 (fordefault configuration of the relays) is deactivated. If theoperation has been interrupted due to an alarm the softstarteris prepared for a Restart. However, giving a Reset signalwithout giving a new start signal will never lead to astart.The Reset signal can be given via control panel, remotely orvia serial communication depending on the control sourcechosen in menu [200]. Regardless of the chosen controlmethod, it is always possible to give a Reset signal via controlpanel.If an alarm occurs whose alarm action is configured forWarning (see description of alarm actions above), the alarmwill automatically be reset as soon as the failure disappears.The alarm may also be reset manually by giving a Reset signalas described above.If operation has been interrupted due to an alarm, a Resetsignal and a new start signal may be needed to Restart themotor. However, some alarms are automatically reset when anew start signal is given. Table 17 covers all alarm types andEmotron AB 01-4135-01r2 Protection and alarm 97

whether they need a Reset signal (manual reset) or if they arereset automatically when a new start signal is given.An alarm can always be reset by giving a Reset signal, even ifthe failure that caused the alarm has not disappeared yet.Giving a Reset will cause the alarm message on the display todisappear and the alarm relay K3 to be deactivated (fordefault configuration of the relays). However, if operationhas been interrupted due to an alarm, a Restart will not bepossible until the failure has disappeared. If a new start signalis given while the failure still is active, the alarm messagewill appear flashing in the display and the alarm relay K3will be activated again (for default configuration of therelays).MSF 2.0 is also provided with an Auto reset function. Thisfunctionality is described in detail in section 8.5, page 52.9.4 Alarm overviewTable 17Alarm overviewF1F2AlarmcodeAlarm description Alarm action Protection system ResetPhase input failure.Thermal motor protectionWarningCoastOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeMotor protection(menu [230])Motor protection(menu [220])Automatic Reset when new start signal isgiven.Separate Reset signal needed.F3 Soft start overheated Coast Separate Reset signal needed.F4F5F6F7F8F9F10Current limit start timeexpired.Locked rotor alarm.Max power alarm.Min power alarm.Voltage unbalancealarm.Overvoltage alarm.Undervoltage alarm.OffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeOffWarningCoastOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeOffWarningCoastStopAlarm BrakeMotor protection(menu [231])Motor protection(menu [228])Process protection(menu [400])Process protection(menu [401])Process protection(menu [430])Process protection(menu [433])Process protection(menu [436])Automatic Reset when new start signal isgiven.Separate Reset signal needed.Separate Reset signal needed.Separate Reset signal needed.Automatic Reset when new start signal isgiven.Automatic Reset when new start signal isgiven.Automatic Reset when new start signal isgiven.98 Protection and alarm Emotron AB 01-4135-01r2

9. Protection and alarm<strong>MSF</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> is equipped with functions for motor protection,process protection and protection of the softstarter itself.9.1 Alarm codesDifferent alarm codes are used for the different errors, seeTable 17 for a description of the alarm codes used. When analarm occurs, this is indicated with the appropriate alarmmessage flashing in the display. If more than one alarm isactive at the same time, the alarm code for the last alarm ispresented on the display. The alarm code for each occurringalarm is also saved in the alarm list in menus [800] to [814].9.2 Alarm actionsFor most protection methods a proper action can be chosento be performed if the relevant alarm occurs. The followingalternatives are available as alarm actions (all alternativesmay not be available for all protection methods - checkTable 17):OffThe alarm is deactivated.WarningThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an the alarm occurs. However, the motor is not stoppedand operation continues. The alarm message in the displaywill disappear and the relay will be reset when the alarm hasdisappeared. The alarm may also be reset manually. This settingalternative may be useful if it is desired to control operationin alarm state by an external control unit.CoastThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an the alarm occurs. The motor voltage is automaticallyswitched off. The motor is freewheels until it stops.This setting alternative is useful if continuous running oractive stopping could harm the process or the motor. Thismay be applicable for applications with very high inertia thatuse braking as the normal stop method. In this case it maybe a good idea to choose Coast as alarm action on thermalmotor protection alarm, because continuous running orbraking could harm the motor seriously when this alarm hasoccurred.StopThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an alarm occurs. The motor is stopped according to thestop settings in menus [320] to [325].This setting is useful for applications where a correct stop isimportant. This may apply to most pump applications, asCoast as an alarm action could cause water hammer.Alarm BrakeThe appropriate alarm code is flashing in the display andrelay K3 is activated (for default configuration of the relays)if an alarm occurs. The brake function is activated accordingto the braking method chosen in menu [323] and the motoris stopped according to the alarm brake settings in menus[326] to [327] (braking strength and braking time). If alarmbraking is deactivated in menu [326] and Alarm Brake ischosen as an alarm action, the action will be the same asdescribed above for Coast.Alarm Brake as an alarm action may mainly be used in combinationwith External alarm, where an external signal isused to initiate a quick stop with a higher braking strengthand a shorter braking time compared to normal operation.SpinbrakeThe functionality for the Spinbrake alternative is the same asdescribed above for the Alarm Brake alternative. However, ifSpinbrake is chosen, braking can also be initiated from aninactive state. This means the softstarter can catch a freewheelingmotor and brake it down to standstill.The Spinbrake alternative is only available for Externalalarm. It may be useful e.g. for test running of planers andbandsaws after tool exchange. It may be desirable to acceleratethe tool up to a specific speed and then leave it coastingto check if there is any unbalance. In this case it is possible toactivate braking immediately by opening the external input.In Table 17 below the alarm actions available for each alarmtype are specified in detail.9.3 ResetFor the following explanations it is important to distinguishbetween Reset and Restart. Reset means that the alarm messageon the display disappears and the alarm relay K3 (fordefault configuration of the relays) is deactivated. If theoperation has been interrupted due to an alarm the softstarteris prepared for a Restart. However, giving a Reset signalwithout giving a new start signal will never lead to astart.The Reset signal can be given via control panel, remotely orvia serial communication depending on the control sourcechosen in menu [200]. Regardless of the chosen controlmethod, it is always possible to give a Reset signal via controlpanel.If an alarm occurs whose alarm action is configured forWarning (see description of alarm actions above), the alarmwill automatically be reset as soon as the failure disappears.The alarm may also be reset manually by giving a Reset signalas described above.If operation has been interrupted due to an alarm, a Resetsignal and a new start signal may be needed to Restart themotor. However, some alarms are automatically reset when anew start signal is given. Table 17 covers all alarm types and<strong>Emotron</strong> AB 01-4135-01r2 Protection and alarm 97

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