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pdf download - Sustainia pdf download - Sustainia


Légende 3140 SponsorsSummary reportSponsorsMain Sponsor"The World Business Summit represents one of the clearest indications of the changein attitude towards the climate challenge that has been taking place within thebusiness community over the last couple of years. I am convinced that the call fromCopenhagen to take action, will contribute to catalyzing the bold political decisionsthat we need to transform our fossil based societies."Anders Eldrup, President and Chief Executive Officer, DONG EnergyStrategic Partner"Climate Consortium Denmark has participated in the World Business Summit onClimate Change in order to strengthen awareness of Danish competences and solutionsin the cleantech area nationally as well as internationally. For Denmark, as anexporting country, it has been a golden opportunity to show international leadersDanish business competences in the area, of climate and energy and the hope is thatthe summit will create the basis of future investments in Danish climate and energyfriendly technology. Furthermore the World Business Summit sends a clear signal tothe Danish business community that even though we are a small nation we can stillbe a frontrunner within green technology, and lead the way in solving some of theworld’s most pressing challenges."Finn Mortensen, Executive Director, Climate Consortium DenmarkGreening Partner“We're happy to be part of the initiative, bringing the aviation industry together intoa high-profile event like the World Business Summit on Climate Change. We participatedin a process with IATA in order to assemble the airline industry’s constructiverecommendations for policymakers to achieve a sustainable global solution for aviationin time for COP15 in Copenhagen in December. At the Summit, we convened themain players in our industry and demonstrated that we are seriously committed toa sustainable future. It is important to us that the message that the need for a globalframework that encompasses our industry will be heard by decision-makers and bythe public. I am convinced that aviation will continue to play a natural and vital rolein bringing people and markets together – both socially and economically. Aviationhas a crucial importance for continued globalization.”Mats Jansson, Chief Executive Officer, SAS GroupLégende 1Légende 2Summit Partners“The World Business Summit on Climate Change sends a clear signal to governmentthat business would welcome their leadership and stands ready to respond. Governmentsare the only ones who can ensure the legal framework the private sector needsto do what it is able to do best – innovate in a cost-effective way to ensure de-carbonizedpower generation. The Summit provided the unique opportunity for business toformulate and deliver a common message to governments who will make these keydecisions and establish the regulatory framework for the future. Climate change is aglobal problem with no local solutions. Therefore, Alstom Power believes that it is ourcommon responsibility to act today. The Summit – and in particular the developmentof ‘The Copenhagen Call’ – confirmed the genuine desire of business to work togetherto provide the solutions to address this truly global issue. All participants agreed thatwhat is now required is political leadership that will enable business to deliver.”Philippe Joubert, Executive Vice President, Alstom, and President, Alstom Power

Summary report Sponsors 41“Climate change is happening right now and things are only expected to get worsein the future. Luckily, we have the technologies to help counter this threat at ourdisposal already today – and accordingly, we have a responsibility to act. Biotechnologyis one of those technologies that offer a tremendous opportunity to mitigate GHGemissions cost effectively here and now. I hope that our participation in the WorldBusiness Summit on Climate Change helped to get this message across to policymakersgathering at COP15 in December 2009. There is no more time to waste.”Steen Riisgaard, Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes“At Novo Nordisk, we want to demonstrate that the transformation to a carbon-neutraleconomy is not only possible, but offers a promise of economic growth for societyand profitable returns for business. We have demonstrated in practice many examplesof innovations towards carbon-neutral business solutions. And we have conveyed aclear message that government, business and science must work together: Given along-term, stable framework, a clear target and policies and incentives to stimulateinitiatives from business, we as businesses will and can deliver the solutions that willenable us to meet the targets. The Copenhagen Call marks an important milestonefor the two years of work in the Copenhagen Climate Council. What we saw duringthe Summit is that climate is now recognized as a strategic issue. And it may well bea lever to begin to talk sustainability in a broader context in executive teams and onboards. It is important to remember that for many business leaders this is a new agendaand a new reality they have to face. That is what made the Summit unique – that iswhere I think we all felt a sea change happening in that very moment.”Lise Kingo, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staffs, Novo NordiskSummit Sponsors"Gathering leaders from responsible and engaged companies to discuss the climatechallenges was an excellent and necessary initiative. It is the companies which aregoing to bring forward the possible solutions and thus commit ourselves to more sustainableinnovation and production in future. It has been a good opportunity for usbusiness people to be in dialogue with each other and with politicians and organizationsabout visions and actions which are reaching further than COP15 in December. Iam convinced that the event has inspired even more people to participate in the fightagainst climate changes."Carsten Bjerg, Chief Executive Officer, GrundfosMasdar, wholly owned by the Mubadala Development Company (Mubadala), is AbuDhabi’s multi-faceted initiative in the development and commercialization of renewableenergy and sustainable technology. Masdar addresses the entire value chain ofrenewable energy and sustainability through its various business units that includeUtilities and Asset Management, Carbon Management, Property Development, Industriesand Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. It also hosts a global platformfor collaboration for the renewable industry annually in Abu Dhabi under the bannerof the World Future Energy Summit. Masdar is developing a portfolio of solutionsthat includes a range of carbon monetisation and renewable utilities projects both inAbu Dhabi and abroad. In parallel, the company is investing in a number of innovativecleantech companies to further develop and deploy their technologies; it has alsoformed partnerships with several companies, some of which have resulted in jointventures on large scale projects. The biggest project currently underway is MasdarCity, a carbon-neutral, zero-waste cleantech hub fully powered by renewable sourcesof energy. Abu Dhabi is leveraging its substantial resources and experience in globalenergy markets into the technologies of the future. The key objective of Masdar isto assist in the economic diversification of Abu Dhabi; positioning it as a world-classresearch and development hub for new energy technologies and maintaining theEmirate’s position in future energy markets.

Légende 3140 SponsorsSummary reportSponsorsMain Sponsor"The World Business Summit represents one of the clearest indications of the changein attitude towards the climate challenge that has been taking place within thebusiness community over the last couple of years. I am convinced that the call fromCopenhagen to take action, will contribute to catalyzing the bold political decisionsthat we need to transform our fossil based societies."Anders Eldrup, President and Chief Executive Officer, DONG EnergyStrategic Partner"Climate Consortium Denmark has participated in the World Business Summit onClimate Change in order to strengthen awareness of Danish competences and solutionsin the cleantech area nationally as well as internationally. For Denmark, as anexporting country, it has been a golden opportunity to show international leadersDanish business competences in the area, of climate and energy and the hope is thatthe summit will create the basis of future investments in Danish climate and energyfriendly technology. Furthermore the World Business Summit sends a clear signal tothe Danish business community that even though we are a small nation we can stillbe a frontrunner within green technology, and lead the way in solving some of theworld’s most pressing challenges."Finn Mortensen, Executive Director, Climate Consortium DenmarkGreening Partner“We're happy to be part of the initiative, bringing the aviation industry together intoa high-profile event like the World Business Summit on Climate Change. We participatedin a process with IATA in order to assemble the airline industry’s constructiverecommendations for policymakers to achieve a sustainable global solution for aviationin time for COP15 in Copenhagen in December. At the Summit, we convened themain players in our industry and demonstrated that we are seriously committed toa sustainable future. It is important to us that the message that the need for a globalframework that encompasses our industry will be heard by decision-makers and bythe public. I am convinced that aviation will continue to play a natural and vital rolein bringing people and markets together – both socially and economically. Aviationhas a crucial importance for continued globalization.”Mats Jansson, Chief Executive Officer, SAS GroupLégende 1Légende 2Summit Partners“The World Business Summit on Climate Change sends a clear signal to governmentthat business would welcome their leadership and stands ready to respond. Governmentsare the only ones who can ensure the legal framework the private sector needsto do what it is able to do best – innovate in a cost-effective way to ensure de-carbonizedpower generation. The Summit provided the unique opportunity for business toformulate and deliver a common message to governments who will make these keydecisions and establish the regulatory framework for the future. Climate change is aglobal problem with no local solutions. Therefore, Alstom Power believes that it is ourcommon responsibility to act today. The Summit – and in particular the developmentof ‘The Copenhagen Call’ – confirmed the genuine desire of business to work togetherto provide the solutions to address this truly global issue. All participants agreed thatwhat is now required is political leadership that will enable business to deliver.”Philippe Joubert, Executive Vice President, Alstom, and President, Alstom Power

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