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with their minds fully absorbed in thee (i.e. being one with thy exaltedstate). This world is wanting in wisdom and no one wants wisdom in thisworld. Hence, Lord Panduranga has incarnated as Jnaneshwar Maharaj toimpart wisdom to this world.The milk maids of Brindavan are standing by to offer thee Arati withlamps placed in golden tray (i-e. with their golden hearts kindled withthe fire of love).Celestial minstrels such as Marada and Tartburu are singing thyglories in melodious Santa Vedic chants.Verily, to reveal the secrets of the Universe and the Self, thouhast incarnated in this world. Oh Jnanadeva, I, Rama Janardani ( thecomposer) humbly may my head at your feet."Commentary 'Sant Jnaneshvar Maharaj (1275-1296) is, perhaps, the most reveredof all saints in Maharashtra. He is hailed as the Adiguru of the Varkarimovement in Maharashtra and to him all. Varkari saints that followed payunequivocal homage. As the devote is sang these aratis to SriJnaneshwar Maharaj and Sri Tukaram Maharaj, while offering Shej Aratito BABA. BABA used to sit attentively with folded hands as a gestureof reverence to these great saints.The composer of this arati song is Sri Rama Tanardani who is oneof the three chief disciples of Sant Janardan Swami (1504-1575) ofDevgiri (Daulatabad) . The other two are Sri Eka Janardhani (the famousEknath Maharaj) and Sri Tani Janardhani. All the three disciplesdevoutly suffix their beloved guru's name to their own. Declaring thatthe real author of their compositions is their Guru and, they are just merepliant tools in the hands of their Guru.(From an article on the “Shej Arati” in Sai Leela of May June 1997 bySainathuni Sarath Babuji)

B.V. DEO AND THE READING OF TH'S JANESWARIMr. Balkrishna Vishwanath Deo who was a Mamlatdar of Dahanud (DistThane) had wished for a long time to read Jnaneshwari (the well knownMarathi commentary on the Bhagavad Gita by Sant Jnaneshwar) along withother scriptures. While he could easily read, the Bhagavad Gita andother books a chapter daily, he found it impossible to read or begin theJaneshwari. Difficulties, obstacles, etc of some sort always cropped upor the other. So he resolved in his mind to visit Shirdi, seek SHRI SA'I'sblessings an then begin the Janeshwari. Accordingly, with his family hewent to Shirdi in February 1914 and. there Jog asked him if he (Deo) hadread the Jnaeshwari . Deo expressed his firm desire to do so but expressedhis helplessness as some obstacles always came his way. Jog advisedhim to take a copy of the Jnaneshwari, present it to BABA have itconsecrated by HIM and than he could easily read this holy text. Deorefused as he himself wanted BABA to give him blessings on HISown. He knew that BABA knew everything, as nothing was hidden fromHim.Deo then met BABA who asked him for Rs 20/— dakshina whichDeo gave. However, Shri Deo continued to make enquiries and askedone Balakram as to how he secured SHRI SAI ' s grace. Balakramsought time to reply to this question and the matter rested there. Nextmorning, BABA on seeing Deo against asked him for Rs 20/- which Deowillingly gave. The day was pretty busy with devotees crowding theMasjid and so Shri Deo had to content himself; by sitting in a corner ofthe mosque. The crowd dispersed after lunch and so did Deo but wasagain called by BABA through Chandu a leper devotee. BABA againengaged Deo in some conversation and asked him for Rs.20 as dakshinawhich he gladly gave. Then BABA suddenly took him in a corner andcharged Deo with stealing his rags and ordered, him to make a search. Deo

with their minds fully absorbed in thee (i.e. being one with thy exaltedstate). This world is wanting in wisdom and no one wants wisdom in thisworld. Hence, Lord Panduranga has incarnated as Jnaneshwar Maharaj toimpart wisdom to this world.The milk maids of Brindavan are standing by to offer thee Arati withlamps placed in golden tray (i-e. with their golden hearts kindled withthe fire of love).Celestial minstrels such as Marada and Tartburu are singing thyglories in melodious Santa Vedic chants.Verily, to reveal the secrets of the Universe and the Self, thouhast incarnated in this world. Oh Jnanadeva, I, Rama Janardani ( thecomposer) humbly may my head at your feet."Commentary 'Sant Jnaneshvar Maharaj (1275-1296) is, perhaps, the most reveredof all saints in Maharashtra. He is hailed as the Adiguru of the Varkarimovement in Maharashtra and to him all. Varkari saints that followed payunequivocal homage. As the devote is sang these aratis to SriJnaneshwar Maharaj and Sri Tukaram Maharaj, while offering Shej Aratito <strong>BABA</strong>. <strong>BABA</strong> used to sit attentively with folded hands as a gestureof reverence to these great saints.The composer of this arati song is Sri Rama Tanardani who is oneof the three chief disciples of Sant Janardan Swami (1504-1575) ofDevgiri (Daulatabad) . The other two are Sri Eka Janardhani (the famousEknath Maharaj) and Sri Tani Janardhani. All the three disciplesdevoutly suffix their beloved guru's name to their own. Declaring thatthe real author of their compositions is their Guru and, they are just merepliant tools in the hands of their Guru.(From an article on the “Shej Arati” in Sai Leela of May June 1997 bySainathuni Sarath Babuji)

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