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was innocent of this but BABA was adamant and insisted that Deocommitted the theft. He hurled all kinds of abuses to Deo and eventhreatened to kill and bury Deo in HIS masjid and insisted that the ragsbe found anyhow. After an hour, BABA on HIS own asked him to goto the Wada. Deo returned and once again BABA called him over to HISDwarkamayi and though BABA remarked to another devotee of HISthat H's had been unduly harsh and stern at Deo, but the fact that asthe latter (Deo) had committed the theft, it had to be accounted for.When Deo went to the Masjid, BABA again asked him for 12/- Deocollected that amount and paid it. Then BABA enquired of him as towhat he was engaged in. On knowing that Deo was idle, BABA asked himto read the Janeshwari Gita and added that when He was there to Deo thewhole gold embroidered Shella' (valuable cloth) why should he steal? Bystealing, BABA meant making piece meal inquiries to other devoteesabout spiritual texts by avoiding HIM when HS was HIMSELF there tosolve all Deo's difficulties. Why needlessly ask others was BABA's point.Deo was much pleased to hear the words of Shri Sai andimmediately began reading the Janeshwari . However, BABA's blessings didnot end here and extended even further. Just two months after that i.e. on2nd April, 1914, on Thursday morning, BABA appeared to Deo in a dreamand asked him whether he understood the Pothi. On Deo' s reply in thenegative, BABA asked him the reason which Deo said that unless HE(BABA) blesses him, how can he read with concentration. BABAthereupon instructed him to read the Adhyatma (Spiritualism) and as Deowent to fetch the book, BABA vanished from the dream and he woke up.Deo was filled with ineffable joy and bliss after this.(From SHRI SAI SATCHARITA Chapter 41)COMMENTARY

It is apparent that Deo's mind was fickle as a result of which hecould not read the Jnaneshwari Gita. By SHRI SAI asking him forrepeated dakshina, it implied two things(1) That Deo’ s mind was fickle and wavery and to calm it, BABA tookdakshina and neutrallisad the mental problem. By force of ‘prarabdh" ordestiny, Deo's mind was fickle and this taking of dakshina was the solution tohis watery mind. BABA knew this as the only remedy for Deo.(2) Very often, certain texts are so difficult that an ordinaryintellect is unable to grasp in this respect, the blessings of the Sad guruare most important and to have the SADGURU 1 s blessings, giving ofdakshina is a must.The stealing of the rags as mentioned is a clear lesson to Deo thatBABA would HIMSELF take care of the needs of HIS devotees inevery way. Thus, for all of us, we must take recourse to the feet ofSHRI SAI AND AVOID GOING HITHER AND THITHER FOR SOLUTIONS TO YOURPROBLEMS.

was innocent of this but <strong>BABA</strong> was adamant and insisted that Deocommitted the theft. He hurled all kinds of abuses to Deo and eventhreatened to kill and bury Deo in HIS masjid and insisted that the ragsbe found anyhow. After an hour, <strong>BABA</strong> on HIS own asked him to goto the Wada. Deo returned and once again <strong>BABA</strong> called him over to HISDwarkamayi and though <strong>BABA</strong> remarked to another devotee of HISthat H's had been unduly harsh and stern at Deo, but the fact that asthe latter (Deo) had committed the theft, it had to be accounted for.When Deo went to the Masjid, <strong>BABA</strong> again asked him for 12/- Deocollected that amount and paid it. Then <strong>BABA</strong> enquired of him as towhat he was engaged in. On knowing that Deo was idle, <strong>BABA</strong> asked himto read the Janeshwari Gita and added that when He was there to Deo thewhole gold embroidered Shella' (valuable cloth) why should he steal? Bystealing, <strong>BABA</strong> meant making piece meal inquiries to other devoteesabout spiritual texts by avoiding HIM when HS was HIMSELF there tosolve all Deo's difficulties. Why needlessly ask others was <strong>BABA</strong>'s point.Deo was much pleased to hear the words of Shri Sai andimmediately began reading the Janeshwari . However, <strong>BABA</strong>'s blessings didnot end here and extended even further. Just two months after that i.e. on2nd April, 1914, on Thursday morning, <strong>BABA</strong> appeared to Deo in a dreamand asked him whether he understood the Pothi. On Deo' s reply in thenegative, <strong>BABA</strong> asked him the reason which Deo said that unless HE(<strong>BABA</strong>) blesses him, how can he read with concentration. <strong>BABA</strong>thereupon instructed him to read the Adhyatma (Spiritualism) and as Deowent to fetch the book, <strong>BABA</strong> vanished from the dream and he woke up.Deo was filled with ineffable joy and bliss after this.(From SHRI <strong>SAI</strong> SATCHARITA Chapter 41)COMMENTARY

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