Dr Ferdy Vandersanden on conditioning your pigeons.

Dr Ferdy Vandersanden on conditioning your pigeons.

Dr Ferdy Vandersanden on conditioning your pigeons.


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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Dr</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Ferdy</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Vandersanden</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ing <strong>your</strong> pige<strong>on</strong>s.1. The way to success!Pige<strong>on</strong> racing is not just a game in which you have to depend <strong>on</strong> coincidence. Success inpige<strong>on</strong> racing is a result of a combinati<strong>on</strong> of several factors.First you have to c<strong>on</strong>sider that you cannot achieve success without having good pige<strong>on</strong>s. Agood pige<strong>on</strong> can be compared to an athlete who must have certain physical and mentalqualities. Therefore the best way to breed good pige<strong>on</strong>s is starting with pige<strong>on</strong>s that alreadyhave proven their racing capacities. This is the <strong>on</strong>ly way to build a quality team in both theracing and stock teams. The pige<strong>on</strong> loft itself is without doubt the sec<strong>on</strong>d important factorthat leads to success. In a well-kept loft the pige<strong>on</strong>s preserve good health and show theirsportive qualities. The ideal accommodati<strong>on</strong> is dry, sunny and aired without exaggerating. Itshould be adaptable regarding weather c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and positi<strong>on</strong>. Management is theimportant factor number three. The fancier holds the key to success. He is the trainer whotakes care of the physical preparati<strong>on</strong> by selecting the preparatory training tosses and earlyraces by adapting the infrastructure to the weather c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and by choosing the suitablefeeding and complementary products. Although it is relatively easy to get good pige<strong>on</strong>s and agood loft the skill is not that easy to acquire and experience and knowledge are needed.Because of all these reas<strong>on</strong>s we compiled this brochure to help you in <strong>your</strong> job as a managerof a racing and breeding team of quality pige<strong>on</strong>s.2. The orthomolecular feeding nutrients.A pige<strong>on</strong> lives in harm<strong>on</strong>y with nature by following the biological rhythms of the seas<strong>on</strong>s. Thebigger part of its time will be spent <strong>on</strong> searching for food for itself and/or its youngsters. Iteats a lot of grains, seeds as well as chlorophyll. Nevertheless it is an illusi<strong>on</strong> to believe thata restricted number of grains originating from intensive agriculture can provide all thenecessary nutrients to make the organism functi<strong>on</strong> properly and optimal. By the way, it hasbeen proven that intensive agricultural methods have impoverished the soils and thereforenutriti<strong>on</strong> lacks indispensable, essential elements. The latter should be provided to thepige<strong>on</strong>s by the pige<strong>on</strong> flyer. Here we touch the domain of the ortho -molecular medicine.(The Greek word ‘Orthos’ means h<strong>on</strong>est)The spiritual father of the orthomolecular medicine is the American biochemist Linus Pauling,twofold Noble Prize winner. This researcher has studied the physiological role of themicr<strong>on</strong>utrients since 1960 and created the basis for a new medicine. Certain substanceshave to be added to the organism in the right proporti<strong>on</strong> before it will ensure optimumfuncti<strong>on</strong>ing with a guarantee for a good health. Therefore, in cooperati<strong>on</strong> with experts innutriti<strong>on</strong>, we developed supplements, adapted to the different periods of life of our featheredathletes to prevent shortages caused by poor nutriti<strong>on</strong>. Every shortage causes a weakeningof the organism and therefore a lower resistance level against diseases.VIGORAMINEVigoramine is a complex of vitamins, amino acids and oligo-elements, dosed very precisely.Pige<strong>on</strong>s mainly eat grains very low in vitamins. Vitamins are very important in the metabolismof our pige<strong>on</strong>s and therefore essential for life. Vitamins improve the performance in thebreeding and the racing seas<strong>on</strong> and maintain the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> in winter. Vigoramine c<strong>on</strong>tains allmicr<strong>on</strong>utritients to meet the daily needs without the risk of an overdose. Amino acids are thebuilding bricks of proteins, <strong>on</strong> there turn the materials of life. There are a few amino acids thepige<strong>on</strong> can’t produce itself, which require an additi<strong>on</strong>al administrati<strong>on</strong>. The c<strong>on</strong>tent ofabsorbable amino acids must be as high as possible to obtain a high biological value. Theoligo-elements stimulate the growth and the fertility and improve the racing performances.It is recommendable to use the vitamin supplement throughout the year by adding <strong>on</strong>e

spo<strong>on</strong>ful per kg grains, <strong>on</strong>ce a week. In stress situati<strong>on</strong>s, breeding, moult and in the racingseas<strong>on</strong>, it can be administered daily.VITAMOLTThe moulting period is a very important period for the pige<strong>on</strong> and demands thesupply of specific set up compound of nutrients. By studying the compositi<strong>on</strong> of the feathersVitamolt has been developed to meet the specific needs, definitely not to be a phenomen<strong>on</strong>of fashi<strong>on</strong>. It also offers a higher c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> of methi<strong>on</strong>in. Vitamolt enriches the rati<strong>on</strong> byadding a supplement of vitamins and sulphuric amino acids, biotine and choline, which areessential for the making, and building of a quality feather. Methi<strong>on</strong>ine is an essential aminoacid the pige<strong>on</strong> can’t produce itself. Sulphuric acids like methi<strong>on</strong>in are essential for theproducti<strong>on</strong> of keratine the basic element for skin and feathers. Shortness results in anaemia,growth restraints from the young, moulting problems and bad performance.Choline and biotine have a central functi<strong>on</strong> in the regulati<strong>on</strong> of the fat and proteinmetabolism.Vitamolt can be added to the drinking water just a spo<strong>on</strong>ful per litre water. To avoid degradingby staying too l<strong>on</strong>g in the drinking water, we advise a dose of 1 spo<strong>on</strong>ful (15ml) per kggrains, sprinkled with 15gr Vigoramine. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a week during the moultingperiod.OLIGOFERTILOligofertil is a drinkable mineral soluti<strong>on</strong>, which supplies the pige<strong>on</strong>s, calcium, phosphor,oligo- elements and essential amino acids. The formula of this soluti<strong>on</strong> has especially beenstudied to ensure the digestive flora of the pige<strong>on</strong> by c<strong>on</strong>sidering the acid base balance.Oligofertil prevents shortage of minerals and therefore aberrati<strong>on</strong> of the skelet<strong>on</strong> and thefeet, growth restraints, weak eggshell and lacks of oligo elements for the embryo. The addedoligo elements ensure well functi<strong>on</strong>ing of the numerous glands and enzymes and thus astimulating functi<strong>on</strong>ing to the pige<strong>on</strong>s.We advise a starting period (5 days) with each day 1 spo<strong>on</strong>ful (15ml) per litre water. Then wemaintain the same dose <strong>on</strong>ce or twice a week. It is very important to add Oligofertil duringthe chasing of the cock-pige<strong>on</strong>s because some of the males can be so passi<strong>on</strong>ate and d<strong>on</strong>ot give the females enough opportunity to feed as they should. The intake of Oligofertil viathe drinking water guarantees an excellent fertility and a perfect growth for the youngsters.VICHOLIt’s possible to higher the performance through the gift of specific food supplements.Vichol is rich <strong>on</strong> L carnithine and vitamin B 12. L carnithine stimulates the transformati<strong>on</strong> fromfat into energy.Vichol also stimulates the producti<strong>on</strong> of extra energy because it’s regulating the metabolismof fat. It’s a stimulator of liver and kidney functi<strong>on</strong>. It’s higher the appetite. It combat stresswhat’ s very important to higher the resistance against harmful microorganisms.3. The Energy SourcesENERGETIC CAPSBefore the race birds stock up grease’s in abundance to be able to produce energy duringthe journey home. Greases stocked up in the pectoral muscle supply the pige<strong>on</strong> with energyfor 70%. These greases deliver twice as much energy than the same amount of sugars orproteins.They are burnt by an aeroob biochemical process, which doesn’t produce any lactic acid.This prevents a rapid muscular exhausti<strong>on</strong>.C<strong>on</strong>trary to migratory birds, a pige<strong>on</strong> doesn’t notice that it is put into a basket or cage and it

doesn’t prepare its trip, so it’s up to the pige<strong>on</strong> fancier to ensure this.The essential fatty acids (linoleme acid, linolene acid and arachid<strong>on</strong> acid) can’t be producedby the organism although they are indispensable for several physiologicalprocesses Energetic caps are a source of unsatisfied fatty acids, easily digestible by theorganism and it allows an individual diet preparati<strong>on</strong>. This forced supply c<strong>on</strong>tributes to asupplementary endurance capacity for the pige<strong>on</strong>.It’s the ideal product for an individual preparati<strong>on</strong>.We advise to serve the pige<strong>on</strong>s 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening for two dayspreceding the basketing.PERFORMOILPerformoil digests very easily and unites, combines the strength of the Omega 3 and 6 fattyacids. So it is a real source of flight fuel supplying the endurance capacity and speedalthough these two qualities are not easy to combine.The pige<strong>on</strong> gets its energy from the burning of greases. Whenever the pige<strong>on</strong>s fly thepectoral muscles c<strong>on</strong>tain numerous minuscule oil drops supplying the necessary fuel to dothe return flight. Therefore it’s reas<strong>on</strong>able, understandable to say that the feeding diet takes aprimordial part in the preparati<strong>on</strong> of the middle –and l<strong>on</strong>g distance races. Serving Performoilthe last days preceding the basketing increases the muscular t<strong>on</strong>us tensi<strong>on</strong> and makes iteasier to keep balance during the flight. Several active processes simplify the respirati<strong>on</strong> andtherefore the muscular oxygenati<strong>on</strong>. Performoil is enriched with chlorophyll the substantialcomp<strong>on</strong>ent of plants.A spo<strong>on</strong>ful per kg grains twice a w eek will be sufficient.4. Hygiene of the digestive system.The digestive system of pige<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>tains an abundant microbial flora in which several kindsof bacteria live together al<strong>on</strong>g the total length of the digestive system. Some balance willinstall itself between the bacterial populati<strong>on</strong>s to enable this living together.This flora forms the ecosystem of the digestive system and uses the nutrients present in thedigestive system to survive. Young pige<strong>on</strong>s also get microorganisms via the crop milk, whichthey will keep, for life. The bacterial populati<strong>on</strong> of the crop mainly c<strong>on</strong>sists out of specificLactobacilli. These produce lots of lactic acid and this level of acidity forms a natural barrieragainst the development of bacteria such as Salm<strong>on</strong>ella (paratyphoid) and E.coli(collibacillosis). This forms a natural defence mechanism that should be kept intactwhatsoever.Although the bacteria multiplicati<strong>on</strong> in the first part of the intestinal canal is weak, thesubstantial part of the microbes primarily is to be found in the large intestine. In this florathere are microbes having a residual pathogen capacity such as the coli-bacteria and theStreptococcus Bovis. The ecosystem in the digestive system is balanced and normally staysthis way. However when the pige<strong>on</strong> is susceptible to certain aggressive factors such asstress, unbalanced nutriti<strong>on</strong>, massive serving of antibiotics, antiseptics or substancesdisturbing the intestinal pH, the balance will be broken and unfortunately this will lead tomultiplicati<strong>on</strong> of most of the pathogen germs.Therefore our intestinal c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ers have been developed with the greatest care to keep thisbalance and to enforce to the maximumENTEROCUREnterocur is a natural silicate, finely subdivided in a lamellar structure of excepti<strong>on</strong>al quality.These extreme small particles have remarkable qualities. Their absorbing capacities areendless big compared to the gas present in the digestive system. Enterocur also acts againstbacterial agents and toxins, which it neutralizes. This absorpti<strong>on</strong> is selective. With a normal

dose it has no influence, no effect <strong>on</strong> the nutriti<strong>on</strong>al substances such as vitamins and oligoelements.So Enterocur is the ideal additi<strong>on</strong> to get the tired, exhausted pige<strong>on</strong>s back in goodshape. The digestive system of the pige<strong>on</strong> is put to a tough test during the transport to therelease spot and during the return flight as well. The formed toxins have to be evacuated aswell as the pathogen germs that may have attacked the digestive system. Enterocurquickens the eliminati<strong>on</strong> of these “disturbing elements” efficiently thanks to its high selectivefixative capacity. Moreover, Enterocur is a natural preparati<strong>on</strong> that supplies a gastric mucuslayer compounds which reduces the intestinal inflammati<strong>on</strong>. Its use is recommended for thecombat against adenovirus infecti<strong>on</strong>s and infecti<strong>on</strong>s caused by E-coli and StreptococcusBovis.Enterocur is especially useful with diarrhoea as it reduces the losses of fluid by forming anintestinal protecti<strong>on</strong> layer, which not <strong>on</strong>ly minimalizes the inflammati<strong>on</strong> but also normalizesthe c<strong>on</strong>sistency of the faeces. But there is a lot more than that to Enterocur. It is also anutrient full of oligo-elements, which restore the balance and stimulate the tired pige<strong>on</strong>.Enterocur fights rachitis and can be served during breeding times. Preventative and toeliminate toxins, we advise to serve 2 spo<strong>on</strong>fuls per kg grains at arrival after the racetogether with 10ml Sb-Special. Repeat this 1 to 3 days according to the tiredness of thepige<strong>on</strong>. In case of intestinal problem we advise 1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> per kg grains together with10ml Sb-Special during 10 days.VIORThe digestive system of birds is very important to increase the resistance against infecti<strong>on</strong>s,as it is <strong>on</strong>e big access road for several bacteria such as Salm<strong>on</strong>ella, Colibacilli, andStreptococcus etc.Fortunately there are substances able to increase the resistance. That’s why thesesubstances are used more and more in industrial breeding of poultry to counteract diseaseslike Salm<strong>on</strong>ella. Lots of pige<strong>on</strong> fanciers regularly serve apple vinegar to their pige<strong>on</strong>s. Applevinegar is good for the human physiology since it plays an important role/part in thecholesterol housekeeping. The answer to the questi<strong>on</strong> if pige<strong>on</strong>s too have cholesterolproblems is NO.Vior has especially been developed for pige<strong>on</strong>s. This product is the result of numerous testsby nutriti<strong>on</strong> experts. Vior is a 100% natural product based <strong>on</strong> extracts of plants. Theseextracts have been created by mixing plants with week acids of which the pH-value has beencalculated according to the digestive system of the pige<strong>on</strong>s in order to get an optimumfuncti<strong>on</strong>ing.Vior however, has got more to offer. It’s a source of oligo-elements (substances and mineralswhich are easily absorbed by the blood). It is very rich in ir<strong>on</strong>, which plays an important rolein the metabolism of pige<strong>on</strong>s. I<strong>on</strong> is the building material of the haemoglobin in the red bloodcell. Via the haemoglobin the oxygen transport in the body is m<strong>on</strong>itored. The oxygen plays amajor part in the functi<strong>on</strong>ing of the muscles.Advantageously Vior c<strong>on</strong>tains ir<strong>on</strong> in organic form easily to be absorbed by the body, whichis not the case with other nutriti<strong>on</strong> supplements. Moreover it also c<strong>on</strong>tains silicic acid, whichis essential for the plumage of the pige<strong>on</strong>s. Therefore it is rather important to serve Viorregularly with the drinking water to get an excellent plumage.During moulting time it is necessary to serve Vior daily in the drinking water. At the start ofthe flying seas<strong>on</strong> it is advisable to do this for a fortnight and twice a week afterwards. It isalso important to serve Vior to the young in the nest to stimulate the acidificati<strong>on</strong> of the crop.Starting the training of young pige<strong>on</strong>s, Vior is indispensable because of the acidificati<strong>on</strong> ofcrop and gland stomach the starting of the adenovirus is prevented.Research has shown that Vior suppresses the development of canker and the increase ofcoccidiosis. It has been proven that Vior improves the general c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> of the pige<strong>on</strong>s by

making the breast more pink and shiny, the feather shinier and by improving the sportingachievements.5.Optimising the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>T-CURSince ages pige<strong>on</strong> fanciers have liked to serve tea to their flyers. The use of herbs is notalways practical since it needs some preparati<strong>on</strong>. To make all these preparati<strong>on</strong>s redundantwe have developed an easy to serve tea. These liquid extracts have been drawn fromseveral plants.Moreover it also c<strong>on</strong>tains 2 substances known for their impact <strong>on</strong> the liver.At the end of the flying seas<strong>on</strong>, the pige<strong>on</strong> is physically tired by the many efforts and the bigmoulting will start. To make this happen perfectly, it is important to drain the toxic substancesaccumulated during the seas<strong>on</strong>, first. The regular use of T-Cur during the moulting periodbrings a feathering of excepti<strong>on</strong>al quality.We do advise a 10-day treatment right before the start of the moulting period. If the fatc<strong>on</strong>tent in the body is c<strong>on</strong>siderably high (cyanotic=blue muscles) the treatment has to bec<strong>on</strong>tinued until the symptoms disappear. Normally this takes a fortnight. After that, go <strong>on</strong> withit for 1 or 2 days a week to maintain the well functi<strong>on</strong>ing of the liver.T-Cur is an indispensable product in this sport because it adjusts the excess of nutriti<strong>on</strong>,which causes the so-called “blue skin”. Moreover it stimulates the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ing in springtime(10day cure), it maintains an optimal c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> during the flying seas<strong>on</strong> (<strong>on</strong>ce a week) and isstr<strong>on</strong>gly advisable with the least loss of c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> (5day cure)T-Cur is served <strong>on</strong> a dose of 1 teaspo<strong>on</strong> per litre drinking water.SB- SPECIALSB special is a special combinati<strong>on</strong> of herb extracts. It supports the immunity and increasesthe resistance. It prevents the development of harmful organisms like streptococcus bovis.Streptococcus present in 80% of pige<strong>on</strong> droppings this bacterium causes sudden deatham<strong>on</strong>g pige<strong>on</strong>s and it is resp<strong>on</strong>sible for symptoms comparable to those of paratyphoid. Thiscomplicates the treatment since the antibiotics used against Salm<strong>on</strong>ella are inactive toStreptococcus Bovis. Our investigati<strong>on</strong> has stimulated us to develop S B-Special, whichoffers a (preventative) protecti<strong>on</strong> against harmful microorganisms. Moreover, this specialproduct stimulates the immune resp<strong>on</strong>se of the organism and its regular use will prevent a lotof disappointment and discouragement.Sb special c<strong>on</strong>tributes to a great extent to an improved resistance in the pige<strong>on</strong>. Sb specialhelps to improve the performance of racing pige<strong>on</strong>s and supports the general c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>.It is advisable to start the sporting seas<strong>on</strong> with a 10day treatment with a dose of 10ml per kggrains, followed by a maintenance treatment of the same dose <strong>on</strong>ce or twice aweek.CC cur CC curNeutriceuticals are food additives based <strong>on</strong> vegetable extracts that stimulate the generalhealth. CC cur is a biological product based <strong>on</strong> herb extracts. It prevents disrupted intestinalfuncti<strong>on</strong>. It’s very useful with bacterial and fungal infecti<strong>on</strong>s.CC cur is recommended in situati<strong>on</strong> of stress and in periods that harmful microorganismsattack the racing pige<strong>on</strong>. Pige<strong>on</strong>s become healthier and more vital.It is advisable to start the sporting seas<strong>on</strong> with a 10day treatment with a dose of 10ml per kggrains, followed by a maintenance treatment of the same dose <strong>on</strong>ce or twice aweek.

THE WEANING OF YOUNG PIGEONSWhen weaning young pige<strong>on</strong>s we advise a 10day cure with Vior added to the drinking waterand to mix the grain with B-Special, Enterocur (5 days) and Vigoramine (5 days) .Then serve Vior and Oligofertil in the drinking water and Sb-Special + Vigoramine twice eachweek over the nutriti<strong>on</strong> to get solid young pige<strong>on</strong>s with a high resistance for the first trainingtosses and races.THE COMPETITION FLIGHTS/ RACESBefore starting the competiti<strong>on</strong> it is important to get the pige<strong>on</strong>s in good shape. This impliesthe eliminati<strong>on</strong>/removal of the winter down as well as draining the toxins accumulated duringwintertime. Therefore we advise to serve T-Cur during 10 days in spring before starting thesportive preparati<strong>on</strong>s.THE BIG MOULTING PERIODEvery pige<strong>on</strong> fancier attentively follows the course of the big moulting at the end of summer.The feathers are built of str<strong>on</strong>gly mineralised proteins. Analysis of the elements of thefeathers has inspired us to the development of Vitamolt.Together with Vigoramine it is <strong>your</strong> best trump card to get a magnificent feathering ofexcepti<strong>on</strong>al quality. During the whole of the moulting period you should serve 1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> ofVitamolt per kg grains 3 days a week mixed with 1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> of Vigoramine and 1 teaspo<strong>on</strong>of Vior per litre drinking water.

BreedingM<strong>on</strong>dayOver foodVigoramineEnterocur3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg foodIn waterTuesdayOver foodSb SpecialCckuur2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg foodIn waterViorOligofertil1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l waterWednesday------------ThursdayOver foodSb SpecialCckuur2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg foodIn waterViorOligofertil1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l waterFriday------------SaturdayOver foodSb SpecialCckuur2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg voer30 drops / kg voerIn waterVior1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterSunday------------

MIDDLE DISTANCE 2 nd weekM<strong>on</strong>dayOver foodIn waterVigoramineEnterocurPerformoilVior3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterTuesdayOver foodIn waterSb SpecialCckuurProtovitVior2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg food4 soupspo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterWednesdayOver foodIn waterSb SpecialCckuurProtovitOligofertil2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg food4 soupspo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l waterThursdayOver foodIn waterVigoramineEnterocurPerformoilvior3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterFridaySaturdaySunday (arrival)Over foodIn waterEnterocurVicholPowergammaViorPuravital2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / l water

LONG DISTANCE 1 st weekM<strong>on</strong>dayOver foodIn waterVigoramineEnterocurPerformoilViorT-cur3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water1 cofeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterTuesdayOver foodIn waterSb SpecialCckuurViorT-cur2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterWednesdayOver foodIn waterSb SpecialCckuurOligofertil2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l waterThursdayFridayOver foodOver foodIn waterVigoramineEnterocurPerformoilVicholPowergammaVior3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterSaturdaySundayOver foodOver foodVicholPowergammaSb SpecialCckuurPerformoil1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s/ kg food30 drops / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg foodIn waterOligofertil1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l water

LONG DISTANCE 2 nd weekM<strong>on</strong>dayOver foodIn waterVigoramineEnterocurPerformoilVior3 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l waterTuesdayOver foodIn waterSb SpecialCckuurProtovitOligofertil2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food30 drops / kg food4 soupspo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / l waterWednesdayBasketingThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday (arrival)Over foodIn waterEnterocurVicholPowergammaViorPuravital2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 soupspo<strong>on</strong> / kg food2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / kg food1 coffeespo<strong>on</strong> / l water2 coffeespo<strong>on</strong>s / l water

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