Lowline Journal 2012 - Australian Lowline Cattle Association

Lowline Journal 2012 - Australian Lowline Cattle Association

Lowline Journal 2012 - Australian Lowline Cattle Association


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PROMOTION GROUPSRegional successesNSWNEW SOUTH WALESLAST year was a quieter year for theNSW Promotion Group. There wereno major shows to organise, so it wasbusiness as usual.We started off with MurrumbatemanField Days in southern NSW. This is alwaysa large field day that is very successful forus.But Mother Nature made it a little moredifficult, delivering snow on the first daywith strong winds and rain.So the first day was quiet, but everyonecame back on the second day, which wasmuch better.We also had the Clarendon Field Days atHawkesbury, which is a small farms fieldday.This is always very good for our groupand a lot of sales leads and informationcome from this event.February saw the start of our mainshows for the year with Royal CanberraShow.This is usually a very exciting time foreveryone and it is a great big country show.But unfortunately, it was also a sad timefor all with news that one of NSW’s mostsuccessful breeders, Tammy Breuer, hadpassed away.Tammy was a driving force in NSW asshe did a lot in the youth area, teachingnumerous children how to handle cattle,look after them and show them.‘Thank you to ourpromotion groupexecutive for a greatyear and we all lookforward to a verysuccessful <strong>2012</strong>.’She will be greatly missed by NSW andby the entire breed. RIP Tammy Breuer.Between Canberra Show and SydneyShow there are a lot of smaller shows, andthere are more after Sydney Show as well.<strong>Lowline</strong> cattle are always well representedat these shows, and it is not uncommonfor our numbers to exceed most of theother breeds.Sydney Show is always well representedwith about 50 animals each year. Aftersome tattooing issues in the inspections,everything went well.Some good cattle were on display for ahealthy crowd watching the judging.NSW is at a stage where we need to buildon our membership to be able to stayafloat. In the coming year we are runningour National Show for <strong>2012</strong> in Canberra,and then a feature show in Hawkesbury.So more people need to be involved forthis all to work. We welcome sponsorsInternational Animal Health (ChrisLawlor) and FRG Bagnall (Joe Scicluna –DS <strong>Lowline</strong>s). <strong>Australian</strong> Stockyards(Goulburn) has also come on board for<strong>2012</strong>.We really appreciate their support forour promotion group and look forward topromoting their companies throughout theyear.I would like to thank all those who havesupported the NSW Promotion Groupthroughout the year. We appreciate yourassistance. Thank-you to ALCA Council foralso supporting NSW.Thank you to our promotion group executivefor a great year and we all look forwardto a very successful <strong>2012</strong> where wewill be celebrating 20 years of <strong>Lowline</strong>cattle. – PAUL PHILLIPS, President, NSW PromotionGroup.SOUTH AUSTRALIASOUTH AUSTRALIANMY name is Colin Millard and I am the currentpresident of the South <strong>Australian</strong><strong>Lowline</strong> Promotion Group.I assumed this position at our annualgeneral meeting held in September 2011. Iwould like to thank Darren Watkins for hisleadership over the past two years – a jobwell done.● To p81578875<strong>2012</strong> AUSTRALIAN LOWLINE CATTLE ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 7

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