Simulation of Circuit Reliability with RelXpert

Simulation of Circuit Reliability with RelXpert Simulation of Circuit Reliability with RelXpert


RelXpert Model Extraction• Elements Used to Extract a RelXpert Model:– SPICE model for fresh (un-aged) transistor• Standard model provided by TI’s SPICE Modeling Lab– Transistor reliability specifications– Reliability data:• impact ionization current (I b )• Id-Vd and Id-Vg data over time from aged siliconSeptember 22, 2005Slide 8

RelXpert Model Extraction Steps:1. Model transistor aging due to NBTI – PMOS only.2. Model impact ionization current, since it will be the monitor for HCIdegradation.3. Model the aging due to HCI.4. Model the change in key BSIM3 or BSIM4 model parameters, forexample, threshold voltage (VTH0) and low-field mobility (U0), as afunction of NBTI and HCI aging. (AgeMOS Model)5. Ensure models align to reliability specifications (anchor points).RelXpert will generate an aged SPICE model for each transistor based onits particular degradation from circuit operation.September 22, 2005Slide 9

<strong>RelXpert</strong> Model Extraction Steps:1. Model transistor aging due to NBTI – PMOS only.2. Model impact ionization current, since it will be the monitor for HCIdegradation.3. Model the aging due to HCI.4. Model the change in key BSIM3 or BSIM4 model parameters, forexample, threshold voltage (VTH0) and low-field mobility (U0), as afunction <strong>of</strong> NBTI and HCI aging. (AgeMOS Model)5. Ensure models align to reliability specifications (anchor points).<strong>RelXpert</strong> will generate an aged SPICE model for each transistor based onits particular degradation from circuit operation.September 22, 2005Slide 9

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