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shut down for several weeks in May <strong>and</strong>June, 2003, including portions <strong>of</strong> theparking area near the top <strong>of</strong> the ramp.They will also occupy marina docks <strong>and</strong>boats on moorings. Working with federal<strong>and</strong> state personnel, experiments thatseemed to work included gently hosing<strong>of</strong>f the docks near the sea lions, jinglingcar keys on a key chain, <strong>and</strong> spinningbuoys on the docks in front <strong>of</strong> theanimals.It was also learned that the sea lions arehighly intelligent <strong>and</strong> are able toaccommodate new experiences(spinning buoys) once they realize thatthey will not be harmed or undulyinconvenienced. So, what worked thisweek may not work next week, or nextyear. It is a ongoing problem that mustbe addressed as a moving target. Thiscan be a seasonal problem to someextent, <strong>and</strong> some years seem to beworse than others. The population <strong>of</strong> sealions is declining worldwide, but isgrowing in the Monterey/Central<strong>California</strong> coastline areas.Sea Lions on Boarding FloatsSea Lions at Pier 39 Marina - San FranciscoThe sea lions are notorious for fouling any area that they stay in for any length <strong>of</strong>time. They can occupy a dock or large boat(s) for days or weeks, <strong>and</strong> leave behindserious cleanup chores. Therefore, harbor staff must clean the boat ramp, docks,boat slips, etc. in preparation for allowing public use to resume when the sea lionsmigrate to other locations as their available food resources change.......................................................................C3.1 Minimum <strong>and</strong> Maximum Freeboard under DL only.Commentary:The minimum freeboard is to be sufficient to prevent walers, fender boards <strong>and</strong>utility lines from being in direct contact with the water surface under still-waterconditions. It is advisable to provide a minimum 4 inch freeboard to the bottom <strong>of</strong> allwalers <strong>and</strong> fender boards. This will extend the service life <strong>of</strong> these dockcomponents that are so exposed to intermittent wet <strong>and</strong> dry conditions in the splashzone just above the waterline.It is to be understood that these freeboard guidelines are general, <strong>and</strong> are intendedto address typical recreational boat/berth needs <strong>and</strong> conditions found in <strong>California</strong>marinas. Where unique needs <strong>and</strong> conditions exist, freeboard specifications mayAppendix A -- Section C Commentary - Page 77

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