Aussie Blasters Service Fundamentals (pdf - 4.30MB) - Aussie Pumps

Aussie Blasters Service Fundamentals (pdf - 4.30MB) - Aussie Pumps Aussie Blasters Service Fundamentals (pdf - 4.30MB) - Aussie Pumps
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NOZZLE SELECTION GUIDEDETERMINING SPRAY TIP SIZEAs stated earlier the outlet pressure isdetermined by ejecting a known volume ofwater through a spray tip. The size of this tip isan important factor of efficient pressure cleanerperformance. A tip that is too large mayproduce insufficient pressure. A tip that is toosmall may cause over high pressures causingdamage to the pump and other systemcomponents.Refer to the above chart to select the correctnozzle size for your application.Firstly, ascertain the output flow of your pumpfrom the technical data. Then find thepressure (psi) you require and read down thecolumn until you reach the output closest toyour own pump. The correct spray tip for theresult you require must not exceed 90% of thehigh flow.Example: 2030 psi at 11 litres per minute,calculate 90% of flow value = 035 nozzle.Aussie Laser Tip Nozzles are available invarious sizes and spray angles. It is advisableto keep a selection different sized and angledspray tips handy for different cleaningapplications.Nozzles are also available with an adjustablespray angle (see Aussie >Vario-Zoom= nozzlesfor domestic and commercial pressurecleaners.Big Berties are Bonza!6Aussie Aussie Pumps Pumps Bertolini Bertolini Pumps Pumps Service Service Guidelines Guidelines – July – 2011 July 2008

SELECTING REMAINING COMPONENTInlet side componentsInlet filter - It is important to install a water filteron the intake line to remove and impurities orsolids in the water. This will increase theoperating life of your system and reduceproblems.A 60-120 mesh screen filter is recommended tostop foreign matter clogging valves and orifices,scratching internals, abrading packing andwearing the components.By-pass provision - The unloader valve orregulator redirects the water flow back into thepump if the orifice is closed, i.e. the gun triggeris released. An inlet water holding tank must beinstalled to accept this redirected flow.Thermal relief valve - This is a device which istemperature operated. The sensor opens thevalve and dumps water when a predeterminedtemperature is reached. Water recirculated bythe unloader valve will heat up after a certaintime and if this over heated water passesthrough the pump it may damage the pump=sinternals necessitating costly repairs.Upstream detergent injector - This deviceuses the pump to introduce the detergent intothe water stream before it enters the pump.This type of injector is not recommended forharsh or corrosive chemicals as passagethrough the pump may damage internalcomponents.Pressure reducing valve - If the water supplyentering the pump is above the maximum inletpressure specified in the Technical Data apressure reducing valve must be installed forproper and safe pump operation.Check valve - A check valve is installed toprevent any chemicals or detergents beingback-flushed into the water supply. Local watersupply authority regulations must be observed.An alternative to a check valve is the use of aholding tank to collect any back flush. Ensurethat you do not exceed the negative pressurerating of the pump.BIG BERTIES BOUNCE THE OTHERS!Outlet side componentsUnloader or regulator valve - This deviceprevents a build up of water pressure in thesystem. It is necessary for operator safety andfor system protection. When the gun is openedthe water is allowed to flow into the outlet hose.If the gun is closed the water flow is directedback into the inlet side of the pump. Installationof unloader valves must be carried out strictly inaccordance with the manufacturer=s instructions.It should be checked and serviced regularly.The unloader valve should be mounted as closeto the pump outlet as possible. Do not use anyhose between the unloader valve and the pumpoutlet.Pressure relief valve - This valve prevents adangerous build up of pressure in the system. Itis necessary for operator safety and for systemprotection. This valve will open and dump waterif the system becomes over pressurized due toany component failure.Installation of pressure relief valves must becarried out strictly in accordance with themanufacturer=s instructions and should bechecked and serviced regularly.Pulsation dampener - This device smoothspulsations caused by the pump itself and toabsorb pressure spikes when the gun is closedsuddenly. A duplex pump may require apulsation dampener because of pulsation notexperienced in a triplex pump. Long runs ofhose may generate a hammer effect which apulsation dampener may soften or prevent.Pressure gauge - This displays the operatingpressure and not only allows the operator todetermine peak performance, but also mayindicate any deficiencies occurring within thesystem. For instance, a decrease in systempressure may indicated a worn spray tip; anincrease in pressure may suggest a blockage inthe system or a faulty unloader valve.Select a gauge that is:- liquid filled to absorb pressure fluctations;- installed with a restriction orifice to avoidpressure spike damage;- appropriate for your system=s normal pressurerange.Aussie Aussie Pumps Pumps Bertolini Bertolini Pumps Pumps Service Service Guidelines – July – July 2011 2008 7

NOZZLE SELECTION GUIDEDETERMINING SPRAY TIP SIZEAs stated earlier the outlet pressure isdetermined by ejecting a known volume ofwater through a spray tip. The size of this tip isan important factor of efficient pressure cleanerperformance. A tip that is too large mayproduce insufficient pressure. A tip that is toosmall may cause over high pressures causingdamage to the pump and other systemcomponents.Refer to the above chart to select the correctnozzle size for your application.Firstly, ascertain the output flow of your pumpfrom the technical data. Then find thepressure (psi) you require and read down thecolumn until you reach the output closest toyour own pump. The correct spray tip for theresult you require must not exceed 90% of thehigh flow.Example: 2030 psi at 11 litres per minute,calculate 90% of flow value = 035 nozzle.<strong>Aussie</strong> Laser Tip Nozzles are available invarious sizes and spray angles. It is advisableto keep a selection different sized and angledspray tips handy for different cleaningapplications.Nozzles are also available with an adjustablespray angle (see <strong>Aussie</strong> >Vario-Zoom= nozzlesfor domestic and commercial pressurecleaners.Big Berties are Bonza!6<strong>Aussie</strong> <strong>Aussie</strong> <strong>Pumps</strong> <strong>Pumps</strong> Bertolini Bertolini <strong>Pumps</strong> <strong>Pumps</strong> <strong>Service</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Guidelines Guidelines – July – 2011 July 2008

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