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Summary report About PlanetCall 39Ban Ki-Moon calls onyouth to “shame us intoaction”Youth calls on COP15 for action to safeguard our planet.A Copenhagen Climate Council initiative.What is PlanettCall?. PlanetCall is the single best onlineplatform for youth to unite and engage with those passionateabout safeguarding the planet. The website is alsothe best place for youth to go for solutions and to influencethose responsible for the formation of a successfulnew climate treaty in Copenhagen in December.PlanetCall is an initiative of the Copenhagen ClimateCouncil and Monday Morning. It aims to demonstratethat the next generation has ambitions for a cleanerworld and the imagination to help build it. The initiativewas launched at the World Business Summit on ClimateChange by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and DanishMinister for Climate and Energy Connie Hedegaard.“You can say ‘Help us make the futuresafer and more sustainable’ and youcan urge your governments to supporta fair and effective agreement. Remindthem of their moral responsibility. Getinvolved. Get mobilized. Inspire uswith your passion, even shame us intoaction.”His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon, SecretaryGeneral, United Nationsand technologies available. A PlanetCall book is also inthe making, presenting a blueprint for a new sustainablesociety.In order to begin discussions, selected groups of expertsand business people have been invited to give short videotalks on planetcall.org. Videos of R.K. Pachauri, ConnieHedegaard, Tim Flannery, Peter Head, and Shai Agassiwill soon appear on the site, with others to follow.Delivering results. PlanetCall offers the opportunity tosign the PlanetCall Declaration. The Copenhagen ClimateCouncil and Monday Morning will present thesesignatures along with a selection of calls to the DanishGovernment, host of COP15, and to the United Nationsin December 2009. This will stress next generation´sdemands for and willingness to support a new globalclimate change treaty.This project is supported by businesses and foundations,including Realdania, Grontmij | Carl Bro, LEGO, Arup, andthe Danish Association of Engineers (IDA).For more information please visit: www.planetcall.orgThe audience included representatives of youth associations,all members of PlanetCall´s Advisory Board:AIESEC, China Youth Climate Action Network, EnergyAction Coalition, Energy Crossroads, and India YouthClimate Network.An ideal complement to the Summit. The CopenhagenClimate Council and Monday Morning believe thatyouth can help accelerate the movement towards a newindustrial revolution and a low-carbon economy by demonstratingtheir willingness to adopt new solutions andencourage the efforts of business and science.A call to action. PlanetCall.org offers the opportunityto post a call. Calls are proposed solutions, thoughts, orcomments. A call is a declaration that others can buildon. These calls can also be sent to social networking sites.Visitors to PlanetCall.org can explore what the futurecould be if we implemented the most advanced ideasThe PlanetCall Declaration“The future of humankind depends on the actionsof THIS generation. We are (#) youth havingcommitted ourselves to reduce carbon emissionsnow, and we encourage all nations to sign an ambitiousglobal climate treaty at the U.N. ClimateChange Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen inDecember 2009. Only through significant actionthat takes the recommendations of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC) intoaccount can we ensure that OUR future will beprosperous, clean and secure for us, our childrenand our home, the Earth. Act now, sign thePlanet Call statement, forward it to your friends,make your voice heard, and let us together createthe future we desire and require so that we areremembered as the (#) faces of courage, wonder,and hope.”

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