Network Working Group R. Fielding Request for Comments: 2616 ...

Network Working Group R. Fielding Request for Comments: 2616 ...

Network Working Group R. Fielding Request for Comments: 2616 ...


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14.14 Content-LocationThe Content-Location entity-header field MAY be used to supply theresource location <strong>for</strong> the entity enclosed in the message when thatentity is accessible from a location separate from the requestedresource's URI. A server SHOULD provide a Content-Location <strong>for</strong> thevariant corresponding to the response entity; especially in the casewhere a resource has multiple entities associated with it, and thoseentities actually have separate locations by which they might beindividually accessed, the server SHOULD provide a Content-Location<strong>for</strong> the particular variant which is returned.Content-Location = "Content-Location" ":"( absoluteURI | relativeURI )The value of Content-Location also defines the base URI <strong>for</strong> theentity.The Content-Location value is not a replacement <strong>for</strong> the originalrequested URI; it is only a statement of the location of the resourcecorresponding to this particular entity at the time of the request.Future requests MAY specify the Content-Location URI as the request-URI if the desire is to identify the source of that particularentity.A cache cannot assume that an entity with a Content-Locationdifferent from the URI used to retrieve it can be used to respond tolater requests on that Content-Location URI. However, the Content-Location can be used to differentiate between multiple entitiesretrieved from a single requested resource, as described in section13.6.If the Content-Location is a relative URI, the relative URI isinterpreted relative to the <strong>Request</strong>-URI.The meaning of the Content-Location header in PUT or POST requests isundefined; servers are free to ignore it in those cases.<strong>Fielding</strong>, et al. Standards Track [Page 120]RFC <strong>2616</strong> HTTP/1.1 June 199914.15 Content-MD5The Content-MD5 entity-header field, as defined in RFC 1864 [23], isan MD5 digest of the entity-body <strong>for</strong> the purpose of providing anend-to-end message integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body. (Note: a

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