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2 News & Features<strong>VIRGINIA</strong> <strong>LAW</strong> <strong>WEEKLY</strong>Friday, 06 February 2009Andy HowlettHometown: Chantilly, VA (current);Ithaca, NY (original)Undergraduate Institution:Cornell UniversityLaw School Activities: Law Weeklycolumnist and reporter, UVA LawBlog, Non-Profit Pro Bono (former),Public Service Conference (former),softball . . .Friends, my platform is simple:Curb the Unreasonable TuitionIncreases: Huge tuition increaseshave been hurting students, and thestudents can and must make theirvoices heard in this area, both tothe administration and the Board ofVisitors.Enhance the OGI process: Studentsshould have both more information(in the form of what theaverage GPAs are for callbacks andwhat firms have broken the NALPrules) and more input as to how theprocess works.More Funding for Public InterestWork: I would work with PILAand the administration to guaranteefunding for every qualified 1L and2L for summer public interest work.I have a plan for doing this (see below);I would also work to enhanceour loan repayment program.Free Coffee and Tea: I have aplan to get us free coffee and tea,similar to the b-school.For information and details abouthow I would accomplish all of thesethings, please see my platform atuvalawblog.com. There you can findSean ConwayExecutive EditorMichael WarnerColumns EditorRyan DoughertyReviews EditorAllen AbramsBusiness EditorMary NiemannAssociate Production EditorContributors:Columnists:Craig SmithEditor-in-ChiefAllison MuthManaging EditorRogan NunnNews EditorVirginiaLaw WeeklyCOLOPHONNeal HayesProduction EditorDipti RamnarainFeatures EditorNick NelsonWeb EditorPublished weekly on Friday except during holiday and examination periods and serving theLaw School community at the University of Virginia, the Virginia Law Weekly (ISSN 0042-661X) is notan official publication of the University and does not necessarily express the views of the University.Any article appearing herein may be reproduced provided that credit is given to both the Virginia LawWeekly and the author of the article. Advanced written permission of the Virginia Law Weekly is alsorequired for reproduction of any cartoon or illustration.Virginia Law Weekly580 Massie RoadUniversity of Virginia School of LawCharlottesville, Virginia 22903-1789Nick NelsonAssociate Photography EditorJen GoodlattePhotography EditorSmitha DanteAssociate News EditorDaniel Hervig, Andy HowlettDoug Bouton, Kurt Davis, Matt Farmer, Allison MuthPhone: 434.924.3070Fax: 434.924.7536editor@lawweekly.orgwww.lawweekly.orgEDITORIAL POLICY: The Virginia Law Weekly publishes letters and columns of interest to the LawSchool and the legal community at large. Views expressed in such submissions are those of the author(s)and not necessarily those of the Law Weekly or the Editorial Board. Letters from organizations must bearthe name, signature, and title of the person authorizing the submission. All letters and columns musteither be submitted in hardcopy bearing a handwritten signature along with an electronic version, orbe mailed from the author’s e-mail account. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. the Monday beforepublication and must be in accordance with the submission guidelines. Letters over 500 words and columnsover 700 words may not be accepted. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all submissionsfor length, grammar, and clarity. Although every effort is made to publish all materials meeting ourguidelines, we regret that not all submissions received can be published.2009 SBA Executive Elections: Candidate Profilesdetailed proposals as well as questionsand answers about my platform.These are important issues, andyet, I am the only presidential candidatewho has even engaged withthem, let alone come up with a planto address them. Don’t let anyone tellyou that the SBA or students are powerlessin these areas; the truth is thatwe can make a difference, and to addressthe challenges the Law Schoolwill face next year, we have to.Thank you for your support.Chad LoganHometown:Woodstock, VirginiaUndergraduate Institution:University of VirginiaLaw School Activities: SBA ProgrammingCo-Chair, VELF Chair,FYC RepI’m running for SBA President becauseI have the experience to managethe responsibilities of the officegained from my past activities atUVA Law. While serving as one ofyour past SBA Programming Cochairs,I controlled over 40% of thebudget and worked closely with thecurrent president of the SBA. Thisallowed me to gain insight into howthe office should be managed. Mymain goals for the office are to makethe SBA as a whole more responsiveto student needs, to increase theinteraction between the Law Schooland Central Grounds, to maintainthe student culture at UVA LawPresidentwhile strengthening SBA’s relationshipwith the administration, and tomanage the SBA efficiently overall. Ibelieve these goals will help improvethe student experience at UVALaw. My work as your programmingco-chair has primed me for this job,and I’d be honored to serve as yournext SBA President and appreciateyour support.Daniel RosenthalHometown:Albany, NYUndergraduate Institution:Emory UniversityLaw School Activities:ABA Representative to the SBA; PeerAdvisor- Section D; First Year Council;Law for US; SBA Student-AlumniRelations Coordinator for Washington,DC; Winter Pro Bono Project;Alternative Spring Break (MarchFrom left: Roland Chang, AndyHowlett, Dallas Kaplan, DanielRosenthal, and Ian Fiske, all Classof 2010, pose in Withers-BrownHall after Tuesday’s SBA ExecutiveCandidates Debate. Chad Logan ’10,a candidate for SBA President, is notpictured. Fiske withdrew from the VicePresidential race on Wednesday.Vice PresidentRoland ChangHometown: San Francisco, CAUndergraduate Institution:University of California, San DiegoLaw School Activities: President,Asian Pacific American Law StudentsAssociation; Member, SBA DiversityCommittee; Editorial Board,Virginia Journal of InternationalLaw; Participant, Lile Moot CourtCompetition (2nd Round)As SBA Vice-President, I would beresponsible for running elections atthe Law School and overseeing all ofthe SBA Committees (Admissions,Diversity, Career Services, etc.). AsVice-President, I plan to focus onthree primary goals:Improving the OGI and jobsearch processI propose creating a systemwhere students who have alreadygone through the OGI process canfill out their approximate classrank, school activities, and workexperience in an anonymous survey.Students would also list thefirms they interviewed with, andwhich firms gave them callbacksand offers. This information wouldbe centralized in a database and► PSCcontinued from page 1Speakers and Attendees Alike Impressed By Conferenceworkshops occurred Saturdayafternoon after lunch and werewell-attended.All of the conference organizerswith whom the Law Weeklyspoke indicated that theythought the conference was ahuge success and praised theefforts of the dozens of studentvolunteers who made it all possibleby coordinating panels,making travel arrangements,helping set up, and arrangingthe logistics of having an eventthat was attended by hundredsof members of the Law School’09); Winter Pro Bono ProjectAs a current member of theSBA, I believe that I have a realisticunderstanding of what the roleof the President entails. I pledgeto carry on and build upon thequalities and traditions that makeUVA Law a truly special place.My 4 Top Priorities:1)Greater Support in the JobSearch: In today’s difficult economicclimate, now more than ever,we need to increase the resourcesavailable to students during the recruitingprocess. I intend to increaseopportunities for one-on-one mentoringand guidance, with a greateremphasis on assisting studentslooking for employment followingthe conclusion of OGI’s.2) A Renewed Emphasis on PublicService: Giving back to the communityin the form of pro bonoservice will make us better, moreaccessible to the general studentbody. Given our current economicclimate, students need as much informationas possible in order to bidselectively on firms.Increasing public service opportunitiesWork with the Law School administrationon securing more fundingfor PILA grants and LRAP.Pushing for greater diversity atthe Law SchoolUtilize student organizations toincrease outreach to admitted minorityapplicants.I am focusing on these three goalsbecause they can be implemented byexisting SBA Committees. I wouldalso like to work closely with thenext SBA President on improvingfood at the Sidley Austin Café. Wedeserve to have healthier and moreaffordable dining options at the LawSchool.Dallas KaplanHometown:Great Falls, VAUndergraduate Institution:Davidson CollegeLaw School Activities: SBA ClassRep, Lile Moot Court, Federalist Societycommunity as well as prominentgovernment officials.Third-year Phil Storey, theconference publicity organizer,who himself plans to enter a careerin public service when hegraduates, was ebullient. “I havebeen to four Public Service Conferences,and this one by far hadthe best turnout,” he said, addingagain that it was the studentvolunteers who made everythingpossible. Stockey concurred: “Iwas really happy that we wereable to get so many interestingspeakers that students wanted towell-rounded attorneys and will displaythe type of civic duty espousedby our founder. I would like to setas a target that we will increase thenumber of graduates completing thePro Bono Challenge by 33% for theentering class of law students.3) Increased SBA Accessibilityand Interaction with the StudentBody: I intend to hold a town hallmeeting this spring to field anyand all suggestions for how theSBA can best represent the studentbody over the next year. I willalso attend at least one meetingof every student organization thatwill have me over the next year.4) More Variety and Healthy DiningOptions in the Cafeteria: I will striveto improve the choices available inthe student dining lounge with anemphasis on more healthy options.Thanks and please remember tovote on Monday or Tuesday!photo by Daniel Hervig ’11It’s been said a thousandtimes before, but I truly believethat UVA Law is a special place,unique among its peer institutions.What really sets this placeapart is the spirit of the studentbody. We are diverse, passionatefor justice, and have an unrivaledrespect for our colleagues thatgoes beyond whatever frivolity“collegiality” has as a buzzword.The SBA’s mission, first and foremost,is to represent this spirit andhelp it thrive. As Vice President,one of my principal duties will beto coordinate our various committees,including Programming,Barristers’, Academic Concerns,and Alumni Relations, to name afew. As a former FYC Representativeand 2010 Class Representativefor the past two years, I have theexperience necessary for this task.As one of four members of the adhoc committee that updated theSBA Constitution and Bylaws, Iknow what is expected of the SBAMembership and its ExecutiveBoard. My personal qualities ofcompassion, respect, and enthusiasmmake me an ideal candidate.I hope you will consider supportingme for SBA VP.see—the speakers did a great job,and that encouraged students tostick around see more panels.”The conference organizerswere not the only ones who wereimpressed. During the Friday eveningcocktail hour, CongressmanPeriello, after noting that he wasexcited about the change that hepredicted a new Congress and anew President would bring, saidthat he was very impressed bythe conference and thought thatwhat the Law School was doingto support public service and thelaw was great.

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